Folio Solar Boat

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Content Page
i Acknowledgement
ii Introduction
iii Abstract
iv Objective
v Scientific Theory
vi Problem Statement
vii Constructing Solar Boat
viii Comarison between Solar Boat ! and Solar Boat "
i# Selection of Solar Boat
# $#amle of Solar Boat
#i %esigning and Testing Solar Boat
#ii Cross&section of Solar Boat
#iii Test 'esult
#iv (inal 'esult
#v Cost of )aking the Solar Boat
Syukur Alhamdulillah to Allah* the Al&)ighty for +is strength* love and suort to us,
(irst of all* comleting this roject was not a simle task, +ard work and effort was given
to comlete this roject, Other than that we were fortunate to have guidance and suort from
our teachers because without them we would never comlete this roject and we would like to
dedicate a secial thanks to our teachers esecially Pn 'osmaliana bt )ohamad* $n )ohd (airu-
bin Barjumin and $n Ahmad (itri bin .ainol for endless encouragement* suort and valuable
time in guiding us throughout the roject,
/e would also like to thank our family for suorting us and roviding financial suort
so that our aim in this roject can be achieved, 0ot to forget to our friends for all the suort and
$nergy is defined as the ability to do work, All living things need energy to conduct their
daily activities, )ost of our energy comes from non&renewable energy sources, This non&
renewable energy is limited and cannot be relenished and are deleting day by day, So scientists
are trying to find an alternative source of energy to reduce the deendence towards non&
renewable energy, Solar energy is considered a renewable energy source, 'enewable sources of
energy are resources that are continually renewed by nature* and hence will never run out, Solar
ower is considered renewable because the nuclear fusion reactions that ower the sun are
e#ected to kee generating sunlight for many billions of years to come,
1sing sun energy is not a new concet, 'esearches have been done as early as !234 to
e#lore the usage of solar energy to generate electricity, Currently* there is huge amount of
research going into solar ower and many new technologies are being discovered, Over the ast
few years new fle#ible and light solar anels have being invented and because of those it will be
much easier to make a solar owered boat,
In this roject we want e#lore the usage of solar anel in boats or solar owered boats
and how to ma#imi-e the energy roduced by the solar anel, In this roject we are also
e#loring on how design of the boat can affect the efficiency of the boat on water,
$very day* the sun sends out an enormous amount of energy, It radiates more energy in
one second than the world has used since time began, This radiant energy is also known as solar
energy which is vital to us because it rovides the world directly or indirectly with almost all of
its energy, In addition to roviding the energy that sustains the world* solar energy is stored in
fossil fuels and biomass* and is resonsible for owering the water cycle and roducing wind,
Solar energy alies energy from the sun in the form of solar radiation for heat or to generate
electricity, It is an e#amle of renewable energy that can be relenish continually,
Based on O#ford %ictionary* solar anel is defined as a set of solar hotovoltaic modules
electrically connected and mounted on a suorting structure, This solar module light energy in
form of hotons from the sun to generate electricity and can suly electricity in commercial and
residential alications, Based on an article in
htt566www,sciencedaily,com6releases6"7!!6!"6!!!"78!3"4!9,htm %r, Pearce believes solar
hotovoltaic systems are near the :tiing oint: where they can roduce energy for about the
same rice other traditional sources of energy, In other words* solar energy is the best substitute
to conventional energy sources which are not renewable and are deleting every second,
In designing a solar boat* several considerations must be made, Based on %esigning and
Building a Solar Powered )odel Boat by Samuel (reire* the most imortant consideration is
si-e* weight and the ower outut of the solar anel, This is because when the solar anels are
combined with the ower re;uirements of the motor* the weight of the entire structure of the boat
will affect the ability of the boat to float, So* in this roject we decided to use the lightest
material and simle design so that the boat can move faster,
This roject is conducted5
To create awareness among younger generation about renewable energy that can be
harness for future used,
To inculcate interest among students about science and technology,
To enrich students creativities through roject and e#eriment,
To e#ose students about the analytical thinking and scientific rocess,
To aly and adat a variety of roblem&solving strategies to solve roblems,
To imrove thinking skills,
To romote effective mathematical communication,
To rovide learning environment that stimulates and enhance effective learning,
To roduce and train students caable of doing word with minimal suervisor and moray
indeendent in searching* detailing and e#ending the knowledge and e#eriences,
The secific objective of this roject is to design and analysis the model of the solar boat to be
faster* stable and durable suitable for solar boat racing,
Scientifc Theory
A basic solar boat is constructed using solar anels* %C motor* water resistance and light
material as body structures and several electrical comonents accessories, In order to construct a
solar boat* there are several basic designs that we need to consider such as boat design and shae*
roulsion* wiring and motor,
Boat %esign and Shae
The boat design must be constructed by water resistant materials and able to float while
carrying motor and the solar anel, This ability to float is known as the buoyancy of a boat, In
the 3rd century B,C* Archimedes discovered the law of buoyancy5 :an object that is floating or
immersed in a fluid e#eriences a buoyant force e;ual to the weight of the fluid the object
dislaces,: (urthermore* it will dislace a weight of water e;ual to the weight of the object, So*
more volume and less weight will minimi-e the density of the boat on water and the buoyancy of
the boat will increase, Second* design must be stable so that is not easily tilt or roll over when
there is wind, The shae must be aerodynamic and smooth so that it can easily move in water and
has less water resistance that might slow the solar boat, The boat must be also light because
based on an article on solar boat* a lighter boat will dislace less water than a heavy boat and
reduce water resistance,
In order to make the boat to move forward* we must overcome the force of drag or
resistance from the water and air, The sinning roeller will give the boat enough force to
overcome this drag,
/hen the sun<s rays activate the solar cell* an electric circuit is comleted, The motor sins*
turning the driveshaft and roeller with it, The sinning roeller creates a force that ushes
water backwards, 0ewton<s 3rd law tells us* :to every action there is an e;ual and oosite
reaction,: Therefore* the reaction force created by the roeller ushes your boat forward
through the water,
The roeller shaft must be laced at low angle as ossible to ma#imi-e the forward
thrust comonent and minimi-e the lifting effect, A roeller facing directly down will not ush
the boat along but ushs uward, The roeller also must not be too close to the water surface
because it will suck air and reduce thrust,
In order to connect the solar anel* secure wiring is needed, All wire connections must be
tight* neat and laid well to avoid any lost connection, The bare wires are also needed to be
insulated to avoid any short circuit,
Solar anels connected in series are found to roduce twice outut voltage than each cell
alone, Based on )odel Solar Boat =uide by /ayne >oung* when cells are connected in series
that is the ?ve of one cell connected to the @ve of the ne#t forming a AstringB of cells* the
voltages add, So two cells connected in series would have an outut voltage twice the voltage of
each cell alone, The current CamsD available remains the same as that available from individual
cells, /hile* cells are connected in arallel that is all cell ositives connected together and all
cell negatives connected together the current available adds, So three identical cells connected in
arallel would be able to deliver three times the current that each cell alone could deliver, The
voltage however will remain the same at the voltage available from each cell,
%C motor is used in this solar boat, Based on )odel Solar Boat =uide by /ayne >oung *
a %C motor is essentially driven by magnetic attraction and reulsion between the ermanent
magnets in the motor stator CcaseD and the rotor which is an electromagnet owered by the solar
anel, The slower a motor is turning Clower 'P)D the lower will be its electrical resistance* and
conse;uently the chance of overloading the solar anel is increased, To overcome this roblem
we can reduce the motor load and let it seed u by switching to a smaller roeller or make
more current available by changing the solar anel configuration to series and arallel,
Problem Statement
i, /hat is design is best in constructing a solar boatE
ii, +ow to ma#imi-e the solar energy gain from the solar anelE

Construction Solar Boat
The aaratus and materials used in constructing solar boat5
Solar Boat ! Solar Boat "
+ot glue gun
/iring solder
/ire cutter
Fnife cutter
Polylast board
Cello taes
Solar anels
Bamboo sticks
Construction Process of Solar Boat
Solar Boat 1
Solar boat 2
!, " water bottles are used as base due to water resistance and light weight,
", " holes are made in each bottle and must be aligned as same level, " bamboo sticks is
used to connect the two bottles,
3, A olylast board is measured and cut, Then the cut olylast board is glued on to of the
bamboo sticks as base for the motor and solar anel used a hot glued gun,
G, Proeller is laced in used en rod and is connected to motor,
H, !" solar anels are aligned in series and welded together using small wire,
9, Both solar anels and motor are laced in olylast based and glued,
8, The comlete solar boat model is tested for balancing and weight is laced in front to
balance the solar boat,
Comarison Between Solar Boat !
and Solar Boat "
Solar Boat 1 Aspects Solar Boat 2
Si-e Bigger
/eight Iighter
Aerodynamic Shae
+igher CBigger roellerD Proulsion Slower Csmall roellerD
/ater resistance
Selection o# the Solar Boat
Based on scientifc theory and tests, there are several consideration
should be made in designing the solar boat models The design o! the solar
boat must be stable, light, "ater resistant and aerodynamic so that the boat
can sail smoothly In this #ro$ect "e decided to use t"o di%erent materials as
base as these t"o materials are light "eight Both are "ater resistant and
cannot be s#oilt easily Solar boat & is designed to be more aerodynamic as
#oly#last board used as main based on the solar boat can be easily
designed 'hile the solar boat (, "e tend to increase the height o! the model
so that it "ill increase the buoyancy o! the boat "hen the solar #anel and
motor is #laced 'e !ound the model solar boat ))))))))) to be more stable
and reliable to move on "ater
Secondly, the #ro#ulsion o! these t"o models are di%erent because "e
"ant to investigate the e%ects o! adding the #ro#eller at the side o! the solar
boat in solar boat & and adding the #ro#eller at the bac* in solar boat ( 'e
!ound that the e%ect o! adding ))))))))))))) creates a higher #ro#ulsion and
increase the s#eed o! the solar boat 'e had also tried adding the #ro#eller
at the side o! the solar boat ( and the result is insu+cient due to !rictional
!orce e,ist bet"een #lastic rod and bottle that slo"s the rotating #ro#eller
Lastly, the s#eed o! the boat is measured and the !astest boat is solar
boat )))))))) This is due to si-e)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Cross Section o# the Solar Boat
Test $esult
/e have made few tests on both of the solar boats at length of track of JJJJJ m and this is the
result of the tests5
Solar boat !5
Tries Time taken, s
Solar Boat 1 Solar Boat 2
%inal $esult
Cost o# &aking the Solar Boat
Items Cost
Polylast board
Cello taes
Solar anels

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