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H Charlotte becomes a coatings mecca
this week as experts from around the
globe arrive for the American Coatings
Conference (ACC) and American Coat-
ings Show (ACS). The United States
leading industry event, the ACS and
ACC provide attendees with an unpar-
alleled opportunity to check out the
latest innovations and exchange ideas.
Nearly 100 high-level technical papers
were selected for the ACC, which attract-
ed 876 registered attendees, compared to
736 in 2008. We are excited that atten-
dance has grown, says Cheryl Matthews
of the American Coatings Association.
Its terric to have such strong support
from the major industry players.
The ACS is similarly off to a promis-
ing start. More than 3,000 people pre-
registered for the show with many more
expected to arrive in the coming days.
There are 328 exhibitors compared to
331 in 2008. Despite the tough econom-
ic climate, exhibitor numbers are hold-
ing steady, says Friederike Plasswich
of Vincentz Network. The strong pre-
registration gures suggest that overall
attendance will surpass 2008 numbers.
The events leading reputation is re-
ected by its growing globalism. In 2008
the ACS attracted attendees from 48
countries; people from 61 nations pre-
registered this year, with visitors hailing
from places as far as New Zealand and
Brazil. The last two years have been dif-
cult, says Dirk Ebener of Nuremberg
Messe North America. But the global
attendance and the positive mood on the
exhibition oor suggest that the industry
is focusing on growth.
Charlotte: A Coatings Mecca
Attendees and exhibitors ock to the second american coatings show
The American Coatings Show and Conference a great place to meet with international industry experts and exchange ideas
An Unforgettable
Experience ......................... 3
Greening Trends
Will Open up Markets ....... 6
Most Dominant Trend
is Simplication ..............14
Product Presentations
Today ................................. 22
It is Crucial to Locate
Development Patners ...... 15
Visitor Info Centers ........ 19
f o r mu l a t e . ma n u f a c t u r e . ma r k e t . p a i n t . l i v e .
Paint formulators throughout North America are telling us that
EcoVAE emulsions are the foundation for a new generation
of consumer pleasing, eco-friendly paints. After just over a
year in the market, they have found that EcoVAE strikes the
balance that everyone has been looking for in making high
quality, high performing, people-friendly products.
Is it time you discovered the next generation low VOC emulsion
that everyone in the industry is talking about?
Find the balance youre looking for.
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Your future is our focusworldwide.
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SHOW AND CONFERENCE Daily 1 | April 13, 2010

hm_841_AZ Mini ACS_UK_60x60_LS 1 17.03.2010 11:16:16 Uhr
CoAtex ad 3-5-10.qxp 3/5/2010 12:59 PM Page 1
Show 2010 | Daily 1
New iPhone App for ACS
A new iPhone App is available free of
charge. It allows your to interact with lead-
ing suppliers of
raw materials,
equipment and
services. The
app also helps
to nd the com-
panies loca-
tions at the show
and to plan your
days on the AC
Show oor.
for American Coatings Show
now available:
Source: Frank Boxler & Heiko Stahl/NrnbergMesse
years event, bringing
to life concepts that
have been the focus
of our industrys re-
search and develop-
ment efforts.
At the beginning of 2010, NPCA/FSCT
took on a new name and new identity
the American Coatings Association (ACA).
Our new mission not only encompasses
advocacy on regulatory, legislative, and
judicial matters, but also emphasizes sci-
ence and technology education and profes-
sional development. We are condent that
the changes we are making today will allow
us to serve the industry even better now
and into the future.
Ladies and gentlemen, I am honored
to welcome you to the second American
Coatings Show at the Charlotte Conven-
tion Center. Just as the 2008 ACS offered
the industry an international forum in
which participants could conduct busi-
ness, network, and learn about new prod-
ucts, we are poised to offer you an unfor-
gettable experience this year.
The learning began yesterday with the
American Coatings Conference, and
the show is an extension of that expe-
rience. Some of the latest products and
new technologies are showcased at this
An Unforgettable Experience
J. Andrew Doyle,
President American Coatings Association

WACK954_10.75x15_0237.indd 1
Christopher M.
and CEO
The Sherwin-
The Sherwin-Williams Company
is proud to support the American
Coatings Show 2010. ACS will
gather the major players of the
coatings industry under one roof.
We are looking forward to excellent
networking opportunities and the
latest technical knowledge. Im sure
the show will set future trends within
the American coatings industry.
Chuck Bunch,
and CEO
PPG Industries
At PPG, our attendees at the
American Coatings Show are looking
forward to learning more about the
dynamic trends that are shaping our
industry. We expect that the show will
enable us to renew our relationships
with our supply chain partners. In
addition, the exhibits will provide us
with the opportunity to stay on top of
new products, market initiatives and
technical developments that will help
PPG grow as the leading coatings
and specialty products company.
Vice President
Coatings &
The world is emerging out of a
deep recession, and this is the time
to capture the growth that will fol-
low with innovative products and
solutions. For our coating business,
the American Coatings Show 2010
will be the perfect one-stop event
to visit and get updated on all the
innovative offerings in the industry.
Erik Bouts,
Paints LLC
AkzoNobel is proud to be afliated
with the American Coatings Show.
As the preeminent forum for shar-
ing industry knowledge, science and
technology, the show offers manu-
facturers and suppliers an invaluable
opportunity to work collaboratively in
advancing the ever-changing coatings
industry. It's a must-attend event.
Great Expectations
H Members of the industry highly appreciate the second edition of the American
Coatings Show. Below, representatives of ACA share their endorsements for the
most important coatings event in North America and state their expectations in
terms of the benets of the show.
I invite you to come see us at booth
# 731, where youll nd informative litera-
ture, online demonstrations, and a few
fun things as well.
Thank you for joining ACA, Vincentz
Network, and NrnbergMesse for this ex-
citing industry event!
More Than an Exhibition
ACS offers additional features for the coatings industry
H The American Coatings Show the
leading North American trade fair for the
coatings industry will take place from
April 13-15, 2010, at the Charlotte Conven-
tion Center in Charlotte, NC. More than
300 exhibitors will showcase their latest
innovations for the coatings industry. But
ACS is more than an exhibition and has
many other features to offer as well.
ACS offers a complete portfolio for the
production of high-grade, competitive
coatings, paints, sealants, construction
chemicals and adhesives; coating raw
materials (binders, solvents, pigments,
llers, additives); laboratory, production
equipment and packaging equipment;
testing and measuring equipment; en-
vironmental protection and safety at
work; and services. The show oor has
additional space reserved for exhibitors
product presentations. Speakers share
and explain performance and technol-
ogy details, as they present their new
products to attendees.
New: the university Village
New at ACS is the University Village.
It has been created to highlight univer-
sity and student involvement and sup-
port. Eight universities and societies
have accepted the offer of a complimen-
tary booth at the show and will present
posters as well: the Cleveland Coatings
Society, the University of Mississippi,
The AC Show Floor Hours:
Tuesday, April 13
from 09:00 am to 05:00 pm
Wednesday, April 14
from 09:00 am to 05:00 pm
Thursday, April 15
from 09:00 am to 03:00 pm
the Piedmont Society for Coatings Tech-
nology, the Pacic Northwest Society
for Coatings Technology, Eastern Michi-
gan University, the Southern Society for
Coatings Technology, Missouri Univer-
sity of Science & Technology, as well as
RadTech The Association for UV & EB
The AC Market Navigator
With its new online tool AC Market Nav-
igator, exhibitors, as well as the latest
products and technologies can be found
at a glance. The navigator also allows at-
tendees to create an interactive plan for lo-
cating exhibitors, making appointments,
and sharing information with colleagues.
ACS is held biannually. In 2008, 5,600
industry attendees from 48 countries at-
tended the ACS premiere.
A complete list of all exhibitors with
booth numbers is available online:

WACKERs dispersions, binders, resins, additives and elastomeric materials for most every
conceivable (and inconceivable) coating application are being showcased at the American Coatings
Show. Speak with our technical experts about how WACKER can help build sustainable solutions
into your products performance and appearance.
See us at the American Coatings Show, booth #2408, and put our innovative solutions and global
knowledge to work for you.
Wacker Chemical Corporation, 3301 Sutton Road, Adrian, MI 49221, USA
TEL: +1 888 922 5374, FAX: +1 517 264 4068,
Wacker Chemie AG, Hanns-Seidel-Platz 4, 81737 Mnchen, Germany
TEL: +49 89 6279 0, FAX: +49 89 6279 1770,
WACK954_10.75x15_0237.indd 1 3/8/10 4:23:08 PM
P&G and CCP joined forces to further innovation
AC Conference 4
H The Charlotte Convention Center
ballroom was a buzz yesterday as coat-
ings experts assembled for the ofcial
launch of the 2010 American Coatings
Conference (ACC). This years event
exceeded expectations: 876 people
registered for the conference, up from
736 in 2008; the 96 presentation slots
attracted 226 abstracts. In addition, 46
research teams were invited to submit
posters for informal discussion.
Following brief introductions, hosts
Steve Sides of the American Coatings
Association (ACA), and Sonja Schulte of
Vincentz Network, invited guest speak-
ers Dennis Ryer of Cook Composites &
Polymers (CCP), Bob Enouen of Procter &
Gamble (P&G), and Ken Perry of BASF, to
deliver keynote presentations.
In the rst talk, Enouen and Ryer dis-
cussed a groundbreaking collaboration
between PG&E and CCP to produce new
sucrose ester alkyd resins for low VOC
coatings applications. They explained
how their companies overcame techni-
cal challenges to make products that are
not only green but also outperform tradi-
tional solventbased alkyds. Together,
we were able to create more value than
we could have done alone, said Enouen.
Our skill sets were complementary and
we shared a common goal and vision.
Perrys presentation focused on sustain-
ing innovation in difcult times. He spoke
about the impact of the recession on the
automotive coatings sector and urged or-
ganizations to keep innovation and sus-
tainability at the heart of their strategies
by developing strong leadership, stream-
lining processes and adopting a strategic
market focus. When times are tough,
companies tend to cut projects with long-
term returns in order to save money in the
short-term, said Perrry. But the best
time to innovate is when everyone else is
cutting back.
Sustaining the Future of Coatings
Conference keynote speeches highlight sustainability, partnerships and innovation
This is my rst visit to the American
Coatings Conference. I hope to
get new insights into the latest
technologies and applications from
being here especially with regards
to colors and nanoparticles. We are
focused on educating ourselves
as we are looking to develop new
products. Listening to the specialists
introducing their technical solu-
tions is a big opportunity for me.
Keith Saunders,
Newell Rubbermaid
My expertise is in coalescence
architectural and light industrial
coatings, so I am looking for new in-
sights into products, developments
and technologies, all of which I can
get here at this cutting-edge confer-
ence. My company is a member of
the American Coatings Association,
and I am keen to hear more about
low VOC and green products.
Juan Jarufe,
Xim Products Inc.
I am a masters student and conduct
research in polyurethane technol-
ogy. I am proud to be here with my
professor and get the chance to
listen to different technical insights.
My research specialty is automotive
nishing, so I am looking forward to
gleaning more information about the
inuence of nanoparticles on poly-
urethane coatings performance.
Megan Alexandra
State University
AC Conference Voices
Test Charts for the
Paint and Coatings Industry
Optical Brightener Free
VOC Free
Problem Free
The Substrate You Can Trust.
Leneta Co. Phone: 800-663-6324
Mahwah, NJ USA Fax: 201-848-8833
New technologies, especially
waterborne innovations, are my
favorite topic here at the conference.
I like nding out about environ-
mentally friendly concepts and how
the coatings industry is facing the
changing business climate. The in-
dustry is certainly making progress.
The AC Show will further enhance
my introduction to the eld.
Dou Zeling,
Technologies Pte Ltd,
Source: Heiko Stahl
Figure 2: Conference delegates' expectations for fossil based raw materials to be
replaced by renewable resources in the near future
AC Conference
Delegates Expectations
ACC survey reveals expert opinions on the american coatings market
H A poll among delegates of the
American Coatings Conference reveals
which technologies experts in the
American coatings industry consider
most important for the future, and what
they expect from renewable resources
as substitutes for fossil raw materials.
The delegates were asked which tech-
nologies they would judge as the most
important future technologies for their
industry sector. An overwhelming ma-
jority of 63 percent sees waterborne
technology as the main driver, followed
by functional/smart materials, high sol-
Figure 1: ACC participants' ranking of the most important future technologies for their industry sector


Blue and Green pigments satisfy the highest demands

for heat stability and chemical inertness as well as weather and light
The color shades of Cobalt blue pigments range from a red shade blue
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Blue and Green pigments are suitable for a wide range of

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powder coatings and construction.
Ever l ast i ng Bl ue & Green
Heucotech Ltd.
Phone +1 - 800 - HEUBACH
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Visit us at the
Hall C, Booth 2601
ACS Daily I.indd 1 26.02.2010 9:58:13 Uhr
Awarding Innovations
H In 2008, Vincentz Network and the
American Coatings Association created
a prestigious award to honor the most
outstanding conference presentation
at the American Coatings Conference
(ACC). One of the highlights of the ACC,
the presentation of the 2010 AC Award
took place during the opening plenary
session yesterday afternoon following
the keynote presentations.
A BASF research team won this years
prize for its groundbreaking work on
improving waterborne anticorrosion
coatings via new binder concepts. Sonja
Schulte of Vincentz Network, and Steve
Sides of the American Coatings Associa-
tion, invited BASF team members Oihana
Elizalde and Collin Moore to the stage to
accept a handsome statue and $2,500
in prize money. A third team member,
Stephan Amthor, was not in attendance.
BASFs paper highlights recent innova-
tions in the area of polymer colloids and
hybrids that offer opportunities to develop
novel coatings for metal protection. The re-
search demonstrated the possibilities for
designing acrylic binders with enhanced
barrier properties, low water uptake and
improved anticorrosion properties.
We are thrilled to receive this award,
said Moore before the conference or-
Oihana Elizalde and Collin
Moore received the American
Coatings Award for the most
outstanding presentation at the
American Coatings Conference
Whats New?
The American Coatings Show
comes with a number of novelties:
the New Product Showcase offers
information on the shows product
news at a glance. The International
Buyers Lounge provides an op-
portunity for international buyers
to meet with colleagues or smaller
exhibitors that do not have an own
meeting room at their booth.
The University Village has been
created to highlight university/stu-
dent involvement and support. In
the Career Center exhibitors can
post job offers. For questions please
ask the show management.
ids, UV/EB curing and nanomaterials
(see gure 1). A secondary question,
namely to what extent fossil-based raw
materials will be replaced by renewable
resources in the next ve years, yielded
interesting response. Nearly 50 percent
of the respondents expected the extent
to amount to 10 percent (see gure 2).
When asked for which raw material
classes they expect a signicant increase
in renewable raw materials, 63 percent
of respondents indicated binders and
resins, followed by additives, llers and
pigments. Obviously, market demands
are the main driver for green R&D ac-
tivities: 64 percent of respondents view
them as the most important factor, with
legislation, care and responsibility for
society, energy prices and raw material
prices following.
ganizers screened a video about his
teams project.
It was challenging to choose one paper
out of so many excellent submissions,
said Schulte. Ultimately, we selected
the BASF paper because it has the great-
est potential to make an impact on the
American coatings industry.
Source: Heiko Stahl
We Use Natural Plant Oils to Produce our Alkyd Latex Resins
H What is the recent technological
outcome of the green development in
coatings? The American Coatings Show
and Conference presents new develop-
ments and the latest trends and chal-
lenges facing the industry. ACS Daily
spoke with Leigh Ann Gibbons who
developed an alkyd latex resin based
on renewables. To learn more about
this product, meet Leigh at Reichholds
booth #1045 or attend her colleague
Jeffrey Dannemann's presentation
Alkyd Latex for Metal Protection,
tomorrow at 09:40 am at the product
presentation booth #1715.
ACS Daily: How do you characterize
the properties of this new alkyd latex
compared to recent alkyd products for
decorative coatings?
Leigh Ann Gibbons: Beckosol AQ is
a new technology platform that brings
the benets of alkyd chemistry into the
future. This product line is both low VOC
and made from 40-60 percent renewable
resources. It brings all the features you
expect from an alkyd: the ease of applica-
tion, high gloss and good ow and level-
ing without the use of solvents. Our rst
generation products were aimed to tackle
architectural applications such as stains
and enamels. We have now expanded the
line to include products designed for use in
Leigh Ann Gibbons,
Reichhold, Inc.
Booth #1045
metal primers and general purpose prim-
ers for both stain and tannin blocking. Our
technology group continues to work dili-
gently on growing the product line to pro-
vide products for other traditionally high
VOC applications. In todays changing
market, we offer an answer to the growing
need to meet more stringent regulations
and performance requirements. Our goal
is to provide alkyd latex resins mixed with
environmental responsibility.
What kind of renewables are the
basis for this product and how do
you guarantee the same performance
compared to 100 percent fossil raw
Leigh Ann Gibbons: The renewable
resource aspect of our product line is
something we are proud of and we hope
to spread the message that low VOC does
not always mean a product is the best
choice or sustainable. We use natural
plant oils to produce our alkyd latex re-
sins, unlike acrylics which are based on
petroleum feed stock. Since this product
line uses conventional alkyd chemistry
emulsied in water, our customers are
getting all the performance they expect
when choosing an alkyd without the VOC.
We have performed rigorous applications
testing to prove that our alkyd latex re sins
perform just as good, if not better, than
their solventborne alkyd predecessors.
The performance beats acrylics in gloss,
open time, ow and leveling and adhe-
sion. It also has alkyd like durabi lity, so
our customers can feel good about their
end products life cycle.
Why do you need less additives in
paints with your new resin?
Leigh Ann Gibbons: Our product devel-
opment requires an altogether approach
to the art of formulating a suitable coat-
ing. Since AQ is classied as an alkyd
BASF_ACS_tab_120109.indd 1
latex, take a few tricks from alkyd for-
mulation and mix them with a few from
latex formulation and the result is a low
VOC, renewable resource based power-
house of a coating system. The product
still requires the use of additives, as do
other paint formulations, but does not re-
quire the use of solvents (VOC) to ensure
coating performance properties.
Todays Show and
Conference Highlights
at a Glance
American Coatings Show
Product Presentations
Booth #1715
09:20 am 04:40 pm
American Coatings Conference
East Meeting Rooms (Second Floor)
Morning Sessions
09:00 am 12:30 pm
Protective Coatings I(by SSPC)
Architectural Coatings
Functional Coatings & Materials
Waterborne Coatings I
Afternoon Sessions
02:00 pm 05:30 pm
Waterborne Coatings II
Smart Coatings
Protective Coatings II
Novel Materials
Full Poster Session
05:30 pm 07:00 pm
What, When, Where?
Greening Trends Will Open up Markets
The Canadian coatings market intensies the shift towards economic low VOC systems
ACS Daily: How is the Canadian coat-
ings market structured? What is the
relation of imports to exports? To what
extent will this ratio change?
Jim Quick: We are structured very simi-
lar to the US market with architectural,
industrial and automotive renish sector
markets. In 2008, paint exports in Cana-
da represented 43 percent of the market.
The ratios of Canadian paint exports over
domestic paint shipments have been go-
ing up steadily over the past 10 years.
However, this trend reversed in 2009, as a
result of the world-wide economic reces-
sion. This was not unique to the coatings
sector, since the chemical industry gene-
rally had a tough year in 2009. For paint
exports specically, dollar sales gures
went down by 36 percent compared to the
previous year. The degree of decline in
the whole paint industry should be mod-
erate towards the end of the year.

What segments and industries show
the strongest demand for coatings?
For what types of coatings do you ex-
pect growing demand in Canada/North
Jim Quick: 2009 was a tough year to
judge demand. Paint volumes trended
negatively in all segments of the Cana-
dian industry. Architectural coatings de-
creased less signicantly than any other
sectors, as they were heavily supported
by government stimulus efforts. Longer
term greening trends will intensify the
demand for low-zero VOC products, open-
H The last year was tough for the coat-
ings industry in North America. The
impact of the nancial downturn has
hit paint manufacturers strongly. Even
if demand cannot be clearly judged,
the president of the Canadian Paint
and Coatings Association, Jim Quick,
expects the decline in exports of paints
and coatings to soften.
Jim Quick,
Canadian Paint
and Coatings Association
ing up markets for industrial, powder and
UV/radiation products.

To what extent has REACH affected
Canadian paint producers?
Jim Quick: The impact of REACH has
not affected Canadian paint produc-
ers strongly. In 2008 and 2009, almost
90 percent of paint exports in Canada
were shipped to the USA. Only three Eu-
ropean countries were among the top ten
countries buying paint from Canada i.e.
Germany, Poland and the UK and their
shares did not exceed 2 percent of the to-
tal exports.
The situation is similar with Canadian
imports: paint imported from European
countries did not exceed 6 percent.
Source: Franz Puegl/Fotolia
Visit BASF at the American Coatings Show,
April 13-15, Charlotte, NC.
performance loves low VOC
Paints made with our Acronal

acrylic latexes, Joncryl

emulsions, Pluracoat

and Efka

additives, Mattex

kaolin extenders and attapulgite can be zero to
low VOC without sacrifcing functionality.
And with PureOptions colorants and

stir-in pigments, they can

be practically any color.
The performance you need
and the sustainability
you want: at BASF,
we create chemistry.
BASF_ACS_tab_120109.indd 1 12/3/09 10:20 AM
AC Conference
H Prior to the start of the main confer-
ence, seven pre-conference tutorials up-
dated attendees on important coatings
technologies and applications. Offered
for the second time, the workshops were
once again a great success, with all
seven sessions entirely sold out.
The tutorials on radiation curing, corro-
sion protection, antimicrobial surfaces,
polyurethanes, easy-to-clean coatings,
waterborne clearcoats and smart coat-
ings were hosted by renowned industrial
and academic experts.
Michael J. Dvorchak of Bayer Materi-
alScience, who presented a tutorial on
radiation curing, was especially enthu-
siastic about the high level of interest in
his workshop. UV is growing with a lot
of application areas, he said. The at-
tendees have diverse backgrounds, from
paper to metal and wood.
The tutorial on corrosion protection was
designed in collaboration with the Soci-
ety for Surface Protective Coatings (SSPC)
and was led by Greg Girard of Sherwin-
Brief Update on Latest Technologies
Seven pre-conference tutorials launched the american coatings conference and show yesterday
Tutorial Talkback
Yesterday's pre-conference tutorials provided the attendees with concise overviews on latest coat-
ings technologies
Williams. The tutorial was very helpful
for me, said Leah Leavitt of NIC Indus-
tries, Inc. There were many people from
different sectors, which led to collabora-
tive discussions.
Melinda Wales of Reactive Surfaces
Ltd. presented a review of the different
technologies in the eld of antimicro-
bial surfaces, providing an outline of
current state-of-the-art applications. I
gained new insights and learned about
enyzmes and how they work, said par-
ticipant Rienzie Machado of DGL Inter-
Polyurethane and
easy-to-clean coatings
Myron Shaffer of Bayer MaterialScience
led a tutorial on PU coatings and their
typical components. His presentation
included a discussion of the various PU
coatings technologies in use and their
advantages and limitations.
W. Marshall Ming, University of New
Hampshire, presented assorted easy-to-
ACS10_Daily-VorschECS.fh11 11.03.2010 12:35 Uhr Seite 1
Nrnberg, Germany
29 - 31 March 2011
European Coatings CONGRESS
28 - 30 March 2011
clean coatings concepts and reviewed
these systems in practice.
In the tutorial on waterborne clearcoats,
lecturers Ivan Tyre of Alberdingk Boley
and Tim December of BASF discussed the
application possibilites for waterborne
clearcoats for different substrates.
Finally, in the seventh tutorial focusing on
smart coatings, Jamil Baghdachi, Eastern
Michigan University, gave a detailed over-
view of the latest technologies involved in
the development of smart coatings.
Below you can read how tutorial attendees
evaluated the workshops.
Pre-Tutorial: Polyurethanes
First of all, I have to mention how
well organized the whole event is.
The presentation and handouts
were great. I learned a lot about
new coatings and raw materials
in the polyurethane technology
eld. I am especially interested
in the new isocyanates.
Irfan Raza,
Pre-Tutorial: Radiation Curing
The tutorial with Michael
Dvorchak gave me a lot of good
material. I feel more informed
about how to cure pigmented
coatings. He talked about the UV-
source, right pigmentation and
the two lampsystem with differing
wavelenghts. As a result of his talk,
we may buy a small lab system.
Bruce G. Stokes,
Neenah Paper Inc.
Antimicrobial Surfaces
I am quite new to this eld, so
I found this tutorial to be a good
introduction to the subject of
antimicrobial surfaces. I enjoyed
hearing about all the environ-
mental regulations in particular.
Melinda Wales gave a good mix
of information which appealed to
professionals across the board.
Bunge Biphor L.L.C.
Smart Formulating.
Hall A, Booth 1244
Additives Coloring Crosslinkers Matting Resin Components Resins
Colors Imported and
Fortune International specializes in
sourcing color pigments, pearlescent
and other effect pigments and raw mate-
rials throughout the globe to benet its
US customers.
They represent Hockmeyer Equipment,
well-known for its leading-edge milling
equipment that delivers efcient particle
size reduction.
Call on us for ISO certied colorants for
coatings, and the technology to incorpo-
rate them effectively in your products.
Fortune International Technology
Hoffman Estates, IL
T 847 429-9791
Booth #1014
Faster Dispersion
Cuts Energy Costs
Quick Blades dispersion blades are
Green. Coatings manufacturers have
reported a decrease of up to 50 percent in
batch processing times, along with better
shear characteristics as compared to us-
ing OEM manufactured blades.
The standard saw tooth blade, turbo
blade, or revolutionary turbo/pump
blade will all make short work of your dis-
persion needs.
Quick Blades Inc.
Huntington, IN
T 260 359-2072,
(toll-free: 877 618-8304)
Booth #1932
New Materials for Epoxies
and Polyurethanes
Huntsman will introduce a new epoxy
hardener for rapid-cure coatings and a
new glycerin carbonate system for use
with waterborne dispersible, one-com-
ponent urethane coatings.
Also featured at the show will be the ver-
satile Tioxide titanium dioxide pigments
and advanced curatives for corrosion-re-
sistant waterborne epoxy coatings.
Huntsman Advanced Materials
The Woodlands, TX
T 281 719-4490
Booth #2031
From Basic Extenders to
Specialty Additives
20 Microns is one of Indias leading
quality manufacturers of extender pig-
ments, llers and specialty chemicals.
The company will highlight some of its
specialty products:
Lithomer R, a partial TiO
cement for powder coatings and
solventbased paints;
Basox synthetic precipitated
barium sulphates for coatings;
"Hydrogel inorganic attapulgite-
based thickener.
20 Microns Ltd
Baroda, India
T +91 265 2330-714
Booth #1430
Photo courtesy of Visit Charlotte
Versatile Solvent Gains
VOC Exemption
Kowa will feature on its stand dimethyl
carbonate (DMC), the latest solvent to
gain VOC- exempt status in the USA. DMC
was exempted from regulation as a VOC
by the EPA in January 2009.
DMC is a polar solvent, with a similar
solubility parameter to esters and glycol
ethers; thus it can dissolve most common
paint resins and is a possible replacement
for solvents such as MEK, glycol ethers,
toluene and ethyl acetate. DMC also has
a medium evaporation rate of 3.22 (rated
against butyl acetate = 1.0), low toxicity
and mild odor.
Kowa American Corp.
New York, NY
T 212 303-7800,
(toll-free: 800 221-2076)
Booth #1820
Versatile ERP Package
for Better Efciency
Deacom specializes in producing a sim-
ple ERP software solution specically for
mid-to-large sized coatings manufactur-
ers with difcult requirements.
This software seamlessly manages all
your business processes from formula-
tion and lot tracking, to order entry and
accounting giving you a comprehensive
view of your entire operation from one
system. This approach helps streamline
manufacturing business processes to
maximize productivity and protability.
Deacom Inc
Wayne, PA
T 610 971-2278
Booth #1845
Faster Laboratory
Mixing No Cleaning
At the Start for Green
Waterborne Polymers
The Paints & Coatings Division of GEO
Specialty Chemicals answers the mar-
kets need for green and environmentally
friendly formulations by specializing in
manufacturing hydroxyl functional mono-
mers and polymers that can be used to
produce water-dispersible polymers
without the need for solvents.
GEO Specialty Chemicals Inc.
Ambler, PA
T 267-960-7910
Booth #1915
Lasting UV Protection
with High Transparency
IBU-tec has developed nano-suspen-
sions based on ZnO to provide protection
against aggressive UV radiation. The in-
put material is Zincox, a nanoscale zinc
oxide that combines reliable long-term
protection against UV radiation with a
very high degree of transparency.
The ZnO suspensions are adapted to the
customers specic application to ensure
that the dispersion remains stable. Ver-
sions can be supplied for solventbased
or waterborne systems.
IBU-tec advanced materials AG
Weimar, Germany
T +49 3643 8649-0
Booth #1118
Flexible Insertable
Compact Filling Line
Langguth is proud to present its recently
introduced sysLAN 5 gallon compact
lling line. This unit carries out all opera-
tions seamlessly from de-stacking of pails
through leak checking (via overpressure) to
gravimetric lling, lid placing and closing.
The unit can readily handle many dif-
ferent styles of container and requires
no transfer or buffer zone between de-
stacking and lling operations.
Langguth America Ltd.
Waterloo, ON
T 519 888-0099;
Booth #1834
Rub- and Water-Resistant
Decking nishes formulated for durability
Michelman is a global developer of spe-
cialty waterbased coatings and water-
based surface modiers, additives and
Michem Guard 7140 is a new water-
based large-particle emulsion that im-
proves rub and abrasion resistance. It
is effective at very low addition rates of
2-5 percent. At 5-10 percent addition, it
will matt down coatings to a smooth satin
nish. Application areas include coatings
for exterior wood and wood composites,
interior furniture and ooring, as well as
inks and OPVs.
Michem Wood Coating 50 is a new an-
ionic blend that provides good water resis-
tance for exterior wood coatings. It helps
to prevent swelling as well as providing
good water bead. Applications range from
deck stains and sealants to interior coat-
ings requiring water resistance.
Michelman Inc
Cincinnati, OH
T 513 793-7766
(toll-free: 800 333-1723)
Booth #1114
Flacktek will demonstrate the laborato-
ry size SpeedMixer, which has the ca-
pacity to mix samples from 3-700 grams,
offering quick and uniform mixing with
absolutely no clean up, thanks to the use
of disposable cups and the absence of
any invasive mixing blade.
These centrifugal mixing devices are
able to disperse, as well as mix, pow-
ders, putties, pastes or low viscosity ma-
terials, without air entrapment, and often
within a matter of seconds.
FlackTek Inc
Landrum, SC
T 864 895-7441
Booth #1736
Polyurethanes for
Coatings and Adhesives
Polyurethanes are all around us
Morchem is a leading Spanish producer
of polyurethanes. The companys NMP-
free PU dispersions can be used for wa-
terbased coatings and adhesives.
For coatings applications, the main
benets are their easy lm forming,
high transparency, excellent adhesion
on many different substrates, and wide
range of hardnesses to meet customer
To meet adhesive applications, they of-
fer everything from high-tack versions to
heat-reactive grades.
Morchem S.A.
Barcelona, Spain
T +34 93 840-5707
Booth #2148
A Green Checklist for
Emulsion Polymers
Celanese Emulsion Polymers is present-
ing its expanded line of eco-friendly emul-
sions. To conform with the requirements
for this range, vinyl acetate/ethylene emul-
sions must meet ve criteria: to be environ-
mentally-friendly, designed for low VOC
paints, have very low odor, a low residual
monomer level and APEO-free.
The newest product in this range is
EcoVAE 408, developed for low odor,
low VOC interior decorative paints that
require freeze-thaw stability.
Celanese Emulsion Polymers
Dallas, TX
T 972-443-4000
Booth #2418
Waterborne Acrylic
Gives Fast Curing
Gellner is a specialist producer of wa-
terbased acrylic polymers. On its ACS
stand the company will feature Ottopol
KX-99. This hydroxyl functional cationic
acrylic solution polymer will crosslink at
room temperature with isocyanates and/
or epoxy silanes.
The fastest curing and most resistant
coatings can be formulated with the com-
bination of isocyanate and epoxy silane,
developing effective solvent resistance
after only two hours. Detergents and
cleaners will not remove this lm, and its
overall resistance to water is excellent.
Gellner Industrial LLC
Hometown, PA
T 570-668-8800
Booth #1421
Silicone Additives
At the ACS, Dow Corning will introduce
two multipurpose waterborne additives
intended for use in high-performance ap-
Dow Corning 55N additive provides
excellent slip, leveling and abrasion re-
sistance without the negative side ef-
fects typically associated with other sili-
cone polyethers, because it is effective at
much lower use levels.
Dow Corning 67 additive imparts
leveling and wetting to waterborne and
radiation-curable formulations on difcult
substrates, such as polyethylene, poly-
propylene, polyester and polyvinyl chlo-
ride. It can also improve the wetting and
surface appearance of waterborne exo-
graphic inks. The company will also show-
case its silane-based anti-stain coatings
and water repellents for the protection of
porous construction substrates.
Dow Corning
Midland, MI
T 989 496-6000
Booth #949
Iron Oxide Yellows
with Reduced Viscosity
Royale Pigments and Deqing Huayuan
Pigment Co are pleased to announce that
their EZ Series of micronized iron ox-
ides has been expanded to include low
viscosity yellows. These help to meet the
needs of those coating manufacturers
that need to maximize pigment loading
in their dispersions.
Deqing Huayuan is the worlds second-
largest iron oxide manufacturer and is a
valued supplier to many of the largest
coating and dispersion manufacturers
in the world. Products are held in stock
in the United States for North American
Royale Pigments
Paramus, NJ
T 201 845-4666
Booth #1018
Great Individually.
Exceptional Together.
Download product informaton for Proxel BZ Plus preservatve at:
As with milk and cookies, when two excellent products with long track records
come together, such as Proxel

preservatives and Omadine

antimicrobials, you
get an exceptional result: Proxel

BZ Plus Preservative.
This unique combination offers a dual mode of action for inhibiting microbial
growth in latex emulsions, water-based paints, adhesives and pigment dispersions
- preventing discoloration and providing the extra protection you need against
mold, mildew and bacteria.
Features include:
Color-stable formulations
Dual-action protection
Zero VOCs
CMIT / MIT and formaldehyde free
Long-term preservation
Broad-spectrum activity
Arch Biocides
*This product is not meant for food applicatons
*This product provides preservatve propertes to protect the product or coatng
*Arch Biocides is a business unit of Arch Chemicals, Inc.
*Some Arch biocides may not be registered or registered for only certain uses in your country
Use biocides safely.
Always read the label and product informaton before use.
Visit us at
ACS booth #2833
and learn more
about how we
can become a part
of your solution.
From Product Concept
to Pilot Production
CAS-MI Laboratories is an independent
testing laboratory specializing in paints
and coatings. The companys new In-
novation Center, with its own dedicated
website, helps entrepreneurs and estab-
lished companies create new specialty
chemical products from concept to com-
Services offered include idea genera-
tion, product feasibility studies, product
characterization, formulation and perfor-
mance testing, pilot batch scale-up and
manufacturing support.
CAS-MI Laboratories
Ypsilanti, MI
T 734 483-3401,
(toll-free: 888 772-9000)
Booth #1640
Tired Tires Put a Spring
in Coatings
Lehigh Technologies produces Poly-
Dyne and MicroDyne high-quality engi-
neered ne rubber powders (80-300 mesh
or 177-50 m) from end-of-life tires.
Cryogenic grinding yields these nely
controlled products that allow coating
manufacturers to formulate the perfor-
mance characteristics of rubber into their
product lines, delivering enhanced per-
formance, environmental benets, and
cost savings.
Lehigh Technologies Inc.
Tucker, GA
T 678 495-2200
Booth #1518
Zero VOC Amine
Vantex-T is a very low odor amine
additive for pH adjustment. It is rated
zero-VOC in the USA by EPA Method 24
and zero-VOC in the EU according to
ISO 11890-2 (BP > 250 C). With a boil-
ing point above 280 C, the product is
safe for the next iteration of stricter VOC
The additive enhances colloid stabil-
ity, providing for excellent pigment dis-
persion and excellent syneresis control.
Starting point formulas are available for
zero-VOC paints based on either acrylic
resins or VAE that pass 3 freeze/thaw
cycles; zero-VOC paints with good block
resistance, and, more generally, paints
with excellent overall performance.
Allentown, PA
T 610 366 6730,
(toll-free: 800 223-3258)
Booth #831
Cans Put the Seal on
Environmental Efciency
KWs ALL-Plastic container is made
from 100 percent recycled materials that
are themselves 100 percent recyclable.
The patented snap-lock closure system
provides good product protection and
containment, and is easy for the end-user
to open and close.
As the closure system retains a solid
leak-free seal through multiple open-
ings and closings, it eliminates product
returns due to leakage, rust or other con-
tamination. Sizes available are gallon,
quart, pint, liter and half-liter capacities.
KW Container
Troy, AL
T 334 566-1563
Booth #1649
Sludge Dewatering Cuts
Disposal Costs
A common need in paint and coatings
manufacturing is sludge dewatering and
meeting sewer discharge limits. Alar cus-
tom-builds ltration equipment capable
of removing metals and suspended sol-
ids from latex, iron oxide pigment, elas-
tomeric and other waterbased sludges.
The Auto-Vac lter generates clean
dischargeable water, along with dewa-
tered landll-ready solids.
Alar Wastewater Filtration
Mokena, IL
T 708 479-6100
Booth #1549
Clean water and minimal waste for disposal
with this lter
Moisture Determinations
almost in a Flash
CEM is a leading global provider of
microwave-based compositional testing
systems for fast, accurate solids analy-
sis, ash determination and paint draw
The new SMART Turbo solids analyzer
is 40 percent faster than its predecessor
and features precise temperature con-
trol. The instrument accurately deter-
mines moisture levels in solids, liquids,
powders and slurries.
CEM Corporation
Matthews, NC
T 704 821-7015,
(toll-free: 800 726-3331)
Booth #1628
Rapid testing of moisture levels made even
faster with the analyzer
brighter future
See the world at its brightest with titanium dioxide products from Cristal Global.
With Cristal TiO
, you can expect the highest levels of performance, whiteness,
brightness and opacity from your paint and coatings. Stay on top of industry
advancements with Cristals leadership in TiO
product research, development
and production technology. To learn more, visit
Cristal_2010_AmCoatingsShowDaily.qxp:Layout 1 3/8/10 11:48 AM Page 1
Cool Sparkling Colors
and Swift Dispersion
The Shepherd Color Company, one of
the worlds leading producers of high-
performance complex inorganic color
pigments (CICPs) has a wide range of
colors available and used in the coatings
industry. Several hi-tech products will be
Arctic IR-reective pigments help to
keep surfaces cool, reducing degradation
and saving energy in construction and
HVAC applications. Dynamix inorganic
stir-in pigments offer the special benet
of compatibility with a wide range of coat-
ings, including UV curables, as well as
waterborne and solventborne systems.
StarLight offers brilliance and sparkle
due to the use of a glass substrate, which
is coated on the edges, as well as the
faces of the akes.
The Shepherd Color Company
Cincinnati, OH
T 513 874-0714
Booth #2141
Pails for All Purposes
Phoenix Container manufactures metal
pails with the latest technology available
in North America. Open head pails are
offered in various sizes from two gallon
to seven gallon, as well as a complete
line of tight-head, straight-sided pails
and X-rated UN pails. An array of industri-
al standard ttings and interior coatings
is offered for all containers and the in-
house UV lithography service can meet
your decorative requirements.
Phoenix Container Inc.
North Brunswick, NJ
T 732 247-6700
Booth #1739
Epoxy Monomer for UV
and Insulation Coatings
Jiangsu Tetrachem is a Chinese ne and
custom chemicals producer. A key product
is 3, 4-epoxycyclohexylmethyl 3, 4-epoxy-
cyclohexane carboxylate (JR-HS-21).
This can be used in UV-curing coating
materials, and in epoxy formulations for
many applications including electrical
insulation varnishes, insulating sealants
for semiconductors, and transparent in-
sulating sealants for optoelectronics, as
well as acting as a stabilizing acid scav-
enger for resins containing halogen.
Jiangsu Tetrachem Co. Ltd.
Jiangsu, China
T +86 21-5426-5599
Booth #928
New Thickener Range
ISP will present its newly developed
range of polymeric thickeners for water-
based systems. The three products in
the presented series offer effective one
shot thickening of waterbased adhesive
systems and high viscosity building ma-
terials at very low addition levels.
Jaypol AL is a 60 percent solids sodi-
um salt acrylic polymer, with the benet
of superior electrolyte tolerance. A pow-
der form of this product, Jaypol AL Pow-
der will disperse efciently and wet out
fully in aqueous systems. Jaypol ALA is
a 60 percent solids ammonium salt poly-
mer. All perform well at high tempera-
tures and remain stable with changes in
The company will also feature its re-
cently expanded ranges of antimicrobial
products, performance additives and
wood care coatings ingredients.
Wayne, NJ
T 973 628-4000
Booth #2222
t m
Learn how
Novec uorosurfactants
can w
in m
ore applause for
your products perform
Visit us during ACS
at Booth #1425.


rfactant don


are a family of advanced wetting
and leveling agents combining
outstanding performance in
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with improved environmental properties.
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Best of all, these proven products are available
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and a
When visiting the 3M booth,
be sure to check out our
Stain Resistant Coatings
and Additives, Easy-Clean
Coatings, Glass & Ceramic
Microspheres and our new
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Protector for metals!
Acquisition Creates
Global One-Stop Shop
BASF has recently acquired another key
supplier to the coatings industry. The ad-
dition of Ciba enhances BASFs breadth
and depth of expertise and technology
and builds on the strength given by the
past integrations of Johnson Polymer and
The company can now provide vir-
tually every ingredient that coatings
manufacturers need: resins, binders,
latex, pigments and colorants, effect
pigments, specialty additives and spe-
cialty minerals.
BASF focuses on sustainable solu-
tions creating chemistry that is eco-
friendly without sacricing performance,
helping to solve key application needs
such as the formulation of low to zero-
VOC coatings, APEO-free coatings and
high-weatherability and heat manage-
ment coatings.
BASF Corporation
Charlotte, NJ
T 704- 81-8238
Booth #2827
New High-Performance
Black Pigment
A faster, deeper black for automotive nishes
with the new black pigment
Cabot has added a new product to its
range of high-performance black pig-
Emperor 1800 black provides auto-
motive base-coats with high black color
performance, rapid and economical dis-
persion and long-term performance sta-
Cabot Corporation
Billerica, MA
T 978 663-3455
Booth #1332
Most Dominant Trend is Simplication
smart coatings can provide functions above and beyond latest properties expected from paints and coatings
Smart coatings can provide additional benets by giving an appropriate response to outside conditions
H Smart coatings are often referred to
as structured coatings which provide
additional benets by giving an ap-
propriate response to outside condi-
tions. Self-healing, anti-ngerprint
and anti-ice coatings, to name only a
few, are topics on everyones lips. ACS
Daily spoke with James W. Rawlins, As-
sistant Professor of Polymer Science at
the University of Southern Mississippi,
who will be one of the speakers of the
ACC session on smart coatings.
ACS Daily: How do you dene smart
James W. Rawlins: I dene smart coat-
ings as protective and decorative lms
that provide functions above and be-
yond the latent properties expected from
paints and coatings. These functions may
be recognizing or sensing environmental
conditions such as exceeding a tempera-
ture threshold. Many examples exist for
any of the important environmental or
potential conditions, i.e., chemical war-
fare agents, package tipping beyond an
allowable angle, gaseous material de-
tection, food spoilage, and excessive UV
exposure have all been shown to be pos-
sible and most practical as a technology.
What are the latest trends in smart
James W. Rawlins: Trends? I think the
dichotomy between research and com-
mercialization is still large enough that
many have had an automatic negative re-
sponse to the term smart coatings. The
buzz may wear off before the reduction
to practice proves the real value addition
and economic feasibility along with ro-
bustness for each application. With that
said, I think the most dominant trend is
simplication. If a material can be easily
adapted for robust use then reduction to
practice will be more rapid and well re-
ceived. Everyone thinks about self-clean-
ing or self-healing, and both have been
proven possible: the remaining question
is how much cleaning and for how long?
Please comment on your particular
topic natural materials in synthetic
James W. Rawlins: Throughout history,
natural materials have been adapting so
they can sense, detect, and trigger re-
sponses to almost any mode of positive
or negative environmental stimuli very ef-
fectively and efciently, so it makes sense
that we should capitalize upon biological
materials. Using biomimicry to initiate our
work provides a tremendous database to
draw upon for early material understand-
ing. When properly used, the database
is so large that we could never singularly
replicate the understanding that is already
available if we look in the right places.
The biggest surprise for most is that the
natural materials, enzymes, and peptides
often have longer useful lives in polymers
and similar, or they have improved activity
in comparison with the same materials in
their natural environment.
James W. Rawlins,
University of Southern Mississippi
Cooperative Efforts Between Academics and Industry Need to Improve Globally
ACS Daily: Meanwhile most water-
borne systems show equal skills to
solventborne coatings. Where do you
see the largest technological backlogs?
Yasmin Sayed-Sweet: The main tech-
nological backlogs are in availability of
innovative building blocks at a price that
market can bare, stabilization of com-
ponents in aqueous media and meeting
the challenges of VOC and environmental
regulations to balance performance.
On the other hand, communication and
cooperative efforts between academics
H Waterborne coatings are not just
gaining ground they have become the
gold standard in many applications.
Yasmin Sayed-Sweet, Vice President at
Alberdingk Boley Inc., calls for greater
cooperation between universities and
manufacturers of raw materials, as
well as more joint efforts within the
industry, e.g. between raw material
producers and coatings manufacturers.
The goal here is both to set new trends
and to offset current shortcomings in
comparison to solventbornes .
Yasmin Sayed-Sweet,
Alberdingk Boley Inc.
Booth #2841
and industry needs to improve globally
for adaptation and incorporation of basic
sciences and fundamental principles into
the coatings industry.

What technological trends do you
expect for future waterborne systems?
Yasmin Sayed-Sweet: The trends are
innumerable, as waterborne systems
become much more viable technologi-
cal alternatives, example as global con-
sumer palate gets more sophisticated
and conscious of the green environ-
ment we will see more usage of ultra low
and low VOC coatings, greater use of
solvent less polymers for industrial and
architectural markets. Consumers willing
to pay a small premium in their use of en-
vironmentally safer alternatives.
Global additives suppliers working co-
operatively with polymer manufactur-
ers and paint companies to add special
effects and added performances, paint
companies and suppliers paying more
attention to ancillary industries for inno-
vative ideas, emerging economies in the
forefront of the latest trends with their
developed counterparts.
Source: University of Southern Mississippi
Source: University of Southern Mississippi
AC Conference
H Biobased raw materials are the foun-
dation of sustainability. To this end,
partners need to join forces in their
development work in such a way that,
in the future, both parties benet. Life
cycle analyses which include energy
consumption and CO
emissions will
have a major impact in days ahead, as
Neal Rogers from Cook Composites &
Polymers discusses.
It is Crucial to Locate Development Partners
Sustainability inuences our work today and will continue even more in the future
Neal Rogers,
Cook Composites & Polymers
Booth #2551
ACS Daily: How do
you realize sustainabil-
ity for your products?
Neal Rogers: We realize
sustainability in product
development efforts by
striving to use a greater
portion of raw materials
derived from crop-based
renewable resources. For
example, my company
is actively developing
and expanding a product
platform of coatings resins modied with
sucrose polyesters which are derived di-
rectly from sugar and vegetable oils. The
sucrose polyesters displace petroleum-
based components to create resins with
a very high renewable content.
To accelerate development of sustain-
able product solutions, it is crucial to
locate development partners willing
to collaborate to tailor the sustainable
chemistry to create viable end products.
D e a c o m , I n c .
phone 610- 971- 2278 ext . 15 | e- mai l i nf o@deacom. net | web www. deacom. net
How Many Software Systems Does It Take
To Sell a Gallon of Goop?
Whether the goop you make is paint, ink, or adhesives - or actually just
goop - with DEACOM, you only need one software system to simply
manage your entire business.
The DEACOM Integrated Accounting and Enterprise Resource
Planning (ERP) Software System seamlessly handles all areas of your
business - from formulation and QC testing, to inventory control and
accounting - giving you a comprehensive view of your operation from
one system.
The total DEACOM solution includes congurable software, full imple-
mentation, professional training, and ongoing technical support. Visit
booth #1845 at the American Coatings Show for a live demon-
stration, and learn how DEACOM can simplify your complex business
processes today.
ACS-0410.eps 3/5/2010 9:42:03 AM
Identifying the right develop-
ment partners enables a win-
win scenario for both parties
and is a key to realizing a sus-
tainable product platform.
How does sustainability
inuence your work and how
much impact will it have in
the future?
Neal Rogers: Sustainabil-
ity inuences my companys
work today and I believe it
will have an even greater in-
uence in the future. Today, we strive to
develop product solutions that meet our
customers desires by eliminating VOCs
and increasing renewable resource us-
age without sacricing performance or
higher cost.
Life Cycle Analysis methodologies that
demonstrate the environmental impacts
of a product from the manufacture of its
feedstocks to its end use and disposal
are sure to become more standardized
Wednesday, April 14,
09:30 am - 10:00 am
13.2 Novel Green Sucrose
Polyester Alkyds for High-
Performing Low VOC Coatings
Neal Rogers,
Cook Composites & Polymers
Biobased Coatings
Session 13 at the
American Coatings Conference:
over time. If future regulations on the
coatings industry limit life cycle envi-
ronmental impacts such as energy con-
sumption or carbon emissions, this will
fuel additional development work to ex-
plore and identify sustainable product
AC Literature
A World of Quality Information
An extensive series of technological coatings textbooks is available at the ACS
ACS Daily: How much progress
have high solids made during the last
Tony Rende, OPC Polymers: We have
seen signicant gains in the use of High
Solids technology as the AIM regula-
tions have come into force. Ten years ago
high solids technology probably repre-
sented less than 1 percent of the total res-
in sales, now they can account for much
as 10 percent of total alkyd resin sales.
In that time, the high solids offerings
have increased from just a few special-
ized products to a more robust and com-
plete product line with multiple offerings
across the full spectrum of alkyd resins
technologies. Today there is a high sol-
ids offset available for nearly every con-
ventional resin type.
Where do you see the largest poten-
tials for this technology?
Tony Rende: When rst introduced,
high solids resins offered the quick-
est approach to meeting the regulatory
targets at that time. However with the
introduction of exempt solvents such as
Oxsol and TBA and the more recent em-
phasis on alkyd emulsions and disper-
sions, there are more options available to
the formulator.
We expect continued growth of high so-
lids, but possibly at a slower pace as a re-
sult of the introduction of complaint sol-
vents and waterborne alkyd alternatives.
Just as high solids versions have been
introduced to duplicate the conventional
resin product line, we now have the same
range available in exempt solvent techno-
logies and we expect that, in the next few
years, we will see the same with the alkyd
emulsion and dispersion technology.
ACS Daily: Which analytical methods
do you recommend as the most impor-
tant for developing a coating?
Stephen C. Hall: To understand the per-
formance and aesthetic properties of a
coating, you must rst understand the
performance targets and technical barri-
ers. The analytical techniques can range
from Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA),
to modulated Differential Scanning Calo-
rimetry (mDSC), particle size distribu-
tion (PSD), molecular weight obtained
through Gel Permeation Chromatogra-
phy (GPC), Dynamic Contact Angle (DCA),
Dynamic Mechanical Angle (DMA), etc.
The most important analytical technique
to develop a unique coating is to truly un-
derstand the chemistry. Simply putting
raw materials together without knowing
the interaction or chemical structure is
not sufcient. Coatings development re-
quires consideration of not only how the
coating is produced, but how it is applied
and the mode of cure.
How do you deal with failure analy-
sis during production control?
Stephen C. Hall: Failure analysis can be
dened as the process of collecting and
analyzing data to determine the cause of
a failure. Inspection alone (in manufac-
turing) can only detect that there is a fail-
ure in production and does not lend itself
to the mode of failure. Process control, in
my opinion, is the single most valuable
tool for production. Proven process con-
trol parameters can expedite the failure
mode analysis. The systematic analysis
for failure can only be effective if the root
cause of the failure is dened before any
corrective action is implemented. If a cor-
rective action is implemented prior to
this important step, then the process is
still out of control. For example, if the vis-
cosity of a coating is out of specication,
a review of the actual process compared
to the control is required. A set of steps
to dene how to correct the issue is well
dened within the control parameters. Of
course, a knowledgeable and procient
production staff is needed to ensure con-
formance to all production parameters.
Stephen C. Hall,
CAS-MI Laboratories
Roger Dietrich imparts in his book
Paint Analysis, comprehensive know-
ledge in the eld of instrumental paint
analysis. This book will assist you with
your daily work. It is an excellent combina-
tion of therory and practice. The detailed
theoretical section reviews the va-rious
methods employed in paint analysis,
while the applications section presents
numerous examples which illustrate the
scope for empolying them in practice.
The book High Solid Binders by Mir-
cea Manea delivers comprehensive knowl-
edge in the eld of high solid systems.
More especially, it provides an overview of
the various classes of binders and ways of
transforming them into high solid bind-
ers. It lists a broad range of options and
approaches for tackling technological and
environmental problems.
H In conjunction with Elsevier, your contact in North America, Vincentz Network
presents to you the world of coatings technology information from renowned
experts for professionals. With brand new titles of technical coa t ings textbooks, we
provide a selection that is targeted at both newcomers to the eld of coatings, as
well as at specialists. Below we present a selection of two titles and latest market
information from experts regarding these topics.
Broad Exposure to New Technology
ACS provides good Opportunities for Students and Universities
H ACS not only provides a rst-class
forum for coatings companies: universi-
ties and research institutions also have
a great opportunity to present their
work, share their knowledge and meet
with other industry experts. ACS Daily
asked Michael Van De Mark, Director of
Missouri S&T Coatings Institute, about
his expectations for the show.
ACS Daily: Why does your institute
exhibit at the American Coatings
Show 2010?
Michael Van De Mark: The American
Coatings Show has been an integral
component of our program for many
years. The American Coatings Show
gives Missouri S&T Coatings Institute an
opportunity to show the coatings indus-
try our students, research and programs.
We also utilize this as an opportunity to
meet with many alumni, short-course
participants and companies with whom
we have worked over the years. The show
also gives us the best broad-based expo-
sure to new technology.
What technological trends do you
expect to see in Charlotte?
Michael Van De Mark: The main tech-
nologies I expect to see are the applica-
tion of nanotechnology, new methods to
lower VOC and approaches to environ-
mental challenges. The issue of the total
environmental impact should be gaining
exposure. This approach includes the
new BEES model being pushed by the
Department of Agriculture and NIST for
coatings application.
What R&D projects is your institute
currently working on?
Michael Van De Mark: We are working on
new resin technology. The three major ar-
Michael Van De Mark with the
UV system used for the dual cure
Missouri University of
Science & Technology,
Booth #914
26613 LBZ coatings ad_wood_ACS_OL.indd 1 3/3/10 3:52:04 PM
eas include a more rapid coalescing water-
borne resin, better freeze thaw resistance,
and natural product derived resins. We are
also working on dual cure resin technology.
The dual cure will use both photochemicals
and a second curing system to gain rapid
dry to handle and yet fully cure for ultimate
performance. Low cost and solventless
coatings are the target.
Doug Hartman,
Cytec Industries Inc.
Booth #2625
2. Shift towards eld products: Improve-
ments in eld equipment design and reli-
ability coupled with novel 100 percent
UV and waterborne UV formulations are
moving technology out of the factory into
new are as such as oor coatings and re-
3. Change in substrates: With advances
in molecular design, there has been a
recent trend away from (semi) porous
substrates, such as wood and paper, and
towards applications involving metal and
plastic substrates. Advanced coil coating
trials led by major industry players, as
well as the increased adoption of special-
ty UV coatings in the consumer electronic
industry, are good examples.
4. Adoption of waterborne UV: UV wa-
terbased technology has continued to
grow across several market segments
due to its successful combination of low
viscosity, high performance and compli-
ance with various environmental regula-
tions (VOC, HAPS, green labeling).
5. Sustainability: UV technology already
has an excellent eco-friendly prole (low
VOC, low energy, etc.) but there has been
a clear trend in the market towards low
carbon footprint and adoption of renew-
able raw materials in formulations.
In which markets do you expect the
strongest growth of UV technology?
Doug Hartman: Advances in both chem-
istry and application technologies are ac-
celerating the adoption of UV technology.
Four markets that we believe will show
strong growth as a result are:
1. UV waterbased wood nishes: Al-
ready well established in the parquet
segment, UV curing is ideally positioned
to grow in the broader furniture market,
thanks to recent advances in waterborne
resins that overcome both environmental
and technical challenges. Novel solvent-
free UV curable polyurethane dispersions
have already been shown to outperform
other coating technologies in terms of
wood wetting, abrasion, scratch resis-
tance and stain resistance.
2. Field applied oor coatings: Further
engineering of movable UV curing units,
together with development of suitable
UV resins, will permit a rapid growth of
UV technology in eld applied concrete,
plastic and wood coatings.
3. Consumer electronics: We expect
strong growth in various plastic hard
coating markets, where the use of new
UV curable polyurethane dispersions
allow for spray application without sol-
vents and top-of-
the-range coating
4. Packaging:
As a pioneer in
the development
of low extract-
able and lowodor
(LEO) re sins for en-
ergy curable inks
and coatings, we
strongly believe
in the continuous
growth of this tech-
nology in the food
packaging value
What needs have not yet been met but
will be resolved within the next few years?
Doug Hartman: Advances in devel-
opment of UV curable materials with
enhanced barrier properties, in combi-
nation with exibility and outdoor resis-
tance, will enable the penetration of UV
technology into emerging electronic ap-
plications such as LED displays and pho-
tovoltaic applications.
As the use of plastics increases in the
packaging and label industry, innovative
solutions which permit adhesion on dif-
cult substrates (e.g. BOPP), will allow
further penetration of Radcure technol-
ogy in the printing industry.
Clear Trend towards Low Carbon Footprint
UV-Technology is expected to show strong Growth
H Advances in both chemistry and
application technologies are accelerat-
ing the adoption of UV-technology in
various markets. In an interview with
ACS Daily, Doug Hartman, Global Mar-
keting Director at Cytec UV/EB curable
resins & additives, emphasizes the
eco-friendly prole of this technology.
ACS Daily: What have been the big-
gest steps for UV technology over the
last ve years?
Doug Hartman: We continue to moni-
tor and play a key role in driving broader
adoption of UV-technology across multi-
ple coating and graphic segments. Some
of the major shifts that we have observed
over the last ve years include:
1. Low energy cure alternatives: De-
velopment of low energy curing lamps
(such as UV LED and UV-A) and of tailor-
made resins broadened the Radcure
technology application window in areas
such as graphics, wood coatings, and au-
tomotive renish.
UV technology is also used for electronic applications such as LED displays
The American Coatings Show and Conference 2010 express their thanks to all sponsors.
AC Show Sponsors: AC Conference Sponsors:
Sponsors as of March 19th, 2010
Useful: Visitor Info Centers
Resources to make the most of your Stay
H Behind most great experiences in
Charlotte, theres a useful resource
to help you nd it. With three acces-
sible Visitor Info Center locations, two
in Center City and one at Charlotte
Douglas International Airport, visitors
are sure to nd a friendly face that will
help make the most of their stay in the
Queen City. And while knowledgeable
staff operates all three sites, there is
also a call center (T 800 231-4636) to
assist you.
At the main Center City location be-
tween Tryon Street and Martin Luther
King, Jr. Boulevard., visitors can nd
Charlotte themed gifts such as regional
stoneground grits, cookbooks, locally
made jewelry, the regions exclusive
crown-stamped pottery, and much more.
A building-sized Walk Charlotte map on
the facilitys exterior will also help visitors
get the lay of the land with key landmarks
and fun things to see and do mapped out.
Guided Center City walking tours are avail-
able at this location as well.
Center City
330 South Tryon Street
Charlotte, NC 28202
T 800 231-4636
Opening Times?
Monday Friday,
08:30 am 05:00 pm
Levine Museum of the New South
200 East 7th Street
Charlotte, NC 28202
T 704 333-1887
Opening Times?
Monday Saturday,
10:00 am 05:00 pm 800-821-3590 Smart Start. Great Finish. 800-821-3590 Smart Start. Great Finish.

MPS, Synaqua

, Reafree

and Coroc

are registered trademarks of

Cook Composites & Polymers. Consult the CCP website at
for complete product information.
CCP Invites You to Visit Us
at the American Coatings Show
Charlotte, N.C. n April 13-15, 2010 n Booth 2551
CCP provides solutions to help sustain the future.

MPS Sucrose Ester Alkyds are the next-generation polymers for

architectural and industrial applications. Sustainability and performance in one
package. Winner of the EPA 2009 Presidential Green Chemistry Challenge Award.

Alkyd Dispersions are designed for color retention, durability and

penetration into porous substrates. Ideal for sustainable porch, deck and
stain applications.

Polyester Powder Coating Resins provide high performance without VOCs

in hybrid, TGIC, polyurethane and superdurable metal finishing applications.

Acrylic Additives promote flow, leveling and air release and eliminate
fish eyes in your toughest coil coating applications.
Join CCPs technical staff at Booth 2551 to discuss how these new
technologies can provide you with sustainable choices for your
most demanding applications.
Charlotte Douglas
International Airport
5501 Josh Birmingham
Charlotte, NC 28208
T 704 359-4027
Opening Times?
Monday Sunday,
07:45 am 11:00 pm
Photo courtesy of Visit Charlotte
Charlotte Dining
Savor a Lot
H With numerous restaurants to
choose from, this city literally is a feast
for the senses. Charlotte restaurants
range from dont miss hole-in-the-wall
joints with fried pickles youll never for-
get, to French-inspired ne dining with
panoramic views of the city below, or
farm-to-fork fare thats fresher than
you can imagine. Charlottes culinary
treasures await.
The Melting Pot Midtown
At The Melting Pot, fondue becomes a
memorable four-course dining experi-
ence where guests can truly dip into
something different. Following a creamy
cheese fondue and lively salad, guests
choose from four avorful fondue cook-
ing styles and a variety of entres includ-
ing let mignon, lobster, chickenbreast,
duck, shrimp, salmon and more. Dessert
features sinful chocolate fondue served
with dipping items including fresh straw-
berries, cheesecake, marshmallows,
pound cake and brownies. The Melting
Pot offers a perfect night out with its re-
laxed atmosphere, private tables, ne
wines, attentive service and signature
fondue dinners. Reservations are always
recommended for the Midtown location
and our University location featuring new
patio seating, located at 230 E. WT Harris
Boulevard (T 704-548-2432).
901 S Kings Drive
Suite 140-B
Charlotte, NC 28204
T 704 334 4400
Enso Asian Bistro and Sushi Bar
From the exotic avors offered on the
menu to its contemporary, elegant design
and dcor, Enso is a feast for the senses.
With a fresh and elegant ambiance that
owners Pete Lloyd and Erez Surkarchi
have dubbed vibe dining, Enso offers
both Charlotteans and EpiCentre visi-
tors alike, something unique - a dynamic,
upscale scene in which guests can enjoy
creative twists on Asian classics, as well
as exceptional and distinctive sushi that
can be ordered until 2:00 a.m. EnsoS
sumptuous dcor and stylish lounge re-
ect a sophistication found in renowned
sushi restaurants like Tao in Las Vegas
and Nobu in New York, and the edible art-
istry created by chef Hiam Aizenberg will
have guests returning for more.
210 East Trade Street
Suite A-108
Charlotte , NC 28208
T 704 716 3676
Zebra Restaurant & Fine Catering
Zebra offers contemporary French Cui-
sine and an acclaimed wine list in a com-
fortable setting. It is ne dining, exquisite
catering, and gracious service, the way
you imagine it without the attitude.
We offer both a la carte choices and
nightly tasting menus to take you through
an unparalleled culinary experience.
Beyond our distinctive menu offerings,
we would be delighted to help you host
an event as special as you would like it to
be. From an intimate gathering of friends
in our Fireplace Room, to a large, catered
corporate event for hundreds at a loca-
tion of your choice, well bring the same
commitment to excellence to your event.
Zebra is one of three restaurants in Char-
lotte to earn AAAs Four Diamond Award,
and the only one to earn Wine Spectators
Best of Award of Excellence. This past fall
we were designated a Distinguished Res-
taurant of North America.
To learn more about Zebra, please visit
our website and take a video tour of the
restaurant conducted by our Chef/Owner
Jim Alexander.
4521 Sharon Road
Charlotte, NC 28211
T 704 442 9525
Lava Bistro
Lava Bistro and Bar matches an eclec-
tic atmosphere with inventive American
cuisine, an award winning wine list, a full
service bar and impeccable service. Lava
offers casual upscale dining perfect for in-
timate dinners and parties of any size, or
bring the fun home with offsite catering.
8708 J.W. Clay Blvd.
Charlotte , NC 28262
T 704 549 0050
In the heart of Uptown's EpiCentre, Mez
offers stunning atmosphere, soaring ceil-
ings, dramatic downtown views and an
intimate lounge. Featuring innovative,
eclectic cuisine from award winning, ac-
claimed Miami Chef Klime Kovaceski
210 East Trade Street
Charlotte , NC 28202
T 704 971 2400
More Restaurants
in the Center City:
Aquavina Steaks & Seafood
435 South Tryon Street
Charlotte, NC 28202
T 704 377-9911
BlackFinn Restaurant and
210 East Trade Street,
Suite B-120
Charlotte, NC 28202
T 704 971-4440
Blue Restaurant & Bar
Blue Restaurant & Bar offers avors
from around the Mediterranean region.
Executive Chef Gene Briggs has
created a multi-cultural menu.
214 North Tryon Street,
Suite 100
Charlotte, NC 28202
T 704 927-2583
Photo: courtesy of Visit Charlotte
Visit us at the
American Coatings Show
Booth 2545
For more information 412-777-3983
Discover whats new
in polyurethane
coatings technology
Dispersions -Bayhydrol

Soft touch coating technologies that withstand suntan
and insect repellents
Low-VOC, graffti-resistant coatings
One-component glass coatings
UV technology - Bayhydrol

UV and Desmolux

Low viscosity, high functionality for Direct-to-Metal
Ease of use - sunshine-cure for wood decks
Compatible with highly flled and pigmented systems
Polyisocyanates - Desmodur

Aliphatic, moisture-cure prepolymers providing
high flm build options for hot, humid conditions
Low viscosity products for low VOC options
High functionality products for ultra high performance
Bonterra Dining & Wine Room
1829 Cleveland Avenue
Charlotte, NC 28203
T 704 333-9463
Brixx Wood-Fired Pizza
225 East Sixth Street
Charlotte, NC 28202
T 704 347-2749
Caffe Siena
230 North College Street
Charlotte, NC 28202
T 704 602-2750
The Capital Grille
201 North Tryon Street
Charlotte, NC 28202
T 704 348-1400
Chima Brazilian Steakhouse
139 South Tryon Street
Charlotte, NC 28202
T 704 601-4141
Coastal Kitchen and Bar
222 East Third Street
Charlotte, NC 28202
T 704 377-1500
Jasons Deli The EpiCentre
210 East Trade Street,
Suite C240
Charlotte, NC 28202
T 704 688-1004
McCormick & Schmicks
200 South Tryon Street
Charlotte, NC 28202
T 704 377-0201
Pie Town
710 West Trade Street
Charlotte, NC 28202
T 704 379-7555
Ri Ra
Irish Pub and Restaurant
208 North Tryon Street
Charlotte, NC 28202
T 704 333-5554
Sonoma Modern American
100 North Tryon Street
Charlotte, NC 28202
T 704 377-1333
Wild Wing Caf
The EpiCentre
210 East Trade Street,
Suite D-262
Charlotte, NC 28202
T 704 716-9464
Zink American Kitchen
Zink offers guests traditional American
comfort food with a unique New
American twist. With its bustling,
late night bar and patio, Zink is
American Cool.
201 North Tryon Street
Charlotte, NC 28202
T 704 444-9001
Photo: courtesy of Visit Charlotte
AC Show
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economic indicators that drive coatings demand, the Market Analysis is the premier data and forecasting
source covering DEMAND, GROWTH, and TRENDS.
Slake your thirst for insight today at
H At booth #1715 exhibitors will
explain and highlight relevant details
about their top new products in
20-minute presentations.
09:20 am - 09:40 am
MPS Emulsion
Chempol MPS 2410:
A New Long Oil Alkyd Emulsion
for VOC < 50 g/L.
Formulation Guidelines
Delano Eslinger
Cook Composites & Polymers
Booth #2551
09:40 am - 10:00 am
Challenges for Methacrylate
Monomers for Low VOC Coatings
Gerold Schmitt
Evonik Degussa Corp.
Booth #1244
10:00 am - 10:20 am
Setting a New Standard
for Sustainability
in Paint and Coatings Additives
Lichang Zhou
Rhodia Inc.
Booth #1943
10:20 am - 10:40 am
Protecting Your Product
with Plastic Containers
Brian McDaniels
KW Container
Booth #1649
10:40 am - 11:00 am
Advances in High Performance
Waxes For Low VOC
Warren Pushaw
Micro Powders
Booth #2049
11:00 am - 11:20 am
Pail Filling Line Concept Langguth
Dieter Vogelsang
Langguth America Ltd.
Booth #1834
11:20 am - 11:40 am
Demonstration of Theory
and Methods for
Cost-Effective Nanoindentation
Drew Grifn
CSM Instruments
Booth #1637
11:40 am - 12:00 pm
Jetne 1A, a New Ultrane Talc to
Confer Superior Hiding Power to
Paint without Diminishing Gloss
Frederic Jouffret and Forrest Hentz
Rio Tinto Minerals
Booth #1331
12:00 pm - 12:20 pm
Dimethyl Carbonate,
the Newest VOC Exempt Solvent
Mark Smith
Kowa American Corp.
Booth #1820
12:20 pm - 12:40 pm
Nanogel Aerogel Additives for Next
Generation Insulative Coating
Daval Doshi, PhD
Cabot Corporation
Booth #1332
12:40 pm - 01:00 pm
Waterborne Epoxy:
Advances in 2K Waterborne Epoxy
Systems for Metal Protection
Marcelo Rufo
Air Products and Chemicals, Inc.
Booth #1725
01:00 pm - 01:20 pm
New Approaches to
In-Can Preservation of Coatings
Scott Brown
Arch Chemicals, Inc.
Booth #2833
01:20 pm - 01:40 pm
New No VOC Dispersing Agent with
Increased Compatibility
Shelley Parkerson
OM Group
Booth #2450
01:40 pm - 02:00 pm
Peptides as
Broad Spectrum Biocides
in Coatings: The Green Solution
Melinda Wales
Reactive Surfaces
Booth #2014
Product Presentations Today
02:00 pm - 02:20 pm
New Flatting Additive Provides
Improved Efciency and Lower VOC
for Solventborne Wood Coatings
William Reynolds
Elementis Specialties
Booth #1225
02:20 pm - 02:40 pm
Tolonate x FD 90B,
New Fast Drying
Aliphatic Polyisocyanate
Mathias Dubecq
Booth #2733
02:40 pm - 03:00 pm
Calcium Carbonate vs.
Feldspathic Minerals
in Architectural Coatings
David Skelhorn
Imerys Performance Minerals
Booth #1431
03:00 pm - 03:20 pm
New and Novel Green, Halogen-
Free, Zero VOC, Fire Retardants
for Coatings, and the Protection
of Wood, Paper, Cloth, Plastic and
Multi-Composite Substrates
Walt Conti
Booth #1417
03:20 pm - 03:40 pm
Silicones: Enhancing Adhesion and
Coatings Appearance in Challeng-
ing Coating Applications
Steven Christiano
Emerald Performance Materials
Booth #1615
03:40 pm - 04:00 pm
No-VOC Colortrend 808 Colorants:
A Modular Approach
Daniel Goldberg
Evonik Degussa Corporation
Booth #1244
04:00 pm - 04:20 pm
Introducing TINT-AYD SI,
High Solid and Zero VOC Tinting
System for
Compliant Solventborne
Industrial Coatings
Hersjel Wehrens
Elementis Specialties
Booth #1225
04:20 pm - 04:40 pm
A New Approach to Enable Higher
Solids and Optimized Performance
in Solventborne Coatings
Deep Bhattacharya
Eastman Chemical Company
Booth #1111
AC Conference

Solutions for
The Zephrym polymeric dispersants are a line of non VOC high
performance dispersants for a variety of industrial and liquid color
applications. Zephrym products are effective for dispersion of a wide range
of organic and inorganic particles in solvent and water-based formulations.
Major Benefits
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Improved dispersion and emulsion stability
Higher pigment or filler loadings
Control of emulsion rheology
More information at
ACS Booth #2133
Croda Coatings & Polymers
your natural choice
Attendees listen attentively to the top-notch presentations of the conference
Future-focused Technologies and Honors
American Coatings Conference highlights today: Mattiello Lecture and waterborne sessions
H The second day of the American
Coatings Conference once again offers
multiple highlights you won't want to
miss. Willie Lau of the Dow Chemical
Company is receiving the Mattiello
Award and will hold his presentation
in the morning. The Waterborne I & II
sessions will cover the latest devel-
opments and trends in the world of
waterbased coating systems.
As the rst day of the American Coat-
ings Conference, yesterday was full
of must-see events. The winners of the
Roon Awards and the American Coatings
Award the prize for the best paper of
the conference were announced at the
plenary session. The technical program
started in the afternoon with exciting
sessions such as Science Today Coat-
ings Tomorrow and Radiation Curing.
Mattiello Lecture by Willie Lau
The second day of the conference is full
of even more special events. At 09:00 am,
Willie Lau, a scientist at The Dow Chemical
Company, will hold the Mattiello Lecture,
Frontiers in Emulsion Polymerization for
Coatings. He will talk about the recent
development of polymer systems deriv-
ing from the polymerization technology
based on cyclodextrin as a phase trans-
port catalyst.
Future technology trend:
The rst session on waterborne systems
looks at new binderbased developments
like functional resins, customized alkyd
emulsions, novel 1K and 2K binders for dif-
ferent applications and organic-inorganic
hybrid technology. The presentations
will include Umesh Harkal from North
Dakota State University talking about
Novel Waterborne Glycidil Carbamate
(GC) Coatings. Yong Hee-Lee of the Ko-
rea Institute of Construction Materials in
South Korea will discuss Synthesis and
Evaluation Properties of Waterborne Ep-
oxy-Ester Resins, providing interesting
insights into research. Other speakers in
this session include representatives of
Reichhold, KCC, Dow Chemical Company
and Cytec Industries.
The six papers of the second session in
the afternoon focus on novel materials
and their mode of action for waterborne
coatings. Tara Everett, Ashland Aqualon
Function Ingredients, will discuss the
Evaluation of the Impact of Paint Addi-
tives on Coatings. Raymond Fernando,
California Polytechnic State University will
address the topic of Shear Thickening in
Aqueous Surfactant-Associative Thickener
Mixtures in his talk. Other contributions
in this session come from Cognis, DuPont
Titanium Mexico, Cyctec Industries and
Merck, Germany.
American Coatings Show Daily
Vincentz Network (VN)
P.O. Box 6247
30062 Hanover (Germany)
Editorial Contacts:
Dr. Sonja Schulte (VN) +49 511 9910-216,
Lisa Romn (ACA) +1 202 462-6272,
Layout and Production:
Birgit Seesing (Responsible), +49 511 9910-266
Claire May, + 49 511 9910-265
Anette Pennartz (Director), +49 511 9910-240
Metrographics, 1119 Clement Ave, Charlotte NC 28205, T 704-375-2474
No portion of this pub li ca tion may be reproduced or uti lized in any form or by any
means, electronic or mechanical including photocopying, recording, or by any infor-
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Place of Jurisdiction:
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Hanover 2010
American Coatings
Association (ACA)
1500 Rhode Island Ave.,
NW Washington DC 20005-5597
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