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Curriculum Vitae

Name xxxxxxxxxx
Birth Date 15-JN-1!"!
Resi#en$e JA%S&EDPR
Nationa'it( INDIAN
%artia' Stat)s SING*E
Gen#er %A*E

Pass+ort Detai's , N)m-er , .xxxxxxx
Iss)e Date , /0-J*-0/10 1
Ex+ir( Date , /1-J*-0/00
To -)i'# m( $areer in a gro2th oriente# organi3ation 'i4e 5a+gemini 2here I $an ma4e
goo# )se o6 m( te$hni$a'1 ana'(ti$a' an# so6t s4i''s1 an# a'so get an o++ort)nit( to
#e7e'o+ them8
*ang)ages , JA9A 1 51S:*1 P*;S:*
Data-ase , Ora$'e 1/g;11g
O+erating S(stems, Win#o2s <P S+0;=1Win#o2s >

Name S+ea4 Rea# Write
Eng'ish ?es ?es ?es
&in#i ?es ?es ?es
Persona' Detai's 8
5om+eten$ies 8
*ang)ages 8
5areer Goa' 8
Curriculum Vitae
Training atten#e# Core Java
Advanced Java
Oracle Forms and Reports
Oracle EBS and Workflo

B8Te$h in %e$hani$a' Engg1
From I8T8ER1 Bh)-anes2ar

Pro@e$t Name , Sho++ing 5art
*ang)age se# , Ja7a
So6t2are , Ja7a
Frame2or4 , Str)ts
Too' , Net Beans
Des$ri+tion ,
Pro@e$t Name NGSR
5'ient Genera' %otors
Ro'e Sha#o2 Reso)r$e
Ro'es +er6orme# ADF De7e'o+er
Te$hno'og( )se# Ja7a
*ang)age se# Ja7a SA'
Frame2or4 ADF
Too' J De7e'o+er
Des$ri+tion Wor4e# in the +ro@e$t as a Sha#o2 Reso)r$e8
Start Date to En# Date
From 17-Dec-2013 To 30-Apr-2013
Pro@e$t Name %BOI
5'ient A''(
Ro'e De7e'o+ment Wor4s
Ro'es +er6orme# APE< De7e'o+er
Te$hno'og( )se# Ja7a
*ang)age se# Ja7a S:*; PLSQL
Frame2or4 APE<
Too' APE<
Des$ri+tion Wor4e# in the +ro@e$t as a De7e'o+er
Start Date to En# Date
Working Presently
E#)$ation 8
Curriculum Vitae
It is a 2e- -ase# sho++ing site 2hi$h a''o2e# $)stomer to -ro2se the
+ro#)$t -ase# on $ategories8 It ha# t2o $ategories one 6or mem-ers an#
other 6or g)ests 2ho $an on'( -ro2se the site an# not 6or +)r$hasing8
O+tions 'i4e #is$o)nts1 2ish 'ist1 s+e$i6i$ 2e'$ome +age an# +ersona'i3ation
ha# -een im+'emente#8 Transa$tion $an -e #one -( -oth $re#it or #e-it
$ar# an# -oth 9isa an# %aster $ar# are a$$e+te#8 In $ase the initia' entr( o6
PIN is in$orre$t it a #o)-'e $he$4 on the $re#entia's o6 the $)stomer is #one8
Re2ar#s +oint an# $'ient 'o(a't( +rograms an# their reim-)rsement are a'so
Team Si3e , =

Permanent A##ress , F Roa#1 A#arshnagar1 Near Bag)nNagarBT8O8PC1
Post- Bari#ih1 Jamshe#+)r1 Jhar4han#1 +in- "=1/1>
%o-i'e , D!1<<<<<<<<<
5or+orate Emai' , ni'esh8singhE$a+gemini8$om
Pro@e$t 8
5onta$t Detai's 8

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