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October 2009 “Building today toward a bright tomorrow” Volume 249

Benicia Cruises in for a

Fun Filled Weekend
September 2009 Newsletter kitchen has made Friday night dinners
Thanks for your vote of confidence. easier. Our parking lot has been
As Commodore for 2010, my theme graveled and expanded thanks to you.
for the year will be “Live Your Many thanks go to Karen and Char-
Dream” and make your dream real. ley Agnew for organizing the Benicia
We look forward to the fun and chal- Challenge on Labor Day. Benicia
lenges of this next year. You have Yacht Club won the Bocci Ball Tro-
elected an outstanding team to lead phy and also snuck by Napa Yacht
us. Vice  Commodore‐Dirk Kruio- Club in the games. A great (and at
denier. Rear Commodore-Bill New- times wet) time was had by all. Hey
ton. Secretary-Bob Weeks. Treasurer- Benicia----next year watch out!
Steve Vartan. Board  of  Directors‐‐‐‐ Fleet Week is coming up next
Don Buresh, Charlie Alegria, Chris month.---October 9th through the 18th. 
Fultz, Bob Stephenson, Avi Strugo, Nine boats have signed up. October
Lynn Pritchet Fest will be celebrated at Paradise
Please don’t hesitate when asked to Cay with a German potluck and of
“volunteer” for a committee. It’s a course BEER.
Also, on October 24th is the PI-
Larry Wolfe Vice Commodore
great way to make new friends. You
will find that the more you give, the CYA Management Conference to be 21st this year. Again look for the flyer
more you will get. We are as near as held at the Aeolian Yacht Club in in this newsletter. I promise everyone
your phone for all of your good sug- Alameda. All Officers and Directors a great time. On Nov. 20th , Friday
gestions and ideas to make our club should plan on attending to gain valu- night, there will be no dinner.
better. able information. The New Year’s Eve South Beach
Looking back on this past year, Also in October is HALLOWEEN! cruise is coming up. Nine boats have
2009, we sometimes forget how much Look for the enclosed flyer. signed up, with reservations for 10.
has been accomplished by our dedi- This is always FUN. Costumes, It’s always a fun and a great way to
cated volunteers to upgrade our club. witches brew, dancing, eating---what welcome in the New Year.
We have a beautiful and much needed else would you want? Co-hosts are See you at the Club.
new deck. The newly purchased large the Parkers, Wolfes and Kruideniers Larry Wolfe, Vice Commodore
and efficient commercial stove in the Change of Watch is on November

OMG it is fall; we are getting set up for Seeta and I were washing glasses at the ship there is a great deal of professional
the year 2010. Next month is the Change bar. talent that could make experienced sug-
Of Watch. This means for Larry and I, Our club’s success depends on a couple gestions to contribute to our success.
we are in a higher pay grade and Clay has of key factors, 1st is active participation I look back, as do many of you,
to turn in his company car. What a great and support from the members. Many of and want to enjoy the labors of the past
country; it was just two years ago that you have served in the past and have and bask in the sunshine—However, our
been enjoying retirement for awhile. You club is completely voluntary and we need
have been enjoying the efforts of others the efforts of all. On the other hand, we
while enjoying the clubs activities--- could raise the dues and prices and em-
‘maybe time to come out of retirement ploy a full time bar, restaurant, and enter-
and get back in and make a contribution tainment staff and sit back and relax—I
to our club. Our success depends on the somehow believe that would be as about
contributions of us (our Members). There as successful as public health care. I know
is much talent in the wings; and your club Clay, Larry, Bill and myself would like to
needs you. hear your thoughts.
A second factor is making sure Last month I wrote about the per-
the club is our legacy. We need to encour- fect enjoyment one would experience
age new members including our ‘off sailing down the coast to Monterey. The
spring’ and get them involved. This could experience of sailing into Half Moon Bay
mean reduced fees for the younger new was more enjoyable than anyone could
members, broader activities to support predict; we decided to stay in para-
their interests, more services to accommo- dise, no one wanted to exit.
date their interests –I will fall short of By consensus we spent the rest of the
‘Heavy Metal Night’ and Seeta has ruled week there; talk to one of the cruisers if
out ‘Pole Dancing’. The point is our de- you want the truth (“loose lips
clining member rate is higher than our sink…….”)
Dirk Kruidenier growth and we need to turn that around. Happy sailing,
Rear Commodore W ithin the boundaries of our member- ‘the rear’
October 2009
the 2009 group of offi- Vice Commodore Larry
cers, directors and com- Wolfe for negotiating a
mittees. As an all volun- much improved price by
teer club we rely on our moving the event up by
members taking respon- a little. We will get out
sibility for getting things detailed information in
Clay Parker done for the betterment the near term.
Commodore of us all. When you are
asked to head up or Our club continues to
NVYC October, 2009 serve on a committee, be active in our commu-
Newsletter Commodore please think “yes”. You nity of friends. Several
will have a special place members are sponsoring
Greetings to all on this in Heaven….. groups to use the club-
official first day of fall. house so the use of the
We have accomplished a Stand by for news of a facility is up a lot over
number of goals so far Halloween Party coming previous years. It is fun
this year and hope to up this month. Get your to see the club being
complete several more costumes ready to take used in a positive way!
prior to changing the part in this annual Cruise-in and cruise-
administration of the event. There will be outs are keeping mem-
club in January, 2010. prizes, pictures and bers busy and involved,
some amount of cavort- as well. Others, I am
Thanks to everyone ing. There will be a cou- sure, will report on some
who came to the 3rd ple of surprises to be an- of the activities there.
Quarter General Mem- nounced later.
bership Meeting last Happy Fall! Have a
month to elect officers Mark your calendars fun and safe time on the
for 2010. I believe our for the Change of Watch water and join us at the
club will advance even on November 21st this club!
more with new officers year. It will be at the
and directors in place. A Napa Valley Country Clay Parker,
special thanks goes to Club, again. Thanks to Commodore
Napa Valley Yacht Club
lot s am & jetsam
October 200*
Anniversaries OCTOBER 2009
The month of Ghost &
Charles & Janeen Ehrhart 8 Friday Night Dinners
Gary & Sherrill Schager 16
Nancy & Mark Lessler 23 Club and Bar opens at 5:30
Allan & Nancy Muller 30
October 2
BIRTHDAY’S Ken & Naidene Graham
Joy Magoon 4
October 9
Carol Lander 4 LASAGNA, SALAD,
Alan Spence 11 BREAD, DESERT
Charles Bennett 12 Axelsen/Poehlmann/
Else Madsen 13 Vartan
Karen Agnew 14 October 16
Jackie DeRuiter 17 TRI-TIP, MASHED
Clay Parker 18 POTATOES, SALAD
Larry Wolfe 20 Aguirre/Manabe,
David Allison 21 Goodfellows
Lynn Champlin 22 October 23
Gary Schager 25
Bea Moskowite 30
October 30
Olympic Weekend-Battle of the Yacht Clubs
Kathleen & Clyde put on a great lunch-
French Dip Sandwiches

On Sunday, Sept. 6th, Napa challenged Benicia to

"our" Olympic games. Well, even though we had played
and practiced these sports, we had our clocks
cleaned. Not only did they beat us at the games, but they
also won the bocce ball trophy back.
A great time was had by all, and of course, we were good
sports, except for the water dousing at the end. The
Smith's fixed a delicious Greek dip (commonly known as
French) sandwich, and we sold enough of the t-shirts to
put us in the black again. Needless to say, this makes
our treasurer very happy.
A very grateful thanx to Charlie Agnew (even though he
tried to change the rules) and Larry and Linda Wolfe. If it
wasn't for their help, we wouldn't be able to have these
insane moments. Thanx to all, Karen Agnew
Benicia’s Fleet Michael and Barbara
–Benicia Members
Blue Water Cruise

Photo’s taken by Bob Magoon

"Delightfully Deceptive, Intriguingly Impossible, Absolutely Amazing
and Wonderfully Whimsical..."

Zappo the Magician

Friday, October 23rd

We have Entertainment !

On Sunday, Sept. 6th, Napa challenged Benicia to "our" Olympic games. Well, even
though we had played and practiced these sports, we had our clocks cleaned. Not only did
they beat us at the games, but they also won the bocce ball trophy back.
A great time was had by all, and of course, we were good sports, except for the water dous-
ing at the end. The Smith's fixed a delicious Greek dip (commonly known as French) sand-
wich, and we sold enough of the t-shirts to put us in the black again. Needless to say, this
makes our treasurer very happy.
A very grateful thanx to Charlie Agnew (even though he tried to change the rules) and Larry
and Linda Wolfe. If it wasn't for their help, we wouldn't be able to have these insane mo-
ments. Thanx to all, Karen Agnew

September Marin Y.C. 09/11 to 09/13 Kurt Stahr

Blue Water. Cruise To Monterey 09/13 to 09/18 Dirk
October Bay Cruise Fleet Week 10/09 to 10/18 Scott Brown
November Vallejo Y.C. Trip to SF on Ferry 11/06 to 11/08 Norm Madsen
December NVYC X-Mas Parade 12/05/09 Kurt Stahr
South Beach New Year’s 12/28 to 01/01 Larry Wolf

Kurt Stahr, NVYC Fleet Captain 2009

May 3, 2009

Members who need a new name tag or would like one to keep on their boat can order
them at:
Napa Valley Engraving & Awards
3031 California Blvd, Napa
Phone 707 224-7724
Tell Jana you are a member of the Napa Valley Yacht Club and she will make you a new
name tag. They are about $14.00
If you need a burgee replacement Evelyn has a good supply.
15 inch $15.00
18 inch $20.00
21 inch $25.00
When you travel and visit other yacht clubs we will give you a burgee to exchange.
Please ask Evelyn. 255-1254

34’ Sea Ray 340 Sundancer - 2001

Twin Gas Mercury 7.4, V-Drive

Full Camper Canvas with Eisenglass & Call: 707-224-3324
Raymarine E-80 GPS
Lynn Scott
Generator and AC 29 Lighthouse Ct.
$119,500 Napa, CA 94559
Can view from Cove Ct.
Support Our Advertisers
Look Cool in your very own
Napa Valley Yacht Club attire
Sold every Friday night at the club

Smith’s Custom Cabinets


FREE ESTIMATES 252-0633 * FAX 252-7571


OFFICERS, DIRECTORS, CREW Meeting was called to order
Board Members
Vice Commodore
Clay Parker
Larry Wolfe
at Napa Valley Yacht Club at
Rear Commodore
Dirk Kruidenier 554-1098
Bob Weeks 253-2276
1900 hrs.
Staff Commodore;
James Robbers
Jon Lander
We have sufficient members
Charlie Agnew 255-8115 Avi Strugo 224-8707 present for a quorum.
Bill Newton 224-0306 Nancy Weeks 253-2276
Tom Nunan 252-7928 Lynn Pritchett 255-6619 Jon Lander made a motion
Staff Chairs - Vice Commodore
Port Captain Bill Newton 224-0306 seconded by Kurt Stahr to ac-
Galley: Clyde & Kathleen Smith 253-2168
Social Chair Mark & Nancy Lessler 257-9008 cept the minutes for the previ-
Bar Captain Kisliuk William/Elizabeth Frater 287-2627
OD Coordinator: Nancy Muellar & Lori Fultz 967-8836 ous general meeting.
Bob and Judee Stemmer 255-9137 We have $114,000 in CDs and
Chairs - Rear Commodore
Fleet Captain:
Kurt Stahr
$10,000 in checking.
Philip Craig
Sally Craig
We have a temporary liquor li-
Carole Terry
Angela & Art Lewis
cense from ABC for our new
Bldg. & Grounds
Evelyn Silveri 255-1254
Bob Stephenson 255-6012
Public Relations
Other Staff - Commodore
Lynn Pritchett 255-6619
Our lease agreement with the
Long Range Planning
Steve Vartan
City is continuing.
Sunshine Evelyn Silveri 255-1254
Christmas Seniors Karen Agnew 255-8115 We are in the process of get-
PICYA Delegates Maxine Maas 255-4110
Clay Parker 224-0188 ting a permit to install the
Larry Wolfe 253-9158
8 Bells Committee Evelyn Silveri 255-1254 docks given to us by Newport
Jackie Finnegan 255-6638
. North.
Meeting adjourned at 1915
1987-1988 Fos Pritchett Respectfully submitted,
1989 Jim Garcia (Dec’d)
1990-1991 George Donald (Dec’d) Bob Weeks, Secretary
1992 Kathy Nord
1993 Gary Schager
1994 Chuck Miller (Dec’d) 2002 Bill Newton
1995 Joe Ramos 2003 Mary Herschend-Robbers
1996 Wayne Friesel 2004 Carol Willis
1997-1998 Ria Donald (Dec’d) 2005 Bob Keating
1999 Susie Pritchett 2006 Sherrill Schager
2000 Steve Vartan 2007 Avi Strugo
2001 Dan Robson 2008 Jon Lander
P.O.BOX 5951
NAPA, CA. 94581
707 252-3342

Silverado Home
Staging & Design

Interior Design
Window Coverings

Sally Servidio
Interior Designer

251-0888 or 888-4962

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