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Intercede with Us for the Muslim World!

They will have no fear of bad news; their hearts are steadfast, trusting in the Lord (Ps 112:7, NI!"
As we look at the growing threats posed by IS, Boko Haram, al-Shabaab, and other groups, it's easy to feel like a
grasshopper dodging the feet of giants. We shrink bak, like the !" spies who were o#erwhelmed by the giants in $anaan
%&u !'(. )ike *oshua and $aleb, we need to see the possibilities and promise of +od. He alone an help us to take the land,
to all these people out of darkness into His light. )et's pray for ourage to reah out when +od gi#es us opportunities.,
Today's Prayer Requests: From Students, Alumni, and Missionaries
BENIN: An alumnus asks for prayer for pastors ser#ing in -uslim areas of the ountry, who fae disouragement
beause of the weak response. .ray that the )ord will enourage and strengthen them. -any are also onerned about
ati#ities of Boko Haram in the neighboring ountries. We praise +od that many students at the Bible institute where
this alumnus ser#es are taking on the burden of intereding for -uslims, and some ha#e begun interessory groups in
their hurhes.
GHANA: A graduate is being posted to a hurh in a hea#ily -uslim area and asks us to support him in prayer. He
needs +od's wisdom and strategy for reahing the people. /he ongregation is small, but, he says, 0We are seriously
praying for 1-uslims2 so that +od will bring them to himself.3 )et's agree with them4
TOGO: A regional diretor would like prayer for the ity in whih he ser#es, as the -uslim population and influene
there grows. .ray that through the outreah of pastors and belie#ers, many will hear of and aept *esus.
In the News
/he leader of the militant Islami group Boko Haram laims to ha#e established a aliphate %an Islami state ruled by
a aliph and operating under sharia law( in northeastern &igeria. 5ighters ha#e reently taken two ities and
surrounded -aiduguri, a ity of ! million. .ray that the Holy Spirit will onfront leaders and fighters, piering their
hearts and interrupting them e#en in their sleep to re#eal +od's lo#e to them. .ray that e#en as they are being fored to
li#e under sharia law, many people will turn to *esus and be set free spiritually. .ray for pastors and hurhes who are
ontinuing to minister in the midst of perseution. 6ead more at http788tinyurl.om8m9:e';y.
World Watch List: Pray for the Persecuted**
/he <ingdom of Bahrain, an island nation, lies east of Saudi Arabia in the .ersian +ulf. It holds =!
plae on the list
of ountries where $hristians fae the most perseution. -any e>patriate belie#ers work in the ountry and are
relati#ely free to worship, but there is great soial pressure on any -uslim who lea#es Islam. .ray that, through their
work, and through the $hristian bookshops and hospitals there, these $hristians an reah others. .ray for Bahrainis
who must follow *esus in seret, for their spiritual growth and witness. See more at http788tinyurl.om8kk?#'@r.
For Muslim Women***
.ray for $hristian women who li#e and work among -uslims, that the Holy Spirit will gi#e them the boldness and
words they need as they befriend and offer life to their neighbors.
Prayer Resources
#Praying for $usli%s: & 'uide for (ffe)tive Inter)ession offers many insights onerning Islam and a different prayer sub?et
eah 5riday. /his week we pray onerning the 0grasshopper omple>37 http788tinyurl.om8mofy9Ae.
,,Bpen Coors publishes an annual list ranking the 9" nations where perseution against $hristians is most se#ere. See the full
@"!= World Wath )ist at http788bit.ly8!mm@fu. $lik on a ountry on the map or list to read its profile and prayer reDuests.
,,,-uslim women need your prayers4 Eou an ?oin a prayer network and reei#e regular reDuests at http788sayhelloinfo.om8.
5or a list of resoures for prayer groups, see http788tinyurl.om8waast?umaa.
5ind information and prayer reDuests onerning -uslims around the world at http788www.'"-days.net8.
How should we pray for those imprisoned for their faithF 6ead http788www.elam.om8artiles8How-to-pray-for-those-in-prison8.
5or news updates onerning perseuted $hristians, #isit http788morningstarnews.org8 and http788www.releaseinternational.org8.
5or prayer reDuests, #isit http788www.opendoorsusa.org8pray8 and http788www.perseution.om8publi8pray.asp>.
/o help you answer -uslims' Duestions about *esus and the Bible, e>plore http788answeringislam.org8.

Jumaa Prayer
for the Muslims of Africa and beyond
19 September 2014 West Africa Advanced School of Theology

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