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OUR SCHOOL NEWSLETTER Newsletter Date: 04/12/09

First week of Advent

This is our GOLDEN anniversary year at
St Francis Xavier RC Primary School.
This week’s golden achievers are
Bethan Stoddart
Their will be NO football now until January 6th 2010 due to
Being kind and helpful
Ian‘s work commitments
Connor Davies
Events coming up Tuesday 15th December Christingle 6.00pm at Really good effort in everything he does
Sacred Heart Church Martyna Antonik
Wednesday 16th December Ks1 & Foundation
Stage Nativity 9.30am & 2.00pm in school Beautiful handwriting
Elizabeth Stewart
Trying hard with her reading
Rosie Stock
Sustaining good writing over several
Wednesday December 9th sentences when writing about the
3.30pm Nativity Story
We will need Prizes for Raffle, Tombola, Brigid
Oliver Butcher
bottle stall and anything you think will
Listening well and working hard in all
be helpful or would like to suggest. areas of the curriculum
50th Celebration Mass Paul Ssali
Mature actions during the Advent
A really big thanks to all those who came Wreath service
to help celebrate the 50th anniversary Mass Columba
at St Peter In Chains. It was a fantastic Sommer Booth
service with the bishop and four priests Extra effort in all areas of school life.
concelebrating, a deacon serving and the For dancing beautifully in Mass
children liturgically miming, playing music
God bless them all!
and leading the singing so beautifully. Attendance has been won by…
Top Dog - Hilda 96.5%
Did you spot the mistake last week?
Your children were brilliant… again! The Cup – Bede 98.7 %
Turn over and
School weekly total 94.7%
Thank you for your continued support. Always Club
If your child has won something or passed and
Gerald Anigbo, Ellie-Jay Watson, Henna
exam please let me know and it can be added
Ullah-Cox, Joshua Hammond, George
in the news letter.
Smith, Aleesha Kelly

The St Francis Fun Factory are having a Christmas Party on Monday 14th December. Everyone
is welcome to come regardless of whether they use the club or not. The cost of the Party is
£8.50 per child.

It will start at 3.20pm until 6.00pm. Children can bring party clothes into school and get
changed at the end of the school day.

To book a place please contact Janet or Pauline before 10 th December payment is needed at
the time of booking.

Come along and have some fun with party games, dancing, food and drinks.
Hope to see you there Janet and Pauline.
Creative Christmas Fun
Morning Afternoon
W/b Day Other activities
Activity Activity
Monday Jigsaws Wii Night
Tuesday Wii games Colouring Homework table; hoola-hoops;
Christmas pictures x-box; board games table;
7th december

Wednesday Skipping Making Christmas planner-checking table; leggo;

cards ball games; jigsaws; painting;

Thursday Ball games Making Gift boxes drawing; role play; and much
Friday Drawing Making rice crispy more.
Computers can be accessed most evenings (for a maximum of 1 hour then a break
for half an hour).

To book a place, please ring or text: 07903583718 or school. New booking forms will be on
the admin notice board outside the school office or see Lynda Bowker (Office manager), Janet
Howarth (Play Leader) or Pauline Hughes (Play Worker).

Saving Club
A number of parent of children in Key stage 2 use our savings scheme to help ease the
payments for the residential visits in each class and it was suggested that a savings club
be set up to run throughout the whole year to help pay for any visits. The amount saved
and the frequency is entirely up to each parent but this will be particularly helpful next
year as one of our residential visits will be at the beginning of the year, not at the end as
now. Some parent have stared this if anyone else is interested please see Mrs Bowker.

St Francis Xavier Catholic Primary

Roberts Road, Balby Doncaster We’re on the Web!
Phone – 01302344678 See us at:
Fax – 01302

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