Design of Mooring System of Oil Storage Barges in Shallow Water

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Design of mooring system of oil storage barges in

shallow water
Nagasaki Technical Institute, Mit.suhishi Heavy hulustrie.s Ltd, Aktmoura-Machi, Nayasaki,
Nayasaki Shipyard, Mitsubishi Heat,y imhtstries ltd., Akunottra-Machi, Nagasaki, Japan
A floating type oil storage system has recently becn proposed as a new met hod for stockpiling
emergency petroleum reserves. In this system, floating storage barges are moored in shallow water
by dol phi ns with cell type rubber fcnders. It is essentially i mport ant to analyse the behavi our of the
barge under various external envi ronment al condi t i ons in connect i on with the moori ng filcilities
having non-linear rcsilient characteristics. A non-linear mat hemat i cal model of moored floating
storage barge is cstablished t hrough various basic approachcs and comput er simulations are
carried out and the results are discussed from the view point of practical design.
In order to eliminate the difficulty of obt ai ni ng a land site,
a floating type storage system has recently been proposed
as a new effective met hod for stockpiling emergency
petroleum reserves. For realization of this new system,
however, ut most care should be t aken of the preservation
of the nat ural envi ronment and security, t aki ng account of
economical points of view.
The system consists of a tank yard, a number of large
storage barges having a maxi mum capaci t y of about 835
km 3 moored by dolphins, a t anker sea berth, and auxiliary
facilities on the shore. The site is selected where the water
is shallow and calm due to the sheltering effect by islands.
Design of moori ng system is most i mport ant as the
storage barge is several times as large as those of existing
ships or floating bodies and fully loaded crude oil is an
extremely dangerous object. Furt her, unlike convent i onal
ships, these barges are not free to move to safer sites even
under st ormy conditions. Therefore at the initial design
stage studies on their mot i ons and moori ng forces should
be conduct ed to confirm the reliability of the moori ng
system under the severest condi t i on such as the 100 years
s t or m.
For the storage barges moored in shallow water by
dol phi ns with cell type rubber fender, a design st udy was
carried out to evaluate their security and to estimate their
mot i ons and moori ng forces under various combi nat i on
of external forces such as wind, wave, and tidal current. In
order to assist the dcsign of this system, a si mul at i on st udy
on the mot i ons and moori ng forces was made by taking
account of the effect of the shallow walcr and the rubber
fender with non-linear and hysteresis characteristics.
Model tests were conduct ed to confirm the predicted
values ofext ernal forces and of barge motions. This papcr
describes the outline of a practical design met hod of a
moori ng system for large storage barges, establishmcnt
and confi rmat i on of mat hemat i cal model including the
moori ng system and the results of si mul at i on calculation
of barge motions and moori ng forces.
Outline and special feature of mooring system
It is indispensable for a floating body, such as the
storage barge in the present case, to be moored at a certain
assigned site under any severe envi ronment al conditions,
and therefore, various kinds of moori ng systcm have
been developed and utilizcd to respond to the
requirement of moori ng apparat us with large capaci t y
and higher efficiency. Generally, recommended type of
moori ng system depends on the capacity of moori ng
forces, water depth, the length of moori ng lines, whether
or not there is a midpoint buoy or sinker, and the
t opography and the nat ure of tile sea bcd.
The principal particulars of a designed storage barge
are shown in Table 1. Accordingly it is considered t hat the
moori ng system of dol phi n with fender which has been
adopt ed for moori ng VLCC/ ULCC at existing sea berths
is suitable for such very large storage barges. After
investigating the actual circumstance of dol phi n moori ng
and exami ni ng the applicability of this system to the
storage barge, the moori ng system consi st i ng of the
dol phi n and the cell type rubber fender was selected. The
configuration of this system is as shown in Fig. 1 and the
characteristics of the rubber fcnder in Fig. 2.
The fcnder of this type has many satisfactory field
results at large sea berths and is reliable as a permanent
equipment. -l'he slope is remarkabl y large on the linear
par t , so t hat the fender has an ability to absorb the st eady
Table I. Principul particulars of storuye barye
Length 390.0 m
Breadth 97.0m
Depth 26.0 m
Designed loaded draught about 23.3 m
Sheer nil
Camber 0.5 m
Oil storage capacity about 835,000kl
No. of storage barge 7
0141-1187/~2/01004 I-1052.00
9 CMI. Publications ,'ll,plied Ocean Research, 1982, Vol. 4, No. 1 41
Design of moorin 9 system of oil str,rage baryes: II. Fujii et al.
I o * ~ , ( n s E s [ r CF u ) 3 = l ~ G s , s t & -
* ~g * ". ' Lt t _"r ~a*~( ~ ,t.,:(*
~ o . ~ ; , ; ~ * " " / , , ; ; , . i t , . , ~ " ' : " ~ "
u~Oa;%G S t S t [ ~ a t o t . [ ~ t i l l s
Figure i. Mooriny system of the storage barge
8 0 0
6 0 0
4 0 0
z o o
F ~ ' j
I 0 2 : 0 3 1 0 L 0
F e n d e r d e f l e c t i o n ( ' I , )
1 . 6 0 0
1.200 =-
,.000 g
8 0 0 ~,
6 0 0
4 0 0
z o o
5 0
Figure 2. Characteristics of rubberfi, mler (example)
loads due to wind and tidal current with small deflection.
The restoring force is kept almost const ant after the
deflection of the fender exceeds about 20% of the original
length. It is possible, therefore, to transfer the moori ng
force to the dol phi n without generation of excessive
reaction even if the fluctuating loads due to wave and
wind are supcrposed on the st eady load. With this type of
moori ng system the area of the t ank yard may be
minimized as the range of excursion of large barge is
restricted within a fairly small range. Accordingly the
connect i on of oil pipes and cables between the shore
facilities and barges may be easier and this fact will
cont ri but e to increased security of the system.
Saf,,ty assessment of mooring system
The safety assessment of the moori ng system mai nl y
depends on whether or not the nmxi mum kinetic energy of
the barge can effectively be absorbed by the allowable
deflection of the fender. It is most i mport ant , therefore, to
predict the horizontal displacements of moored barge at
the position of fenders.
The following matters shoul d be reflected in the
est i mat i on of mot i ons and forccs of the moored barge.
They are: (I) relation between the fender deflection and
the restoring force is non-linear with some hysteresis; (2) in
the floating barge system several barges are moored in
shallow water, so the effects of shallow water and of
hydr odynami c mut ual interfcrcnce between adjacent
barges arc not always negligible in the mot i ons and
moori ng forces; (3) in preparing vahtes of external forces,
the expected maxi mum values of envi ronment al
condi t i on should be obt ai ned by t aki ng account of the
effect of the t opographi cal feature of the site.
In order to predict these quantities correctly, a
mat hemat i cal model of the moored barge was established
by i nt roduci ng the characteristics of the fender which is
basically similar to the actual one. The simulation
calculations were made under the predicted
envi ronment al conditions, after the confi rmat i ons
relating t o the applicability of this model were carried out
by using the results of various fundament al model tests.
A flow chart of the investigation procedure for safety
assessment of moori ng system is shown in Fig. 3, and the
location of the supposed site is shown in Fig. 4.
Ent'iromnental conditions
Design condi t i ons of wind, wave, and tidal current were
estimated by using the various existing dat a and the
mot i ons and the moori ng forces of barge were examined
for survival condi t i on such as 100 years storm.
Envi ronment al condi t i ons wcrc det ermi ned by the
following procedures.
Maxi mum wind velocity in a year was estimated based
on the dat a of meteorological observat i ons and records
for several decades at the observatories which are located
near the site. Then, the expected value over a recurrence
period of lO0 years was predicted as the design values by
applying the doubl e exponential di st ri but i on t.
The maxi mum wave height and wave period in a year
were estimated from dat a over several decades at the
mout h of the bay near the site by use of the weat her charts
including the cxccptional meteorological disturbanccs.
The expected values over a recurrence period of I00 years
were predicted and the waves generated by the associated
storms which were considered as the severest ones to pass
near the site, were estimated by simulation. Summari zi ng
these dat a, the design wave at the mout h of the bay
: S i ' - e - _ . . . . . . . . . .
[ ~G,;;;,; ;;Cd-o; g -Of- L . . . .
' n e a r b y o b ~ r v c t o r i e s , ' ,
t . . . . . : J . . . . . . . . . .4 t ,
J l . J . . . . . . . . . "a . . . . . - . . . . . . . - - - - .
, M e t P o ~ I c x : J , c ~ l , ' w o v e end se,sm,c c o n d d , O n S l
i . i
, o v e r a r e c u r r e n c e p e r i o d o f I 0 0 y e a r s =
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . r . . . . . . . . . . . . . J
r . . . . . . . . "7". . . . . . 1[. . . . . . . . . . . . . "1
' Wo v e e x p e r t m e n 1 , s u s i n g s c a l e m o d e l J
, Of t h e s u p p o s e d s t e =
. ~- - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ : _ _ _ r _ _ . . . . - _ - _ - - - - - - - ~ "
, E = p e r ; m e n t s o n w ~ v e - b r e o k ; n g c c p a b i l i t y ,
i =
, Of b r e a k w o t e l "
L . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . J
L . . . . . . . . . . . .
, r - L - p ; , - ; ; ; g t ; % - # i , - J g g ; - ; ~ , ~ ; - - - ?
, c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s i n w i n d t u n n e l
t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ ~ 2 - 2 - 2 2 - _ 5 - : _ - - _ - ~ ]
E a p e r ; m e n t s o n s t o r a g e I : ~ r g e '=
c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s in s l " ~ l l o w w a t e r w a v e s r ' l
' l E x p e r i m c n t s on m o o r e d s t o r a g e
I b a r g e c h a r o c t e t J s t = c s i n w a v e s = [
L . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . r . . . . . ;
9 i
M o t h e r n o t ; c a l r r < > d e l o1' I
m o o r e d s t o r a g e b a r g e l -
i n s h a l o w v , o t e r w a v e s J
r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J . . . . . . "~
,J S u r v e y s o n f e n d e r c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s I I
J J -* I d a l n f l o w o f i n v e s t i g a t i o n I
" . . . . .; : B a S i C s u r v e y s a n d e x p e r i m e n t s
Figure 3. Flow chart of im'estigation
I ~ ; & ; , - t ~ p % o ~ ; V~-ulgt;o-#:
E n v l r o n m e n t o l ]
c o n d i t i o n
E~1,emol f o r c e q
o n s t o r a g e b a r g e J
1'4 u m e r ; c a I
s i m u l a t i o n s
M o t i o n s o f J
S t o r o g e b a r g e
E x t r e m e " , a l u e o f J
f e n d e r d e f l e c t ; o n
42 Applied Ocean Research, 1982, I~1. 4+ No. I
/ - h-~ ~IAI~.ANOURA O B A ~ "~ ~r
\ o
Figure 4. l ocat i on o f the supposed site
Table 2. Enri romnent al cot,ditions
l l ~ t s 1.0 m
T~t3 l0 scc
Wind 0~o 51 m/s
Tidal current V, 0.5 kn
(incident wave) was det ermi ned. The graphi cal met hod z
was applicd for t he diffraction and the refract i on of
incident waves due to the t opogr aphi cal feat ure of the
land near the site and wat er dept h, the br eakwat er which
was to be const ruct ed as well as floating barges and so on,
and the def or mat i on of waves due to these effects was
found by carryi ng out hydraul i c scale-model tests. The
rcsulting wave condi t i ons at the site were then established
as the design values.
Design values of tidal current were cstablishcd bascd on
the results of field observat i ons at the site, t aki ng account
of the change of current due to the installation of
Predi ct ed envi r onment al condi t i ons at t he site are
shown in Tabl e 2.
Equations o f motion
Defining the coor di nat e system as shown in Fig. 5, most
general forms of the equat i ons of mot i on of a floating
body moor ed in waves are written as follows3:
G s(qt,q~ . . . . . 116) = E~(t)
( 1 )
Design o f moorin9 syst em o f oil storage barges: I I . Fujii et al.
j , k suffix, represent i ng mode of mot i ons, j = 1,2, 3 . . . . . 6
cor r espondi ng to surge, sway, heave, roll, pitch and
yaw, respectively,
qk di spl acement of t he cent re of gravi t y of a floating
body in k directior,,
,'lit virtual mass or virtual mass moment of inertia,
B~j~ coefficient of wave dampi ng,
Bt'jt coefficient of viscous dampi ng,
Cjk coefficient of rest ori ng force,
G i react i ng force arising from moor i ng system due t o a
di spl acement ,
Ef t ) ext ernal force,
UA mean value of orbi t al velocity of wat er particles in
the di rect i on of the mode of mot i on,
V,k current velocity in the di rcct i on of t he mode of
mot i on.
Ej(t) consists of forces due to envi r onment al condi t i ons
and written as follows:
Ej(t) = EjA(t ) + E. / , (t )+ Ejc(t) ( 2 )
where, the suffix A, IV, and C represent the ext ernal force
due to wind, wave, and tidal current , respectively.
l l ydrodynami c coefficients
Hydr odynami c coefficients: A j k , B j k , and Cj ~, are
calculated by using the strip met hod which are widely
utilized in the field of ship hydrodynami cs. Two-
di mensi onal hydr odynami c forces can be cal cul at ed by
use of ei genfunct i on expansi on met hod "~ which is useful
for t reat i ng the behavi our of a floating body havi ng a
rect angul ar section in the finite wat er dept h. In this
met hod expansi on of velocity pot ent i al is made by
cigenfunctions cor r espondi ng t o eigenvalues det ermi ned
for the boundar y condi t i on of the free surface.
As shown in Fig. 6, mot i on of t he floating body havi ng a
t wo-di mensi onal rect angul ar section in regul ar waves is
treated. Mot i on is periodically st eady in perfect fluid and
the ampl i t ude of sur f ace waves and mot i on of the floating
body are infinitesimal. Assuming that t he fluid domai n
sur r ounded by t he surface of the floating body, wat er
bot t om, and free surface is divided into t hree regions each
of which has a velocity potential; qhe i~'t, q~l=c ~''', and ~pme i''t,
respectively, where qh, ~P,, and qh,J are obt ai ned as the
t ~
l T ~ T
a. x
0 Mooring point
Profile z [ 5 e c t i o L 1 0 ~ O + p
& / 4 , r , l . . ~ , / . / . A , , ~ K / ~ - i . / < , , A ' ~ I . I , A A A / . ~ & I t A & A P , , ~ , t A ~ A , A & A ~ . ~ t ~ . / 4 , I i , .1~ , ' 4 ~ 7 ~
Figure 5. Coordinate syst em
Appl i ed Ocean Research, 1982, I~l. 4, No. I 43
Design of mooring system of oil storage barges: I I . Fujii et al.
Y 0 .,"x
' h I
~ . z b :_
m I ] I
A A A/ A/ A AA A/ A/ A/ A A A/ A/ AA s s A ~A/h,/A A 14,
Figure 6. Coordinate system (two-dimensional problem)
s ol ut i ons sat i sf yi ng t he Lapl ace e q u a t i o n a nd b o u n d a r y
condi t i ons . Thes e s ol ut i ons can be wr i t t en as fol l ows:
c os h k(- + h )
t A ~ i k ( . v - b ) , 1 2 ~ - i k ( ~ , ' + b ) ~
~. C, , e_ k,,,~r_ b~cos km(z+h)
,, = t c os kmh (3)
/ t t c os h Ry si nh R y )
9H = 2_,1 , ~ + l , - : - - v - , cos R ( z - d ) +
,=ok. cos n , o s mn R-b
2.h ~ ( - l)~cosh l q ( z + h ) ( . . [ h \ 2 . s i nl qy' l
. . . . )
O, =oUqn) st un q21qn (
( 4 )
~ o , . = J e i ~ + b~c~ k(z + h )
c e s h kh + ~" L"#k"~r+b~COS km(z+h)
,,= t cos kmh
wher e
b hal f b r e a d t h of bar ge,
d dr af t of bar ge,
h wa t e r dept h,
(,tp c ompl e x a mpl i t ude s of heavi ng a nd
r espect i vel y,
~o ci r cul ar f r equency of mot i on.
k a nd km ar e ei genwdues de t e r mi ne d by t he f ol l owi ng
equat i ons :
Oj 2
- - - k t anh kh = 0
O) 2
- - + k m t anh kmh = 0
and, A c o r r e s p o n d s t o t he i nci dent wave, B t he refl ect ed
wave, J t he t r a ns mi t t e d wave, C,, a nd L,,, s cat t er ed wave.
H, a nd I , a r e a r bi t r a r y c ons t a nt s a nd
It, = (2S + l ) n/ 2b
02 = l - d/h
R = rrtffl,h
The u n k n o wn c ons t a nt s B, J , C,,,, L,,,, H, , a nd I,, in t he
vel oci t y pot ent i al s ar e de t e r mi ne d by t he c ont i nui t y
c ondi t i ons at t he b o u n d a r y of adj acent r egi on a nd t he
b o u n d a r y c ondi t i ons at t he si de sur f ace of f l oat i ng body.
Fo r t he r a di a t i on pr obl e m t he s ol ut i on can be o b t a i n e d by
use of t hese vel oci t y pot ent i al s.
Usi ng t he r a di a t i on pot ent i al s obt a i ne d by t he a bove -
me nt i one d me t hod, each h y d r o d y n a mi c coeffi ci ent can
easi l y be cal cul at ed. Ra di a t i on forces f or t wo- di me ns i ona l
f l oat i ng b o d y ar e r epr es ent ed as fol l ows:
Heavi ng; F u = iwp f ~Pn[:=-e:.
- b
( 8 )
Swayi ng;
Fs= iwp f (~Pml, = - b - r =b)dz
- d
Ro l l i n g ;
b 0
- b - d
~0,lr = b)(z - zc)d z I
Ti l e ( added ma s s / a d d e d mas s mo me n t of i nert i a) is
obt a i ne d f r om t he real par t a nd t he d a mp i n g coeffi ci ent
f r om t he i ma gi na r y pa r t of t hese f or c e s / mome nt s . The
s wa y d a mp i n g B~2 is s hown in Fig. 7 as an e xa mpl e of
h y d r o d y n a mi c coeffi ci ent s.
External forces due to wave, wind, and tidal current
|l~tt'e excitinq forces and wave drifting forces:
Usi ng Br e t s c h n e i d e r - Mi t s u y a s u ' s wa ve s p e c t r u m 5, t he
i nci dent i r r egul ar wa ve a mpl i t ude is r epr es ent ed as
fol l ows:
~ ( t ) = ~ a , , , c o s ( o . , , , t + e , . ) ( 1 1 )
Sway dampi ng
: h / d : 1.3
- - ~ : h / d = 2 . 1
I 1
0 1.0 2.0
Dimensionless f requency ( ~ a = ~ ?" ~ - ' )
Figure 7. Sway damping coefficient
44 Applied Ocean Resem'ch, 1982, Vol. 4, No. 1
a,,, = 0.3536H 1/3 A! - 1/2,
w,, = 6.33T?/.~[ln 2M/ ( 2m- 1)] - 1/.,
e,. = 2npm,
11113 significant wave height,
Zl l 3 significant wave period,
p,,, r andom number between 0 and I.
External force due to wave, E j , ( t ) , is assumed to consist of
the wave exciting force, E~,.~(t), and wave drifting force,
E~,.2(t), t hat is,
Ej,,(t) = Ej,,.,(t) + E;,.2(t) (I 2)
E~w~(t) is represented by using the wave exciting force
:tue to a regular wave having unit ampl i t ude, Em.t(o~,.),
and its phase, 6i,,,, as follows:
E./wl(t)= ~ amEj,,'x(o~,,) c o s ( m m t + e , , + 6 i , , ) (13)
r a =l
~vhere, E~,a(co,.) and 6~,. can be obt ai ned by the strip
method, based on the wave exciting forces for a two-
:limensional floating body calculated by use of eigen-
~'unction expansion met hod t aki ng account of water
:tepth. Wave exciting forces for a t wo-di mensi onal
]oari ng body are rigorously represented according to the
Haskind formul a 6 by using the solution of the above-
:nentioned radi at i on problem, i.e.
Heaving: Fu = pgh~oAnei "/ 2 (14)
Swaying: F s = pgh ~ o f t sei"12 (15)
Rolling: M = pgbh~ofiRei~/2 (I 6)
2k h ) t anh k h
a = 1 --I sinh 2k h
03 2
/ ~ o = - - h
An, As , AR is ratio of complex ampl i t ude of the generated
waves to that of heaving, swaying, and rolling,
E~, a( t ) in oblique waves may be approxi mat el y
estimated under the following assumptions:
i1) heaving force at each section does not change for wave
direction t hough phase difference of incident wave is
taken into consideration;
12)sway force and roll moment result from the
cont ri but i on of lateral component s of oblique wave,
and surging force from Fr oude- Kr i l of f force.
E m i t ) is represented by the value for the equivalent
regular wave which has a wave length correspondi ng to
twice the length between the two adjacent zero crossings
along the time sequence of irregular waves, and drifting
?'orce for regular waves is calculated by use of Maruo' s
Desi gn o f moori ng s y s t e m o f oi l s t or age barges: H . Fuj i i et al.
fornmla 7 t aki ng account ofvcater dept h 8. That is, in beam
wa ve s
[ E 2 . ' 2 ( t ) ] , = ~ p o L ~ ] i ( 1 4 sinTl2kJ'2-kJ, J t'~' 1 _ (!~' ]2], (17) \~. Ai ] )
and in head waves
[EI..2(t)],=89 [ I + 2k , h . [r
p density of sea water,
9 acceleration of gravity,
L length of floating body,
B breadt h of floating body,
(A~ ampl i t ude of incident wave,
(T. ampl i t ude of transnfitted wave,
ki wave number,
h water depth.
E~w2(t) in oblique waves may be roughl y estimated by
the following met hod because it is very difficult to obt ai n
the values by model experiment. That is, wave drifting
forces in x and y directions are obt ai ned from those in
beam waves or head waves multiplied by s i n/ t or ' cos / t ,
respectively, where I~ is the angle between wave direction
and x axis.
l Vi ml loads:
The wind velocity U~0(t), the value at 10 m height above
sea surface, can be represented by sum of the mean
velocity 010 and the fluctuating velocity u(t); i.e.
Ul o(t )= 01o+U(t) (19)
and u(t) may be represented by use of Davenport
spectrum 9 as follows:
u(t) = ~ b . c o s ( w. t + e.) (20)
b . = 0 . 1 8 9 7 0 1 o N - I f 2
m . = O l o / 1 9 1 . O [ { 2 N / ( 2 N - 2 n + 1)} 3 - 1] 1/2
t . = 2 n p . (p.; r andom number between 0 and 1)
Wind loads are then given by:
E l a ( t ) = ( 1 / 2 ) p a H L { O lO + U(t)} 2Cx
E2 A(t) = ( 1 / 2 ) p a HL{ O I o + u(t)} 2 Cr
E3A(t) =0
E4A(t) = - - E2a(t) z*
Esa(t) = - E l A(t) z*
E6a(t) = (I/2)pAHL 2 { U lo + H(/)} 2 Cm
C~, drag coefficient of barge in x direction,
C r drag coefficient of barge in y direction,
C,,, moment coefficient of barge about z axis
PA density of air.
H freeboard of barge,
z* height of centre of wind pressure from C G of barge.
Appl i e d Ocean Re s e ar c h, 1982, I~l . 4, No . 1 45
Design o f moori ng s ys t em o f oil st orage barges: I I . l.'ujii et al.
< Z.0
E 1.0
Sway a mp l i t u d e
( Ca l c u l a t e d ) ( Measur ed)
0 0 : h / d :1.1
- - - - [ ] : h i d :1.3
- - . - - A : h i d : 3.0
C][ Beam s e a c o n d i t i o n
\ 1
0 t . 0 2.0
t l ; . ' a32 8. B. %
Oi mens ; onl es s f r e q u e n c y ' ~ T s " g " l 1
Fi gure 8. Barge mot i on in shal l ow wat er waves
In connection with the drag coefficients, there are many
experimental data for pure rcctangular prisms placed in
uniform flow. I lowevcr, for a storage barge floating on sea
surface, the drag coefficients are affected by many factors
such as vertical distribution of wind velocity, camber and
projections on deck of barge, and mutual interference
with the adjacent barges. Therefore, model experiments in
wind tunnel were carried out under the given condition on
the vertical distribution of wind velocity and the drag
coefficients were obtained by taking the above-mentioned
factors into consideration.
Ext er nal f or c e s due to tidal cm'rent:
External forces due to tidal current are given as:
= 2pBd V,~C,~ Eldt) t 2
- - I I 2
E,c(t ) - 2pLd I o.Co.
C, , , C o. drag coefficients in x and y directions,
/ /
l~x,l o. x and y components of current velocity,
Referring to the existing data the values of C~x and C o.
were determined as 2.0 for enst, ring the safety of mooring
Rest ori ng f or c e s due to rubber f e ml e r s
Restoring forces due to rubber fenders are defined as
follows based on the reaction, R, which is a function of
horizontal displaccmcnt at mooring point of barge, q*.
R = f ( ~ ) ( 2 3 )
w h e r e
=q* - C
f(r deformation characteristics of rubber fender,
C clearance between the side wall of barge and the face
plate attached to the rubber fender.
The determination of f(r should be made by taking the
principal characteristics; hysteresis and properties for
atmospheric temperature etc.
Tank t est s in waves
In order to confirm the applicability of mathematical
model of moored floating body described in the previous
section, various fundamental model tests were carried out
at Nagasaki Experimental Tank.
Inf l uence o f wat er dept h
Dynamic responses of the floating barge having large
breadth/draft ratio were obtained in beam waves for three
cases of water depth/draft ratio by using a 1/87 scaled
model. As an example, measured sway amplitudes are
shown in Fig. 8 comparing with ones calculated by the
eigcnfunction expansion method. The calculated values
show good agreement with the measured ones, and
therefore it may be confirmed that hydrodynamic forces
and wave exciting forces can be estimated by this
calculation method taking account of shallow water
effects. Measured wave drifting forces are shown in Fig. 9
comparing with ones calculated by use of Maruo's
formula taking the shallow water effect into
consideration, in which the values analysed from the
measued amplitudes of transmitted wave are also plotted.
For the wave drifting force the calculated values show
good agreement with the measured ones.
inflftence o f moori ng s ys t em
Ft, ndamental tank tests were conducted for both free
and moored barge model to obtain the effects of the
( Ca l c u l a t e d ) ( Me a s u r e d )
(I ) 0 (Z)--O-: h / d = 1.1
~ - - r l "0--" h / d = t 3
A " ~ ' ; h / d = 3. 0
Z 0
t ( 1 ) Anol i zt ~l wi t h measur ed d r i f t , f o r c e
, 0
C~ ~ 121 An a l i z e d wi t h " measur ed t r a n s mi t t e d
wo v e a mp l i t ude
E -12
" O- Be a m sea condition
,t "O- "O- O
- 1 . 0
1.0 Z0
o - ' 2
F i g u r e 9. Wave d r i f t i n g f o r c e i n s l f a l l o w wa t e r war es
46 Appl i ed Ocean Research, 1982, iqd. 4, No. I
Sway a m p l i t u d e
( C a l c u t o l e d ) (Measured)
0 ; Free model
CI ; Moored model
B e a m s e a c o n d t t l o n
I '
o F - - T - - - '
0 LO 2.0
D i m e n s i o n l e s s f r e q u e n c y ( ~ B = --~
"igure 10. Barge mot i on in moored condi t i on
B r e a k w a t e r
{ T, / l = l O S )
.o - % , , , / , , , , , , ,
Htv D " Wave height with \ ..'"
b r e a k w a t e r " ~ . . ' ' "
HI,/j)0: Wave height lot No.I ."
, "
Tank) without ,-
br eakwat er , "
F(y.~); M o o r i n g f o r c e wi t h b r e c k w q t e , "
F t v l ) o : M o o r i n g f o r c e l N o . I T a n k )
w i t h o u t b r e a k w a t e r
o I I I I I I I
1 Z 3 4 5 6 7
T o n k NO.
"igure I I. Effect o f hydrodynami c i nt eract i on on moori ng
~rce in irregular waves
roari ng system on the barge mot i ons in waves.
ixperiments were carried out in deep wat er waves by
sing a 1/87 scaled model. An exampl e of test rcsults is
hown in Fig. I0 compar ed with the calculated ones.
"heorctical cal cul at i ons on the mot i ons of moor ed barge
' ere made by use of the equat i ons of mot i on of floating
ody to which the t erm of rest ori ng force due to t he
1oaring system is added. The calculated results show
god agreement with the measured ones, and t herefore it
~ay be confi rmed that the equat i ons of mot i on of moor ed
ody can be represent ed by equat i on (1).
I ~uence r f hydrodynami c i nt eract i on
Mot i ons of moor ed barges are affected by the
ydr odynami c i nt eract i ons with the adjacent barges and
ae breakwat ers provi ded at t wo sides ar ound the site. A
trge scale model test in shallow wat er was carri ed out to
valuate these effccts. Seven 1/87 scaled barge model s
~ere arranged in parallel and the t opographi cal feature of
Design o f moori ng s ys t em o f oil st orage barges: ! ! . Fzqii et al.
the site was r oughl y si mul at cd and the br eakwat er was
arrangcd at the front of tank yard.
Effcct of hydr odynami c i nt eract i on on moor i ng force in
i rregul ar waves are shown in Fig. 11 as an cxample. Thi s
Fi gure shows the rat i o of moor i ng force for each barge,
where the moor i ng force at the weat her side of the barge
fitcing the on- comi ng wave wi t hout br eakwat er was t aken
as the base value of t he ratio. Fr om this Figurc, it is found
that the effect of t he br eakwat er appears to be r emar kabl e
as the hydr odynami c i nt eract i on and the moor i ng force at
each barge is effectively minimized by the sheltering effcct
of the barges. Based on this evidence a moor i ng system
may be safely designed by estimating the mot i ons of an
isolatcd bargc under the wave condi t i ons cstablished in
the previous section.
Hhul t mmel t est
Wind loads acting on the floating barge have to be
established by t aki ng account of the effects of the vertical
di st ri but i on of wind velocity, the effect of t he shape of the
abarge above the load wat er line, and the effcct of
hydr odynami c i nt eract i on with adjacent barges. Wind
tunnel tests were conduct ed by use of 1/250 scaled barge
models to obt ai n the t hree component s of wind l oads in
hori zont al pl ane and to investigate the above- ment i oned
effects. At t achi ng the model on a fiat plate cor r espondi ng
to sea surface, forces and moment were measured on the
appr oxi mat ed wind velocity di st ri but i on t o the l / 7t h
power law.
Wind forces and moment coefficients for an isolated
st orage barge are shown in Fig. 12 and effects of
hydr odynami c i nt cract i on in Fig. 13. Fr om these results
thc safety of moor i ng system may be assured by adopt i ng
the wind loads for an isolated st orage barge as the dcsign
Fl oat i ng barges are moor ed by dol phi ns with fenders
havi ng non-l i near characteristics and exposed to ext ernal
c x }
1.0 0.2
Cx Cy Cm
0 ,'~ El
9 9 9
Half Iooded(ZH/B.O./7)
- - - - Ful l loaded(ZH/B=O.O55)
05 f w , o d
O ~ fdeq) "Bcy
Fi gure 12. If md forc~ s and momt nt coefficients (an i sol at ed
st orage barge
Appl i ed Ocean Research, 1982, I~1. 4, No. I 47
Design of mooring system of oil storage bm'yes: f t . Fnjii et al.
C x
Cx Cy Cm w i n d ~
o , , . F . : o , ; 1
C m W I ru::l ; t ~ : 0 . 1 7 r,
~ \ Barge for
Cv (Isol ated storoqe Ixlrqe ) "-~ measurement
30 60
I s o l a t e d storage barge.~)
~90 ( deg )
\Crnllsotoled storc,~e bc, r~e)
Figure 13. Bi nd forces and mo me n t coefficients influenced
by hydrodynumic interaction
T~ible 3. Conditions of basic simulation study
L x B x D 3 9 0 mx 9 7 m x 2 6 m
d(h/d) 14.2 m (2.1)
KG 8m
GM 50m
K, , / B 0.34
K), / L 0.30
K: : / L 0.30
irregularly fluctuating forces. At the design stage
therefore, safety of mooring system should be confirmed
for every important aspect by making cstimates of the
complicated behaviour of a barge under the severest
conditions. Applicability of the mathematical model on
motions of a moored floating body to the floating barge
was confirmed by a series of fundamental experiments.
Accordingly it was possible to simulate the behaviour of a
moored barge for all environmental conditions prcdicted.
Numerical analysis
Using the cquations of motion (l), time series of the
motion of the moored barge can be calculated for the
principal dimensions of barge, the characteristics of
mooring system, and the environmental external forces.
The Runge-Kutta-Gill method is used and the
integration interval was selected as 0.2 sec after checking
the accuracy of computation and the calculation time (500
sec for 1 case) to prevent the accumulation of error in
numerical calculations.
Regarding the llydrodynanlic coefficients each of which
is a function of frequency of motion, the values
corresponding to the frcquency at the peak in the powcr
spectrum of external forccs were used in computations. In
this case, whether or not the frcquency used corresponds
to the one which governs the motions of barge was
checked by making spectrum analysis for the time series of
motions obtained by computations. The effect of viscous
damping was ignorcd in the prescnt numerical calcu-
hitions bccausc the motion of barge is limited by the
dolphin mooring and the velocities of wave and tidal
current are sufficiently small. In the prediction of extreme
values of displacement of the barge at the fender position,
the expected maximum value in 1000 observations was
adopted. This value corresponds to the extreme value in
the duration ofabout 3 h, provided that the motion period
of barge is about 10 sec tinder severe environmental
condition such as in a violent storm.
Numerical calculations were carried out by using data
relating to the environmental conditions shown in Table 2,
the principal particulars of the barge being shown in
Table 3. Three types offender characteristics are shown in
Fig. 14 and were used to evaluate the characteristics of
adopted fender. The arrangement of the mooring system
is as shown in Fig. 5, in which I= 135 (m) and p= 1 (m)
were used.
Results of calculation
Figure 15 shows an example of numerical simulations
of the basic characteristics of the moored barge with non-
linear fenders. Calculations were made by assuming that
wind, wave, and tidal current act simultaneously in the
lateral dircction, normal to the barge.
Figure 15(a)shows the time histories of irregular waves
~(t), fluctuating wind velocity u(t), reaction force offender
R(t), and lateral displacement at mooring point Y(t), using
the fcnder characteristics of type I shown in Fig. 14.
Figure 15(b) shows the distribution of maximum value of
Y(t) for three different types of mooring fender
characteristics where number of data is No and n is
frequency. Figure 15(c) also shows Y(t) for variations of
combinations of external force in the case of the type I
From these results, the following observations can be
(1) Type 1, constant reaction type fender, shows almost
the same degree of distribution of maximum value of
Y(t) as the type 3, linear spring, and it leads to a
smaller motion than that for type 2. The adoption of
mooring systems having the characteristics of a large
restoring force slope in small the deflection range is
effective in reducing the displacement of barge under
large wind loads.
(2) The displacement of the barge in the case of type 1 is
almost equivalent to that of type 3. The reaction force
Type3 : . L i n e a r . I k= 2Z~__~_I _}
~ - -
/ Typel : Adopted fender
r /////
~ Cleo rc, r,c
o 1,000
F - - m
} so
i o l I /
, , , ,
0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
displacement at moori r~ poi nt ( I M)
L I I I 9
0 0.5 i.0 1.5 2.0 ?.5
Deflection (M}
Fiyure 14. Characteristics of moorinq system used in basic
"simulation study
48 Applied Ocean Research, 1982 Vol. 4, No. 1
Design of mooriny system of o i l storaye Imryes: II. l"ujii et a l .
Y( m) ( a ) Record example of numer i cal s i mu l a t i o n
o J Di spl acement at moor i ng poi nt
z 0.~
0. 4 ~
0. 3
O . B
O , Z
Rl t o n ) Re a c t i o n f o r c e o f f ender O.l
Fl uc t uat i ng wi nd vel oci t y Ut m/ s )
" I 0 F
~( m)
W o v e hei ght
- 0. 5 F
I ! 1 t I
0 250 Time (sec) 500
c~O. 5
( b) Di stri buti On of maxi mum valt.~S Of Y{ t )
I Et f e c t by char act er , st i es Of re~. l ori ng f or ce)
Type 3
. / ype 1
0. 5 LO
f " : 1 , , ~ - - ~
15 2.0
Yn',o ~ IMI
(C) Di st r i but i on at maxi mum val ues at Y ( t )
( E f f e c t by char act er i st i cs of ext er nal f or ce)
Wind I~ l i doI cur r ent
F' ( i Fender : Type I
I k1
i i . . - ,
i , I
! ' , L - I - I l l i - - ]
0.5 1.0 t.S
Ymax ( M)
Figure 15. Results of mmlerical calculations on the basic characteristics of moored barge
o I
I, 3/-E-
Pe~Ktei~h (l;'~t r ibut ion
I I I I r',g..L I I
vs I M)
Fi.qure 16. Distribution of maximum displacement at
moorin9 point of barye
of fender cor r espondi ng to the maxi mum
di spl acement in the case of t ype 1 can be smaller t han
t hat in case of t ype 3 as shown in Fig. 14. Accordingly,
in or der to reduce the displaccmcnt wi t hout
gencrat i on of excessive react i on t he const ant react i on
type fender is effcctive.
(3) Barge mot i ons and moor i ng forces change
r emar kabl y dependi ng on the combi nat i on of
ext ernal forces. A si mul at i on st udy is therefore,
indispensable in estimating the compl i cat ed non-
linear behavi our of moor ed barges under vari ous
envi r onment al ext ernal condi t i ons.
Figure 16 shows an exampl e of a cal cul at i on carri cd out
to estimate the maxi mum displacement at a moor i ng
point under t he cstablishcd envi r onment al ext ernal
condi t i on at the site. The condi t i on assumed was that
wave and cur r ent act in the lateral di rect i on and wind acts
in a di rect i on 30 degrees to ),-axis t aki ng into
consi derat i on the effect of moment which may give severe
condi t i on for the lee side fender. In this Figure, m is the
mean value of i nst ant aneous hori zont al di spl acement at a
moor i ng point and ~ is root mean square value of
ampl i t ude of hori zont al displacement. Fur t her mor e the
di st ri but i on of the maxi mum value of hori zont al
displacement shows a fairly good agreement with the
t heoret i cal Rayleigh di st ri but i on. In accor dancc with t he
Rayleigh di st ri but i on, therefore, 1/1000 expect ed
maxi mum value of ) he hori zont al di spl acement of moor ed
barge is predi ct ed appr oxi mat el y 1~ as:
m + 2.738 v / E = 0.759 + 2.738 x 0.142 = I. 15 (m) (24)
Thi s value cor r esponds to the cont r act i on of 0.65 m for the
adopt ed fender and is equivalent to 22~ of the original
length of fender.
A mat hemat i cal model of the mot i on of a moor ed floating
barge was established by si mul at i ng the moor i ng system
to be adopt ed for a full scale st orage barge and digital
comput at i on results were present ed for tile prescribed
envi r onment al condi t i on. It is concl uded that:
(1) The time domai n si mul at i on st udy using tile
established mat hemat i cal model is found to be
ext remel y useful and effective in anal ysi ng the
behavi our of a moor ed barge, as it is possible for
mat hemat i cal model t o take account of t he compl ex
Applied Ocean Research, 1982, I~1. 4, No. I 49
Desi gn o f moori ng s y s t e m ~ oi l st orage barges: I I . Fuj i i et al.
( 2 )
c ha r a c t c r i s t i c s o f mo o r i n g s ys t e m a n d t he c o mb i n e d
i r r e g u l a r c xt e r na l forces.
J u d g i n g f r om t he s i mu l a t i o n r esul t s, t he c o n s t a n t
r e a c t i on t ype f ender is hi ghl y effect i ve i n mo o r i n g t he
l ar ge b a r g e si nce it c a n pr e ve nt exces s i ve mo o r i n g
r e a c t i on as wel l as ba r ge d i s p l a c e me n t t h r o u g h
effect i ve a b s o r p t i o n of t he ki ne t i c e n e r g y o f t he ba r ge
u n d e r t he sever est e n v i r o n me n t a l c o n d i t i o n s .
Th e a t t t hor s wi sh t o expr es s t he i r g r a t i t u d e t o Pr of . Dr . S.
Mo t o r a of T o k y o Uni ve r s i t y f or hi s c o n t i n u o u s
e n c o u r a g e me n t a n d pe r t i ne nt a dvi c e a n d t o t he
a u t h o r i t i e s of t he Por t a n d I I a r b o u r Re s e a r c h I n s t i t u t e of
t he Mi n i s t r y of Tr a n s p o r t in J a p a n f or t he i r ki nd g u i d a n c e
a n d e a r ne s t di s c us s i on in t hi s pr oj ect . Al l me mb e r s who
a r e c o n c e r n e d wi t h t hi s pr oj e c t a r e gr a t e f ul l y
a c k n o wl e d g e d .
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50 Appl i ed Ocean Researcl t , 1982, VoL 4, No. 1

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