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The Protection of Personal lnformation (POPl) Act 4 of 2013
has been enacted into law and for companies, business data
management will no longer be as usual.
Companies that shall fall into security breaches of personal
information or that of their clients, shall be liable to fnes of up
to P10 million or ten years imprisonment.
Organisations are expected to make thorough preparations for
compliance by acquiring as much information as possible that
will assist them to formulate their privacy programmes as well
as revamping their regulatory and governance frameworks to
cater for this legal development.
This workshop is exactly designed to provide information and
workshop ideas to kick start your readiness for compliance.
You WiII Learn How to:
Kick start your privacy programme
Effectively draft your compliance policies
Familiarise yourself with regulatory requirements
Gain a deeper understanding of POPl bill and its implications
Gain tools for implementation
Benchmark your compliance programme with leading
Speaker PaneI
Esm Prins-Van
Den Berg
Healthcare Navigator
You W YY iII Learn How to:
08:00 Registration
11:00 Information Privacy FundamentaIs
Understanding information privacy contexts
Pelationship between information security and privacy
Threats to information privacy
Fair information principles
D| Kam|| Peddj, Sn|. /n/o|ma||on Sec0|||j & P||tacj Spec|a||s|
10:30 Break and Networking
14:00 A practical approach to data protection
Key principles to guide data protection strategies and the
risks they are designed to address
Understanding how privacy policies work using example
policy frameworks
Harmonising data processing activities with your policy
Pa0| 1acooson, D||ec|o|, weo 7ec| /aw
DR KamiI Reddy
Sn|. /n/o|ma||on Sec0|||j
& P||tacj Spec|a||s|
Protection of PersonaI Information Act Workshop
18 September 2014, Intercontinental HoteI OR Tambo Airport, Johannesburg
13:00 Lunch
08:30 ImpIementing POPI in your business
Basics of POPl
lnformation policies required
Timelines for implementation
Penalties for non-compliance
lmplementation plan
Fsm P||ns-van Den Be|g, D||ec|o|, Hea|||ca|e Nat|ga|o|
15:30 End of Conference
PauI Jacobson
Web Tech Law

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