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Training for Occupational Safety and Health Risk Assessment

Mwanza on 20
to 24

, 2014
Risk assessment is essential tool for effective occupational safety and health
management systems at national and enterprises level. It entails critical
identification and control of all hazards hence ensures safer and healthier
Occupational Health and Safety Authority (OSHA) in its effort to ensure
workplaces compliance to OSH Act, 2003, sect. 60 regarding risk assessments at
workplaces, is hereby announcing training for Occupational safety and health risk
assessment at workplace which will be conducted at Mwanza.
Course Objective: The course will provide participants with the knowledge and
skills to effectively implement the basic risk assessment technique for the
improvement of the OSH conditions within their enterprises.
Expected outcome: Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to:
Understand and apply the basic principles and fundamentals of OSH,
Proficiently conduct a risk assessment in a workplace and make decisions on
the control measures to be adopted,
Identify the most relevant hazards in their workplace and the most frequent
preventive and protective measures adopted,
Equipped with the methodology and steps to carry out a basic risk
assessment in an enterprise,
Developing cost effective OHS Action plan for effective Risk Management
and Communication at the workplace.
Course contents and methodology
The course will be conducted for 5 (five) days consecutively including class
session and practical session to one selected workplace. This is a fulltime course
from 08:30 to 16:00. Participants will be familiarized to:
Concepts and principles on occupational safety and health,
The need for risk assessment,
OHS legislation and risk assessment,
Risk assessment methodologies,
Risk Management and Communication,
Hazard Identification and the use of checklist,
Hazard control and preventive measures,
OHS prioritization (ranking system) and action planning,
OSH management systems
Case studies (industry best practices) & industrial visit for practical at
selected site.
Targeted participants
The course is relevant for Safety and Health officers, Safety Supervisors, Risk
Managers, safety and health private providers, safety and health representatives,
previous participant of NOSHC and any other interested person.
Course duration, application deadline and venue
The course will commence on 20
to 24
Oct, 2014 at Mwanza, Venue is VETA.
It is expected to take maximum of 50 participants. Kindly ensure early booking to
avoid inconveniences.
Dead line for registration and payment of the course fees is 13
Oct, 2014.
Course fee
Course fee is Tsh. 500,000/= per participant, which will cover for tuition fee,
training facilities and materials, lunch and other refreshments during the course.
Payment should be made in favour of OSHA REVENUE ACCOUNT; Account
Number 0150210411100, CRDB. Invoice can be provided upon request.
For application and further information please contact:
Maneno Juma
Zonal Manager Mwanza
0715 624877 / 0784 / 0767 624877
Eng. S.Mkindi 0713826849
J.Matiko - 0754295437
Or Visit website:

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