Engineering Graphics

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Compiled and Edited by
Mechanical Engineering Faculty



Do not enter the lab without ID card.
Do not use CELL PHONES in the laboratory.
Log on to the system using your user name and pass word.
Necessary material such as prescribed text book and Drawing Instruments should
be brought to every Engineering Graphics Manual class.
Ensure that the assignments are corrected by the concerned faculty in manual
drawing class before going to CAD lab to do the same using CAD tool.
Ensure that the file uploading is done properly with the lab assistant before leaving
the lab class.

Version No. 1.10
Prerequisite -
Objectives: 1. To create awareness and emphasize the need for Engineering
Graphics in all the branches of engineering.
2. To follow basic drawing standards and conventions.
3. To develop skills in three-dimensional visualization of
engineering component.
4. To develop an understanding of 2D and 3D drawings using the
SolidWorks software.
On completion of this course, the students will be able to
1. Prepare drawings as per standards (BIS).
2. Solve specific geometrical problems in plane geometry
involving lines, plane figures and special Curves.
3. Produce orthographic projection of engineering components
working from pictorial drawings.
4. Prepare 2D Drawings using the SolidWorks software.
Unit I Introduction
Introduction to Engineering Graphics Geometrical Construction Conics and
Special Curves.
Unit II Free Hand Sketching and Dimensioning
Free hand Sketching Dimensioning Principles.
Unit III Orthographic Projection Points and Lines
Orthographic Projection Projection of Points and lines.
Unit IV Orthographic Projection Solids
Orthographic Projection Projection of solids in simple position, Axis Inclined to
one plane.
Unit V Orthographic Projection Objects
Conversion of Pictorial view into Orthographic projections.
Text Books
1. Venugopal K and Prabhu Raja V, Engineering Graphics, New AGE
International Publishers, 2007.
2. CAD Manual prepared by VIT staff.
1. Bhatt N. D., Engineering Drawing, Charotar publishing House, 1998.
2. French and Vierk, Fundamentals of Engineering Drawing, McGraw Hill, 2002.
3. Natarajan, K. V., Engineering Graphics, Dhanalakshmi Publishers, 2006.
Mode of Evaluation Tutorials / Class Tests / Lab Exam
Recommended by the Board of Studies on: 31.10.2009
Date of Approval by the Academic Council: 27.11.2009
Course delivery

Basic introductory sessions on engineering graphics such as
1. Lettering and numbering
2. Dimensioning practice
3. Geometric constructions
4. Constructing polygons, conics etc. and
5. Special curves are practiced on A3 plain white sheets using drawing instruments.
6. Projection of points, straight lines, solids and orthographic projections are
practiced on A3 Plain sheets.
7. CAD tool is provided to the student to reproduce the exercises that are got
evaluated on A3 sheets.

Drawing Instruments

1. Mini drafter
2. A3 size drawing sheets
3. Card board backup sheet
4. Pencils (HB, H, 2H)
5. Scale
6. Big compass and small compass
7. Big divider and small divider
8. Protractor
9. Eraser
10. Clips
11. Cello tape
12. Set square set (45x 45and 30x 60)


Internal Evaluation: 50 Marks
Term End Examination: 50 Marks
Students are evaluated for the internal marks based on the criteria mentioned in
Table 1
Table 1: Evaluation procedure
S.No. CRITERIA for Evaluation Marks allotted
1. CAD 15
3. Manual/Free hand drawing 15

Title Block for Class work

A3 sheet Margins

Left : 20 mm
Right : 10 mm
Top : 10 mm
Bottom : 10 mm

S. No. Date Title Marks
[Max. 10]
Signature of
the faculty
1. Lettering/Numbering

2. Dimensioning

3. Geometric constructions -I

4. Geometric constructions-II (Conics
and special curves)

5. Projection of points

6. Projection of Lines parallel to one
of the planes / inclined to both the

7. Projection of Lines inclined to both
the planes Finding true length
and angle

8. Projection of Solids in simple

9. Projection of Solids with Axis
inclined to one of the planes

10. Projection of Solids of revolution
with axis inclined to one of the

11. Orthographic Projection of simple
machine components- I

12. Orthographic projection of simple
machine components II

Tutorial 1

1.1. Write the following in A3 sheet using lettering standards prescribed by BIS.
a. Characters( Upper and lower case with height of 10 mm)
b. Drawing is the language of Engineers( with height of 7 mm)
c. Two good reasons for choosing VIT University, Chennai Campus (with
height of 5 mm)
1.2. Write the following in A3 sheet using numbering standards prescribed by BIS.
a. Numerals ( 0 to 9) (with height of 10 mm)
b. Your mobile/landline number (with height of 5 mm)
c. Your bank account number (with height of 5 mm)
d. Your vehicle number (with height of 5 mm)
e. Mobile numbers of your faculty members (with height of 5 mm)

Note: Fill the title block of the A3 sheet after practicing the characters/numerals

Tutorial 2

Redraw and dimension the following figures as per BIS.

Figure 2
Figure 3
Figure 5
Figure 4
Figure 1
Tutorial 3
3.1 Draw the different types of lines and name them.
3.2 Construct the following lengths and mention the scale factor.
(i) 200 to full scale (ii) 100 to half scale and (iii) 50 to 1:5 scale.
3.3 Draw a line segment of length 100 mm and divide it into 7 equal parts using
3.4 Divide a line 143 mm long into three parts in the proportions of 2:1:3.
3.5 Draw an arc of a circle of radius 30 mm and bisect it.
3.6 Draw an arc of radius 25 mm to touch two given straight lines at 90 degrees to
each other.
3.7 Draw all the regular polygons of any size to suit the drawing paper and print a
title with each drawing.
3.8 Inscribe two circles of diameters 44 mm and 24 mm respectively inside a circle of
76 mm diameter. Each circle should touch the other two.
3.9 Draw the three circles to touch each other with radius 25 mm, 20 mm and 12 mm.

Tutorial 4
4.1 Construct an ellipse when the distance between the focus and the directrix is 50 mm
and the eccentricity is 2/3. Draw the tangent and normal at any point on the curve
using directrix.
4.2 A flowerbed in a botanical garden is elliptical in shape. Major and minor axes are 9
m and 5.5 m respectively. Draw the profile of the flowerbed to a scale of 1:100.
4.3 A cricket ball thrown from the ground level reaches the wicket keepers gloves.
Maximum height reached by the ball is 5 m. The ball travels a horizontal distance of
11 m from the point of projection. Trace the path of the ball.
4.4 The headlight reflector of the four wheeler has a maximum rim diameter of 115 mm
and a maximum depth of 90 mm. Draw the shape of the reflector. Draw a tangent
and normal at any point on the curve.
4.5 Construct a parabola such that the distance between the focus and directrix is 40
mm. Draw a tangent from any point on the curve.
4.6 Construct a rectangular hyperbola when a point P on it is at a distance of 25 mm and
30 mm respectively from the two asymptotes.
4.7 An Ideal gas expands according to Boyles law, PV=Constant. Pressure, P is 0.3
, and Volume, V is 0.06 cm
. Select a suitable scale and plot the expansion
4.8 Draw a hyperbola when transverse axis is 80 mm and the distance between the foci
is 120 mm. Draw a tangent to the curve from a point on the curve and also locate it
4.9 A coin of 40 mm diameter rolls over a horizontal table without slipping. A point on
the circumference of the coin is in contact with the table surface in the beginning and
after one complete revolution. Draw the path of the point on the coin. Also draw a
tangent and normal at any point of the curve.
4.10 A wheel of a Bike of diameter 500 mm rolls without slipping on a level road
through a distance of 1025 mm. Trace the path of a point, P on the wheel, which is
initially in contact with the road. Name the curve. Find the angle through which
the wheel is turned?
4.11 Draw one turn of the involute of a circle 50mm in diameter. Draw a tangent and
normal to the curve at a point 80mm from the centre of the circle.
4.12 Trace the path of the end point of a cable unwinding itself from a drum of 500 mm
diameter, such that the unwound cable is stretched tight during unwinding. Draw
a tangent and normal at any point on the curve.

Tutorial 5
5.1 Draw the symbol or notation for first angle and third angle projection.
5.2 Draw the projections of the following points on the same ground line, keeping the
projectors 25 mm apart.
a. Point A in the H.P and 20 mm behind the V.P
b. Point B 40 mm above the H.P and 25 mm in front of the V.P
c. Point C in the V.P and 40 mm above the H.P
d. Point D 25 mm below the H.P and 25 mm behind the V.P
e. Point E 15 mm above the H.P and 50 mm behind the V.P
f. Point F 40 mm below the H.P and 25 mm in front of the V.P
g. Point G in both the H.P and the V.P
5.3 A point P is 50 mm from both the reference planes. Draw its projections from all
possible positions.
5.4 State the quadrants in which the following points are situated:
a. A point P; its top view is 40 mm above xy; the front view is 20 mm below the top
b. A point Q; its projections coincide with each other 40 mm below xy.
5.5 A point P is 15 mm above H.P and 20 mm in front of V.P. Another point Q is 25 mm
behind V.P and 40 mm below the H.P. Draw the projections of P and Q keeping the
distance between their projectors equal to 90 mm. Draw straight lines joining a) their
top views b) their front views.
5.6 Two points A and B are in the H.P. The point A is 30 mm in front of the V.P and the
point B is behind V.P. The distance between their projectors is 75 mm and the line
joining their top views makes an angle of 45 degrees with xy. Find the distance of
the point B from the V.P.

Tutorial 6
6.1 Draw the projections of a line PQ, 50 mm long parallel to both H.P. & V.P., 15 mm
above the H.P. & 20 mm in front of V.P.
6.2 A line PQ 80 mm long is parallel to the V.P. and inclined at 45 to the H.P. The end
P is 20 mm above the H.P. and 15 mm in front of VP. Draw the projections of the
line PQ.
6.3 The end P of a line 60 mm long is 15 mm above the H.P. and 15 mm in front of the
V.P. The line is parallel to the H.P. and inclined to V.P. The length of the elevation
is 40 mm. Draw the projections of the line.
6.4 A line PQ 70 mm long lies in the H.P. and has its ends P in both the H.P. and the
V.P. It is inclined at 40 to the V.P. Draw the projections of the line.
6.5 A line AB of 70 mm long is parallel to and 25 mm in front of V.P. Its one end is on
H.P while other is 40 mm above H.P. Draw the projections of the line and
determine its inclination with H.P.
6.6 A line AB is on H.P and its one end A is 20 mm in front of V.P. The line makes an
angle of 45 with V.P and its front view is 60 mm long. Draw the projections of the
lines and determine the true length.
6.7 An electric switch (A) and bulb (B) fixed on a wall are 5 m apart. The distance
between them, measured parallel to the floor is 4 m. If the switch is 1.5 m above
the floor, find the height of the bulb and the inclination of the line joining the
switch and the bulb with the floor.
6.8 A line AB, which is perpendicular to H.P and 80 mm long, has its end B 20 mm
below the H.P and 30 mm in front of V.P. Another line AC which is 60 mm long is
parallel to both H.P and V.P. The mid-point D of the line AC is joined to B. Draw
the projections and determine the inclination of the line BD with H.P.
6.9 What is the true length of a line whose plan measures 90 mm and whose
inclination to the H.P is 45 ?
6.10 What is the true length of the line whose elevation measures 160 mm and whose
inclination to the V.P is 40 ?
6.11 A straight line PQ 65 mm long is parallel to the H.P and inclined at 48 to the V.P.
The end P is situated 30 mm above the H.P and 30 mm in front of V.P. Draw the
plan and the elevation of the line PQ and measure the distance between the
projectors of the line.
6.12 A straight line PQ 80 mm long is parallel to V.P and inclined at 30 to the H.P. The
end P is situated 20 mm above the H.P and 30 mm in front of V.P and the whole
line lies in the first dihedral angle. Draw the plan and elevation of the line PQ and
measure this length. What is the distance between end projectors of the line PQ?
6.13 A line PQ 75 mm long is inclined at an angle of 45 to the HP and 30 to the V.P.
The point P is 15 mm above the H.P. & 20 mm in front of V.P. Draw the projections
of the line.
6.14 A line measuring 75 mm long has one of its ends 50 mm in front of V.P. and 15 mm
above the H.P. The top view of the line is 50 mm long. Draw and measure the front
view. The other end is 15 mm in front of the V.P. and is above H.P.
6.15 A line measuring 80 mm long has one of its ends 60 mm above H.P. and 20 mm in
front of the V.P. The other end is 15 mm above the H.P. and in front of the V.P. The
front view of the line is 60 mm long. Draw the top view.
6.16 The mid-point of a straight line AB is 60 mm above H.P. and 50 mm in front of the
V.P. The line measures 80 mm long and inclined at 30 to the H.P. and 45 to the
V.P. Draw the projections.
6.17 A line LM 70 mm long has its end L 10 mm above H.P. and 15 mm in front of the
V.P. Its top view and front view measures 60 mm and 40 mm respectively. Draw
the projections of the line and determine its inclinations with the H.P. & V.P.

Tutorial 7
7.1 A line PQ is parallel to the V.P. The end P is 15 mm above the H.P. and 20 mm in
front of the V.P. The end is 60 mm above the H.P. The distance between the end
projections is 60 mm. Find the true length and the inclination of the line with the
7.2 One end P of the line PQ is in the V.P. and 30 mm above the H.P. The line is
parallel to the H.P. and inclined at 35 to the V.P. The length of the elevation is 50
mm .Find the true length of the line.
7.3 A line GH is 45 mm long is in H.P. and inclined to V.P. The end G is in front of the
V.P. The length of the front view is 35 mm. Draw the projections of the line.
Determine the inclination with V.P.
7.4 The distance between the projectors of the two points A & B is 70 mm. Point A is
10 mm above H.P. and 15 mm in front of the V.P. Point B is 50 mm above the H.P.
and 40 mm in front of the V.P. Find the shortest distance between A & B &
measure the true length and true inclinations of the line.
7.5 The distance between the projectors of the two ends of a straight line is 60 mm.
One end is 15 mm above H.P. and 50mm in front of the V.P. The other end is 60
mm above the H.P. and 10 mm in front of the V.P. Draw the projections and find
the true length and true inclinations of the line.
7.6 Two mangoes on a tree 2.0 m & 2.5 m respectively above the ground & 1.0 m and
1.5 m from a 0.3 m long thick compound wall of a bungalow, but on opposite sides
of a wall. The distance between the mangoes, measured along the ground and
parallel to the wall is 2.0 m. Determine graphically the real distance between the
two mangoes. Hint: Use suitable scale.
7.7 A room is 6 m x 5 m x 3.5 m high. An electric bulb is above the centre of the longer
wall and 1 m below the ceiling and 0.35 m away from the wall. The switch for the
light is 1.25 m above the floor on the centre if an adjacent wall. Determine
graphically the shortest distance between the bulb & switch. Hint: The longer wall
may be taken as V.P., the floor as H.P. and side wall as P.P.
7.8 The mid-point of a straight line AB is 60 mm above H.P. and 50 mm in front of the
V.P. The line measures 80 mm long and inclined at 30 to H.P. and 45 to the V.P.
Draw the projections.
7.9 A fan is hanging in the center of a room 4 mx 4.5 mx 4 m high. The center of the
fan is 0.6 m below the ceiling. Determine graphically the shortest distance of the
fan from one of the corners of the floor.
7.10 An Ornamental light, O is placed 10 m above the floor and in the center of an
auditorium 40 mx50 mx35 m high. Determine graphically its distance from one of
the corners between the roof and two adjacent walls.
7.11 A TV antenna mast of 10 m high is supported by three steel cables R, S and T. The
cables are tied at a point 1 m from the top of the mast. Cable, R is anchored on the
ground, S on a roof corner of a 4 m high building and T on a compound wall of 2
m height. In the top view, all the cables are of the same length of 6 m and make
120 between them. Find graphically the true lengths and inclinations of the cables.

Tutorial 8
8.1 Draw the top and front views of a cube of 40 mm side resting with one of its
square faces on the H.P such that one of the vertical faces is parallel to and 10 mm
in front of the V.P
8.2 Draw the projections of a square prism of side of base 30 mm and height 50 mm
resting with its base on H.P such that one of its rectangular faces is perpendicular
to V.P. The nearest edge parallel to V.P is 10 mm in front of it.
8.3 A triangular prism side of base 35 mm and axis 50 mm long rests with its base on
H.P such that one of its rectangular faces nearer to the V.P is parallel to and 8 mm
in front of it. Draw its projections.
8.4 A rectangular prism, side of base 40 mm x 25 mm and height 60 mm rests with its
base on the H.P such that one of its larger rectangular faces is parallel to V.P Draw
its projections.
8.5 Draw the projections of a hexagonal prism, side of base 25 mm and height 60 mm
resting with its base on H.P, such that one of its rectangular faces is parallel to the
8.6 Draw the projections of a regular pentagonal prism of base 25 mm and axis 65 mm
resting with its base on the H.P such that one of its rectangular faces is parallel to
and further away from the V.P
8.7 A hexagonal pyramid, side of base 25 mm and height 50 mm rests with its base on
the H.P such that one of the edges of the base is inclined at 20 degrees to the V.P.
Draw the top and front views of the pyramid.
8.8 Draw the projections of a cone base diameter 50 mm and height 70 mm resting
with its base on H.P and the axis is 50 mm from the V.P.
8.9 A tetrahedron of side 40 mm rests with its base on the H.P. Draw its projections a)
when one of its edges is perpendicular to the V.P and b) when one of its edges is
parallel to and 10 mm in front of the V.P
8.10 Draw the projections of a cylinder of base of 30 mm diameter and axis 50 mm long
resting with its base on the H.P and axis 25 mm in front of the V.P
8.11 Draw the projections of a right circular cone of base 40 mm diameter and height
60 mm when resting with its base on the H.P

Tutorial 9
9.1 A pentagonal prism of base side 40 mm and axis length 60 mm lies on the H.P on
one of its longer edges with its axis parallel to both the H.P and the V.P. One of the
rectangular faces containing the resting edge is inclined at 30 to the H.P. Draw the
plan and the elevation.
9.2 Draw the projections of a hexagonal prism of base side 20 mm and axis length 50
mm when it is lying on the ground on one of its rectangular faces and the axis is
inclined at 35 to the V.P. A hexagonal prism side of base 25 mm and axis length 60
mm long, lies with one of its rectangular faces on the H.P, such that the axis is
inclined at 45 to the V.P. Draw its projections.
9.3 A square pyramid of base side 30 mm and axis length 50 mm has one of its
triangular faces in the V.P and the axis parallel to and 25 mm above the H.P. Draw
its projections.
9.4 A pentagonal prism , side of base 25 mm and axis 50 mm long, rests with one of its
shorter edges on the H.P such that the base containing that edge makes angle of 30
to the H.P and its axis is parallel to the V.P. Draw its projections.
9.5 A hexagonal pyramid, side of base 25 mm and axis 50 mm long, rests with one of the
edges of its base on H.P and its axis is inclined at 30 to H.P and parallel to the V.P.
Draw its projections.
9.6 A hexagonal prism side of base 25 mm and axis 50 mm long rests with one of its
base corners on H.P such that its base makes an angle of 60 to H.P and its axis is
parallel to the V.P. Draw its projections.
9.7 A square pyramid of base side 60 mm and altitude 100 mm lies on the H.P on one of
its triangular faces with its axis parallel to the V.P. Draw its projections.

Tutorial 10
10.1 Draw the projections of a cylinder of diameter 50 mm and axis length 80 mm
when it is lying on the ground with its axis inclined at 45 to the V.P and parallel
to the ground.
10.2 A cone of base diameter 60 mm and altitude 80 mm rests on the H.P with its axis
inclined at 30 to the H.P and parallel to the V.P. Draw its front and top views.
10.3 A cone of base diameter 40 mm and axis 65 mm long is freely suspended from
one of the corners of the base with its axis parallel to VP. Draw its projection.
10.4 Draw the projections of a cone of base diameter 50 mm and axis length 70 mm
when it lies on the ground on one of its generators with its axis parallel to the V.P
10.5 Draw the projections of a cone base 30 mm diameter and axis 50 mm long resting
on the H.P on a point of its base circle with the axis making an angle of 45 with
the H.P and parallel to the V.P.

Tutorial 11
Draw the orthographic projections consisting of front view, top view and side view for
the objects shown in the figures 11.1 to 11.6.


Tutorial 12
Draw the orthographic projections consisting of front view, top view and side view for
the objects shown in the figures 12.1 to 12.4.


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