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Candidates Name (Dont change font size)

Street address, City, State, Zip (Dont change font size) http!""we#site address
($%&) '$()*&+, ($%&)($')-(-* (fa.) optiona/
EDUCATION (this is regular caps; dont deviate from this preset font sie and st!le"
0une $%%( UNI#E$%IT& O' (A%)IN*TON Seatt/e, 12

Candidate for Master of Business Administration, concentration listing
2cti3ities such as c/u#s. 4ormat 5fficer tit/e, C/u# name6 C/u# name
Certificate programs /isted
2dditiona/ acti3ities, awards, honors
7ay '88& UNDE$*$ADUATE IN%TITUTION City, State a##re3 $ /etters

Bachelor degree description, concentrations
2chie3ements, honors
9hesis, study)a#road program, etc. :eep this section concise.
$%%%);resent CO-,AN& NA-E. INC/ (T)I% I% %-A00 CA,% %T&0E" City', Country'"City$, State a##re3 $

Title, Division or Subsidiary if applicable
An optional line describing companys business, to help recruiter contextualie bullet points!
<ach #u//et shou/d descri#e responsi#i/ities and achie3ement. Can use mu/tip/e phrases. <ach #u//et
shou/d #e ')( /ines /ong. =roup responsi#i/ities and acti3ities /ogica//y to the reader
>ist #u//ets in the order starting with one that #road/y descri#es your ?o# from the '%,%%% feet /e3e/.
;roceed with additiona/ #u//ets that dri// down to @ey responsi#i/ities, descri#ing the acti3ities with action
3er#s, using /itt/e passi3e tense (is, are, there is, were accomp/ished). 9ry to inc/ude num#ers to Auantify
your achie3ement
>ine spacing #etween each emp/oyer /isting is * point.

'888)$%%% CO-,AN& NA-E 1 CO$,O$ATION "for this position if different from other position#City, State a##re3

Title $, Division $ or subsidiary$ if applicable City, State a##re3
2pp/y same princip/es for de3e/oping #u//ets as mentioned ear/ier.
2 note a#out formatting #u//ets. Bf you /ose the formatting of a /ine, dont rep/icate it manua//y. 9he tric@
is to go to a /ine where the formatting is o@, se/ect some te.t, hit the ye//ow paint #rush #utton on the tas@
9hen go to the messed up /ine and p/ace the cursor somewhere in that /ine. 9he new format shou/d copy
'88&)'888 Title %, Division % or subsid % if applicabl (4or this position if different from other position) City, State a##re3
9e.t of the #ody is a// set at '' point font. Bf you really need more space, /ower to '%.*. 7inimum is '%pt.
>ea3e the category (<duc, <.p, S@i//s and acti3) and contact info at the preset size.
Character spacing is condensed at %.$point. 9o manipu/ate character spacing, se/ect the desired te.t, and
go to 4ormat C 4ont C Character Spacing. Drop down and pic@ DcondenseE and reduce it #y %.$. Fou can
p/ay around and see what you get.
'88&)'888 %O-ET)IN* IN%TITUTE City, State a##re3

Title, Division or subsidiary
2s the position #ecomes /ess recent, you might ha3e fewer #u//ets for the position. Fou might condense
what were ( #u//ets into one. 9he assumption is that o3er time you ha3e ad3anced in your career, and the
interesting content is at the more recent positions.
9op and #ottom margins at %.+E. >eft and right at %.+*E.
Fou can decrease size to '%.* or '%. '' is
idea/. Gut #e consistent through the resume.
Fou can decrease size to '%.* or '%. Bdea/ is
''. Gut #e consistent through the resume.
=roup /i@e items together. 7ay#e one /ine for specia/ computer s@i//s, /icenses, /anguages
>ump persona/ ho##ies or acti3ities into ' /ine. Dont ma@e it too /ong. Hemem#er, this is a resume.
Fou can decrease size to '%.* or '%. ''
is idea/. Gut #e consistent through the

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