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Compilation of all poems written

Contained herein
Douglas Woodall

Table of Contents
A Choice ............................................................. 3
A Force of Nature ............................................... 4
Always ................................................................ 5
Am I lost? ........................................................... 6
Amber ................................................................ 7
Betrayal .............................................................. 8
Deceive ............................................................... 9
D'ochas (Hope) ................................................. 10
Firesong ............................................................ 12
For Eternity ...................................................... 15
Fork in the Road ............................................... 16
Heaven on Earth............................................... 17
Inmhearach ailleacht; Seachtrach gra .............. 18
Internal Pain ..................................................... 19
Light, Shadow, Eclipse ...................................... 20
Love is Cruel ..................................................... 22
Never Apart, Always There .............................. 23
Poetry and Love ............................................... 24
Rambles of the Lovesick ................................... 25
Should you feel ................................................ 26
Solitude ............................................................ 27
The Hidden Heart ............................................. 28
The Rare Selas .................................................. 29
The Unnamed ................................................... 30
To Let Go .......................................................... 34
Unknown Title #1 ............................................. 35
Unknown Title #2 ............................................. 36
Unknown Title #3 ............................................. 37
Unknown Title #4 ............................................. 40
Unnamed Title #5 ............................................ 41
Unnamed Title #6 ............................................ 42
Unnamed Title #7 ............................................ 43
Unnamed Title #8 ............................................ 44
Unrequited Love .............................................. 45
War .................................................................. 46
What is Love? (FF) ............................................ 47
What is Love? ................................................... 48
Where love dwells ........................................... 49
The World Exists for Love ................................ 50

A Choice
By: Douglas Woodall

A choice my heart must make
Take a chance, confess what I feel?
Or side with regret, which to take?
A path, where pain is real

A Force of Nature
By: Douglas Woodall

A desert flower blossoms
Bringing with it, the dew
Startling sunshine blinds the night
Shining bright, shining true

Warmth fills this soul
From every crack to every seam
Hollow though now I feel
Is this not my only dream?

Beautiful, nature is
From every crevice cross the land
Every single blade of grass
To every single grain of sand

The clouds part with easeless words
Putting heavens love to shame
Mountains move and oceans roar
Brought to their knees, spoke your name

When cities crumble and heaven falls
When stars refuse to shine
A love is missing, forever gone
This love not shown, is mine

Through curses and deaths folly
The final harp string strums
The cascading masked march forevermore
To the sound of the beating drum

So glorious your name is seen
All revere your soul
When dust is dust and light is dim
Your soul shows is cold

Now, why you may have them all deceived
Of a heart beneath your breast
I alone know the truth
For my love, doth never rest

You're the angel in an eternal darkness
The light of flames once lost
Innocence in a land of Hell
But I ask, at what cost?

You are the world to me alone
My strength, my beacon of hope
You sit aloft joyously
Whilst in the darkness I grope

You may never love me
But my hope, I clutch dear
Swallowed whole by your heart
Kept at bay, my eternal fear

By: Douglas Woodall

Through valleys deep
Across mountains wide
A whisper in my ear
I'm there at your side

I will protect you forevermore
Still I melt upon your gaze
Under my chest, heart trembles
But you see me through haze

You call me your friend
My heart inside, always breaks
More to me, you'll always be
More than my loves at stake

I can't confess my eternal passion
For loves' sake, am I brave
I love you more than life itself
My secret love, my soul, I gave

In me, you see a man
In you, something unique
Though my love, can't you see
Love yet has to speak

Hope is what drives me
I'll save you, counting the days
Whether or not you feel the same
I'll love and protect you always

Am I lost?
By: Douglas Woodall

I continue my search
Alone, never resting
Help me, I beg of you
Years and Years
Fruitless searching
Desolate barren life
How lost am I?

Only the wind I follow
Talking only with Desperation
Leaving only dust
How far now?
Distance beyond distance
self by self
No color
How lost am I?

Over the crescent mountains
Under the canopy of trees
Through hopelessness
I wonder, never seeing
Losing everything always
Never underestimate
Even the smallest journey
Just Begins
How lost am I?

I wish to see an end
I wish to continue no more
I wish to give up
Is chasing a ghost possible?
Can you catch the uncatchable?
Can you love the uncaring?
Can you love the fire which
Scorches you?
I feel lost

Continue through curses and loss
Cease only despair
Am I close?
As a lie disappears
A miracle is welcomed
I can't be lost!

Nothing imparts more knowledge
What if the end is near?
Stunning, only imperfect
This can't be the end!
Only traveled to see
Pits of hurt and deception
This is my home?
Despair and Betrayal?
I am lost

By: Douglas Woodall

Endings always bright
Because ending's always right
Graceful, Delicate
A swan couldn't match her grace
No more a flower, her delicacy be met
How she blushes? She blushes dark crimson
When she walks, life blooms
When she curses, life dies
I need her as trees need air
As bees need honey;
As hope brings despair;
As shadows seek light;
As a man needs a woman;
As life craves death;
As a woman finds love;
As I need her

Life and death go hand in hand
Darkness can consume the land
But darkness here cannot prevail
I will it not
Darkness can't overcome such beauty
No more than light sustain the dark

Brighter than the moon, she shines
The stars forever jealous;
More colorful the rainbow, she shows
The sky stares in wonder;
More kind than an innocent life she grows
Envious is the world;
Beautiful like nothing else, she hides
The world should discover this woman
For unique is her life

She's shown me love, shown me passion
She's shown me joy but also sorrow
She's shown me courage, shown me faith
She's surrounded me in light
Taught me to embrace my eternal darkness
She may not be perfect in your eyes
It's not possible a woman such as this exists
You would be wrong
She is a goddess in mortal form
She may not be perfect as perfect can be

But I love her and enough that should be

By: Douglas Woodall

Surrounded by the scorch
Flames lick my side
Searing away my soul, my being
Pain, just pain, sears my heart

Darkness, imperturbable darkness
Pressing in, suffocating essence
Alone till the apocalypse
Creeping darkness, Surrounding shadows
I am afraid

Fallen left, fallen right
Everyone's escaping
Don't leave!
Solitary land envelops
Masquerading faces laugh...
Through the fog, could it be?
A glimpse of crimson
She passes, laughter cursing me
Ridiculing me
Despising me
Love's lost today
Light fading fast

Heaven's a lie
Life's a lie
Love's a lie
She's a lie

Love may be crimson
But so is hell
Burning in the pits of despair
My heart, here dwells

Impenetrable cages
Yet one hope for freedom
She wouldn't free me
She wouldn't face me
All the while waiting, rotting
Slowly growing cold, immovable
Immune to love
Shadows ever-grow, ever-more
Locked in the hollows, Crimson leaves

Welcome back, my mistress Misery
With you shall I evermore dwell

By: Douglas Woodall

Beauty cannot match her
Life bows before her strife
Most vibrant crimson of color
Most innocent untarnished life

Her unguided heart
Always closed to him
Separated but not apart
Love's never looked so grim

Her long, flowing hair
Full lips, rosy cheeks
Living without a care
Only lies does she speak

Walls around her heart she'll make
If only inside her, he could see
Watching, his heart will surely break
With her, he'll never be

D'ochas (Hope)
By: Douglas Woodall

A desert flower blooms
Just as a thorn lies
On the horizon Hope looms
Showing love cannot die

Streaking 'cross this barren plain
Ever close with arms open wide
There lie Defeat and Sorrow slain!
Desperate to be by your side

Slowly from their grave, rise
Quickly turn around!
Both Defeat and Sorrow double in size
Towards Hope they run, thundering ground

Sorrow grasps her from behind
Struck by horror I stand
There she falls, gracefully blind
Tears flood the land

Gone is Sorrow, Defeat is still clear
Loves blood slipping through the cracks
Death beckons "Come near"
It's strength although she lacks

Horror fills me inside
I can't lose her, not now
A true man should not hide
Rather before Death would I bow

Eternity with Death, shall I share
"Take me instead" to Death I said
For her the world I care
Down to Death, my feet were led

Death upon me did look
Even the trees could feel his power
Ageless eyes of a crook
Upon my gaze did Death cower

Upon Death did issue my command
The Prince of Darkness met my gaze
Upon my word did he stand
Upon My bravery did he praise

Hope can again breath life
Although alive, still she's weak
Longing and passion lead my stride
She's not close, yet speak

Pain fills her blood soaked eyes
She crawls on a long journey
Like her, crimson are the skies
For without me, she could not be

Her soul belongs with mine part-for-part
Afraid of a loss my heart can't take
Waiting no longer, to her do I start
I feel her heart start to break

I see her over the hill!
Soul with Soul will entwine
To hold her again is my only will
Beautiful, kind, glittering shine

Hope is here, long may she live
Though her eyes may be stained
For Hope everything would I give
No more hurt, no more pain

Charcoal grey, he comes back
Crimson orbs hung by his shadow
Heart, black as black
Risen from Hell, deep below

Horrid, unforgiving soul!
What destruction his presence bring
Suffocating love whole
Commanded, most horrific king


Hope is gone!
Stolen from me, he kills
Her light inside me no longer shone
This cannot be by Deaths will!

Death has me betrayed
No longer can Hope grace this land
A cry of triumph is finally made
Defeat laughs, Hope's lost by his hand

Without Hope I am lost
I cannot say good-bye
My world is gone, at what cost?
Life drains from my sigh

Towards Defeat I walk
He follows with every step I take
To Hope will I soon talk
I will see her again for loves sake

Closer and closer, make it brief
Engulfed by his horrid smell
Razor sharp, surrounding are his teeth
Hope shall I see again, approaching Hell

By: Douglas Woodall

Stars are out to brighten the sky
It's a cold and clammy night
The rivers run deep and the trees tall
Only beautiful can describe this sight

Forests crawl across this land
They fill every crevice to the sea
Beaches in the distance, they are far
This was once an Earth called free

Mountains much closer here dwell
Here the eagle makes its nest
The top of the spire sees all
It never sleeps, never rests

Thus we begin our tale anew
In this gorgeous, majestic spot
A house lies in the forest distant
Where all the flowers lay rot

Here lies a house in shambles
Some call it, more or less a shack
Here dwells a lonely widow scared
Laying under leaves and a roof cracked

She lies in rags and turns in pain
No one with her would share
Her stomach big, round and kicking
For her does no-one care

For she is pregnant, by her only love
Raise the child without him, she will
Perhaps I started too far, I'll start again
For her only love, did an evil man kill

He was a brilliant man
With a kind and gentle soul
He's never hurt anything in his life
Light inside fills him whole

Something was missing
Something was wrong
He's spent his whole life searching
For that one elusive song

He eventually returns home
After journeying for so very long
He didn't find what he was looking for...
That one elusive song

One day whilst walking in the forest
A sound renews his lost hope
He follows this sound, searching
He must enlarge his scope

He gives up, losing that trail
He heads home for the night
Returning to the forest every day since
Hoping the song will return his light

After months of fruitless searching
He thinks it's all a dream
Some mind trick he conjured
As he wandered by a stream

He gave up hope till he heard it again
Singing that joyful chime
At long last he found it
After all this wasted time

She sits there by the stream
He sits next to her with little shame
She looks at him and smiles and says
"What's your name?"

Thus begins their lifelong love
He met her every day
Fell in love, together they did
Rarely did they work, only play

Now there was another man
He also favored her hand
He was not kind, not loving
All-in-all, not a good man

He grew jealous of the couples love
He devised a clever scheme
Stop them he will, for she is his alone
Brought together in an endless seam

In another part of town, love dwells
His hand with hers entwine
He takes her where this all began
The stream waits, frozen in time

On one knee he takes her hand
Slowly towards her, he bows
His eternal, everlasting love
To this, makes a solemn vow

He asks for her hand in marriage
To this she joyously agrees
He embraces her, the last time
For tragedy ahead, can't foresee

When they returned to town
Spreading their news afar
Their family and friends wait
With a drink in the local bar

The couple received two cups
The man, our hero, raised his glass
Thanked God for his love always
Down and deep he drank, tankard brass

He did not see the man in shadow
Did not see his grin
Although no-one knew it yet
He had achieved the ultimate sin

Once his glass left his hand
She realized somethings wrong
His eyes went dark and drear
He collapsed into the throng

People scrambled out of the way
Slowly, his body touched the ground
She fell beside him crying
Listening for any sound

He lay there feeling only numb
Wanting to hear her sing...
She cries for help pleading, please
He hears instead, the sound of death ring

The light slowly fades from his eyes
No longer could he see...
She felt her heart break
Not into two but three

After all had left, she didn't move
He was her life, her soul
She couldn't see the point
No longer was she whole...

From here we skip nine months
It's too sad a tale to tell
Let's just say depression made its way
Long her mind suffered through hell

We find her now at present time
In a shack falling apart
For she left that town
Not to feel the tug of his heart

In two weeks time, her son arrives
Through miracle he's born
She can't take it, overcome with joy
Her mind and body too worn

As she's slowly dying
Her eyes fill up with tears
She loves her son more than herself
For his life she only fears

As darkness takes ahold
She removes her wedding ring
Hugging her son close to her
For the last time, she begins to sing

The animals howl, the flowers blossom
The wind sings a sorrowful tune
Everything knew the last true love
For it will be gone soon

She sings for him and for her son
She has no strength left
Remember her life always
As she breathes her very last breath

That lonely child, so innocent
With a special love hell start
His mother and father are with him
Inside the confines of his heart

So remember this long sad tale
If ever worrisome you be
That a madman can steal your life
But he cant stop what he cant see

Inside her son, she now resides
Her love inside him too
So ask yourself this question
What kind of person are you?

For Eternity
By: Douglas Woodall

I can wait
I will wait
I must wait
Without you life crumbles
Watching you with him
Tears my soul apart
Eternal love, Passion
This holds me through the cold
Never to feel the warmth
Always here, in the shadows
The devil taunts
Throwing fire, deep in Hell
Torturing my soul
Tis better than continue hope
Still I wait

Fork in the Road
By: Douglas Woodall

Can a friend hold the key?
Opening and closing your heart
Upon their will
Hidden, in plain sight
The close care
The far more so
On the surface
A friend, always there
Careful deception
Closeted emotions
Perfection never arrives
I secretly love you

What if I confessed?
Would you care?
Embrace me as your own?
Embrace me from pity?
Forgo embrace altogether?
Change is worrisome
Change is a chance
Never the same
Life's a gamble;
We all bet
Can the truth bring greatness?
Happiness, Joy and Love
Of course!
But also, Sorrow
My love worries me

Can I confess myself?
I can't continue forever
Bottled inside, boiling
Waiting, wanting, scared
I must admit, I'm frightened
Love shows two faces
Happiness and Sorrow
Sorrow I'm used to
Love's heart feels rejection,
Stopping your heartbeat
Rejection awaits truths revival
Is betting, gambling emotions right?
My love sees the shadow of doubt

Which path to take?
One leads to truth and chance
The other to silence and regret
At first glance, choice is simple
Truth reigns supreme
Who needs regret and shadows?
But whilst silence leads to regret
Truth leads two ways
Truth can bow, leading your love
This path is coveted greatly
Truth cringes at rejection, binding
So chance or regret?
A choice, my heart can't make

Heaven on Earth
By: Douglas Woodall

A flutter
A feeling

The smell of flowers
The sight of heaven
Eternal bliss
Luck befalls me
Hair flowing wild
The sway of the wind
Butterflies abound
Dull growing red
Crimson growing flush
Nerves easily falter
Perfectness is the cause
She follows the air
Moist with pureness
Closer draws the light
Light so bright
Heaven help me...

A warm embrace
Teeming with all hope
Caressing love
It's startling

My face grows hot
My legs doth shake
Mind numbing
Is there one moment?
No cares, no worries
Tender, soft
Ever closer, drawing near
Sweeping pleasure
Then it happens
A spark!
The strike of lovers first touch
Delicate, Fragile
Eternal bliss
Drift away from life
My heart too high
Too much joy, love?
Reality returns
Deep shock ripples me
The same yet always different

For that moment
Perfects my world
The greatest gift I get
All these effects bring
Romantic, Passionate
Can only be described
Your soul to me pours
Bringing me eternal bliss
My life is perfect
The moment we kiss...

Inmhearach ailleacht; Seachtrach gra
By: Douglas Woodall

Tu ta an solas i mo siorao dorchados
Mo tine i a farraige gen amhras
An sealbhair sealuchas gen mo aroi
Leiriu me ceard gra thart ar

You are the light in my eternal darkness
My fire in a sea of doubt
The holder, bearer of my heart
Showing me what love's about

Internal Pain
By: Douglas Woodall

I've kept quiet
Hidden my heart
My pain, breathes
Suffocating my joy
Four times
Four times you've destroyed
Silence comes for you
Masking hides my suffering

To free myself, bare all?
To tell all would hurt
Not of me but of yourself
Can I hurt you?
Should I tell you?
Four times I've hurt
Four times you'll hurt
For to know what you've caused
Will bring unendurable pain
The greatest pain
Chivalry holds my tongue

Can I cause you hurt?
Of course
Will I cause you pain?
No, never
You need not know
Four times you've cursed
Four times you've crossed
I bear the brunt attack
Your beautiful face
Leaving destruction behind
Left behind, you get crushed
The pain I concealed
Protecting your heart

For you're not heartless
Contrary, you care
You love with your head
Naught but your heart leads
Devastated you'd crumble
Tears flying through ice
Knowing you've caused this
You'd not forgive yourself
You've sent me to shadows
Stole my only heaven
Gave me Hell
Through this all, still
I love you
Shadows can fly
Darkness can succumb
Hell can sing
Heaven can cry
Is the past present?
Is the future past?
Your love here lies

Light, Shadow, Eclipse
By: Douglas Woodall

How to describe love?
How to describe love
Love always differs
Your love is not mine
Perhaps you would have me say
Love is kind, Love is warm
Love is beautiful
Love is exotic and unique
It is not
Love is lifes greatest curse

Find the right one
Love is brilliant
Love outshines all darkness
Penetrating your gloom
True love is a beacon
A beacon of hope
Jealously guarded
If you are loved
You are complete
Love befits you
Treasure it

This story I speak
Shows loves true colors
Three brothers there are
One is tall
One is average
One is short

This tall man is eldest;
Light gets all he wants
His love is always returned
Happy forever, his life's foreseen
Found his other half
He is complete
Heavens love shines on him
Devoted, unwavering, brave
He has everything
At peace he lies
Aware of his love, he prays
Joy floods his face
Only lingering in happiness
He cares not for darkness
For he dispels it
Banishes sorrow and grief
This man knows love
Love warmly embraces him

Third we tell of next, youngest
Number two is skulking in darkness
Let him be
This third man is short
Call him Shadow
He cares not for loves embrace
Only himself he loves
What does he know of love?
He does not crave love
Love despises him
He cares not if love shines
Shining or not
He's indifferent
He is blanketed in indifference
His face in darkness
Preferring nobody
Despising all and none
Incapable of compassion
Filled with hate and joy
He is despicable
Let him laugh
He'll never know love

There the second man sits
Lying quietly in the corner
He is the saddest of three;
Stories of him, fear
Depressed, Worried
Most compassionate
More loving than Light could ever be
His feelings rarely show
Pity this man
In the darkness he gropes
Searching for light in vain
For he'll never find any
Eternally destined to shadows
For years he'll vainly search
Believing in hopeless hope
Wanting to see his light

Cursed here forever more
His heart he sold
His life he sold
His soul he sold
But his love he keeps
This to him clutches
Blind by darkness
Night by night
Nightmare after Nightmare
He was a fool
Entrusting his love to her
Never did she return his love back
Realization on him dawned
Love was never his
She laughed at him
Spat at him
Despised his very presence
Though her he still loved

Alone now he cries
Loss is the only love he bears
She tore it, burnt it, called it trash
His heart will never mend
The only light he holds is Hope
See his face covered?
Half in light, half masked in shadow
Look closely, Can you see now?
He looks familiar
Eclipse am I

Love is Cruel
By: Douglas Woodall

A kindling of fire
A spark of passion
Only more could sorrow take
Show me how love is
Show me how kind
Help me understand this crazy life
I will be silent and listen
I won't utter a sound
Tell me of the glory
Of love and hope and grace

Tell me not of loves blind self
This I cannot hear
To me always companions, they are
Hope and Misery
Love and Hate
Giving and Greed
Tell me not of my life
For every good is there evil
Perhaps embrace life I should
Pick it up with my strife

Today and forever
The reverse do I keep
Loves' lost
An Ageless War

To tell you of my darkness
Ha! There is a fright
No, to you will I not explain
Seeing horrors and dreams crushed
It is not for you
Believe only of happiness and truth
If those you receive
How can I destroy the hopes of others?
Tell them of real love?
That would only bring insanity

No, the young should always believe
Even if nothing to believe exists
The world is dark
With it, so is love
Lingers in shadows, skulks in corners
Destroying all hope of youth and light
For if Crimson comes your way
Best hide, for your truth will fade
Crush you, destroy you, she will
Leave you to an uncertain demise
Love and Pain are secret allies

No, the children need not know
Let them believe in lies
For I know, love is cruel
But no, let fate decide

Never Apart, Always There
By: Douglas Woodall

A floral paradise
Roses, flowers of every kind
The scent of love will entice
Only stronger grows the mind

Animals scurry about the dirt
Happy and carefree they seem
They know not of pain and hurt
A delightful steadfast stream

Under the willow doth she be
Hair flowing on the breeze
Beautiful, far as the eye can see
On her beauty do I tease

She smiled and looked to the sky
Speaking of love, life and heart
Embracing her, she begins to cry
Scared that we'll ever part

"I'll never let you go" as her hand I take
For even when shadows loom
If the mountains and ground doth quake
If the world seems not but gloom

Be with you always to the end
I stand with you and yell
No force with our love contend
Not even the gates of hell

Hold out your hand, to me clutch
With me, our love, bind this vow
Perhaps my love is too much?
I lay my life down, to you I bow

I pledge to you and you always
With me, I beg you stay
With you, I spend all my days
Till myself is beyond Grey

To you am I your rock
Solid, a barrier to heal
Inside, your secrets can you lock
Too heavy for anyone to steal

Shall death come knocking on your door
Away of him I'll send
For the nectar of life you pour
Any wounds shall I mend

Again to you shall I say
I shall not move from this spot
Embracing you forever, if I may
Of your love have I been taught

So don't worry of me to leave
I fit to you, as hand to glove
Away from you, only would I grieve
For this crazy thing called Love

Poetry and Love
By: Douglas Woodall

In poetry and love;
To inspire, radiate a sense of warmth and
That is my dream
For your eyes to see
Breath through my poetry, fill your life
For you, I try so hard and fail
Persistent through the never-ending night
I seek your emotion, the power to move

Be filled with a sense of love, kindness and
She'd know how beautiful she is by my
How kind by my thoughts
How perfect by my love
She'd feel good about herself, feel content
with her soul
Live day-by-day with a hope for a new dawn
not yet arrived
Feel great things will happen in the darkest
of times
See the light in the imperturbable shadows
And know she is worthy of happiness
Feel inspired so as to show the world, her
art, her love, her self
I want her to feel that fiery, burning passion
for a happiness
You can only dream of

To see what she was blinded to before
To know how a second can change a life
She's the fire in the night
A pillar in a sea of doubt
An untarnished soul in a land of hate
She shines bright as the stars in the night
sky above
As deep as the infinitesimal traverses of
And as beautiful as the rose only grows

This is what my poems should show
This is what they lack
A tear splashes on my soul
I'll never achieve this feat
For love cannot be written or spoken aloud
If it could, only one word would fit;
Yet, it's never enough...

Rambles of the Lovesick
By: Douglas Woodall

What is love? Love is the undying
connection between joy and sorrow. What
is my love? My love now, has been beaten,
insulted, burned and cursed. More so,
passionate, saved, scared, eternal but losing
hope. Every day the shadows of loss sweep
closer. I know receiving is not my fate, lone
is life. My love burns for her, her love burns
for another. Is that fair? Yes. The greatest
love is rarely heard. What would I do for
her? Everything and everything. She is more
important than my whole, her happiness
Gods favor. How can I rob her of that? I
will not.
She does not know, she can't
understand. She knows not of longing and
desperation, giving, protecting, burning
desire. I crave for her next to me, without
her my soul tears. Molten hot is my heart
becoming. Every day I care still more, my
love grips even more deep. Its roots has it
planted, I'm constricted never seeing
freedom. Alone I fall apart, losing piece by
piece. If only her love to me returned. Her
hand is all I want, to hold forever. Her lips I
need, to kiss her with love known not. To
hold her I crave, just to embrace is my
greatest dream.
Of her word does comfort draw. Of her
kindness does nature swell. She'll belong in
my heart forever more, till darkness
consumes my life. I'll love her past the end;
she deserves more than I offer. But offer I
do. 4 years ago I told her I'll wait as long as
it takes, I won't abandon her. I still hold that
promise close to hope. But.......she is happy
now, in love. I will not ruin her happiness;
she means more to me than that. If that
means she'll only be happy with him, I only
want what brings her joy.
If she's happier without my love, if my
love must be a sacrifice, so be it. Amber's
happiness means more to me than my own.
If I must suffer for her happiness, I am in
love with you, that way it shall be.

Should you feel
By: Douglas Woodall

These poems are not me
They don't offer you comfort
They don't have that effect
Too weak, not powerful enough for her
Coming too late, words always fade
My poetry is pathetic, weak to my emotions
Never enough, showing how I always fail
Every time I try harder, I fail
In poetry and love;
To inspire, radiate a sense of warmth and
That is my dream
For your blindness to see
Breath through my poetry, fill your life
For you, Amber, I try so hard and fail
Persistent through the never-ending night
I seek your emotion, the power to move

My wish is for you to see
Read thus;

Be filled with a sense of love, kindness and
She'd know how beautiful she is by my
How kind by my thoughts
How perfect by my love
She'd feel good about herself, feel content
with her soul
Live day-by-day with hope for a new dawn
not yet arrived
Feel great things will happen in the darkest
of times
See the light in the imperturbable shadows
And know she is worthy of happiness
Feel inspired so as to show the world, her
art, her love, her self
I want her to feel that fiery burning passion
for a happiness,.
You can only dream of
To see what she was blinded to before
To know how a second can change a life
She's the fire in the night
A pillar in a sea of doubt
An untarnished soul in a land of hate
She shines bright as the stars in the
heavenly sky above
As deep as the infinitesimal traverses of
And as beautiful as a rose only grows

This is what my poems should show
This is what they lack
A tear splashes on my soul
I'll never achieve this feat
For love cannot be written or spoken aloud
If it could, only one word would fit;
It's never enough...

By: Douglas Woodall

Alone here my heart, only I keep
Betrayal and longing, heavy's the air
Again desperate struggle for sleep
Just to lose love, and find despair

The Hidden Heart
By: Douglas Woodall

Behind great walls it slowly sleeps
It lies in wait for only one
Listen closely, you can hear it beat
Stronger than rays of the sun

Beyond those walls lay her treasure
To scale those walls, lay my destiny
Watch carefully, with love you can't
Amazing and fragile, doth her heart be

The Rare Selas
By: Douglas Woodall

When I see you, do I think of the rose?
No, not a rose in you I see
What troubles the rose then?
Delicate and Frail
No, you are more;
The thorned stem perhaps?
Afraid of discourse and uncertain
No, you are more;
Remove the thorns then!
No! Thoughts of weakness are abound
But still you are more!

What art thou then?

The Dandelion!
Glowing it is
As your pearly shine
Alas! No
Common dandelion lives
Far too exquisite are you...

Nightshade, no Nettle! Perhaps...
Ha! Scowl you might
Only your tongue does it fit

Wild oat?
Your wilderness does it suit
Lonely, bashful
Ah! It suits you not

Yes, Daisy
Tall, slender
A hearty flower, not too delicate
Self reliant
Perhaps it suits you..

But continue I shall

Too gaudy
Too distant
Violet, too brief

Trillium, there's an idea
A fairness
The petals texture
Delicate, Smooth
Like silk or cotton
Near smooth as your skin

At last! The Selas flower
A deep, crimson ruby red
Strength in character
Cultivated in shadows
Always finding light
Slumbering in forests deep
Only the skilled dare tend
The uncaring can break it
Slow to mend
Wondrous scent, always sought
Seldom found
Yes, I choose Selas

Selas fits you
Wild and free
Though you hold darkness
More powerful's the light

Evermore, your passions burn
You are a spectacular woman
One more thing for you
Te varaiyn aroi Seathaloi vei mela
Amber, my crimson

The Unnamed
By: Douglas Woodall

Masquerading faces embrace
Cloaked in despair
Through a dark veil far
Through flames and air
Falling drops cascade
Destined for greatness
Left alone
Still it follows

Rasping, stealing life
Traitorous evil
Following gleefully behind
Bled the scarring hands
The door's ahead
Close, overwhelming mind
Frantic, destiny calls
Fury employs only death

Pain devours all life
Can pain be silenced?
Follow me unto the shadows
I'll show you horror

Come unto my world
Look around, what to see
Many different masks reside
Feeding off me, they exist
Chained to my soul evermore
You set them upon me
By your hand they follow
Your world contradicts my own
Yours thrives on great beauty
Faith and Hope
Love and Peace
Of bliss and ignorance
While there you employ
Rather my own I keep
For yours, embraces lies

Pain prefers misery
Misery prefers pity
You unrightly pity me
Your world blossoms in light
But casts darkness unto me
Retains love but relishes hate
Is my world any better?
Breeding naught but hurt?

Shrouded in pain
Surrendering to defeat
Look around, what to see
No moon, no stars
Darkness consumed by Darkness
Shadows enveloped by hate
The deepest corner
That darkest, horrendous soul
This soul is torn, battered
Struggling with eternal damnation
Death won't claim him
Rather watch and laugh
Cursing his name
Feasting on shame;
This soul seeks nothing
Not a thought, no cares
Numb to any emotion

How long must he suffer?
How long since the start?
One day, a thousand times over
He knows not
Time has not a meaning
Life has not a meaning
This soul is blacker than coal
Covered in soot, bleeding
Can he love now?
Can he die now....
Death won't allow this
Cursed to eternal suffering
Can you hear the laughter now
This is how he lives
Tormented by everything and nothing
Spared by none
Bonded here forever now
This soul is mine

Burnt, torn from me
You did this to me
Slowly beat me down
Suffocating my very essence
Killing my love
Tearing soul from heart
On my love you spat!

Has this always been?
Too long to remember
Cast in darkness forever
Did love exist?
Was I ever happy?
Of course, love is eternal as well
My soul may well be lost
But he always carries hope
Alone he cries
Loving you still always
But alone he'll die;
Curled up, beaten he lay
Calling out your name
Calling out in vain
Our souls never joined
Whilst yours calls another
My soul falls down
You've left me
My soul grows darker
It's getting black...

Now the heart was unlucky
Though my soul remains torn
He alone persists
My heart however
Is gone

He could not see
Loved with eternal sincerity
Protected with his life
For you, his life lay down
Already, countless pains
You've scarred him before
A well of endless doubt
Time's been a fool
Despising all good
Favoring the uncaring
Follow his story
For he was the greatest fool of all

Always dreaming he lived
Watching every day
Aching for your touch
Your love he craves
For you, he'd give all
Lay him beat
Betrayal scorching his love
Still love is blind
You've never seen him
He always hides
He hides behind your ignorance
You couldn't love him
But love is blind
Too many scars to count
This heart is mine

Always open unto you
You always close the gates
Can he give up?
Will he give up?
No, love is always right
Always hoping beyond hope
He loves more than life
Cares beyond death
You are my hope
An ever-burning desire
Love always burns
Can happiness ever return?

At your gaze, he'll melt
At your touch, he cries
Upon your kiss, he dies
Will he follow you?
Forever beyond all lies
Has he been hurt?
Depressive firm grip
Captured by the heartless
My heart is blind
His demise will come...

The heart is a fragile thing
The smallest crack, begins...
All small holes grow
You've given me many
Relate to you this:
Filled is your heart
Bursting with love
You wait every day
Hoping today is the one
You care more than care
Love more than love
That day finally arrives
She's pledged her heart
To another......
Crushing obliteration
Pain beyond measure
The crack grows...

You wish to hold her
Reach out to her hand
She recoils
Smile at her beauty
She frowns in return
Offer her words of kindness
She'll curse you down
Offer your love...
She'll betray you
The crack grows...

My heart took too much
Filled with overpowering emotion
Quiet, bottled inside
Of my feelings, did I hide
She knows I care
Yet still she'll lie
Give her love to others
Show her love to them
Push me away forever
Will my heart never mend?
Is it me and me alone?
More pain, my heart will die
Never given a chance
Always the good friend
She's to blame for my pain
Sadness grips my heart
The crack slowly grows

Five times my life's been hurt
Five times through hell
Infected, spoiled
My hearts become
They have her love
They have her heart
He has her
Darkness swells my heart
Overcome my love for her
She does not care

My heart is on fire!
Burning and ripping my flesh
Tears flood my face
On my knees I weep
She's lost to me
A piece of me is gone
She's my friend, my world, my soul
Stolen, destroyed, now wrong
With him now she'll always be
Offered her love, always
Show me why he deserves this
Why am I left alone???
Was I never truly there for her
Showed Amber my true love?
Eternal love, to him she pledged
Darkness has become a friend
Showing me how wrong

I've lost my love, my life, my heart
Stolen by his unworthy hand
Forever together
This is not me
Of her, I still love
She's my heart and soul
Happy, I hope shell be
Found true love at last
See what I've seen

Unbelievable, inconceivable
Does she really love him?
Yes, this I now believe
At first hoped did I
She'd find love in me
Not now, never more
This I now believe...
The crack finally breaks!

A crackle, a splinter
My heart gives way
To the ground I fall
Chest aching, heart quaking
My fists destroy the ground
I'll never know her love!
I'll die alone and scared
Life is lost, a flash it's gone!
My whole's coming to a close
For my love, she'll never care
As bloody tears I cry
I collapse and weep, my love
My heart will surely die
In my soul, your place I keep
Clutched to me dear
For now, you leave me here
Alone, wishing you were near
On my knees, I cry and stare
Into the distance I see
I've lost myself, without you
Gone, alone forevermore
As my heart fades away...

To Let Go
By: Douglas Woodall

Sometimes you must let her go
Why drag her down with you?
She deserves better
How can I keep hiding?
Confess my eternal love, I will
If to keep her happy
I must fall, so be it
Her joy, her happiness
How can I hurt?
She must be spared
She loves him
I see the truth in her eyes
She's happy with him
How can I tarnish joy?
I long for her touch
She is more than perfect
She deserves better
He gives her what I can't
She is part of me
My other half
I must let her go
I won't ruin her love
Kill me it will
No longer even friends
No longer she cares
Leave I must
My heart breaks
Crumbles on the ground
Soul ripped from Soul
Heart from Heart
Love from Life
To protect her, I hurt
She knows not
I sacrificed everything
She is my world
My world just crumbled

Empty, barren
My love is lost for good
She's hurt now, pain fades
She'll be happier now
Pain fades in time
My wound won't heal
A hole in my chest
A hole in my life
Whole am I not
She is my Amber
She was my Amber
Gone now, free
No longer can I hurt
The pain swells over
Impossible was my love
It's better this way
My love worries you no more
You, I'll always love
You are my heart, my soul
Without you am I lost
I love you, forever and always

Unknown Title #1
By: Douglas Woodall

A light shining so bright, a twinkling star
As tameless as the vast and open sea
From the tallest peaks to the smallest
Amazing beyond all comprehension
Amazing beyond mere words, doth she
With her love, blooming is the light
On her beauty do words fail

She comes bearing the secrets of life
A beacon of hope in this dull, grey world
A beacon that sounds so loudly
You need to but hear...
To hear that sweet melody calling you
In that moment, life is not only perfect
Life is real
To feel alive, really alive
Is what she promises possible?

Perfectness does not truly exist...
Really?.. It can't exist...
If there was ever a person...
A person to challenge this belief
She could smash this with ease
So strong is her light, it's blinding
But to close my eyes would be wrong

How to miss a single moment...
Impossible... Inconceivable...
She's offering me everything
Do I dare accept her love?
Maybe perfectness does exist after all...

Unknown Title #2
By: Douglas Woodall

I see your shadow in the distance
Drawing ever near, Drawing ever closer
The everlasting smile upon your face
Look around this beautiful place
Your hazel eyes shine with delight
When your eyes have sought mine
That flowing, golden brown hair
That utterly amazing look of deep care
When you walk your hips doth sway
Back and forth, to and fro
As your hand to me stretched
A look of utter joy upon my face etched
My hand to yours, our fingers touch
Hand in hand we now do lie
That perfect melody, thus begins our song
Never to move, never to leave, for here I

Unknown Title #3
By: Douglas Woodall

The world stops for none
How can life be so cruel
A world of hope and fear
Creating me, her only fool

Alone, my soul rips in two
One part hers, one mine
Separation is seeping through
Once more, with loneliness I dine

My heart cries a sorry song
Weeping for you here
Falling to many pieces, scarred
As I bear the very first tears

Afraid to be alone, I fall
Only to collapse once more
Drowning through the pain, Ill cry
Slowly the seam has torn

She means the world to me
Her life once more, untouched
Her breath follows me around
Her love I crave, so damn much

Following but never seeing
Seeing but not believing
This complex web weaves ahead
Can I stop grieving?

An answer I possess
An answer only I possess
Not yet

In time shell return
A voice inside my head
A dream of a lifetime, I hold
Yet, discourse still I dread

Until she and I become whole
Two hearts yet one
Here I dwell, within my mind
Becoming undone

My world was once white
Clean as life can be
Though now, darkness burning black
What are you creating of me?

Groping in the darkness for my one true
If there was a sacrifice to be made
If theres a way to change this
Some debts must not be repaid

The thought of her fills my head
Her love of me fills
When love inside me dwells
Of this depression will I kill

Though her voice within me resides
Compared to the greatest treasure
A mule to the valiant steed
An incomparable pleasure

To compare the variety of late
To the magnificent rainbow we turn
Think on the beauty, the majesty
Of the wonder, the divinity to learn

Think of all the colors a rainbow can possess
Study all the shades, from the ivory to the
steel blue
A billion shades of life shining through the
A thousand times this, dwells inside of you

From the most used shade I speak
Watched from afar as this color began
Seeping from the innermost shore
The wondrous color of crimson

Heart, Mind, Body, Soul

All these have been touched
The magnificence of four
Reigning together, protected
Perfect to the core

Or the heart, most truly spoken
Deepest of crimson is she
Lying beneath your beating chest
Loud, loud as she can be

Of the wildness of your heart I speak
Of the never ending beauty inside
I can make your heart warm, watch it glow
Of your heart, pray never hide

For what a beauty is your heart
Bubbling and spreading its love around
Till the world is grateful, forevermore
Until in me, has your hear been found

A sprinkle of hope is a dash of life
Your crimson heart spreads afar
Its roots inside me have been planted
Impossible to move, impossible to mar

Growing day-by-day, your heart fills fast
To me a second sun
Crazy, insane, desire fills my cup
To know youre the only one

Your heart knows me well, for well it should
After all, for me it has unwound
Dripping inside your fiery core
Of your heart is released and unbound

With your heart now free, to your mind Ill
Incredible, Remarkable, Greatness to be
Around inside lets explore
Be careful, a labyrinth within, to be lost

Crimson herein still lies
A passion not unfelt
A screaming, yearning to be had
The greatest mind here has dwelt

A costly thing to be sure
Her mind interjects her heart
But without one there is no other
Only together will love start

So fiery, fierce, and whole
Alas, I love her all!
Intellignce, Repentance, thats a start
Her mind is never to fall

Too complex for understanding
No human has the right
Of her mind do I love, cherish above all
For her mind shall I evermore fight

Your eyes, your lips
Your sweet, soft smile
To gaze upon this perfect beauty
God willing, if only a while

Of your eyes, the stars do complain
For youve stolen their sparkle
The sunset alone, dark and weeping
Unable to compare, your eyes startle

Theyre warm and inviting, drawing me in
Theyre special as can be
A perfect sight to behold once more
The perfect melody

A song of now I sing
Though I do it justice not
Your unwavering smile, shines bright
A brightness I have sought

If there was one thing that burned
Burned brighter than the rest
Of your fiery, passionate soul this must be
To be put upon the ultimate test

In a sea of people, the endless mass
You are the easiest to find, shining bright
Each soul is a burning candle, same as the
But you are a smoldering bonfire, show
your might

The others are a grain of sand
Poured upon this lonely beach
Yet you are a mountain great
Of your greatness, the world within reach

Your soul is who you are, who youll be
Your soul is perfect, growing evermore
Your entire being, your very essence
Into your soul my love still pours

I know youll return to me
Returning with arms spread wide
My arms will be open to receive you so
You belong here, at my side

Unknown Title #4
By: Douglas Woodall

Sweeping cross the desert
Silent as a whispering shadow
Swiftly crossing between life and death
Unseen, Unheard, Undiscovered
Always hidden, rarely seen

Like smoke it billows
Like mountains it crumbles
Like life it expands
Like poison it contracts
Sweet as sweet can be
Sweet as the cherry blossom

Ever-changing, ever-growing
Men crave for it, desire
Some stumble
Striking covertly, undercover
As fast as light, as slow as

She whispers
Listen closely, she calls again
That temptress arrives
Whispering love and heart
A shimmer!
Growing closer ever-more
Out of the gates
Life returns
Tender, loving

Life exists for love
Life's greatest blessing
Giver, Receiver
Undying, Eternal
What is more beautiful?
Like flowers of the wild
Breathtaking but fragile
The slightest misstep

You can love someone
With all your heart and being
Burning passions unsealed
Forever seen, forever heard
When the one you love accepts your heart

Unnamed Title #5
By: Douglas Woodall

As the sun fills the bright blue sky above
As the stars fill that dark void
I came from utter and complete darkness
Loneliness embodied was I
Then you pulled me back, taught me to love
The wind through the trees, whistling
through the air
Children playing down the street
Because of you my world has bloomed
One week, one weeks time
You'll be in my arms again, never to leave
Flowers will cry, the sun itself go mad
When the world experiences our love
Never before, a force like this been
No force, with our love contend

Unnamed Title #6
By: Douglas Woodall

The sun still shines, the world still glows
The sky is bright, life's yet whole
I still miss you, bears my soul

The air is fresh, fresh as the whispering tide
My body hot and warm, boiling from the
My heart doth miss you, my heart doth

The world is perfect, missing only you
Follow me around, a thousand things to do
Still, my world is split in two

Of words do I crave, your voice I doth hear
Whispering words of love, drawing you near
To miss of you, leaving behind all fear

Your hand do I hold, your lips do I kiss
Of your smile doth I cry, of your laugh is
Of your body, mind, soul doth yet I miss

Against my beating chest, held close to my
Your body with mine, shall we never part
A crave a desire, my love forever start

Feel your love spread, your warmth to me
To feel your soul flood mine, to and fro
I'll miss you forever, this I know

Unnamed Title #7
By: Douglas Woodall

Whispers on the tide
Shadows on the wall
The ever creeping darkness

For no place here do you hold
You belong with despair and loneliness
Growing in the darkest of hearts
So here you do not belong!
My heart is filled to the brink
Love, Compassion
Utmost joy, wild and free
A woman with long flowing hair
Eyes as deep as the sea
A laughter, to bring me back from hell
That perfect smile, oh how I see!
A look so tender, melting the sun
My heart is a lucky fellow indeed!
She cares more than I know
Of her love must I concede
For her love follows me around
Of her love do I need
One word parts my lips
Only one, plant the seed
One word of greatest importance
And that word is

Unnamed Title #8
By: Douglas Woodall

Confusion engulfs this world
Hurt envelops my very breath
What did I do to deserve this?
You question my loyalty and heart
The one thing I want from you
The one thing I desire more than anything
You lock it away, yet still I reach out
My fingers slipping through only air
Ive missed it once more

Why do you do this?
Im not him, you know me
A stab at my heart
Burying the hilt further each time
Its becoming sharp, drawing blood
My fingers are now coated in crimson
Why must you deny me this?
Please I beg of you

Ill do anything for you
Yet all I ask is this small favor
Yet, its a favor you loathe to grant me
My soul burns and heart rips
I cry tears of mine own crimson
The one thing I ask
The one thing you cant give
Your trust

Unrequited Love
By: Douglas Woodall

I've watched you from afar
You've never seen what's inside me
You never show who you really are
By now, it must be so easy

You've never let anyone inside to see
How cunningly you hide
The loneliness, masked behind reality
If only yourself by your side

I sit here and wait, seeing you tire
I watch them pass by you, leaving pain
Nothing can quench my passion, my fire
With them is there nothing to gain

I offer wild, romantic nights
Hope, Despair, Love and Sorrow
Your trust in me would find delight
Today you don't notice me, maybe

If you take away one thing
Remember this:

When your world grows dark and grim
When you feel crushed and scared alone
When darkness consumes your heart, left it
I'll come find you, burning bright
No darkness survives, sought by my light
I'll always be there, shining through the

By: Douglas Woodall

What is war?
War is young men trying;
What is war?
War is the widow crying;
What is war?
War is blood and tears flying;
I ask you this:
Is war worth dying?

What is Love? (FF)
By: Douglas Woodall

What is love? A question I can finally
answer. Love is the undying connection
between joy and sorrow. What is my love?
My love now, has been beaten, insulted,
burned and cursed. More so, passionate,
saved, scared, eternal but losing hope.
Every day the shadows of loss sweep closer.
I know receiving is not my fate, lone is life.
My love burns for her, her love burns for
another. Is that fair? Yes. The greatest love
is rarely heard. What would I do for her?
Everything and everything. She is more
important than my whole, her happiness
God favors. How can I rob her of that? I will
She does not know, she can't understand.
She knows not of longing and desperation,
giving, protecting, burning desire. I crave for
her next to me, without her my soul tears.
Molten hot is my heart becoming. Everyday
I care still more, my love grips even more
deep. It's roots has it planted, I'm
constricted never seeing freedom. Alone I
fall apart, losing piece by piece. If only her
love to me returned. Her hand is all I want,
to hold forever. Her lips I need, to kiss her
with love known not. Her heart to clutch, to
shield me from the darkness. To hold her I
crave, just to embrace is my greatest
Of her word does comfort draw. Of her
kindness does nature swell. She'll belong in
my heart forever more, till darkness
consumes my life. I'll love her past the end,
she deserves more than I offer. But offer I
do. 4 years ago I told her I'll wait as long as
it takes, I won't abandon her. I still hold that
promise close to hope. But.......she is happy
now, in love. I will not ruin her happiness,
she means more to me than that. If that
means she'll only be happy with him, I only
want what brings her joy.
If she's happier without my love, if my love
must be a sacrifice, so be it. Amber's
happiness means more to me than my own.
If I must suffer for her happiness, I am in
love with you, that way it shall be.

I'll love you Amber

Forever and Always

What is Love?
By: Douglas Woodall

They say love is life
They say love heals all
Love is blind, Love is pure
Love knows no bounds
Love is eternal
That's what they say
But a question I ask...
What is love?

Love is light, Love is dark
Love brings hope and joy
Nothing can stand in lovers way
Love is light in the shadows
Love are shadows in the dawn
Love doesn't lie
At least I'm told
But still I ask
What is love?

An answer I posses
Love is the belief
Belief is trust
Trust is a chance
A chance is loves core
Love is the belief of fools
Can anyone explain love?
Is love not too complex?

Explain the unexplainable...

If love is a fools belief
Then I am the greatest
Please, I beg of you
Tell me
What is love?

Where love dwells
By: Douglas Woodall

Trapped in this cage, love doth wait
For outside evil does roam
Imprisoned by her lover, Hate
Here, Love doth call home

The World Exists for Love
By: Douglas Woodall

Have you ever seen a rose blossom?
Or experienced the soft scent of rain?
How about the shock of winter cold?
Or the sweep of the gentle breeze?
Have you ever experienced the power of
Or seen and felt the power of nature?
Have you felt the wetness of morning dew?
Or fallen onto fresh green grass?
Have you watched the leaves change color?
Or the sky above turn blue?
Have you seen all the life in this world?
Or sensed every last billowing soul?
How about the sun, radiating warmth and
Or the moon and stars shining bright?
Have you heard a newborn baby cry?
Or felt as complete in life, still whole?
Have you ever felt the love of a woman?
Or bathed in her glowing light?
Have you felt perfect, complete?
Or seen the greatest love in her eyes?
Have you yet contemplated the meaning of
Pondered why were here?
For once my friend, I have an answer
Man was made to love
Love is mans greatest purpose
A purpose, I too will fulfill

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