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Decisive vote for change reresents the !esire of the eo"e to gro#$
free the%se"ves
fro% the c&rse of overt' an! &se the oort&nit' rovi!e! (' the societ')
Co&ntr' in
no %oo! to s&*er &ne%"o'%ent$ ina!e+&ate (asic a%enities$ "ac, of
an! aathetic governance)
Cha""enging sit&ation !&e to S&( -ve er cent gro#th an! !o&("e !igit
Contin&e! s"o#/!o#n in %an' e%erging econo%ies a threat to
s&staine! g"o(a" recover')
Recover' seen #ith the gro#th rate of #or"! econo%' ro0ecte! at 1)2
er cent in
3415 vis/6/vis in 3411)
7irst (&!get of this NDA govern%ent to "a' !o#n a (roa! o"ic'
in!icator of the
!irection in #hich #e #ish to ta,e this co&ntr')
Stes anno&nce! are on"' the (eginning of the 0o&rne' to#ar!s a
s&staine! gro#th of
8/9 er cent or a(ove #ithin the ne:t 1/5 'ears a"ong #ith %acro/econo%ic
Gro#ing asirations of eo"e #i"" (e re.ecte! in the !eve"o%ent
strateg' of the
Govern%ent "e! (' the <ri%e %inister Shri Naren!ra Mo!i an! its %an!ate of
=Sa( ,a
Saath Sa( ,a >i,as?)
Nee! to revive gro#th in %an&fact&ring an! infrastr&ct&re sectors)
Ta: to GD< ratio %&st (e i%rove! an! Non/ta: reven&es increase!)
De-cit an! In.ation
Dec"ine in -sca" !e-cit fro% @)8A in 3411/13 to 5)@A in 3411/15
%ain"' achieve!
(' re!&ction in e:en!it&re rather than (' #a' of rea"i;ation of higher
I%rove%ent in c&rrent acco&nt !e-cit fro% 5)8 A in 3413/11 to 'ear
en! "eve" of
1)8A %ain"' achieve! thro&gh restriction on non/essentia" i%ort an! s"o#/
!o#n in
overa"" aggregate !e%an!) Nee! to ,ee #atch on CAD)
5)1 er cent -sca" !e-cit a !a&nting tas, in the (ac,!ro of t#o 'ears
of "o# GD<
gro#th$ static in!&stria" gro#th$ %o!erate increase in in!irect ta:es$ s&(si!'
an! not so enco&raging ta: (&o'anc')
Be' 7eat&res of C&!get 3415/341@3
The govern%ent is co%%itte! to achieve this target) Roa! %a for
-sca" conso"i!ation
o&t"ines -sca" !e-cit of 1)2 A for 341@/12 an! 1 A for 3412/18)
In.ation has re%ain at e"evate! "eve" #ith gra!&a" %o!eration in D<I
The ro("e% of ("ac, %one' %&st (e f&""' a!!resse!)
Co"! stes re+&ire! to enhance econo%ic activities an! s&r gro#th in
the econo%')
A!%inistrative Initiatives
Sovereign right of the Govern%ent to &n!erta,e retrosective
"egis"ation to (e e:ercise!
#ith e:tre%e ca&tion an! 0&!icio&sness ,eeing in %in! the i%act of each
s&ch %eas&re
on the econo%' an! the overa"" invest%ent c"i%ate)
A sta("e an! re!icta("e ta:ation regi%e #hich #i"" (e investor frien!"'
an! s&r gro#th)
Legis"ative an! a!%inistrative changes to sort o&t en!ing ta:
!e%an!s of %ore than
E 5 "a,h crore &n!er !is&te an! "itigation)
Resi!ent ta: a'ers ena("e! to o(tain on a!vance r&"ing in resect of
their inco%e/ta:
"ia(i"it' a(ove a !e-ne! thresho"!)
Meas&res for strengthening the A&thorit' for A!vance R&"ings)
Inco%e/ta: Sett"e%ent Co%%ission scoe to (e en"arge!)
Nationa" Aca!e%' for C&sto%s F E:cise at Hin!&&r in An!hra
The s&(si!' regi%e to (e %a!e %ore targete! for f&"" rotection to
the %argina"i;e!$
oor an! SCGST)
Ne# Urea <o"ic' #o&"! (e for%&"ate!)
Intro!&ction of GST to (e given thr&st)
High "eve" co%%ittee to interact #ith tra!e an! in!&str' on reg&"ar
(asis to ascertain
areas re+&iring c"arit' in ta: "a#s is re+&ire! to (e set &)
Convergance #ith Internationa" 7inancia" Reorting Stan!ar! HI7RSI ('
A!otion of
the ne# In!ian Acco&nting Stan!ar!s H3n! ASI (' In!ian Co%anies)
Setting & of E:en!it&re Manage%ent Co%%ission to "oo, into
e:en!it&re refor%s)
E%"o'%ent e:changes to (e transfor%e! into career centres) A s&%
of E 144 crore
rovi!e! )1
7oreign Direct Invest%ent H7DII
Govern%ent to ro%ote 7DI se"ective"' in sectors)
The co%osite ca of foreign invest%ent to (e raise! to 5J er cent
#ith f&"" In!ian
%anage%ent an! contro" thro&gh the 7I<C ro&te)
The co%osite ca in the ins&rance sector to (e increase! & to 5J er
cent fro% 32
er cent #ith f&"" In!ian %anage%ent an! contro" thro&gh the 7I<C ro&te)
Re+&ire%ent of the (&i"t & area an! caita" con!itions for 7DI to (e
re!&ce! fro%
@4$444 s+&are %etres to 34$444 s+&are %etres an! fro% USD 14 %i""ion to
%i""ion resective"' for !eve"o%ent of s%art cities)
The %an&fact&ring &nits to (e a""o#e! to se"" its ro!&cts thro&gh
retai" inc"&!ing E/
co%%erce "atfor%s)
Can, Caita"i;ation
Re+&ire%ent to inf&se E)3$54$444 crore as e+&it' (' 3419 in o&r (an,s
to (e in "ine
#ith Case"/III nor%s
Caita" of (an,s to (e raise! (' increasing the shareho"!ing of the
eo"e in a hase!
<SU Caita" E:en!it&re
<SUs #i"" invest thro&gh caita" invest%ent a tota" s&% of E 3$58$J51
crores in the
c&rrent -nancia" 'ear)
S%art Cities
A s&% of E 8424 crore is rovi!e! in the c&rrent -sca" for the ro0ect of
=one h&n!re! S%art CitiesK
Rea" Estate
Incentives for Rea" Estate Invest%ent Tr&sts HREITSI) Co%"ete ass
thro&gh for the
&rose of ta:ation)
A %o!i-e! REITS t'e str&ct&re for infrastr&ct&re ro0ects as the
Invest%ent Tr&sts HIN>ITSI)
These t#o instr&%ents to attract "ong ter% -nance fro% foreign an!
!o%estic so&rces
inc"&!ing the NRIs )
E 1444 crore rovi!e! for =<ra!han Mantri Brishi Sincha'ee Lo0na? for
R&ra" Deve"o%ent
Sh'a%a <rasa! M&,her0i R&r(an Mission for integrate! ro0ect (ase!
in the r&ra" areas)
E @44 crore for =Deen Da'a" Ua!h'a'a Gra% M'oti Lo0ana? for fee!er
searation to
a&g%ent o#er s&"' to the r&ra" areas)
E 15$19J crore rovi!e! for <ra!han Mantri Gra% Sa!a, Lo0naH<MGSLI )
More ro!&ctive$ asset creating an! #ith "in,ages to agric&"t&re an!
a""ie! activities
#age e%"o'%ent #o&"! to (e rovi!e! &n!er MGNREGA)
Un!er A0eevi,a$ the rovision of (an, "oan for #o%en SHGs at 5A to
(e e:ten!e! to
another 144 !istricts)
Initia" s&% of E 144 crore for =Start U >i""age Entrerene&rshi
<rogra%%e? for
enco&raging r&ra" 'o&th to ta,e & "oca" entrerene&rshi rogra%s )
A""ocation for Nationa" Ho&sing Can, increase! to E 9444 crore to
s&ort R&ra"
Ne# rogra%%e =Neerancha"? to give i%et&s to #atershe!
!eve"o%ent in the co&ntr'
#ith an initia" o&t"a' of E 3153 crores)
Cac,#ar! Region Grant 7&n! HCRG7I to (e restr&ct&re! to a!!ress
Sche!&"e! CasteGSche!&"e! Tri(e
An a%o&nt of E @4$@59 crore is roose! &n!er the SC <"an an! E
13$198 crore
&n!er TS<)
7or the #e"fare of the tri(a"s =>an Can!h& Ba"'an Lo0na? "a&nche! #ith
an initia"
a""ocation of E 144 crore)
Senior Citi;en F Di*erent"' A("e! <ersons
>arishtha <ension Ci%a Lo0ana H><CLI to (e revive! for a "i%ite! erio!
fro% 1@
A&g&st$ 3415 to 15 A&g&st$ 341@ for the (ene-t of citi;ens age! 24 'ears an!
A co%%ittee #i"" to e:a%ine an! reco%%en! ho# &nc"ai%e! a%o&nts
#ith <<7$ <ost
ONce$ saving sche%es etc) can (e &se! to rotect an! f&rther -nancia"
interests of the
senior citi;ensO

Govern%ent noti-e! a %ini%&% ension of E 1444 er %onth to a""
s&(scri(er %e%(ers
of E< Sche%e) Initia" rovision of E 3@4 crore)
Increase in %an!ator' #age cei"ing of s&(scrition to E 1@444) A
rovision of E 3@4
crore in the c&rrent (&!get)
E<7O to "a&nch the =Unifor% Acco&nt N&%(er? Service for
contri(&ting %e%(ers )
Sche%e for Assistance to Disa("e! <ersons for &rchaseG-tting of Ai!s
an! A"iances
HADI<I e:ten!e! to inc"&!e conte%orar' ai!s an! assistive !evices)
Nationa" "eve" instit&tes for Universa" Inc"&sive Design $ Menta" Hea"th
an! a Centre for Disa(i"it' Sorts to (e esta("ishe!)
Assistance to State Govern%ents to esta("ish -fteen ne# Crai""e
<resses an! %o!erni;e
ten e:isting Crai""e <resses)
Govern%ent to rint c&rrenc' notes #ith Crai""e "i,e signs for visi("'
cha""enge! ersons)
Do%en F Chi"! Deve"o%ent
O&t"a' of E @4 crores for i"ot testing a sche%e on =Safet' for Do%en
on <&("ic Roa!
S&% of E 1@4 crores on a sche%e to increase the safet' of #o%en in
"arge cities)
=Crisis Manage%ent Centres? in a"" the !istricts of NCT of De"hi this
'ear govern%ent
an! rivate hosita"s)
A s&% of E 144 crore is rovi!e! for =Ceti Cachao$ Ceti <a!hao Lo0ana?$
a foc&se!
sche%e to generate a#areness an! he" in i%roving the eNcienc' of
!e"iver' of #e"fare
services %eant for #o%en)
Schoo" c&rric&"&% to have a searate chater on gen!er
Drin,ing Dater F Sanitation
34$444 ha(itations a*ecte! #ith arsenic$ .&ori!e$ heav'G to:ic
e"e%ents$ estici!esG
ferti"i;ers to (e rovi!e! safe !rin,ing #ater thro&gh co%%&nit' #ater
"ants in ne:t 1 'ears
=S#achh Charat A(hi'an? to cover ever' ho&seho"! #ith sanitation
faci"it' (' the 'ear
Hea"th an! 7a%i"' De"fare
7ree Dr&g Service an! 7ree Diagnosis Service to achieve = Hea"th 7or
T#o Nationa" Instit&tes of Ageing to (e set & at AIIMS$ Ne# De"hi an!
Me!ica" Co""ege$ Chennai)
A nationa" "eve" research an! referra" Instit&te for higher !enta" st&!ies
to (e set &)
AIIMS "i,e instit&tions in An!hra <ra!esh$ Dest Cenga"$ >i!ar(ha in
Maharashtra an!
<oorvancha" in U<) A rovision of E @44 crores %a!e)
13 ne# govern%ent %e!ica" co""eges to (e set &)
StatesK Dr&g Reg&"ator' an! 7oo! Reg&"ator' S'ste%s to (e
strengthene! (' creating
ne# !r&g testing "a(oratories an! strengthening the 11 e:isting State
1@ Mo!e" R&ra" Hea"th Research Centres to (e set & for research on
"oca" hea"th
iss&es concerning r&ra" o&"ation)
A nationa" rogra%%e in Mission Mo!e to ha"t the !eteriorating
%a"n&trition sit&ation
in In!ia to (e &t in "ace #ithin si: %onths)
Schoo" E!&cation
Govern%ent #o&"! strive to rovi!e toi"ets an! !rin,ing #ater in a"" the
gir"s schoo" in
-rst hase) An a%o&nt of E 3921@ crore is (eing f&n!e! for Sarv Shi,sha
an! E 5J22 crore for Rashtri'a %a!h'a%ic Shi,sha A(hi'an HRMSAI)
A Schoo" Assess%ent <rogra%%e is (eing initiate! at a cost of E 14
E @44 crore rovi!e! for =<an!it Ma!an Mohan Ma"vi'a Ne# Teachers
<rogra%%e? to inf&se ne# training too"s an! %otivate teachers)
E 144 crore rovi!e! for setting & virt&a" c"assroo%s as
Co%%&nication Lin,e!
Interface for C&"tivating Bno#"e!ge HCLICBI an! on"ine co&rses)
Higher E!&cation
Mai <ra,ash Nara'an Nationa" Centre for E:ce""ence in H&%anities to (e
set & in M<)
E @44 crore rovi!e! for setting & @ %ore IITs in the Ma%%&$
Chhattisgarh$ Goa$
An!hra <ra!esh an! Bera"a)
@ IIMs in the States of H<$ <&n0a($ Cihar$ O!isha an! Ra0asthan)
Si%"i-cation of nor%s to faci"itate e!&cation "oans for higher st&!ies)

Infor%ation Techno"og'
<an In!ia rogra%%e =Digita" In!ia? to #ith an o&t"a' of E @44 crore to
(e "a&nche!)
<rogra%%e for ro%oting =Goo! Governance? to (e "a&nche! )A s&%
of E 144 crore
Infor%ation an! Croa!casting
E 144 crore a""ocate! for 244 ne# an! e:isting Co%%&nit' Ra!io
7i"% F Te"evision Instit&te$ <&ne an! Sat'a0it Ra' 7i"% F Te"evision
Instit&te$ Bo",ata
are roose! to (e accor!e! stat&s of Instit&tes of nationa" i%ortance an! a
Centre for E:ce""ence in Ani%ation$ Ga%ing an! Secia" E*ects to (e set &)
E 144 crore is rovi!e! for Bisan T>$ to !isse%inate rea" ti%e
infor%ation to the
far%ers on iss&es s&ch as ne# far%ing techni+&es$ #ater conservation$
organic far%ing
Ur(an Deve"o%ent
>ision of the Govern%ent is that @44 &r(an ha(itations to (e rovi!e!
s&ort for
rene#a" of infrastr&ct&re an! services in ne:t 14 'ears thro&gh <<<s
<resent cor&s of <oo"e! M&nicia" De(t O("igation 7aci"it' faci"it' to (e
en"arge! to
E @4$444 Crore fro% E @444 crore)
E 144 crore rovi!e! for Metro <ro0ects in L&c,no# an! Ahe%!a(a!)
E:ten!e! a!!itiona" ta: incentive on ho%e "oans sha"" (e rovi!e! to
enco&rage eo"e$
esecia""' the 'o&ng$ to o#n ho&ses)
Mission on Lo# Cost A*or!a("e Ho&sing anchore! in the Nationa"
Ho&sing Can, to
(e set &)
A s&% of E 5444 crores for NHC fro% the riorit' sector "en!ing
shortfa"" #ith a vie#
to increase the .o# of cheaer cre!it for a*or!a("e ho&sing to the &r(an
LIG seg%ent is rovi!e!
S"&% !eve"o%ent to (e inc"&!e! in the "ist of Cororate Socia"
Resonsi(i"it' HCSRI
activities to enco&rage the rivate sector to contri(&te %ore)
A rogra%%e for the & gra!ation of s,i""s an! training in ancestra"
arts for !eve"o%ent
for the %inorities =U gra!ation of Tra!itiona" S,i""s in Arts$ Reso&rces an!
Goo!s? to
(e "a&nche!)
An a!!itiona" a%o&nt of E 144 crores for Mo!erni;ation of Ma!arsas )
Govern%ent to esta("ish t#o %ore Agric&"t&ra" Research Instit&te of
e:ce""ence in Assa%
an! Mhar,han! #ith an initia" s&% of E 144 crore)
An a%o&nt of E 144 crores set asi!e for =Agri/tech Infrastr&ct&re 7&n!?)
E 344 crore rovi!e! to oen Agric&"t&re Universities in An!hra <ra!esh
an! Ra0asthan
an! Hortic&"t&re Universities in Te"angana an! Har'ana)
A sche%e to rovi!e ever' far%er a soi" hea"th car! in a Mission %o!e
#i"" (e "a&nche!)
E 144 crore has (een rovi!e! for this &rose an! a!!itiona" E @2 crores to
set &
144 Mo(i"e Soi" Testing La(oratories across the co&ntr')
To %eet the vagaries of c"i%ate change a =Nationa" A!atation 7&n!?
#ith an initia"
s&% an a%o&nt of E 144 crore #i"" (e set &)
A s&staina("e gro#th of 5A in Agric&"t&re #i"" (e achieve!)
Techno"og' !riven secon! green revo"&tion #ith foc&s on higher
ro!&ctivit' an!
inc"&!ing =<rotein revo"&tion? #i"" (e area of %a0or foc&s)
To %itigate the ris, of <rice vo"ati"it' in the agric&"t&re ro!&ce$ a s&%
of E @44 crore
is rovi!e! for esta("ishing a =<rice Sta(i"i;ation 7&n!?)
Centra" Govern%ent to #or, c"ose"' #ith the State Govern%ents to re/
orient their
resective A<MC Acts)
S&% of E @4 crores rovi!e! for the !eve"o%ent of in!igeno&s catt"e
(ree!s an! an
e+&a" a%o&nt for starting a ("&e revo"&tion in in"an! -sheries)
Transfor%ation "an to invigorate the #areho&sing sector an!
signi-cant"' i%rove
ost/harvest "en!ing to far%ers)
Agric&"t&re Cre!it
To rovi!e instit&tiona" -nance to "an!"ess far%ers$ it is roose! to
rovi!e -nance to
@ "a,h 0oint far%ing gro&s of =Choo%i Heen Bisan? thro&gh NACARD )
A target of E 9 "a,h crore has (een set for agric&"t&re cre!it !&ring
Cor&s of R&ra" Infrastr&ct&re Deve"o%ent 7&n! HRID7I raise! (' an
a!!itiona" E
@444 crores fro% the target given in the Interi% C&!get to E 3@444 crores )
A""ocation of E @$444 crore rovi!e! for the Dareho&se Infrastr&ct&re
=Long Ter% R&ra" Cre!it 7&n!? to set & for the &rose of rovi!ing
s&ort to Cooerative Can,s an! Regiona" R&ra" Can,s #ith an initia" cor&s
E @$444 crore)

A%o&nt of E @4$444 crore a""ocate! for Short Ter% Cooerative R&ra"
Cre!it )
S&% of E 344 crore for NACARDKs <ro!&cers Deve"o%ent an!
U"ift%ent Cor&s
H<RODUCEI for (&i"!ing 3$444 ro!&cers organi;ations over the ne:t t#o
7oo! Sec&rit'
Restr&ct&ring 7CI$ re!&cing transortation an! !istri(&tion "osses an!
eNcac' of <DS
to (e ta,en & on riorit')
Govern%ent co%%itte! to rovi!e #heat an! rice at reasona("e rices
to the #ea,er
sections of the societ')
Govern%ent #hen re+&ire! #i"" &n!erta,e oen %ar,et sa"es to ,ee
rices &n!er
Centra" Govern%ent Deart%ents an! Ministries to integrate their
services #ith the e/
Ci; /a sing"e #in!o# IT "atfor%/ for services on riorit' (' 11 Dece%(er this
E 144 crore rovi!e! for setting & a Nationa" In!&stria" Corri!or
A%ritsar Bo",ata In!&stria" %aster "anning to (e co%"ete!
Master "anning of 1 ne# s%art cities in the Chennai/Cenga"&r&
In!&stria" Corri!or
region$ vi;)$ <onneri in Ta%i" Na!&$ Brishnaatna% in An!hra <ra!esh an!
T&%,&r in
Barnata,a to (e co%"ete!)
<ersective "an for the Cenga"&r& M&%(ai Econo%ic corri!or HCMECI
an! >i;ag/
Chennai corri!or to (e co%"ete! #ith the rovision for 34 ne# in!&stria"
Deve"o%ent of in!&stria" corri!ors #ith e%hasis on S%art Cities
"in,e! to transort
connectivit' to s&r gro#th in %an&fact&ring an! &r(ani;ation #i"" (e
<roose! to esta("ish an E:ort ro%otion Mission to (ring a""
sta,eho"!ers &n!er
one &%(re""a)
Arenticeshi Act to (e s&ita("' a%en!e! to %a,e it %ore resonsive
to in!&str' an!
Micro S%a"" an! Me!i&% Enterrises HMSMEI Sector
S,i"" In!ia to (e "a&nche! to s,i"" the 'o&th #ith an e%hasis on
e%"o'a(i"it' an!
entrerene&r s,i""s)
Co%%ittee to e:a%ine the -nancia" architect&re for MSME Sector$
re%ove (ott"enec,s
an! create ne# r&"es an! str&ct&res to (e set & an! give concrete
s&ggestions in three
7&n! of 7&n!s #ith a cor&s of E)14$444 crore for rovi!ing e+&it'
thro&gh vent&re
caita" f&n!s$ +&asi e+&it'$ soft "oans an! other ris, caita" secia""' to
enco&rage ne#
start&s (' 'o&th to (e set &)
Cor&s of E 344 crore to (e set & to esta("ish Techno"og' Centre
Net#or, )
De-nition of MSME to (e revie#e! to rovi!e for a higher caita"
<rogra%%e to faci"itate for#ar! an! (ac,#ar! "in,ages #ith %&"ti"e
va"&e chain of
%an&fact&ring an! service !e"iver' to (e &t in "ace)
Entrerene&r frien!"' "ega" (an,r&tc' fra%e#or, #i"" (e !eve"oe! for
SMEs to
ena("e eas' e:it)
A nation#i!e =District "eve" Inc&(ation an! Acce"erator <rogra%%e? to
(e ta,en &
for inc&(ation of ne# i!eas an! necessar' s&ort for acce"erating
E @4 crore is rovi!e! to set & a Tra!e 7aci"itation Centre an! a Crafts
M&se&% to
!eve"o an! ro%ote han!"oo% ro!&cts an! carr' for#ar! the rich tra!ition
han!"oo%s of >aranasi)
S&% of E @44 crore for !eve"oing a Te:ti"e %ega/c"&ster at >aranasi
an! si: %ore at
Carei""'$ L&c,no#$ S&rat$ B&tch$ Chaga"&r an! M'sore)
E 34 crore to set & a Hast,a"a Aca!e%' for the reservation$ reviva"$
!oc&%entation of the han!"oo%Ghan!icraft sector in <<< %o!e in De"hi)
E @4 crore is rovi!e! to start a <ash%ina <ro%otion <rogra%%e H</1I
!eve"o%ent of other crafts of Ma%%& F Bash%ir)
An instit&tion to rovi!e s&ort to %ainstrea%ing <<<<s ca""e!
5<In!ia to (e set &
#ith a cor&s of E @44 crores)
E 1121@ crore #i"" (e a""ocate! for the !eve"o%ent of O&ter Har(o&r
<ro0ect in
T&ticorin for hase I)
SEPs #i"" (e !eve"oe! in Ban!"a an! MN<T)
Co%rehensive o"ic' to (e anno&nce! to ro%ote In!ian shi (&i"!ing
In"an! Navigation
<ro0ect on Ganges ca""e! = Ma" Marg >i,asK to (e !eve"oe! (et#een
A""aha(a! an!
Ne# Airorts
Sche%e for !eve"o%ent of ne# airorts in Tier I an! Tier II Cities to (e
Roa!s sector
Sector nee!s h&ge a%o&nt of invest%ent a"ong #ith !e(ott"enec,ing
fro% %a;e of
An invest%ent of an a%o&nt of E 18$994 crores in NHAI an! State
Roa!s is roose!
#hich inc"&!es E 1444 crores for the North East)
Target of NH constr&ction of 9@44 ,% #i"" (e achieve! in c&rrent
-nancia" 'ear)
Dor, on se"ect e:ress#a's in ara""e" to the !eve"o%ent of the
In!&stria" Corri!ors
#i"" (e initiate!) 7or ro0ect rearation NHAI sha"" set asi!e a s&% of E @44
E 144 crore is a""ocate! for a ne# sche%e =U"tra/Mo!ern S&er Critica"
Coa" Case!
Ther%a" <o#er Techno"og')?
Co%rehensive %eas&res for enhancing !o%estic coa" ro!&ction are
(eing &t in
A!e+&ate +&antit' of coa" #i"" (e rovi!e! to o#er "ants #hich are
co%%issione! or #o&"! (e co%%issione! (' March 341@)
An e:ercise to rationa"i;e coa" "in,ages to oti%i;e transort of coa"
an! re!&ce cost of
o#er is &n!er#a')
Ne# F Rene#a("e Energ'
E @44 crores rovi!e! for U"tra Mega So"ar <o#er <ro0ects in Ra0asthan$
Ta%i" Na!&$ An!hra <ra!esh an! La!!a,h)
E 544 crores rovi!e! for a sche%e for so"ar o#er !riven agric&"t&ra"
&% sets an!
#ater &%ing stations)
E 144 crore rovi!e! for the !eve"o%ent of 1 MD So"ar <ar,s on the
(an,s of
A Green Energ' Corri!or <ro0ect is (eing i%"e%ente! to faci"itate
evac&ation of
rene#a("e energ' across the co&ntr')13
<etro"e&% F Nat&ra" Gas
<ro!&ction an! e:"oitation of Coa" Ce! Methane reserves #i"" (e
<ossi(i"it' of &sing %o!ern techno"og' to revive o"! or c"ose! #e""s to
(e e:"ore!)
Usage of <NG to (e rai!"' sca"e! & in a Mission %o!e)
<roosa" to !eve"o ie"ines &sing aroriate <<< %o!e"s)
Changes$ if necessar'$ in the MMDR Act$ 1J@8 to (e intro!&ce! to
invest%ent in %ining sector an! ro%ote s&staina("e %ining ractices)
Caita" Mar,et
Ongoing rocess of cons&"tations #ith a"" the sta,eho"!ers on the
enact%ent of the
In!ian 7inancia" Co!e an! reorts of the 7inancia" Sector Legis"ative Refor%s
Co%%ission H7SLRCI to (e co%"ete!)
Govern%ent in c"ose cons&"tation #ith the RCI to &t in "ace a
%o!ern %onetar'
o"ic' fra%e#or,)
7o""o#ing %eas&res #i"" (e ta,en to energi;e Caita" %ar,etsQ
Intro!&ction of &nifor% BLC nor%s an! inter/&sa(i"it' of the BLC
recor!s across the
entire -nancia" sector)
Intro!&ce one sing"e oerating !e%at acco&nt
Unifor% ta: treat%ent for ension f&n! an! %&t&a" f&n! "in,e!
retire%ent "an
Ti%e (o&n! rogra%%e as 7inancia" Inc"&sion Mission to (e "a&nche!
on 1@ A&g&st
this 'ear #ith foc&s on the #ea,er sections of the societ')
Can,s to (e enco&rage! to e:ten! "ong ter% "oans to infrastr&ct&re
sector #ith
.e:i("e str&ct&ring)
Can,s to (e er%itte! to raise "ong ter% f&n!s for "en!ing to
infrastr&ct&re sector
#ith %ini%&% reg&"ator' re/e%tion s&ch as CRR$ SLR an! <riorit' Sector
RCI to create a fra%e#or, for "icensing s%a"" (an,s an! other
!i*erentiate! (an,s)
Di*erentiate! (an,s serving niche interests$ "oca" area (an,s$ a'%ent
(an,s etc) are
conte%"ate! to %eet cre!it an! re%ittance nee!s of s%a"" (&sinesses$
sector$ "o# inco%e ho&seho"!s$ far%ers an! %igrant #or, force)
Si: ne# De(t Recover' Tri(&na"s to (e set &)
7or vent&re caita" in the MSME sector$ a E 14$444 crore f&n! to act as
a cata"'st to
attract rivate Caita" (' #a' of rovi!ing e+&it' $ +&asi e+&it'$ soft "oans
an! other
ris, caita" for start/& co%anies #ith s&ita("e ta: incentives to articiating
f&n!s to (e esta("ishe!)
Ins&rance Sector
The en!ing ins&rance "a#s Ha%en!%entI Ci"" to (e i%%e!iate"'
(ro&ght for consi!eration
of the <ar"ia%ent)
The reg&"ator' ga &n!er the <ri;e Chits an! Mone' Circ&"ation
Sche%e HCan,ingI
Act$ 1J89 #i"" (e (ri!ge!)
S%a"" Savings
Bissan >i,as <atra HB><I to (e reintro!&ce!)
A secia" s%a"" savings instr&%ent to cater to the re+&ire%ents of
e!&cating an! %arriage
of the Gir" Chi"! to (e intro!&ce!)
A Nationa" Savings Certi-cate #ith ins&rance cover to rovi!e
a!!itiona" (ene-ts for
the s%a"" saver)
In the <<7 Sche%e$ ann&a" cei"ing #i"" (e enhance! to E)1)@ "a,h )a)
fro% E)1 "a,h at
A f&rther s&% of E 1444 crore to %eet re+&ire%ent for =One Ran, One
Caita" o&t"a' for Defence increase! (' E @444 crore inc"&!ing a s&% of
E 1444 crore
for acce"erating the !eve"o%ent of the Rai"#a' s'ste% in the (or!er areas)
Urgent stes #o&"! a"so (e ta,en to strea%"ine the roc&re%ent
rocess to %a,e it
see!' an! %ore eNcient)
E 144 crore is rovi!e! for constr&ction of a #ar %e%oria" in the
<rinces <ar,$ #hich
#i"" (e s&"e%ente! (' a Dar M&se&%) I a% a""ocating a s&% of E 144 crore
for this
E 144 crore is rovi!e! to set & a Techno"og' Deve"o%ent 7&n! for
Interna" Sec&rit'
E 1444 crore is rovi!e! in the c&rrent -nancia" 'ear for %o!erni;ation
of state o"ice
A!e+&ate a""ocation for A!!itiona" Centra" Assistance for Left Ding
E:tre%ist A*ecte!
E 33@4 crore rovi!e! to strengthen an! %o!erni;e (or!er
E JJ4 crore a""ocate! for the socio econo%ic !eve"o%ent of the
vi""ages a"ong the
A s&% of E 1@4 crore ear/%ar,e! for the constr&ction of Marine <o"ice
Station$ Metties
an! for the &rchase of (oats etc)
E @4 crores rovi!e! for constr&ction of Nationa" <o"ice Me%oria")
E 344 crore rovi!e! to (&i"! the Stat&e of &nit'HNationa" ro0ectI)
7aci"it' of E"ectronic Trave" A&thori;ation He/>isaI to (e intro!&ce! in
hase! %anner
at nine airorts in In!ia)
Co&ntries to #hich the E"ectronic Trave" a&thorisation faci"it' #o&"! (e
e:ten!e! #o&"!
(e i!enti-e! in a hase! %anner)
E @44 crore rovi!e! for !eve"oing @ to&rist circ&its aro&n! seci-c
E 144 crore rovi!e! for Nationa" Mission on <i"gri%age Re0&venation
an! Sirit&a"
A&g%entation Drive H<RASADI)
E 344 crore rovi!e! for Nationa" Heritage Cit' Deve"o%ent an!
A&g%entation Lo0ana
E 144 crore rovi!e! for Archaeo"ogica" sites reservation)
Sarnath/Ga'a/>aranasi C&!!hist circ&it to (e !eve"oe! #ith #or"!
c"ass to&rist
a%enities to attract to&rists fro% a"" over the #or"!)
Dater Reso&rces an! c"eaning of Ganga
E 144 crore rovi!e! for Detai"e! <ro0ect Reorts for "in,ing of rivers)
E 3418 crores rovi!e! for Integrate! Ganga Conservation Mission
E 144 crore rovi!e! for Ghat !eve"o%ent an! (ea&ti-cation at
Be!arnath$ Hari!#ar$
Ban&r$ >aranasi$ A""aha(a!$ <atna an! De"hi)
NRI 7&n! for Ganga #i"" (e set &)
Science an! Techno"og'
Govern%ent to strengthen at "east -ve instit&tions as Technica"
Research Centres)
Deve"o%ent of Ciotech c"&sters in 7ari!a(a! an! Cenga"&r&)
Nascent agri/(iotech c"&ster in Moha"i to (e sca"e! &) In a!!ition$ t#o
ne# c"&sters$
in <&ne an! Bo",ata to (e esta("ishe!)
G"o(a" artnershis #i"" (e !eve"oe! &n!er In!iaKs "ea!ershi to
transfor% the De"hi
co%onent of the Internationa" Centre for Genetic Engineering an!
HICGECI into a #or"!/"ea!er in "ife sciences an! (iotechno"og')
Severa" %a0or sace %issions "anne! for 3415/1@)
Sorts an! Lo&th A*airs
E 344 crore rovi!e! for &gra!ing the in!oor an! o&t!oor sorts
sta!i&%s in Ma%%&
an! Bash%ir >a""e' to internationa" stan!ar!s)
E 144 crore rovi!e! for sorts &niversit' in Mani&r)
In!ia to start an ann&a" event to ro%ote Uni+&e sorts tra!itions in
the Hi%a"a'an
region ga%es)
E 144 crore rovi!e! for the training of sorts #o%en an! %en for
forthco%ing Asian
A =Lo&ng Lea!ers <rogra%%e? #ith an initia" a""ocation of E 144 crore
to (e set &)
North Eastern States
E 144 crore rovi!e! for !eve"o%ent of organic far%ing in North
Eastern States)
E 1444 crore rovi!e! for !eve"o%ent of rai" connectivit' in the North
Eastern Region)
To rovi!e a strong "atfor% to rich c&"t&ra" an! "ing&istic i!entit' of
the North/East$ a
ne# 35:8 channe" ca""e! =Ar&n <ra(ha? #i"" (e "a&nche!)
An!hra <ra!esh an! Te"angana
Govern%ent co%%itte! to a!!ressing the iss&es re"ating to
!eve"o%ent of An!hra
<ra!esh an! Te"angana in the A< Re/organi;ation Act$ 3415) <rovision %a!e
vario&s MinistriesGDeart%ents to f&"-"" the o("igation of Union
NCT of De"hi
E 344 crore for o#er refor%s an! E @44 crore for #ater refor%s to
%a,e De"hi a
tr&"' Dor"! C"ass Cit')
E @4 crore rovi!e! to so"ve the "ong ter% #ater s&"' iss&es to the
caita" region)
Constr&ction of "ong en!ing Ren&,a Da% to (e ta,en & on riorit')
An!a%an an! Nico(ar Is"an! an! <&!&cherr'
E 1@4 crore rovi!e! to ti!e over co%%&nication re"ate! ro("e%s of
the Is"an!)
E 199 crore to <&!&cherr' for %eeting co%%it%ents for Disaster
Dis"ace! Bash%iri Migrants
E @44 crore rovi!e! to s&ort !is"ace! Bash%iri %igrants for
re(&i"!ing their "ives)
Hi%a"a'an St&!ies
E 144 crore rovi!e! to set & a Nationa" Centre for Hi%a"a'an St&!ies
in Uttara,han!)
Man!ate to (e f&"-""e! #itho&t co%ro%ising -sca" conso"i!ation)
Non/"an E:en!it&re of E 13$1J$9J3 crore #ith a!!itiona" rovision for
s&(si!' an! Caita" e:en!it&re for Ar%e! forces)
E)@$8@$444 crore <"an e:en!it&re R increase of 32)J er cent over
act&a"s of
<"an increase targete! to#ar!s Agric&"t&re$ caacit' creation in Hea"th
an! E!&cation$
R&ra" Roa!s an! Nationa" High#a's Infrastr&ct&re$ Rai"#a's net#or,
c"ean energ' initiatives$ !eve"o%ent of #ater reso&rces an! river
conservation "ans)
Tota" e:en!it&re of E)18$J5$9J3 crore esti%ate!)
Gross Ta: receits of E 11$25$@35 crore esti%ate!)
Net to centre of E J$88$3@9 crore esti%ate!)
7isca" !e-cit of 5)1A of GD< an! Reven&e !e-cit of 3)JA esti%ate!)
Ne# State%ent to searate"' sho# "an a""ocation %a!e for North
Eastern Region)
A""ocation of E @1$842 crore for North East Regions)18
A""ocation of E @4$@59 crore &n!er SCS< an! E 13$198 &n!er TS<)
A""ocation for #o%en at E J9$414 crore an! for chi"!ren at E 91$48@
A%(itio&s Reven&e Co""ection Targets in Interi% C&!get) <roose! ta:
factore! in the C&!get Esti%ates 3415/1@
Meas&res to revive the econo%'$ ro%ote invest%ent in
%an&fact&ring$ rationa"i;e ta:
rovisions to re!&ce "itigation$ a!!ress the ro("e% of inverte! !&t' str&ct&re
in certain
areas) Ta: re"iefs to in!ivi!&a" ta: a'ers)
<ersona" Inco%e/ta: e:e%tion "i%it raise! (' E @4$444G/ that is$ fro% E
3 "a,h to E
3)@ "a,h in the case of in!ivi!&a" ta:a'ers$ (e"o# the age of 24 'ears)
E:e%tion "i%it
raise! fro% E 3)@ "a,h to E 1 "a,h in the case of senior citi;ens)
No change in the rate of s&rcharge either for the cororates or the
in!ivi!&a"s$ HU7s$
-r%s etc)
The e!&cation cess to contin&e at 1 ercent)
Invest%ent "i%it &n!er section 94C of the Inco%e/ta: Act raise! fro% E
1 "a,h to E 1)@
De!&ction "i%it on acco&nt of interest on "oan in resect of se"f
occ&ie! ho&se roert'
raise! fro% E)1)@ "a,h to E)3 "a,h)
Con!&cive ta: regi%e to Infrastr&ct&re Invest%ent Tr&sts an! Rea"
Estate Invest%ent
Tr&sts to (e set & in accor!ance #ith reg&"ations of the Sec&rities an!
Coar! of In!ia)
Invest%ent a""o#ance at the rate of 1@ ercent to a %an&fact&ring
co%an' that invests
%ore than E 3@ crore in an' 'ear in ne# "ant an! %achiner') The (ene-t to
avai"a("e for three 'ears i)e) for invest%ents &to 11)41)3418)
Invest%ent "in,e! !e!&ction e:ten!e! to t#o ne# sectors$ na%e"'$
s"&rr' ie"ines for
the transortation of iron ore$ an! se%i/con!&ctor #afer fa(rication
14 'ear ta: ho"i!a' e:ten!e! to the &n!erta,ings #hich (egin
generation$ !istri(&tion
an! trans%ission of o#er (' 11)41)3418)
Inco%e arising to foreign ortfo"io investors fro% transaction in
sec&rities to (e treate!
as caita" gains)19
Concessiona" rate of 1@ ercent on foreign !ivi!en!s #itho&t an'
s&nset !ate to (e
The e"igi("e !ate of (orro#ing in foreign c&rrenc' e:ten!e! fro%
14)42)341@ to
14)42)3418 for a concessiona" ta: rate of @ ercent on interest a'%ents) Ta:
e:ten!e! to a"" t'es of (on!s instea! of on"' infrastr&ct&re (on!s)
Intro!&ction of a =Ro"" Cac,? rovision in the A!vance! <ricing
Agree%ent HA<AI
sche%e so that an A<A entere! into for f&t&re transactions is a"so a"ica("e
internationa" transactions &n!erta,en in revio&s fo&r 'ears in seci-e!
Intro!&ction of range concet for !eter%ination of ar%Ks "ength rice in
transfer ricing
To a""o# &se of %&"ti"e 'ear !ata for co%ara(i"it' ana"'sis &n!er
transfer ricing
To re%ove ta: ar(itrage$ rate of ta: on "ong ter% caita" gains
increase! fro% 14
ercent to 34 ercent on transfer of &nits of M&t&a" 7&n!s$ other than e+&it'
Inco%e an! !ivi!en! !istri(&tion ta: to (e "evie! on gross a%o&nt
instea! of a%o&nt
ai! net of ta:es)
In case of non !e!&ction of ta: on a'%ents$ 14A of s&ch a'%ents
#i"" (e !isa""o#e!
instea! of 144 ercent)
Govern%ent to revie# the DTC in its resent shae an! ta,e a vie# in
the #ho"e
24 %ore A'a,ar Seva Ben!ras to (e oene! !&ring the c&rrent
-nancia" 'ear to
ro%ote e:ce""ence in service !e"iver')
Net E*ect of the !irect ta: roosa"s to res&"t in reven&e "oss of
E)33$344 crore)
To (oost !o%estic %an&fact&re an! to a!!ress the iss&e of inverte!
!&ties$ (asic
c&sto%s !&t' HCCDI re!&ce! on certain ite%s)
To enco&rage ne# invest%ent an! caacit' a!!ition in the che%ica"s
an! etroche%ica"s
sector$ (asic c&sto%s !&t' re!&ce! on certain ite%s)
Stes ta,en to (oost !o%estic ro!&ction of e"ectronic ite%s an!
re!&ce o&r
!een!ence on i%orts) These inc"&!e i%osition of (asic c&sto%s !&t' on
ite%s fa""ing o&tsi!e the &rvie# of IT Agree%ent$ e:e%tion fro% SAD on
co%onents for <C %an&fact&ring$ i%osition of e!&cation cess on i%orte!
ro!&cts for arit' etc)
Co"o&r ict&re t&(es e:e%te! fro% (asic c&sto%s !&t' to %a,e
catho!e ra' T>s
cheaer an! %ore a*or!a("e to #ea,er sections)1J
To enco&rage ro!&ction of LCD an! LED T>s (e"o# 1J inches in In!ia$
(asic c&sto%s
!&t' on LCD an! LED T> ane"s of (e"o# 1J inches re!&ce! fro% 14 ercent
to Ni")
To give an i%et&s to the stain"ess stee" in!&str'$ increase in (asic
c&sto%s !&t' on
i%orte! .at/ro""e! ro!&cts of stain"ess stee" fro% @ ercent to 8)@ ercent)
Concessiona" (asic c&sto%s !&t' of @ ercent e:ten!e! to %achiner'
an! e+&i%ent
re+&ire! for setting & of a ro0ect for so"ar energ' ro!&ction)
Seci-e! in&ts for &se in the %an&fact&re of E>A sheets an! (ac,
sheets an! .at
coer #ire for the %an&fact&re of <> ri((ons e:e%te! fro% (asic c&sto%s
Re!&ction in (asic c&sto%s !&t' fro% 14 ercent to @ ercent on
forge! stee" rings
&se! in the %an&fact&re of (earings of #in! oerate! e"ectricit' generators)
fro% SAD of 5 ercent on arts an! ra# %ateria"s re+&ire! for the
%an&fact&re of
#in! oerate! generators)
Concessiona" (asic c&sto%s !&t' of @ ercent on %achiner' an!
e+&i%ent re+&ire!
for setting & of co%resse! (iogas "ants HCio/CNGI)
Anthracite coa"$ (it&%ino&s coa"$ co,ing coa"$ stea% coa" an! other
coa" to attract 3)@
er cent (asic c&sto%s !&t' an! 3 er cent C>D to e"i%inate a"" assess%ent
an! transaction costs associate! #ith testing of vario&s ara%eters of coa")
Casic c&sto%s !&t' on %eta""&rgica" co,e increase! fro% Ni" to 3)@
ercent in "ine #ith
the !&t' on co,ing coa")
D&t' on shi (rea,ing scra an! %e"ting scra of iron or stee"
rationa"i;e! (' re!&cing
the (asic c&sto%s !&t' on shis i%orte! for (rea,ing & fro% @ ercent to
3)@ ercent)
To revent %is/&se an! avoi! assess%ent !is&tes$ (asic c&sto%s !&t'
on se%i/
rocesse!$ ha"f c&t or (ro,en !ia%on!s$ c&t an! o"ishe! !ia%on!s an!
ge%stones rationa"i;e! at 3)@ ercent)
To enco&rage e:orts$ re/for%s of recio&s an! se%i/recio&s stones
fro% (asic c&sto%s !&t')
D&t' free entit"e%ent for i%ort of tri%%ings$ e%(e""ish%ents an!
other seci-e! ite%s
increase! fro% 1 ercent to @ ercent of the va"&e of their e:ort$ for
E:ort !&t' on (a&:ite increase! fro% 14 ercent to 34 ercent)
7or assenger faci"itation$ free (aggage a""o#ance increase! fro%
E)1@$444 to E)5@$444)
To incentivi;e e:ansion of rocessing caacit'$ re!&ction in e:cise
!&t' on seci-e!
foo! rocessing an! ac,aging %achiner' fro% 14 ercent to 2 ercent)
Re!&ction in the e:cise !&t' fro% 13 ercent to 2 ercent on foot#ear
of retai" rice
e:cee!ing E @44 er air (&t not e:cee!ing E 1$444 er air)
Dith!ra# concessiona" e:cise !&t' H3 ercent #itho&t Cenvat (ene-t
an! 2 ercent
#ith Cenvat (ene-tI on s%art car!s an! a &nifor% e:cise !&t' at 13
To !eve"o rene#a("e energ'$ vario&s ite%s e:e%te! fro% e:cise
E:e%tion to <S7 an! <7L %an&fact&re! fro% "astic #aste an! scra
inc"&!ing <ET
(ott"es fro% e:cise !&t' #ith e*ect fro% 3Jth M&ne$ 3414 to 8th Ma'$ 3413)
<rosective "ev' of a no%ina" !&t' of 3 ercent #itho&t Cenvat (ene-t
an! 2 ercent
#ith Cenvat (ene-t on s&ch <S7 an! <7L)
Concessiona" e:cise !&t' of 3 ercent #itho&t Cenvat (ene-t an! 2
ercent #ith
Cenvat (ene-t on sorts g"oves)
Seci-c rates of e:cise !&t' increase! on cigrettes in the range of 11
er cent to
83 er cent)
E:cise !&t' increase! fro% 13 ercent to 12 ercent on an %asa"a$
fro% @4 ercent
to @@ ercent on &n%an&fact&re! to(acco an! fro% 24 ercent to 84 ercent
g&t,ha an! che#ing to(acco)
Lev' of an a!!itiona" !&t' of e:cise at @ ercent on aerate! #aters
containing a!!e!
To -nance C"ean Environ%ent initiatives$ C"ean Energ' Cess increase!
fro% E)@4 er
tonne to E)144 er tonne)
Service ta:)
To (roa!en the ta: (ase in Service Ta:$ sa"e of sace or ti%e for
a!vertise%ents in
(roa!cast %e!ia$ e:ten!e! to cover s&ch sa"es on other seg%ents "i,e on"ine
%o(i"e a!vertising) Sa"e of sace for a!vertise%ents in rint %e!ia ho#ever
re%ain e:c"&!e! fro% service ta:) Service rovi!e! (' ra!io/ta:is (ro&ght
&n!er service
Services (' air/con!itione! contract carriages an! technica" testing of
ne#"' !eve"oe!
!r&gs on h&%an articiants (ro&ght &n!er service ta:)
<rovision of services r&"es to (e a%en!e! an! ta: inci!ence to (e
re!&ce! on transort
of goo!s thro&gh coasta" vesse"s to ro%ote In!ian Shiing in!&str')
Services rovi!e! (' In!ian to&r oerators to foreign to&rists in
re"ation to a to&r
#ho""' con!&cte! o&tsi!e In!ia to (e ta,en o&t of the ta: net an! Cenvat
cre!it for
services of rent/a/ca( an! to&r oerators to (e a""o#e! to ro%ote to&ris%)
Service ta: e:e%te! on "oa!ing$ &n"oa!ing$ storage$ #areho&sing an!
of cotton$ #hether ginne! or (a"e!)
Services rovi!e! (' the E%"o'eesK State Ins&rance Cororation for
the erio! rior
to 1 st M&"' 3413 e:e%te!$ fro% service ta:)
E:e%tion avai"a("e for seci-e! %icro ins&rance sche%es e:an!e!
to cover a"" "ife
%icro/ins&rance sche%es #here the s&% ass&re! !oes not e:cee! E)@4$ 444
er "ife
7or safe !isosa" of %e!ica" an! c"inica" #astes$ services rovi!e! ('
co%%on (io/
%e!ica" #aste treat%ent faci"ities e:e%te!)
Ta: roosa"s on the in!irect ta:es si!e are esti%ate! to 'ie"! E)8@3@
35S8 c&sto%s c"earance faci"it' e:ten!e! to 11 %ore airorts in
resect of a"" e:ort
goo!s an! to 15 %ore sea orts in resect of seci-e! i%ort an! e:ort
goo!s to
faci"itate cargo c"earance)
TIn!ian C&sto%s Sing"e Din!o# <ro0ectK to faci"itate tra!e$ to (e
The sche%e of A!vance R&"ing in in!irect ta:es to (e e:an!e! to
cover resi!ent
rivate "i%ite! co%anies) The scoe of Sett"e%ent Co%%ission to (e
en"arge! to
faci"itate +&ic, !is&te reso"&tion)
C&sto%s an! Centra" E:cise Acts to (e a%en!e! to e:e!ite the
rocess of !isosa"
of aea"s)

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