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carving the most dls;inct relief ; and it is an effect strictly lawful, because it was impossible
in oilier material, and yet natural in woodwork. The same attention to the material will
be found exemplified very remarkably in all old wooden mouldings. The accompanying
illustrations {^Jiys.
\l?A. and 1135)
will show how extraordinarily minute, delicate, and
sliarj) they were. In the stalls at Selby we see an elabo-
rate cap, only I5 inches high
at Winchester, a band ^tlis
of an incli in lieight, and yet consisting of four distinct
meujhers, and showing in elevation as many as eight
Scale 2 in. to 1 ft. Fig. 1136. SCREEN; koi;tiifli;et. FiR. 1137.
distinct lines. The finish of the wall plates in the porch at Horsemonden, and the
carving of the miserere seat, so curiously preserved in the midst of woodwork some three
iiundred years later h\ date, in Henry VII.'s chaptl, are fair illustrations of the goodness
of tlie earlier sculpture',"
The whole of tlie early mouldings are sharp, delicate, minute, and (|uaintly undercut.
They are very often unlike any stone mouldings, just as many wooden traceries (e
of the screen at St. INIary's hospital, at Chichester
11;5.5.), and the stalls at Lancaster),
are (juite unlike what could conveniently be executed in In spite of a bad fashinn
wliich obtains just now," among some of the present medi.-pval architects,
of ignoring
;he value of mouldings, I maintain that they prove conclusively the existence of a school
of art in this country of almost unsurpassable excellence." Street, On Eniilish IVnodwurk
in the VMli and 14,'A centuries, read at the Royal Institute of liritisk Architects, 2Ctli
February, 1865.
As an example of early work we give /7(/s. 1136. and J 1.37., from Bury, Wixxln-ork. being
the details of tlie screen in NortliHeet Church, Kent. M, in the first figure, is the first
column (the details being given to a larger scale at S) in the screen abutting upon the

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