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United Commercial Bank Limited

Bijoy Nagar Branch

Compliance of Special Risk based (Process) Audit Report
as on 22.03.2012 on Bijoy Nagar Branch, Dhaka
1st Compliance
Objection left
Head of Account Branch Compliance
1 2 3 4 5
26-31 Non implementation of DCFCL
01 26 01 Non implementation of
DCFCL has been implemented & maintained
28 Cash Management
02 28 04 i) Cash Management Now we are maintaining cash position within
insured vault limit.
ii) Backside of cash counter &
vault for security point of
We have informed to GSD, HO about the matter
iii) Mulilated/Solid notes of
To be exchanged from Bangladesh Bank through
our Principal Branch after proper Matching of
Clients Account Department
03 29 5(a)(1) CD-197,198, 200, 204, 207, 209,
Since Regularized: 207, 209, 210, 216, 309,
315.Regulization Under process: 197, 198, 200,
204, 270.
04 29 5 (a) (2) CD-202, 206, 248, 264, 302, 306 Regulization Under process: 202,
05 29 5(a) (3) CD-306 Since regularized. CD-306.
06 29 5(a)(4) CD- 238, 247, 273 Since regularized.
07 29 5(a)(5) CD-253 ,315 Regulization Under process:253,315
08 29 5(a)(6) CD-318 Regulization Under process: 318
09 29 5(a)(7) CD-303 Regulization Under process:303
10 29 5(a)(8) CD-321 i) Regulization Under process
ii) Certifcate of incorporation
11 30 5(a)(9) CD-326 Since regularized.
12 30 5(b)(1) SB-1145 Since regularized.
13 30 5(b)(2) SB-1105, 1120, 1181 Regulization Under process: SB-1105, 1120, 1181
14 30 5(b)(3) SB-944,1001, 1147, 1172, 1173 Since regularized, SB-944, 1001, 1147, 1172, 1173
15 30 5(b)(4) SB-1129 Since regularized.
16 30 5(b)(5) SB-1173 Since regularized, SB-1173
17 30 5(c)(01) SND-19 Since regularized, SND-19
18 31 5(d)(i) (01) FD#38,39 Account closed.
19 31 5(d)(ii)(01) FD#71,111 Since regularized.fd#71,111
20 31 5(d)(ii)(02) FD#181 Since regularized.
21 31 5(d)(ii)(03) FD#141 Account closed.
Authorised Ofcer Authorized Ofcer Manager
United Commercial Bank Limited
Bijoy Nagar Branch
Compliance of Special Risk based (Process) Audit Report
as on 22.03.2012 on Bijoy Nagar Branch, Dhaka
1st Compliance
Objection left
Head of Account Branch Compliance
1 2 3 4 5
31-33 Accounts Department
22 31 5(d)(iii)(01) FD#23,25 Since regularized, FD-23,25
23 32 5(E)(i) DPS-63 Since regularized,DPS-63
24 32 5(f)(01) DPS-01,02 Since regularized,DPS-01,02
25 32 5(G)(01) A/C NO-01 Since regularized.
26 32 5(H)Common
Letter of Thanks We have sent letter of thanks to all a/c
27 32 5(H)Common
Balance Confrmation Certifcates We have sent balance confrmation
certifcates to all a/c holders as on
30/12/2011 through courier.
28 33 5(H) Common
Monthly Statement Now statements are being sent regularly.
29 33 5(K) Cheque book :CD: 25 Since delivered 19 CD chq book &
undelivered 6 kept under custody.
Cheque book :SB:50 Since delivered 28 SB chq book &
undelivered 22 kept under custody.
Cheque book :SND: 03 Delivered.
Authorised Ofcer Authorized Ofcer Manager

United Commercial Bank Limited
Bijoy Nagar Branch
Compliance of Special Risk based (Process) Audit Report
as on 22.03.2012 on Bijoy Nagar Branch, Dhaka
1st Compliance
Objection left
Head of Account Branch Compliance
1 2 3 4 5
33-37 Voucher
01 33 L (i) Materially altered cheque paid
without drawers sign.
Since regularized.
02 34 L (ii) Voucher register not recorded Since recorded.
03 34 L (i) Voucher cover not signed Since signed.
Accounting Function
04 34 06.A. Sundry Creditor All outstanding entries reversed.
34 06.B Suspense Account HO debited our branch against Fixed Asset of our
branch but no corresponding Head against respective
Fixed Asset has not yet given by HO for booking the
Assets. We have already communicated with GSD &
FAD in this regard vide our letter no.
UCBL/BJN/GBD/2011/406 dated 15.12.2011.It shall
be reversed after getting respective Head of Assets.
05 35 06.C Premium on deposit Insurance As HO debited us against insurance premium for the
period from Feb 2012 to Feb 2013,the same shall be
adjusted by Feb 2013.
06 35 06.D Summary situation Since being checked regularly
07 35 06.E. HO General A/C
Sl. No. 1 Wrongly credited by ADC on us.
Sl. No.2 Wrongly debited by HO,FAD on us.
Sl. No. 3 Since reconciled by HO.
08 35,36 06.F,G Tax, Vat As per format sent by FAD Tax, Vat deposited to HO
General Service Division
09 36 7.i.(a,b) Missing Information &
Instruction Circular
Since collected & fled.
7.i.c Circular not circulated Since being circulated.
7.ii Diferent Register Regularization under process
37 7.iii Security Stationery Since regularized.
37 7.iv Duplicate key Duplicate key has been rotated last on 05.04.2012
37 7.v Key Register Since regularized
Authorised Ofcer Authorized Ofcer Manager
United Commercial Bank Limited
Bijoy Nagar Branch
Compliance of Special Risk based (Process) Audit Report
as on 22.03.2012 on Bijoy Nagar Branch, Dhaka
1st Compliance
Head of
Objections Left
Branch Compliance
1 2 3 4 5
08 Overdraft (OD)
01 38-39 Abed
i)Up to date rent paid receipt not held. We informed the customer & they
assured us to submit the same shortly.
ii)Certifed copy of S.A Khatian No-125 &
129 corresponding plot Nos-1020 & 1021 not
SA khatian no. 125 & 129 is not
required as per revised BLA opinion.
iii)For 3639 sft fat
a) Certifed copy of title deed No-5644
dated 29.12.10 along with token No-630098
held instead of original.
Original Title Deed is not ready for
delivery and shall be withdrawn from
concern SRO when the same will be
b) Certifed copy of PA No-5676 dated
30.12.10 held without token.
Since obtained.
c) Dhaka City Corporation tax paid
receipt held upto 2010-2011
We informed the customer & they
assured us to submit the same shortly.
iv)For 3217 sft.
a) Certifed copy of title deed No. 5643
along with token No-630097 held
instead of orginal.
Original Title Deed is not ready for
delivery and shall be withdrawn from
concern SRO when the same will be
b) Signboard not displayed on the
mortgaged property.
We informed the customer & they
assured us to display signboard
c) Balance confrmation certifcate not
Since obtained.
02 39-40 M/s.
i)For 8.22 dec. land
a)CS, SA khatian not held.
We informed the customer & they
assured us to submit the same shortly.
b) Approved plan for construction of
building from the concerned authority
not obtained.
We informed the customer & they
assured us to submit the same shortly.
ii)For 163 dec. land
a)R.S khatian No.3100, S.A Khatian
No.5334, C.S No.5376 not held
We informed the customer & they
assured us to submit the same shortly.
iii) For 3384 sft fat.
a)S.A khatian 125, 129, 23856 not held
SA khatian 23856 is obtained.
b)R.S khatian 226, 335/1, RS khatian 226 obtained and we
informed the customer to submit the
c)Dhaka City Corporation tax paid
receipt not held.
We informed the customer & they
assured us to submit the same shortly.
Authorised Ofcer Authorized Ofcer Manager

United Commercial Bank Limited
Bijoy Nagar Branch
Compliance of Special Risk based (Process) Audit Report
as on 22.03.2012 on Bijoy Nagar Branch, Dhaka
1st Compliance
Head of
Objections Left
Branch Compliance
1 2 3 4 5
08 Overdraft (OD)
02 39-40 M/s. Rokeya
Food Processing
iv)For 5 kahta land
a) Ground rent paid receipt held
upto 1414 instead of upto date.
We informed the customer & they
assured us to submit the same
b) C.S-79, S.A-117 khatian not
The customer applied for the CS &
SA khatian and assured us to
submit the shortly.
c)Bia deed No.3817, 3818, 17104,
12537, 157, 8473, 5895, 8450,
2529, 3321, 15874 not obtained.
The customer applied for the baya
deeds and assured us to submit the
i) Credit rating not done by
enlisted credit rating agency.
The customer executed an
agreement with NCR (credit rating
agency) report of which is yet to be
ii)Up to date Form xii of the
existing directors of the co. not
Since obtained
iii)Signboard not display on the
mortgaged property.
We informed the customer & they
assured us to display signboard
03) 41-42 M/s. Silicon
Power Ltd.
i) For 27 dec. land.
a)Certifed copy of title deed
No.1365 dated 30.01.96 held
without token.
We informed the customer & they
assured us to submit the same
b)Mutation khatian with DCR not
c) Ground rent paid receipt not
ii) For 24 dec. land.
a) Mutation khatian with DCR
held for (26+15) where title
deed held for 35 dec land.
Mutation obtained for 24 decimal
land against title deed for 35
decimal & remaining portion
mutated against title deed for 29.00
b) Bia deed of pattaon on
dt.21.12.1942 not held.
Since obtained.
iii) For 15.50 dec. land.
a) Separate mutation in the name
of present owner not held.
As per vetting by BLA separate
mutation is not required.
Authorised Ofcer Authorized Ofcer Manager
United Commercial Bank Limited
Bijoy Nagar Branch
Compliance of Special Risk based (Process) Audit Report
as on 22.03.2012 on Bijoy Nagar Branch, Dhaka
1st Compliance
Head of
Objections Left
Branch Compliance
1 2 3 4 5
8 Over Draft (OD)
03 41-42 M/s. Silicon
Power Ltd.
iv) For 29.00 dec. land.
a) Separate mutation khatian in
the name of present owner not
v) Signboard not displayed on the
mortgaged property.
We informed the customer & they
assured us to display signboard
vi) Transaction of the account is not
We informed the customer to
maintain adequate transaction.
vii) Form xii of the existing directors
of the co. not held.
Since obtained.
04 42-43 M/s. Al-Haram
(Pvt) Ltd.
i)Form xii of the existing director
of the co. not held.
Since obtained
05 43-44 Mir Akther
Hossain Ltd.
i) IGPA held without notarized as
required in sanction advice.
Since Notarized.
ii)Confrmation of work awarding
authority regarding acceptance
of the power of attorney and
payment of bills directly in favor
of UCBL not obtained.
As Chevron Bangladesh does not
allows confrmation of assignment
Therefore we have obtained a)
undertaking by customer to
deposit entire bills against work
order. b) receipt copy of request
letter of customer to the work
awarding authority to deposit
entire bills to UCBL Bijoy Nagar
Branch as per Head Ofce sanction
letter No. UCBL/ HO/ CRMD
(CRRD)/File no. 5361/2011/39 dt.
28.10.2011 & specifc sanction letter
5361/2012/1028 dt. 26.02.2012.
iii) Request letter submitted by
customer to work awarding
authority to deposit entire bills
of work orders to CD A/c No.
2131, UCBL, Bijoy Nagar Branch
but copy of request letter not
duly accepted by the awarding
Customer has requested to work
awarding authorities to deposit
entire bills against the work order,
receipt copy of which submitted to
iv)Genuineness of the work order
& ensure that work giving
authority has duly accepted the
assignment not done.
Genuineness since verifed.
Authorised Ofcer Authorized Ofcer Manager
United Commercial Bank Limited
Bijoy Nagar Branch
Compliance of Special Risk based (Process) Audit Report
as on 22.03.2012 on Bijoy Nagar Branch, Dhaka
1st Compliance
Head of Accounts Objections Left
Branch Compliance
1 2 3 4 5
09 Secured Overdraft (SOD)
01 45 Farida Parvin i) Branch allowed 10% margin
instead of 20% without Head
ofce approval.
i) Head Ofce approved 10%
margin vide letter No.
8 dt. 25.05.2011. Renewal
proposal sent to Head Ofce
sanction of which is yet to be
ii) Interest accrued on FDR must
not be paid to the customer as
per H.O. sanction advice but
Branch paid interest amount to
the account holder
ii) As per request of the
customer we have approached
Head Ofce, SME division for
waiver of such terms.
02 45 Gazi Abdul hakim i) Branch allowed 10% margin
instead of 20% without Head
ofce approval.
i) Head ofce approved 10%
margin vide letter No.
0 dt.25.05.2011. Renewal
proposal sent to Head Ofce
sanction of which is yet to be
ii)Interest accrued on FDR
must not be paid to the
customer as per H.O.
sanction advice but Branch
paid interest amount to the
account holder.
ii) As per request of the customer
we have approached Head
Ofce, SME division for waiver
of such terms.
03 45 Global Insurance
i) Amounting of FDR Tk. 26.50
lac not lien marking from
other Bank in favor of UCBL
We are persuading the customer to
replace fresh FDR for the same
value and they informed us that the
same will be replaced shortly and
we will lien those accordingly.
ii)Lien mark not confrmed by
FDR issuing Bank & NBFIs
through their Head Ofce
Confrmation is under process.
04 45 Shammi Akter i) Branch allowed 10% margin
instead of 20% without Head
ofce approval.
Head Ofce approved 10% margin
vide letter No. CHO /SME /BJN
/SOD/2012 dated 23.04.2012 and
the account already adjusted on
Authorised Ofcer Authorized Ofcer Manager

United Commercial Bank Limited
Bijoy Nagar Branch
Compliance of Special Risk based (Process) Audit Report
as on 22.03.2012 on Bijoy Nagar Branch, Dhaka
1st Compliance
Head of
Objections Left
Branch Compliance
1 2 3 4 5
10 Cash credit (Hypo)
01) 46 M/s. Rajib
i)Signboard not displayed on the
mortgaged property.
Since signboard displayed &
photograph kept in fle.
02) 47 M/s. Allahr
Dan Paper
ii)Up to date rent paid receipt not held. We informed the customer & they
assured us to submit the same shortly.
iii)Signboard not displayed on the
mortgaged property.
Since signboard displayed &
photograph kept in fle
03) 48 M/s. LDA
i) Ground rent paid receipt held upto 1415
instead of upto date.
We informed the customer & they
assured us to submit the same shortly.
ii)Dhaka City Corporation tax paid receipt
not held.
iii) LDCL not prepared & sent to Head Ofce Since LDCL sent to Head Ofce.
iv)SPC not prepared & sent to Head ofce Since SPC sent to Head Ofce.
v)Signboard not displayed on the
mortgaged property.
We informed the customer & they
assured us to display signboard
04) 49 M/s. Padma
i) Signboard not displayed on the
mortgaged property.
We informed the customer & they
assured us to display signboard
05) 50-54 M/s. Momen
i) NECdt.23.08.11mortgage/created on
31.10.11, Fresh NEC /Afdavit not
obtained covering the gap period.
We informed the customer & they
assured us to submit the same shortly.
ii)Credit rating not done by enlisted credit
rating agency.
We are persuading the customer to
rate themselves by enlisted credit
rating agency.
iii)Signboard not displayed on the existing
mortgaged property.
We informed the customer & they
assured us to display signboard
iv)Mutation khatin with DCR held
photocopy instead of original in respect
of 544.27 dec. land
We are persuading to submit the
same shortly.
v) Ground rent paid receipt not held. Since rent paid receipt obtained.
vi)Bia Deed No.2792 not held in respect of
51 dec. land.
The customer applied for the Baya
deed and assured us to submit
vii)C.S khatian No.452, S.A khatian No.651,
R.S khatina No.797 not held in respect of
9 dec. land.
As per BLA opinion said khatian are
not associated with the 9 decimal
Authorised Ofcer Authorized Ofcer Manager
United Commercial Bank Limited
Bijoy Nagar Branch
Compliance of Special Risk based (Process) Audit Report
as on 22.03.2012 on Bijoy Nagar Branch, Dhaka
1st Compliance
Head of
Objections Left
Branch Compliance
1 2 3 4 5
10 Cash credit (Hypo)
05) 50-54 M/s. Momen
viii)Mutation khatian with DCR not
held in respect of 9 dec. land
Since obtained.
ix)Nec not held in respect of 10.00
dec. land.
We are persuading to submit the
same shortly
x)Mutation khatian with DCR not
held in respect of 13.50 dec. land.
Photocopy of DCR and original
Mutation obtained.
xi)D.A. not obtained from Head
DA sent to Head Ofce which is
yet to be obtained.
11 Term Loan Against Fixed Asset
01) 55 National
Finance &
Investment Ltd.
i)Declaration from the customer to
the efect that the customer shall
inform UCBL before availing any
further credit facilities from any
other Bank not obtained
We have requested to the customer
for providing declaration which is
yet to be submitted.
ii)Balance confrmation certifcate
not obtained.
Since obtained.
12 House Building loan (Commercial)
01) 56 Hossain
i)Certifed copy of title deed
No.3858 dt. 14.09.11 along with
token No. 788260 held instead of
Original Title Deed is not ready for
delivery and shall be withdrawn
from concern SRO when the same
will be ready.
ii)Deed of agreement dt. 12.04.11
executed between developer and
Mr. Hossain Mohd. Emran held
photocopy instead of origin.
Since obtained.
iii)Mutation khatian with DCR not
The customer assured us to submit
iv)Ground rent paid receipt in the
name of present owner not held.
The customer applied for the rent
receipt & assured us to submit
v)Approved Rajuk plan not held. Since obtained.
vi)No liability certifcate from Exim
Bank Ltd. Rajuk Avenue Branch not
We informed the customer to
submit the same shortly.
vii)Charge documents not held. Since obtained.
Authorised Ofcer Authorized Ofcer Manager
United Commercial Bank Limited
Bijoy Nagar Branch
Compliance of Special Risk based (Process) Audit Report
as on 22.03.2012 on Bijoy Nagar Branch, Dhaka
1st Compliance
Head of Accounts Objections Left
Branch Compliance
1 2 3 4 5
12 House Building loan (Commercial)
01) 56 Hossain
viii)Sign Board not displayed on
the mortgaged property.
We informed the customer & they
assured us to display signboard
ix)In legal opinion title deed &
Bia deed not mentioned.
We informed the BLA & they
assured us to revise the legal
opinion shortly.
13 Lease Finance
01) 57 Global Insurance
i)Bank Logo not writing both in
English and Bangla in
conspicuous places on the
We informed the customer & they
assured us to display the bank logo
ii)Fresh & undated CIB report
not obtained.
CIB undertaking sent to HO dt.
22.04.2012 report of which is yet to
Authorized Ofcer Authorized Ofcer Manager
United Commercial Bank Limited
Bijoy Nagar Branch
Compliance of Special Risk based (Process) Audit Report
as on 22.03.2012 on Bijoy Nagar Branch, Dhaka
1st Compliance
Head of Account Objection left
Branch Compliance
1 2 3 4 5
14 58-60 Home Loan
01) 58 Naima Zaman &
i)certifed copy of title deed no.
5210 alongwith token no. 690441
dt.20.06.11 held instead of
Original dead is not ready for delivery
and shall be withdrawn from concern
SRO when the same ready.
ii)Mutation Khatian with DCR
not held
We have informed the customer and they
assured us to submit the same shortly.
iii)Ground rent paid receipt not
iv)D.C.C tax paid receipt not
02) 59 Md. Nezarul Islam
i)certifed copy of title deed no.
10063alongwith token no. 4281
dt.29.09.11 held instead of
Original dead is not ready for delivery
and shall be withdrawn from concern
SRO when the same ready.
ii)Mutation Khatian with DCR
not held
iii)Ground rent paid receipt not
iv)D.C.C tax paid receipt not
We have informed the customer and they
assured us to submit the same shortly.
v)C.S Khatian No. 339 not held Since Obtained.
03) 60 Md. Fakhrul Islam i)R.S Khatian No. 100 not held. Since Obtained.
16 Home Mortgage Loan
01) 61 Mazharul Alam
Romel Mazumder
i)Fresh NEC/Afdavit for gap
period not obtained.
Since Obtained.
02) 62 Mr. Abdul Qayoum i)S.A Khatian No.13 not held. Since Obtained.
03) Md. Rafqul Alam i) Mutation Khatian alongwith
DCR not held.
ii)Ground rent paid receipt not
The customer applied for the Mutation
and expected to submit with 30 days.
Authorised Ofcer Authorized Ofcer Manager


United Commercial Bank Limited
Bijoy Nagar Branch
Compliance of Special Risk based (Process) Audit Report
as on 22.03.2012 on Bijoy Nagar Branch, Dhaka
1st Compliance
Head of Account Objection left
Branch Compliance
1 2 3 4 5
16 63-65 Home Mortgage Loan
04) 63 Md. Jashim
uddin Bhuiyan
i)S.A Khatian no.59 not held.
ii)R.S Khatian no. DP-1631 not held.
iii)Signboard not displayed on the
mortgage property
Since Obtained.
05) 64 Md. Shamsul
iii)Signboard not displayed on the
mortgage property.
We informed the customer and they
assured us to submit upto date rent
receipt within 15 days.
ii)C.S Khatian no. 74 & 82 not held. Since Obtained.
iii)S.A Khatian no. 28 not held. Since Obtained.
iv) NEC not held. Since Obtained.
v)Token no. 419278 dt. 21.03.2012
held. Certifed copy of mortgage deed
not held.
Since Obtained.
vi) D.A not obtained from head ofce. We have sent D.A to Head Ofce on
vii)LDCL not prepared & sent to
head ofce.
We have sent LDCL to Head Ofce on
17 Any Purpose Loan
01) 65 Kazi Shahadat
i)1 installment of Tk. 20,465.00 fallen
Since Obtained.
02) Sharier Karim
i)1.91 installment of Tk. 56,823.00
fallen overdue.
We informed the customer to deposit
the overdue instalment and they
assured us to deposit within 30 days.
03) Md. Kaiser
i)CIB report not obtained. CIB inquiry form sent to Head Ofce
report of which is yet to be received.
04) K.M
i)CIB report not obtained. Since Obtained.
05) Mohammed
5.02 installments of Tk. 90,857.00
fallen overdue upto 31.03.12 &
account become classifed as SMA.
The customer deposited Tk.15,000.00
on 30.04.12 and assured us to deposit
rest amount within 30 days.
06) Nilotpal Sarker i)06 undated MICR cheques not
Since Obtained.
07) Md. Feroz Ud
i)4.02 installment of Tk. 35,296.00
fallen overdue upto 31.03.12 &
account become classifed as SMA.
We are perusing the customer to
deposit the overdue instalment and
they assured us to deposit overdue
amount shortly.
08) Mohammad
Monirul Islam
i)Photograph of guarantors not
Since Obtained.
Authorised Ofcer Authorized Ofcer Manager

United Commercial Bank Limited
Bijoy Nagar Branch
Compliance of Special Risk based (Process) Audit Report
as on 22.03.2012 on Bijoy Nagar Branch, Dhaka
1st Compliance
Head of Account Objection left
Branch Compliance
1 2 3 4 5
18 66-68 Advance Against Salary
01) 66 Md. Mozzamel Hoq i)CIB not obtained Since Obtained.
ii)1 installment of Tk. 4,950.00
fallen overdue.
Since Obtained.
02) Syed Abul Khaer
Rahat Jaman Sohel
i) CIB not obtained Since Obtained.
03) Dewan Jamil Masud i)CIB not obtained. Since Obtained.
04) Md. Kamrul Islam i)File not found & could not
produce for audit verifcation.
Since fle obtained.
19 Education Loan
01) 67 Md. Moslem Uddin
i)Validity of the limit expired
ii)6 undated MICR cheques not
iii)CIB report not obtained.
iv)Outstanding was running of
Tk. 16,691.66 due to application
of interest.
The liability fully adjusted on
02) Md. Saiful Islam i)Branch disbursed the loan
without Head ofce approval.
ii)6 undated MICR cheques not
iii)CIB not obtained.
Proposal sent to Head Ofce on and
the liability fully adjusted on
03) Mohammed Tareq
i)Branch disbursed the loan
without Head ofce approval.
ii)6 undated MICR cheques not
iii)CIB not obtained.
Proposal sent to Head Ofce on and
the liability fully adjusted on
04) Dr. Pavel Sharior
i)Branch disbursed the loan
without Head ofce approval.
ii)6 undated MICR cheques not
iii)CIB not obtained.
Proposal sent to Head Ofce on and
the liability fully adjusted on
20 68 S.M Moin Uddin i) CIB not obtained Since Obtained.
Authorised Ofcer Authorized Ofcer Manager

United Commercial Bank Limited
Bijoy Nagar Branch
Compliance of Special Risk based (Process) Audit Report
as on 22.03.2012 on Bijoy Nagar Branch, Dhaka
1st Compliance
Sl. No. Page
Head of Account Objection left
Branch Compliance
1 2 3 4 5
21. 69-70 Bank Guarantee
1) 69 M/s. Raju International
03/12 dt. 22.01.12
50% margin
v) Post dated MICR
cheque not obtained
BG liability adjusted on
2) Rokeya Automatic Rice
Mills (Pvt.) Ltd.
04/12 dt. 24.01.12
5% margin
iv) Commission
realized for 1 quarter
instead of 5 quarter
As per request of the client we
are realizing commission on
quarterly basis.
3) Rokeya Automatic Rice
Mills (Pvt.) Ltd.
05/12 dt. 09.02.12
5% margin
v) Commission
realized for 1 quarter
instead of 5 quarter
4) Rokeya Automatic Rice
Mills (Pvt.) Ltd.
13/12 dt. 13.03.12
5% margin
i)In the Bank Guarantee
validity mentioned as 90
days from the date of
tender i.e. there is no
specifc validity date
regarding Bank Guarantee.
From now and onwards we are
issuing Bank Guarantee with
specifc validity.
5) 70 Rokeya Automatic Rice
Mills (Pvt.) Ltd.
15/12 dt.22.03.12
5% cash margin
i)In the Bank Guarantee
validity mentioned as 180
days from the date of
tender i.e. there is no
specifc validity date for
From now and onwards we are
issuing Bank Guarantee with
specifc validity.
6) Rokeya Automatic Rice
Mills (Pvt.) Ltd.
16/12 dt. 22.03.12
5% cash margin
i)In the Bank Guarantee
validity mentioned as 180
days from the date of
tender i.e. there is no
specifc validity date for
From now and onwards we are
issuing Bank Guarantee with
specifc validity.
7) Rokeya Automatic Rice
Mills (Pvt.) Ltd.
09/12 dt. 06.03.12
5% cash margin
i)In the Bank Guarantee
mentioned as validity upto
opening of tender.
From now and onwards we are
issuing Bank Guarantee with
specifc validity.
Authorised Ofcer Authorized Ofcer Manager

United Commercial Bank Limited
Bijoy Nagar Branch
Compliance of Special Risk based (Process) Audit Report
as on 22.03.2012 on Bijoy Nagar Branch, Dhaka
1st Compliance
Head of Account Objection left
Branch Compliance
1 2 3 4 5
22. 71-73 Letter of Credit Foreign (Sight)
01) 71 R.S Import & Export
Corporation 12-01-
0009 dt.25.01.12
Aurobond RDI
i) Margin realised 10% instead of
15%i.e. less realised Tk.20,442.50
We have requested the customer to
deposit rest margin which to be
deposited shortly.
ii) Credit report on the supplier not
Credit report is required for Tk.5.00
lac & above as per GFET , V-1, Ch-7/3
iii) Personal guarantee of the spouse
of the proprietor not held.
We have requested to provide spouse
guarantee and they assured us to
provide shortly.
iv) Post dated cheque not obtained. We have requested to provide PDC
which is to be submitted shortly.
v) Commission realised @0.25%
instead of 0.40% i.e. less realised
Since realized.
02) R.S Import & Export
Corporation 12-01-
0010 dt.25.01.12
Calcium Carbonate
i) Margin realised 10% instead of
15%i.e. less Tk.67,000.00 realised.
We have requested the customer to
deposit rest margin which to be
deposited shortly.
ii) Commission realised @0.25%
instead of 0.40% i.e. less realised
iii) Credit report on the supplier not
Credit report clause is there in L/C.
The negotiating Bank will provide
with original documents.
03) 72 LDA Pharma
12-01-0013 dt.27.02.12
Calcium Carbonate
i) Credit report on the supplier not
Credit report is required for Tk.5.00
lac & above as per GFET, V-1, Ch-7/3
clause-23(b) & already retired on
26.04.2012. However, the L/C has
since been adjusted.
04) Siam Enterprise
12-01-0014 dt.28.02.12
Art paper
i) Credit report on the supplier not
L/C adjusted on 16.04.2012.
05) LDA Pharma
12-01-0015 dt.05.03.12
Providon K-30
i) Credit report on the supplier not
L/C adjusted on 19.04.2012.
06) Mommi Impex
12-01-0016 dt.06.03.12
Gift Items
i) Credit report on the supplier not
Credit report clause is there in L/C.
The negotiating Bank will provide
with original documents.
ii) Personal guarantee of the spouse of
the proprietor not held.
Yet to be submitted.
iii) Post dated cheque not obtained. Yet to be provided.
iv) Margin realised 10% instead of 20%
i.e. Tk.77,356.00 less realised.
We have requested the client to
provide rest margin and they assured
us to deposit shortly.
Authorised Ofcer Authorized Ofcer Manager

United Commercial Bank Limited
Bijoy Nagar Branch
Compliance of Special Risk based (Process) Audit Report
as on 22.03.2012 on Bijoy Nagar Branch, Dhaka
1st Compliance
Head of Account Objection left
Branch Compliance
1 2 3 4 5
22. 71-73 Letter of Credit Foreign (Sight)
07) 73 Mommi Impex
12-01-0017 dt.06.03.12
Gift Items
i) Credit report on the supplier not
Credit report is required for
Tk.5.00 lac & above as per GFET,
V-1, Ch-7/3 clause-23(b)
ii) Personal guarantee of the spouse
of the proprietor not held.
Yet to be submitted
iii) Post dated cheque not obtained. Yet to be provided.
iv) Margin realised 10% instead of
20% i.e. Tk.33,099.00 less realised.
Since realized.
Authorised Ofcer Authorized Ofcer Manager

United Commercial Bank Limited
Bijoy Nagar Branch
Compliance of Special Risk based (Process) Audit Report
as on 22.03.2012 on Bijoy Nagar Branch, Dhaka
1st Compliance
Sl. No. Page
Head of Account Objection left
Branch Compliance
1 2 3 4 5
23. 74-75 Loan Against Trust Receipt (LTR)
1) 74 M/s. Silicon Power
A/c No. 3/3
i)No amount deposited in the
account since creation of LTR
Amount Tk.35,00,000.00
deposited on 03.04.2012 and
assured us to pay rest balance
within 07.05.2012.
ii)Account was running with
EOL of Tk. 49,577.41 due to
application of interest.
Since realized.
2) M/s. Siam
A/c No. 56
i)No amount deposited in the
account since creation of LTR
Fully adjusted on 11.04.2012
3) 75 M/s. Momen Sarker
A/c No. 79
i)No amount deposited in the
account since creation of LTR
Partial amount of Tk.3,00,000.00
deposited on 16.04.2012
4) M/s. Momen Sarker
A/c No. 91
i)No amount deposited in the
account since creation of LTR
Partial amount of Tk.3,00,000.00
deposited on 16.04.2012.
Authorised Ofcer Authorized Ofcer Manager


United Commercial Bank Limited
Bijoy Nagar Branch
Compliance of Special Risk based (Process) Audit Report
as on 22.03.2012 on Bijoy Nagar Branch, Dhaka
1st Compliance
Sl. No. Page
Head of Account Objection left
Branch Compliance
1 2 3 4 5
24. 76-78 Local Bill Purchased & Discounted (LBPD)
1) 76 S.R. International
564dt. 05.12.11
i)Post dated MICR cheque not
Since obtained and adjusted on
2) Bridge Link Intl
627 dt. 12.01.11
i)LBPD created at 10% margin
instead of 15%
Since adjusted on 18.04.2012
3) R.A. Enterprise
633 dt. 15.01.12
i)LBPD created at 10% margin
instead of 15%
Since adjusted on 16.04.2012
4) S.R. International
641dt. 19.01.12
i)LBPD created at 10% margin
instead of 15%
5% margin realized on
5) 77 R.A. Enterprise
662 dt. 19.01.12
i)LBPD created at 10% instead
of 15%.
ii) Genuineness of the drawee
bank acceptance confrmed
over phone instead of
verifying the signature
Since adjusted on 23.04.2012.
6) S.R. International
685 dt. 24.01.12
i) LBPD created at 10% margin
instead of 15% margin.
5% margin realized on
7) Bridge Link
691 dt. 29.01.12
i)LBPD created at 10% margin
instead of 15% margin.
Since adjusted on 12.04.2012.
8) R.A. Enterprise
719 dt. 08.02.12
i)Personal guarantee of the
spouse of the proprietor not
Since obtained
ii)Genuineness of the drawee
bank acceptance confrmed
over phone instead of
verifying the signature
Since regularized.
9) 78 Bridge Link
726 dt. 08.02.12
i)LBPD created at 10%
margin instead of 15%
Adjusted on 12.04.2012
Authorised Ofcer Authorized Ofcer Manager
United Commercial Bank Limited
Bijoy Nagar Branch
Compliance of Special Risk based (Process) Audit Report
as on 22.03.2012 on Bijoy Nagar Branch, Dhaka
1st Compliance
Sl. No. Page
Head of Account Objection left
Branch Compliance
1 2 3 4 5
24. 78-79 Local Bill Purchased & Discounted (LBPD)
10) 78 Three Star Accessories
783 dt. 01.03.12
i) LBPD created without
approval of Head Ofce
Head Ofce approval obtained
vide letter No. HO/CRMD
dt. 19.04.12
ii) CIB report not held Since obtained.
i) Charge documents not
Since obtained.
iii)Post dated MICR cheque
not held.
Since obtained.
11) F.G.M Trading Co.
791 dt. 07.03.12
i) LBPD created without
approval of Head Ofce
Head Ofce approval obtained
vide letter No. HO/CRMD
dt. 28.03.12
12) Bridge Link
823 dt.19.03.12
i) LBPD created without
approval of Head Ofce
Head Ofce approval obtained
vide letter No. HO/CRMD
dt. 03.04.12
13) 79 R.A. Enterprise
831dt. 20.03.12
i) LBPD created without
approval of Head Ofce
Head Ofce approval obtained
vide letter No. HO/CRMD
dt. 03.04.12
ii) Genuineness of the
drawee bank acceptance
confrmed over phone
instead of verifying the
Since verifed.
14) S. R. International
846 dt. 21.03.12
i) LBPD created without
approval of Head Ofce
Head Ofce approval obtained
vide letter No. HO/CRMD
dt. 03.04.12
Authorised Ofcer Authorized Ofcer Manager

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