Target Audience

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Target Audience.

The target audience I have chosen to aim the production of my music video
towards are teenagers and both types of gender that come under this category.
The reason I have decided to chose this age and gender range as by personal
experience this is the biggest consumer of music. They are the age group that
listen to a lot of different genres of music but also is mainly listened to in places
such as parties, clubs etc. The age range will typically range from around thirteen
to around eighteen/nineteen.

Case Study.
My case study will determine what should be included within the production by
seeing what the person I am doing my case study on likes and dislikes in music
and in the music video.

My case study research is on Jae, a seventeen year old female. The types of
music she listens to are Indie, Pop and Rock. Jae likes the bands that come
beneath the genre as they are original and the lifestyle she has links with these
bands and their music. There is not much of the music that she dislikes as these
bands are her favourite, the only thing that she could think of that she disliked
was different styles of music within their albums that was not expected from them
as it does not match their other music, this is because their is an expectation
from the bands and the genre and if the music is their type it may not be as good
as their other music. The certain aspects that my case study enjoys in a music
video are the mise-en-scene, camera angles, lighting and also sounds that are
sometimes used within the video and also intro and outro. The case study likes
areas of mise-en-scene in a music video such as the costumes which can
represent the artist or band and what their musics about. Also the location which
is used in music videos whether it is only one location or many different ones can
make the music video more interesting. Jaes impression on music videos is that
camera angles and technology plays a big part to make music videos more
interesting and to show more about artists, characters etc.

As my target audience is aimed at both genders I have chosen another subject to
use for my case study research. My second case study is on Steve who is a
eighteen year old boy. The type of music steve listens to Rap, RnB, Indie and
Pop. He enjoys to listen to these type of music as they are the types of music
that he listens to on nights out in clubs and when he is with friends and at home.
The main areas of the music videos he likes is the editing, lighting and camera
work. The case study thinks that the editing of the music video is the key aspect,
this is because it makes the music video more interesting and brings the video
more to life and isnt as boring as just a plain music video. He also said over
editing can also make the video not appealing as it makes the video confusing.
Lighting and camera work are also key as they play a extremely large role within
the video production making and makes the video more interesting when the use
of camera work is ranged.

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