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By Jaden Harding 6R
Afghanistan. It is a country which is always in war however (more info on page 2, 5
and 6), Afghanistan has wonderful cultural food that you will enjoy (more info on
page 3), native traditions and languages (more info on page 4) and the inhabitants
will always astound you. The politics of the country is worth looking at (more info on
page 2).Travelling to Afghanistan is not for the faint-hearted. To work in Afghanistan
it is not hard, you need to be the adventurous type to survive.

Afghanistan is a country with a hot climate with the majority of Afghanistan has a
subarctic mountain climate. It has dry and cold winters except for the lowlands. Near
the valleys bordering Pakistan, a little bit has effect by the Indian monsoon, but after
that it brings tropical air in summer. Afghanistan has defined season very clearly.
Summer temperatures reach as high as 49 C, they have been recorded in the
northern valleys. Winter temperatures reach as low as -9 C.
Afghanistan is located in the continent Asia, it is also considered in the Indian
subcontinent, and the Middle East with Kabul as its capital. It has long, rough
mountain terrains and big land which has no inhabitants living on it. The population of
Afghanistan is 29.82 million (2012).
Afghanistan is a land-locked country all around. Iran is bordering to the west,
Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan and Tajikistan are to the north, and Pakistan to the east
and south.

Afghanistan Located in the World



Now days, Afghanistan have their knees deep in war, pitting NATO troops and the
government who is currently ruling against the old Taliban and its allies. Afghanistan
is a wonderful country but is brought down with violence and its corrupt government.


Headed by the president, Afghanistan is an Islamic Republic (which means their main
religion is Islam). The Presidents in Afghanistan serve at a maximum of two 5-years of
The current President of Afghanistan is Hamid Karzai, he was elected in 2004 in the
month October. Mohammed Fahim and Adbul Karim Khaili are the Vice Presidents of
In the Supreme Court, the nine justices (Stera Mahkama) are appointed to 10 years of
terms by Afghanistans President.

Afghanistan solider
helping a small child
Fun Fact:
Over 3.5 million Afghan citizens live abroad as refugees. The majority are in
Pakistan and Iran.
Life expectancy for both men and women within Afghanistan is only 50.5 years. The
infant mortality rate is 117 per 1,000 live births, the worst in the world.



In Afghanistan the cultural side is impeccable especially food.
Some of the traditional foods in Afghanistan include:

Kabuli Pulao: It is the most popular dish of Afghanistan. It is steamed rice with chops
of raisins and carrot. It is often served with lamb. Other variants of pulao are also
available in Afghanistan. People eat it with meat, vegetables orbeans.
Kebabs: Lamb kebab is a favorite of the Afghans. Afghan kebab is mostly served with
naan, and rarely rice. Lamb chops, ribs, kofta (ground beef) and chicken kebabs are
served in good Kabul restaurants.
Korma: Kormas are very popular among Afghan people. Onions are fried and meats,
fruits, spices or vegetables are added to them.
Mantu: Mantu are steamed dumplings fattened with minced onion beef.
Shorma: Soups made of variety of items are very popular in Afghanistans. These
soups are locally known as shorma.

Kabuli Pulao

In Afghanistan, the official languages of the Afghan people are Dari and Pashto, they
are both Indo-European languages. When you write in Dari and Pashto both of them
use modified Arabic script.
Hello Salaam.
Goodbye - Khuda Hafez
How are you? - Chi tor hasti? Chi hal dari?
Yes - Khob
No - Ne
Hello salaam alaykum
Goodbye - p mkha mo kha
How are you? tsnga y?
Yes - ho
No - na


Over the time Afghanistan has had its problems and achievements here are some of
the achievements that Afghanistan has had in its past.
Significantly Expanded Access to Education
- Ever since the Taliban took over Afghanistan many people were excluded
of education but soon they extinguished the rule and people were giving
an education

Increased Life Expectancy by 15 to 20 Years
- The health in Afghanistan was shocking but the government finally pulled
their act and increased health and safety and then the life expectancy

Exceptional Advances for Women
- The women in Afghanistan have always been excluded but then the
government gave women the rights they dissevered. Ever since then
women in Afghanistan have been a race to be reckoned with.

Afghanistan is a country with no tourism quality. In relationship with Australia, no
Australians would visit Afghanistan, (unless they were coming for humanitarian aid.)
because it is a very unstable country and it is very dangerous for you to go there. The
type of tourist that would go to Afghanistan
would be a tourist that is on the adventurous side
and is a bit daring. It is not for the faint hearted.
The most famous city would be Kabul it is also
the countrys capital.
To sum it all up Afghanistan is not for a relaxing
holiday, it is for a backpacker who loves

Does Afghanistan have a safe environment? Can you get a well-manicured health
service? Well the answer to all of those questions can vary. In Afghanistan the
environment can be safe, but you need to choose the right place to stay. I would
strongly advise you not to travel to Afghanistan because of the extremely dangerous
security situation and the very high threat of terrorist attack. The health services in
Afghanistan can be shocking, again choose carefully where you want to go to get
treated. If you are a man, the education that you will get will be at a high standard in
Afghanistan. If you are a woman education will be limited, this is because of the
influence by the Taliban years ago. The literacy rate is very low, not many children
know how to read and write. The food, water and shelter supply can be scarce, but
charities like Caritas come and help people suffering from poverty.
Civil war still happens in Afghanistan but not in all parts, peacekeepers try to do their
best to keep the peace in the country. Australia sends soldiers to Afghanistan to help
stop the civil war.

Australian solider in Afghanistan


On a 12 year mission, 40 Australian soldiers were killed and around 26 were seriously
injured. Around 400 military personnel will remain in Afghanistan for training and
support roles, mostly in Kandahar and in Kabul, its capital.
The army service is very important to Afghanistan. With other countries declaring war
in Afghanistan or they are trying to end the civil war Afghanistan relies on its army to
keep it safe, but there are some armies (also known as rebel groups) try to conquer
Afghanistan with violence and hatred.
The average person in Afghanistan lives until the age of 42 and the average Infant
mortality Rate would be 73 out of 1000 (2012). When we compare it to Australia, it is
shocking because Australia has a very good hospital service unlike Afghanistan which
has a very bad hospital service.
Overall Australia does help Afghanistan in areas such as humanitarian aid, peace
keepers and army troops.


Exporting, Importing, the connection with other countries, especially Australia. Well
in Afghanistan the main things that they export are raw cotton, spice seeds, grapes,
and scrap iron. Who do they export to? That answer can be solved because they
export to Pakistan, India, Iran, Finland and Russia.
With all that exporting, they do need some resources for themseleves so they import,
peat, cement, wheat flours, and telephones. Again the countries that import to them
are Pakistan, Russia, China, and United States and last but not least, India.
The average person in Afghanistan makes a wage of 5,000AFN a year! That average
person would be in the farming or military industry.
If you were wondering, Australia does help Afghanistan not a lot in trade, but in army
troops and peacekeeping.

Afghanistan Jobs

BIBLIOGRAPHY Asian History- Afghanistan
Afghanistan information
food in Afghanistan
How to speak Dari -
How to speak Pashto
Australian soldiers in Afghanistan
Infant Mortality Rate:\

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