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Re-Constructing the Heaven in Kashmir may cost the State up to 6000 Crores

The loss that the state of Kashmir has suffered is irreparable and cannot be measured but the
damage to public infrastructure like bridges, roads, hospitals and other government buildings in
Jammu and Kashmir due to the recent floods is estimated at between Rs. 5,000 crore to Rs.
6,000 crore. According to the Secretary to the state government's Revenue, Relief and
Rehabilitation Department, Vinod Kaul. Officials say, the state would need at least Rs. 5,000
crore to rebuild the same.
This has been South Asias most devastating news. At least 50 small and big bridges have been
damaged by the floods while long stretches of several important roads have been washed
away. However, these reports are of the period prior to Srinagar getting hit by the floods. "We
are yet to analyse the damage caused in the last six or seven days," Kaul said.

The damage is very widespread in the summer capital of J&K as most government facilities
there have been hit by the floods, he said. People are still trapped in various localities in the
winter capital Srinagar, with no electricity, water or mobile network. People are surprised at
the total absence of local administration and police and virtually no governance. People are
also questioning about no support from international organizations and at the extremely slow
pace of rescue and relief operation.
Meanwhile, Sunita Narain, Director-General, Centre for Science and Environment (CSE), has
blamed a combination of factors, including unexpected and intense rain, mismanagement,
unplanned urbanization and a lack of preparedness for the unprecedented downpour and the
subsequent devastation caused by the deluge.
While most parts of south Kashmir- spread over the four districts of Anantnag, Kulgam, Shopian
and Pulwama - were hit by floods in the early days of September, over 60 per cent of Srinagar
city was marooned by the rampaging Jhelum on September 7. "Army Chief General Dalbir Singh
visited Srinagar and reiterated his force's commitment to continue relief operations till the last
person is rescued. The Army has now deployed over 30,000 soldiers in Operation Megh Rahat.
Five major hospitals in the city-, Bone and Joint Hospital at Barzulla Lalla Ded Hospital at
Wazirbagh, SKIMS Hospital at Bemina, GB Pant Hospital at Sonawar, and SMHS Hospital at Kaka
Sarai - were hit by the floods as Jhelum river breached its embankments at several places.
While there has not been much damage yet to the buildings of these hospitals, equipment
worth hundreds of crores of rupees has been damaged and might need complete replacement
if the water level in the city does not recede quickly.. It will be long before Life returns to
normalcy for the residents of Kashmir. South Asias Favourite destination, A Tourists Heaven
and a Land of Beauty, Kashmir now wears a Blanket of Tears left in the hands of Hope.

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