Year: Level: No. of Students: Room: Date: Duration: Teacher

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Lesson Sequence
Segment name, description, key questions

Teaching Points
Skills, key concepts, safety points


Amount, size, type

10 mins


Today WALT make smart decisions about the foods we eat. Does
anyone want to guess what a decision is? Its like a choice, you
probably made a decision about what to wear today or what to have for

How do you decide/choose what food to eat for breakfast?
Do you pick the cereal you like; does your mum or dad decide for you,
does anyone pick a food because its healthy?

When you think of the word healthy what comes to mind? A food that is
good for our body

Why do we need to eat healthy food? Provides our body with what it
needs to work
How often should we eat healthy food? All the time? Can we eat as
much as we want? What about junk food?

Write the WALT in kids speak
on the board

Record ideas on the board as a

As discussion begins
students will be
sitting on the mat in
their classroom.

Whiteboard and

Learning Intentions
Students are learning to:
Make informed decisions about the foods we eat which will effect our health, growth
and development
Express our ideas, about food & nutrition, and to listen and respond to those of other

Success Criteria
They will know they can do this when they can:
Classify food items according to how often we should eat them
State and justify their ideas and views about food using I and because statements

Useful background information

We have 23 students in our group of differing levels of ability. All
tasks need to be multilevel.
For this lesson we are confined to the space of the classroom.
All resources will be provided by the student teacher
Year: 2
Level: 1
No. of students: 23
Room: 8
Date: 9/09/14
Duration: 30 mins

Teacher: Klaire Ross 1242419

Achievement Objectives:

Personal Growth and Development
Describe feelings and ask questions about their health, growth, development, and
personal needs and wants.

Relationships with Other People
Interpersonal Skills express their own ideas, needs, wants and feelings, clearly and
listen to those of other people.



Can I have some people share what they had for breakfast? Who
hates eating breakfast/skips breakfast?

How can we decide if these breakfast foods are healthy? What might
we need to know?

Shall we find out how to decide if a food is healthy and how often we
should eat them?

Food Pyramid

What do you know about food pyramids? Have you seen one before?

A food pyramid helps us to sort foods into food groups, some food we
should eat a lot of and others we should only eat sometimes.

We are going to create a life size one using food out of Miss Ross

Before we begin we need to run through a few food safety points.

In this activity Im going to let some students try to choose which group
they think the food belongs to and then their going to try explain why
they think it should go there.

Before, we discussed how the food pyramid helps to know how much
of foods we should eat, which part do you think represents the foods
we should eat the least of? Lots of?

Each space represents a food group; I have the names of the food
groups here that I need your help to place on our food pyramid? Do
you think you can help me?

Record ideas on the board as a

Key Questions:
What do we need to do to
ensure we do when we are
dealing with the food? Try
not to touch the food, hold
food by the packaging,
place it lightly

What do we need to
remember to do when
others are talking?
Are we going to laugh if
they get it wrong?

As a group we will
move all furniture to
the sides of the
classroom to create a
large mat area where
we can create the
food pyramid

Large food pyramid
to be drawn out with
masking tape prior to
the lesson

Masking Tape

Food Items

Food Group



Draw out the food group names. Ask students to discuss in pairs what
they think the group means and how often they think they should eat it
e.g. dairy might be yoghurt and milk, usually foods that live in the fridge

Once you have established the food groups, select a food item to
model the classification process. Ask students to tell you what it is, do
they eat it? can anyone not eat it? Is it healthy? Which group do they
think it belongs to? Why?

Allow students to pick a food item one at a time using I and because
statements e.g. I think eggs are part of the dairy group because.


What did you learn today?

How often should we eat healthy/unhealthy foods? Why?

Set the Fruit and Vegetable Rainbow Challenge

Students are to collect the stickers off fruits and vegetables in
their lunchbox and stick to them the corresponding colour e.g.
a red apple = yummy sticker in the red section

If their fruit or vegetable doesnt have a sticker they may ask
Mrs. S for a sticker (provided by Klaire)

Write the sentence prompts on
the whiteboard so they can refer
back to it if needed

Staple the Body Outline to the
wall at their height

Printed body
outline in colour




Activity 4

Human Square Blindfolded
Following on from the problem we have just done, I want you to get a
blindfold each and organise yourselves in a circle again, this time stand
next to a different person.

This time you are going to be blindfolded and you will all hold onto the

I want you to move yourselves into a square shape again.

When you think you are in the square I want you to place the rope on
the floor to show the square.

Let the students organise themselves into the square.

Get students to put the rope down mid way through for them to monitor
their progress.
Continue on with the activity give them 2 more minutes to see if they
can complete the task.

Key questions:
Think about how you will
communicate with each other.
How will you tackle the

Key question:
Do you think you are
communicating effectively?
How could you do better?
How has the fact that I have

Students will sit down
in their circle during
this discussion.
Teacher can add
comments to the

Flipchart and

15 x Blindfolds
1 x Large rope



Once completed talk to them about the activity.

Activity 4

Hoop Delivery
Students will be asked to get back into their circle and hold hands.
One student will be asked to put their arm through a hoop and re-join
their hand to the group.
You must now deliver the hoop right round the circle until it comes
back to this person, without letting go of each others hands.

Concluding Discussion
Students and teacher will debrief.
Teacher will ensure students have met the success criteria set out
above by asking the key questions.
added the extra pressure of a
blindfold affected your

Observe how they
Dont intervene unless it is
getting heated.
If they arent getting anywhere,
call their attention and ask them
what they could do next.

Key questions:
Did you work together as part of
a team to solve the problem?
What was the problem?
How could you do it next time?

Key questions:
Did you enjoy that?
Did you feel you co-operated
well as a team to solve the
problems we set you?
How did you work together as a

Students will sit down
in their circle during
this discussion.
Teacher can add
comments to the

Students will return
to the mat for a final
discussion. Teacher
can add comments to
the flipchart.

Flipchart and

1 x hoop

Did you feel anyone take on a
leadership role?
Do you feel you were all
involved and that everyone
What strategies did you use?
How did you feel your
performance changed when we
blindfolded you during the
human square activity?
Why do you think this was?

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