Rab A Bite With Your Book: Melange

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Issue 1 | June 2014 | Complimentary

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This summers
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Are you an
old school
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Can you
yourself ?
Page 3
Games promote healthy competition
After intense competition and six matches, boys battle it out in the fnals for the football cup.
Manipal University, Dubai recently held
its Intra University games from the 19th
to the 24th of May. Held on its own
campus within the various departments,
these games encourage students to
exhibit their diverse sporting talent in the
feld of sports. The event is also held to
promote healthy competition, team spirit
and sportsmanship among students in the
The various competitive sports played
by both the girls and boys are Basketball,
Football, Volleyball, Badminton, Table
Tennis, Cricket with Throwball held only
for the girls.
The Inter University athletic meet was also
held on the 26th of April, taking place
outdoors on the track feld. It inculcated
all forms of athletics ranging from throws
to sprints and long distance races. The
track events were 100m, 200m, 400m
and 1500 for men only. Field events were
Shotput, Discus and Javelin for both men
and women.
At Manipal University Dubai, we as a
team, try to help students explore their
hidden talents. We have maintained the
consistency built over the years. In the
feld of sports, you dont just learn how
to play the sport, you are also trained to
coordinate, cooperate and sacrifce, says
Mr. Krishnakumar, Head of Facilities and
Sports Coach.
The key to achieving great success is to
set your goal, strive towards it, take action
and move ahead. he further explains.
This is my last year playing and it wasnt
about winning or losing for me. Im just
glad that my juniors got this opportunity
to showcase the skills theyve learnt this
year. says Alma Raheem, captain of
Manipal University Womens Volleyball
Jasim Musthafa, a 2nd year student of
Business, whose team placed 1st in the
Intra Year Mens Football match says, It
was really fun because the whole year
is spent playing against various other
colleges. Once a year we get to play versus
our own players who form their own team.
Its challenging and makes you understand
the strengths and weaknesses of each and
every player.
The Manipal University Womens Football
Team captain, Kavya Narayanan spoke
about her experience playing for the last
Being a senior, I have grown over the
years to become a captain and to pass
it over to the next girl in line is a very
emotional experience for me. Football
is not a common girls sport here so its
another feeling altogether. This being my
last game, Im glad I played my heart out
and I wish my juniors all the very best for
the future
Manipal University also hosts its own
Sports Festival with up to 10 universities
from all over the UAE participating each
year for a week.
Seniors placed 1st in Womens
Volleyball & Throwball
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How easy do we think it is to defend ourselves against
assailants? A few well-placed pokes, kicks or jabs dont
make up karate. A lot of patience and understanding is
required. In fact, karate is doing everything possible to
avoid fghting. To tell us more, we interviewed Sensei
Iqbal from United Karate & Fitness Centre in Sharjah
who told us about what it takes to learn karate and shares
some invaluable tips with us.
If you
Q. Why do you think Self Defense is so
important for girls to learn?
A. The inspiration to start learning self-defense
normally stems from the fact that while we dont
want to hurt anyone, we dont want to get hurt
ourselves. This mentality existed as a kid and it
still continues to this day. It is the same for both
boys and girls. There is crime all over the world. We
cannot assume that Dubai is a safe place to stay. It
has its own dangers. Martial arts is misunderstood.
It is not to teach fghting but rather to teach NOT
to fght. The biggest enemy is yourself. If you
didnt know martial arts, youd still try to fght
because your ego is bruised. But if you do know
martial arts, you will tolerate the person. This is in
relation to boys of course. Girls will probably shy
away from a confrontation but not all girls are like
that of course. What I have taught my students is
that if you fght, you fail.
Q. We say that girls are physically weaker than
the male sex. But we also say that women are
emotionally capable of handling things better.
Is it easier to train girls, keeping in mind the
fact that we learn karate so as to not fght?
A. Well, girls do not rush. They are sharp to catch
movements and they take it seriously. Yes, it is true
that girls are not physically as strong as boys when
they start out but with all the training, we have
some girls who are as strong as the boys.
Q. What is one of the frst things you teach the
A. Always listen to your sensei and dont use your
knowledge of karate unnecessarily. Your sensei is
a teacher that you hold above everyone else. You
might not like listening to your parents but when
you come to learn, you forget your troubles and
clear your mind.
Q. Are there any other forms of self-defense
other than karate that girls could learn?
A. When it comes to girls, there are two forms
of self-defense that they can learn. One is Karate
and the other is Aikido. It is a soft martial art. Its
very easy to learn and apply for women, girls, and
children. It involves grappling, locking, pinning
and striking your opponent and is recommended
for young girls. For older girls and women, I would
suggest Karate, which is a hard martial art, because
it involves aerobics and is a terrifc workout. One
hour of karate is equal to three hours of going to
the gym. It burns calories very fast and improves
your refexes.
Q. What about time management? It isnt
always easy to come to an institute to learn and
add it to our daily routine.
A. If you can fnd the time to do other stuff, then
why cant you fnd time to look after your body? 2
hours of karate a week is enough for your health.
Every day when working, you use only your brain.
What workout will your body get? Thats why it is
important to manage time.
Q. What message would you like to send out to
young girls, and women everywhere?
A. I advise them to always be cautious and carry
themselves with confdence. Anything can happen
at any time, any place. Just be careful. It isnt
necessary that you should know karate. But if you
do, youll only be more prepared to protect yourself
and others if need be. Whats the harm in that?
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Use your voice. Shouting out words like Help or Police will get attention.
The eyes, throat, groin and knees are weak areas. Try to place most force on these areas.
Keep your own temper in check and remain calm.
Greasy fngers, loud munching, and fnally, a sated
stomach. A loud burp gets lost in the cacophony
that surrounds people at the food court. Chairs
get pushed, tables get bumped. Not by hands, but
by hips. Navigating through a maze of furniture
while juggling a few Big Macs, a bucket of KFC,
large fries and a diet coke seems a bit diffcult
especially when you cant see your own feet!
This is the case here in the Middle East. Large
tummies and round hips get in the way of
even the most simplest of tasks. Walking
from the parking lot to the entrance of your
fat requires measured breaths. Wails fll
dressing rooms as clothes are deemed too
tight and no larger size exists. Doctors
warnings fall on deaf ears.
The common enemy here is
obesity. Rising through the ranks
on the global level, Kuwait is
now the big man on top of
the scales, beating even
the United States of
America which
came in second
in this study
done by
Daily Mail. What is intriguing though is that the
women are overshadowing the men. The Arab
state has an average body mass index of 27.5 for
men and 31.4 for women.
In a world where media scrutiny on women and
a perfect body image are at its peak, the world
average for womens obesity is increasing too. On
one hand we have women who want to be a size
zero while on the other, women dont mind being
However, obesity isnt all about stretch marks.
The real danger is inside. A Gulf News article
on obesity published in January 2013 emphasizes
that wrong eating habits, a fast-paced lifestyle and
physical inactivity have become a growing public
health problem contributing to many chronic
diseases. Megan Hafatalla, a Canadian-born
nutritionist who works in Dubai Healthcare City
said, Especially for women, obesity has become
a serious health problem in the Arab countries.
Cultural and social factors play a big role as
women and girls are not encouraged to engage in
sports. They are also accustomed to the lifestyle
of convenience and fast food that increases their
calorie intake.
Another risk of obesity affects not only the woman
but also the life she carries inside her when shes
pregnant. According to a study done in Sweden,
Pregnant women who are
overweight or obese are more likely to give birth
This study suggests that there is a direct
association between maternal overweight and
obesity during pregnancy and the risk of preterm
birth, said Dr. Muktar Aliyu, who has studied
pregnancy risks at Vanderbilt University School
of Medicine in Nashville, Tennessee.
She also stresses that women should
maintain a healthy weight before and after
pregnancy not just for their own health
but also for the sake of the unborn child.
In conclusion, obesity is a rising issue
but with awareness, women just might
realize that being the right amount of
curvy is enough to be themselves
without a risk of illness.
So ladies, be bold in your
skin but dont forget to
take care of it too. You
wont be the only
one using it.
g T

An alarming insight
in to the world of
obesity in the Middle
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Travel in groups when youre travelling alone in the night. Avoid taking shortcuts in isolated areas.
Even in a crowded place, keep your eyes peeled for people who act shifty or nervous.
Make sure your parents and friends know your schedule and who youre hanging out with. Carry a cell phone which has your parents on speed dial.
Is our
being dumbed
- Nabila Sharani
Defned as the deliberate lowering of
diffculty and intellectual content, dumbing
down is becoming a national pandemic.
Starting from the news organisations that
dish up unworthy news and sensationalise
it, to the people who take it in, countries
all over the world are suffering. There are
a number of reasons for this, with the
main gist being that journalists fear being
perceived as boring.
In recent times, news stories and events
have taken a backseat while celebrity status
and scandals have flled the front pages
of newspapers. This doesnt only occur in
tabloids but in mainstream newspapers as
BBCJournalist Michael Bunce supports this,
saying: The essential paradox is that, whilst
readers and viewers are better educated than
in the past, the media are lowering the IQ of
their output.
Journalists barely have to put any effort into
reporting nowadays as everything is deemed
newsworthy in their eyes. A photojournalist
has to take one picture of a celebrity without
makeup to be paid in hundreds. Interesting
events, wars, politics and economics are
pushed further back into the newspapers;
celebrities have more importance.
As Jamie Dowd who writes for the Observer
stated: We may not know much about
the Holy Roman Empire. But boy do we
know how to accessorise and get the best
Lazy journalism has hit its peak: Stories are
published with errors, scandals are more
important than the facts and articles are no
longer objective. Importance has shifted
from informing the public to entertaining
In 2013, Jon Stewart of the Daily Show hit
out at news corporations like CNN and Fox
for their tendency to reduce news stories to
whether they were a good thing or a bad
thing. Showing a number of examples from
across CNNs broadcast history that prove
his point, Stewart mocked the cable news
I dont want to say that by reducing
complex stories to their most reductive
mood ring essence you think were children,
Im just saying if this is the direction youre
going in I can save you a lot of money on
correspondence, Stewart says.
Lack of credibility is the single issue most
often cited by the news media as the most
important problem facing journalism today.
Growing fnancial and business pressures
are taking a toll on newsgathering, especially
for journalists who work at big network
news channels. The pressure to make a
proft, even with corporate sponsorship is
hurting the quality of coverage.
On the fipside, there is something known
as the CNN effect. A theory that seeks
to explain the effect that 24-hour news
networks, such as CNN, have on the general
political and economic climate. Because
media outlets provide ongoing coverage
of a particular event or subject matter, the
attention of viewers is narrowly focused for
potentially prolonged periods of time.
The CNN effect can therefore cause
individuals and organizations to react more
aggressively towards the subject matter
being examined.
This theory shows that people have to be
literally force fed issues for them to realise
that there is a bigger picture. It has an effect
on people which in turn has an effect on
government policies and economics. This
can lead to a major surge in either direction;
good or bad.
However, some of the blame for dumbing
down news can be put on journalists. News
topics such as politics and the government
are a lot harder to report on in an interesting
and original way than they were. Journalists
harm their own stories by cooking up new
ways to dish it out. Almost everything and
anything is reported upon with a sly twist
in humour and in a more storytelling non-
objective way.
John S. Driscoll, retired editor of the
Boston Globe and now Editor in Residence
at MITs prestigious Media Lab says, At a
time when the general public is becoming
smarter in this country could it be that the
press is becoming dumber?
My answer to that is: no and yes. I say no,
because the people who own and work for
news organizations are smarter than ever. I
say yes, because the content they are serving
up to you is indeed being dumbed down.
Therefore we would have to conclude that
the media thinks its smart to be dumb.
This type of journalism makes the public
relax and dumb down and as such, when
a story does come up that is rich in news
values and accuracy, the public might not
accept it.
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A basic need in life is food. Good food. When you couple that with something else that makes
your heart tick, its an explosion of joy; a feeling that is unique and your own.
Whether its catching up with the news over breakfast or settling down on a rainy day (this
is rare in Dubai and therefore is much more cherished) with a book you cant put down and
something to munch on, that is when time fies. You look up because youve fnished your
hot chocolate and realize you unconsciouly turned the lamp next to you on. In fact the only
reason youre even aware of your surroundings is because you fnished the food that was your
reading companion.
This works well at home. What about when youre outside? Cant bring a drink into a bookstore
because you might damage the books. So what do you do? Resigned to staring through the
window at all those lovely books you wont get your hands on.
Thats where Book Munch comes in. A quaint bookstore-caf with a lively and warm
atmosphere, theres slow jazz music playing, going hand in hand with the eclectic furniture.
The walls are stacked with books, surrounded by food paraphernalia.
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Cover Cover
We spoke to Dareen Charafeddine, the owner and Managing Director of
Book Munch, the frst literary caf of its kind in Dubai.
Q - Your caf is bridging the gap between eating and reading. What was your
inspiration behind it?
A - I dont see a gap between eating and reading. A lot of readers when reading, enjoy
having a snack. I see them as two activities that can go hand in hand. The inspiration
behind it..Well, I love books and I love food. Ive been a publisher before so I used to
work with books. Our family business had to do with food as well so we kind of put the
two together. I was inspired by a lot of book cafs in Europe, in the West and the States.
So it wasnt something we just came up with haphazardly. It was something that was
well thought of and weve been thinking about over the past few years. Its always been
something weve wanted to start as a family. My mom used to talk about it when we were
kids. She wanted to start a book caf or something of the kind. It was always there but
you know, never tackled properly.
Q - Who is the target audience that you seek to cater to?
A - To tell you the truth, its for the whole community. It targets the community around
us, it targets everyone in Dubai basically. Were very family friendly so all our books cater
to every member of the family. Youd fnd something for the dad, something for the
mom and defnitely something for the kids. Were surrounded by very big schools around
us; a lot of moms come in for coffee mornings, after drop off. Theres the park as well
next to us so a lot of people who are jogging would walk in, have a healthy breakfast. I
have to say we do sell more food than we sell books. Its kind of natural, I guess. If you
look at the space, its a full fedged caf.
Q - You have an impressive spread in your food menu. Given the multi ethnic
clientle that comes here from different age groups, are you offering your
customers equal or similar choices in reading material?
A - We have English books, we have Arabic books, we started carrying a few French titles
as well because we felt the need for that. We encourage all kinds of languages. We do
readings in Arabic, English, weve done Urdu, weve done French as well. Its like doing
what the community wants. So if we felt that a lot of people are asking for French books,
we do stock them. Wed like to stock a few Spanish titles as well. These kinds of books
you dont fnd in Dubai; you want your kids to learn or read in your mother tongue. You
want them to feel that they can fnd these kind of books and embrace their culture as
Q - In case of young adults, are you planning any specifc strategies to wean them
away from gadgetry to develop healthy reading habits?
A - We just started our Young Adults Book Club. They will meet once a month; the
frst meeting was in November. We have a lot of other book clubs who meet here.
Theyre independent book clubs, theyre usually for adults but we wanted to specially
encourage young adults to come in. We do see young adults coming here. They want to
be surrounded by books, they want to be in such an atmosphere. So yeah, I wouldnt give
up on them completely, not yet.
Q - What events will you be hosting and who is your target audience for such
A - We always have things going on depending on what time of the year it is. We have
Story Time for children every Thursday. We also do poetry nights for adults. We invite
poets who come and read from their poetry and we make a dinner out of it. We then
open the mic for other who would like to share something. We also have a Cook The
Books events. We choose a cookbook and we always have a chef available who would
lead the discussion and tell the stories behind the recipes.
Q - What is the customer experience you hope to create?
A - We want this to be somewhere you can feel like youre home away from home, your
community caf. You feel like its warm; friendly. Its not your regular franchise mall cold
kind of caf.
Book Munch is located at Al Wasl Square, Dubai, UAE. Head on over
to cosy up with a book and some good food or just to hang out with friends
and family. For more information visit http://www.bookmunchcafe.com/
All photos by Nabila Sharani
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Arcade games vs console games
If you asked a true gamer which was better, arcade games
or console games; you can clearly see the struggle on their
face while they try to answer. However, if there had been no
arcade machines, there wouldnt have been console games.
Deciding which one is better is a tough one simply because
neither is competing with each other. The world may think
that the arcade is dying but infact it is not. It is making far
more money compared to consoles.
At this point in time, asking a teenager for their frst
experience in gaming will result in them talking about video
games. Farhan Sayed, 15, says he never had much experience
in arcade machines, having started playing console games
since he was 5.
I already had video games at home, thanks to my brother so
I never went to an arcade and played games there. Nowadays
though, Ive gotten quite bored with video games since they
churn the same stuff out and would love to try arcade games
out. When asked why he felt this way he replied Both arcade
games and video games are pioneers of their time but with
arcade games you get another experience altogether. Since its
something I havent tried, I look forward to it,
Today, arcade machines generate a wealth of revenue and
profts for the leisure industry in general. Take any mall today
in Dubai. It surely has an arcade centre. Have you seen a
console gaming centre covering as much a footprint as arcade
Console games have pushed the gaming benchmark multifold
over the last decade. Back in 2009, console games were at their
peak. Arcade machines were just surviving.
But times are changing. What console games achieved in a
decade, arcade games achieved the same inamatterof afew years.
Console games, in general, are trying to divide the attention
from a very limited audience compared to arcade centres.
Arcade centres appeal to all ages. You even get tickets for
playing well. When was the last time you got an iPad for
defeating Medusa in God of War?
Hussein Zohair, 22, is an avid gamer and has been playing
since he was three years old. He has played a few arcade games
like Tekken Tag but shifted to video games very quickly.
I game for the experience. Not just to compete. Arcade
games are mostly competition. They dont provide us with
a compelling gaming experience where I am looking for a
single player experience.And if I want to compete, I can take
my console gaming online and play multiplayer so it serves
the purpose that arcade games provide. Plus its way more
convenient too, he says.
On the other hand, speak to someone who has been through
both the phases equally and they will tell you a different story.
Ridhan Assadi, 25, is a gamer as well as an arcade salesman.
His frst experience with gaming was on an arcade machine.
He didnt have a PlayStation, Gameboy or an Xbox. He had
coins and games like Street Fighter to play.
Everything in terms of graphics and virtual reality can be
found in arcade gaming today at par with console gaming.
You may have Kinect at your disposal, arcade centres have
Pump It Up and Dance, Dance Revolution machines. You
may have a magic wand from the PS3; arcade answers with the
advent of Occulus Rift. Arcade centres are a different league
altogether. They fnd their calling in our hearts and spirits. I
can always get into an arcade and have a fun time playing a
game with my grandfather or my kids. With consoles, it is just
me against the whole world and that too as fast as my internet
speed allows it to be.
Console gaming has not reached that level where it can
challenge the experience and memories an arcade centre
offers. It is just too underdeveloped for it. It is, in gaming
terminology, too n00b for it.
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Picture Credit: DeviantArt
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These summer accessorries will ensure you never
have to worry about your outft again. With
statement pieces like these, youll make heads turn!
All photos from InStyle
A. A touch of Aquamarine, turquoise or sea green always perks up
a tired face thats been in the sun too long
B. Summer is all about color and what better place to make a splash
than your feet?
C. Fringe necklaces are the rage right now; they make your neck
appear longer and add a grunge/rock chic look to your outft
D. Perfect for shopping, this bag will go well with any outift.
E. These Haviana slippers will put a spring in every step you take!
F. Coral chandelier earrings frame any face shape leading to a soft
feminine look.
G. This beach bag fts in all your essentials including that extra
bottle of sunscreen!
H. Red or magenta gives a glow to the skin making it appear sun
BOOK: The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo
Author: Stieg Larsson
Translator: Reg Keeland
Language: Swedish
Series: Millennium
Genre: Crime, mystery, thriller
Publisher: Norstedts Frlag
Publication date: 2005
ISBN: 978-1-84724-253-2
Mikael Blomkvist is a fnancial journalist who makes a mistake and it seems like his career is over. He is invited to the
home of Henrik Vanger to solve the mystery of his missing niece Harriet Vanger under the guise of writing a biogra-
phy. He takes the assistance of Lisbeth Salander who is a genius researcher. Together they solve the mystery that has
been ongoing for at least four decades.
MOVIE: How To Train Your Dragon 2
Director: Dean DeBlois
Genre: Animation, Action, Adventure
Stars: Jay Baruchel, Cate Blanchett, Gerard Butler
Language: English
Release Date: 27 June 2014
Production Co: DreamWorks Animation, Mad Hatter Entertainment
Runtime: 102 min
Its been fve years since Hiccup and Toothless successfully united dragons and vikings on the island of Berk. Te
now inseparable pair journey through the skies, charting unmapped territories and exploring new worlds. When
one of their adventures leads to the discovery of a secret ice cave that is home to hundreds of new wild dragons and
the mysterious Dragon Rider, the two friends fnd themselves at the center of a battle to protect the peace.
ALBUM: Midnight Memories
Artist: One Direction
Released: November 2013
Genre: Pop
Length: 48:22
Label: Columbia
This is the third studio album by British-Irish boy band One Direction comprising of Harry Styles, Zayn Malik, Niall
Horan, Liam Payne, and Louis Tomlinson. Midnight Memories, is described as having a slightly rockier tone than their
previous efforts. It has become the fastest-selling album in Amazon UKs ffteen-year history, breaking the record set by
One Directions previous release, Take Me Home (2012). The album debuted at number one on the US Billboard 200,
making One Direction the frst group in history to debut at number one in the US with their frst three albums.
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it: G
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Fashion Entertainment
The Fish
market also
sells fruit,
and various
Although the fsh vendors
working in the market
rarely have free time, when
they take time out, its to sit
in the fresh air away from
the market.
Its a fish
market in
Well, its not just that. Situtated near Naif in Deira, Dubai, the fsh market is
almost always jam packed. It will open your eyes to another part of Dubai; one
that is not shiny and glamourous. All pictures by Nabila Sharani.
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Out and About

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