Teste de Gramatica Si Cultura-Engleza

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1. Andrew Tom last month.
a). Met
b). Has met
c). Meets
d). Meet
2. Oil is lighterwater.
a). Then
b). Than
c). Thou
d). From
3. We hae. dinner at ! o"cloc# $.m. eer% da%.
a). The
b). A
c). An
d). &
'. Thatshould be shot .
a). Wol(
b). Woles
c). Wol(ls
d). Wol(es
). M% cat caugth three.
a). Mouce
b). Mouse
c). Mice
d). Mouses
*. The (armer has a (ew .
a). +oose
b). +eese
c). +ooses
d). +eeses
!. are our $ermanent clients.
a). Housewi(e
b). Housewi(es
c). Housewies
d). House,wi(e
-. .ondon/s theatre is at the 0arbican Arts 1entre.
a). Older
b). Oldest
c). More older
d). The most old
2. 3ichard.lied in the 1) th centur%
a). The three
b). The third
c). Third
d). Thirth
14. The $lural o( 5o67 is8
a). O6es
b). O6sen
c). O6en
d). O6eses
11. The $roblem wasdi((icult than he told me.
a). .ess
b). .ittle
c). The least
d). The lesser
12. The% hadmone% than Tom.
a). Few
b). .ittle
c). The lesser
d). .ess
13. 9 haen/t got:uestion to as#.
a). ;ome
b). <o
c). An%
d). =ach
1'. 0ehae>
a). ?oursel(
b). Hersel(
c). Ourseles
d). M% sel(
1). o( children came to see the @oo.
a). Hundreds
b). Hundred
c). Handreds
d). Handred
1*. <elson/s 1olumn isn/t in (ront o( ;t. Aaul/s 1athedralBC
a). 9sn/tC
b). 9s itC
c). Aren/t the%C
d). Was itC
1!. 9 hae toohomewor# to do.
a). Man%
b). Much
c). =nough
d). ;ome
1-. 9/e alread% ta#en. $hotos.
a). twel(
b). twele
c). twel(e
d). tweles
12. Tom his head in shame.
a). 0owed
b). 0ow
c). 0awed
d). 0own
24. 9 li#e Mar%/s dress.
a). Don"t
b). Doesn"t
c). Hasn"t
d). Haen"t
21. The 3oman soldiers who0ritain were $art o( the best arm% in the wold.
a). Has inade
b). 9naded
c). 9nade
d). Had inade
22. Tell$eo$le not to go here.
a). Those
b). This
c). That
d). Thees
23. M% mother alwa%sme do m% homewor# be(ore - o"cloc# $.m.
a). 0een made
b). Made
c). Has made
d). Had made
2'. Hecollecting them (or %ears.
a). Hes been
b). Had been
c). Haen"t
d). Hae
2). The (ountain with the statue o( =ros on to$ is a (aorite$lace (or %oung $eo$le.
a). Meet
b). Meeting
c). Met
d). Mets
2*. Eohn3ichard to the throne.
a). ;ucceeded
b). Had succeeded
c). Has succede
d). Hae been succeed
2!. The +reat Domethe second largest in the world.
a). Are
b). Was
c). 1ould be
d). 9s
2-. 9 had a terrible headache as 9(or hours.
a). Had been t%$ing
b). Hae been t%$ing
c). Had t%$ed
d). Hae t%$ed
22. Madame Tussand/swa6 models o( (amous historical characters.
a). ;howed
b). =6hibit
c). =6hibits
d). ;howeds
34. A(ter a time all those liing in 0ritainas 0ritons.
a). 0ecame #nown
b). 0ecome #nown
c). 0ecome #nowed
d). Was #nown
31. Aassengers $roceed to..to board the $lane.
a). ;ecurit% 1hec#
b). De$arture
c). Arrial
d). The +ate
32. Admiral <elson/s statue is in..
a). Westminster Abbe%
b). Aiccadill% 1ircus
c). Tra(algar ;:uare
d). ;t.Aaul/s 1athedral
33. Who were e6ecuted at the Tower on Henr% F999/s orders.
a). Thomas More
b). Michelle Howard
c). Eohn 0ole%n
d). 1atherine 0right
3'. One o( the Tower"s main attractions are.
a). The walls
b). The gates
c). The warders
d). The #e%s
3). ;ome o( the best sho$s in .ondon are in8
a). O6(ord ;treet
b). 1arnab% ;terrt
c). Gensington ;treet
d). Fictorian ;treet
3*. 0eowul( was written down in8
a). Old =nglish
b). Old 9rish
c). Old ;cotish
d). Old French
3!. Fal Moir decided to turn her hobb% into a (ull,time.
a). Hobb%
b). Eob
c). Wor#
d). 9dea
3-. The o$$osite o( 5(lat7 is8
a). 0rass
b). Fine
c). 3ough
d). 0um$%
32. Fred 1router is8
a). An engineer
b). A $s%chologist
c). A re$orter
d). A wor#er
'4. Where did Holden 1aul(iled get o(( the train8
a). At Aenn ;tation
b). At Fictoria ;tation
c). At ;outh ;tation
d). At Wilde ;tation
'1. 5Holden is bac# in..7
a). <ew Eerse%
b). <ew ?or#
c). ;an Francisco
d). .os Angeles
'2. 5Odd7 means8
a). strange
b). hea%
c). eas%
d). so(t
'3. Who is Angel 1lareC
a). Tess/ husband
b). Tess/ loer
c). Tess/ cousin
d). Tess/ (ather
''. Where is 1aesar #illedC
a). 9n the ;enate house
b). 9n the mar#et $lace
c). 9n (ront o( the $ublic
d). <ear his house
'). What is 5The 1atcher in the 3%e7C
a). A $oem
b). A stor%
c). A short noel
d). A descri$tion
1. The% go tochurch eer% ;unda%.
a). The
b). an
c). a
d). ,
2. Mister ;mithB.teacherB is an =nglishman.
a). The
b). &
c). a
d). an
3. M%are teachers.
a). ;isters,in,law
b). ;ister,in,laws
c). ;isters,in,low
d). ;ister,in,lows
'. Tom and Eohn are .
a). 0usinessman
b). 0usinessmen
c). 0ussinessmans
d). 0usinnesmens
). Mother/s adicealwa%s good.
a). Are
b). 9s
c). Were
d). Hae been
*. The $lural o( 5child7 is8
a). 1hilds
b). 1hildes
c). 1hildren
d). 1hildrens
!. 9 haeer% bad headache.
a). &
b). a
c). some
d). each
-. This wasidea not mine.
a). Them
b). Him
c). His
d). Ours
2. 9hel$ed them to build the house.
a). M%seles
b). M%sel(
c). <o one else
d). Me
14. On ;unda% we can enHo%
a). Is
b). Ourseles
c). One another
d). Themseles
11. On the table there is a bo6.
a). <iceB smallB red
b). ;mallB niceB red
c). 3edB smallB nice
d). <iceB redB small
12. The ca#e that 9 made was .. than %ours.
a). +ood
b). The best
c). 0etter
d). The betters
13. The Woolsac#the im$ortance o( wool.
a). ;%mbolises
b). 9s s%mbolieng
c). ;%mboliJes
d). ;%mboliJe
1'. boo#s did %ou ta#eC
a). Which
b). Whom
c). Who
d). Witch
1). There were (ourboo#s.
a). Hundred
b). Handred
c). Hundreds
d). Handreds
1*. The $olicea(ter the thie(.
a). Are
b). 9s
c). Hae been
d). 3un
1!. Mar%"s luggageer% hea%.
a). Are
b). 9s
c). Were
d). Has
1-. The newser% im$ortant (or me.
a). 9s
b). Are
c). Were
d). &
12. <owada%s the Towerone o( the world"s great tourist attractions.
a). Had become
b). Has became
c). Has become
d). Hae became
24. Hehis room %et.
a). Has clean
b). Hasn"t cleaned
c). 9sn"t cleaned
d). Doesn"t cleaned
21. ;tanstedin the 12-4/s.
a). Were built
b). Was built
c). Hae been built
d). Has been build
22. Mar%Tom (or two %ears.
a). Had #nown
b). Hae #nown
c). Was #now
d). Were #now
23. Those loo#ing (or entertainmentmiss Aiccadill% 1ircus.
a). Would not
b). ;hould not
c). Will
d). ;hall not
2'. .ast wee# 9to an e6hibition o( $aintings in the 0arbican Art 1entre.
a). Went
b). +o
c). +oes
d). +one
2). Did %outhese a$$lesC
a). Has li#e
b). .i#ed
c). .i#es
d). .i#e
2*. <elson/s 1olumn isn/t in (ront o( ;t/Aaul/s 1athedralB ..C
a). 9sn/t it
b). 9s it
c). Aren/t the%
d). Was itC
2!. 9 hae toohomewor# to do.
a). Man%
b). Much
c). =nough
d). ;ome
2-. The in(ormationuse(ul (or eer%bod%.
a). Are
b). 9s
c). Were
d). Hae been
22. The glass coered wal#wa% a s$lendid iew o( the rier.
a). 9s giing
b). +ie
c). +ies
d). Has gien
34. Eohn3ichard to the throne.
a). ;ucceeded
b). Had succeded
c). Has succeded
d). Hae been succed
31. When arriing at the air$ortB $assengers usuall% ta#e a
a). Tic##et
b). Trolle%
c). Flight
d). 0oarding $ass
32. ;ome o( the great $aintings o( the world are in .
a). 0arbican Arts 1entre
b). Madame Tussand/s
c). 0ritish Museum
d). The <ational +aller%
33. When the Tower became the chie( $rison o( stateC
a). 9n the time o( Henr% F999
b). 9n the time o( =dward 99
c). 9n the time o( Ging Eohn
d). 9n the time o( 1harles 99
3'. Most tourist $re(er to admire .ondon (rom8
a). The u$$er dec# o( an o$en bus
b). A blac#,cab ta6i
c). The O((icial .ondon Trans$ort
d). Aeter Aan"s statue
3). Aeo$le seldom go to.in .ondon.
a). 3estaurants
b). Aubs
c). 1a(es
d). 9nns
3*. 0eowul( is8
a). An Anglo,;a6on stor%
b). A heroic $oem
c). An old =nglish stor%
d). An e$ic stor%
3!. ;ome o( the most im$ressie collections were those belonging to.
a). +irls
b). A bo%
c). 1hildren
d). +rown,u$s
3-. The o$$osite o( 5trans$arent7 is8
a). 0rittle
b). O$a:ue
c). 3igid
d). Hollow
32. 1router/s oldest news$a$er is a 1**2 issue o(8
a). 0ritain 1hronicle
b). .ondon 1hronicle
c). O6(ord 1hronicle
d). <ebras#a 1hronicle
'4. Who is 5the deil"s disci$le7
a). 3ichard Dudgeon
b). Francis Macomber
c). Anthon% Anderson
d). Morris Townsend
'1. Who is Holden 1aul(ield sisterC
a). ;all%
b). Ahoebe
c). Eane
d). ;usan
'2. 5to rec#on7 means 8
a). To consider
b). To recognise
c). To realise
d). To reeal
'3. 5to brace7 means8
a). To get (irmness
b). To be good
c). To get wealth%
d). To be well
''. 5corn%7 means8
a). craJ%
b). banal
c). eas%
d). dum$
'). Who is the $resident o( the 1ourt,Martial scence8
a). +entlemanl% Eohnn%
b). MaHor ;windon
c). 3ichard Dudgeon
d). Anthon% Anderson
T=;TI. <r.3

1. The rich should hel$..$oor.
a). A
b). ;ome
c). &
d). The
2. Mar% will dine withwhites.
a). &
b). the
c). a
d). an
3. The% told me about the.
a). Tari((
b). Tari(
c). Taries
d). Tari(s
'. AleaseB bu% me ao( mil# chocolate.
a). 9tem
b). ;lice
c). 0ar
d). 0it
). His baggagehere a (ew minutes a go.
a). Was
b). Were
c). 9s
d). Are
*. Thoseare er% interesting.
a). Ahotos
b). Ahotoes
c). Ahothos
d). Fothos
!. The $lural o( 5wi(e7 is8
a). Wi(es
b). Wie
c). Wies
d). Wi(eses
-. Tom $roed..to be a er% good student.
a). His sel(
b). Himsel(
c). 9tsel(
d). Oursel(
2. He is our.
a). .ieutenant,colonel
b). 1olonel,lieutenant
c). .eutenant colonel
d). 1olnel,leutenant
14. ;he neer gotanswers (rom him.
a). ;ome
b). An%
c). An
d). <o
11. 0ig 0en is. (amous cloc# in .ondon.
a). er%
b). a
c). more
d). the most
12. M% (riends are going to s$end their holida%sthe mountains.
a). 9n
b). At
c). On
d). To to$
13. Aeo$lego to $ubs in .ondon.
a). 3ather
b). ;eldom
c). Isuall%
d). 3arel%
1'. Most tourists $re(er to admire .ondon (romdec# o( an o$en bus.
a). The u$$er
b). The u$$est
c). I$$er
d). I$$erst
1). World War started in 121'.
a). Two
b). One
c). The (irst
d). The second
1*. The in(ormationuse(ul (or eer%bod%.
a). Are
b). 9s
c). Were
d). Hae been
1!. 9 #new what was written in the article because 9 it.
a). Had been reading
b). Had read
c). Hae read
d). Had reading
1-. 3ichard the .ionheart/s chancellorthe (irst e6$ansion o( the Tower"s de(ences.
a). Has begin
b). 0egan
c). 0egun
d). Was begun
12. The Inion Eac#o( three crosses8 o( =nglandB ;cotland and 9reland.
a). 1onsisted
b). 1onsist
c). 1onsists
d). Has consisted
24. All o( themsome mone%.
a). Hes
b). Haen/t
c). Had
d). To hae
21. The $la% was wonder(ul. 9 wish %ou.
a). Had come
b). 1ame
c). Has came
d). Hae come
22. The glass coered wal#wa%.a s$lendid iew o( the rier.
a). 9s giing
b). +ie
c). +ies
d). Has gien
23. 0% tradition there .. raens at the Tower (rom its er% beginnings.
a). Has
b). Hae been
c). Has been
d). Had been
2'. 9/ll ..m% homewor# be(ore si6 o"cloc#.
a). Hae written
b). Has written
c). Has write
d). Had wrote
2). 9.the long streets in central .ondon with st%lish houses.
a). .i#ed
b). Adored
c). Am li#enig
d). Adore
2*. 0% si6 o"cloc#B the%"ll.tea.
a). Had had
b). Hae had
c). Hae hae
d). Had hae
2!. ?ou want me to $la% the $ianoB .C
a). Don/t %ou
b). Didn/t %ou
c). Will %ou
d). ;hall %ou
2-. 9t is high time %ou..decide u$on %our (uture.
a). Would
b). ;hould
c). ;hall
d). Will
22. Alice is a er% good (riend o(.
a). Mine
b). One
c). M%
d). Him
34. 9( Eohn 9 could hae told him the truth
a). Had come
b). Has come
c). Has came
d). Had came
31. 5=er% $assenger shows his $ass$ort (or Aass$ort 1ontrol be(ore going through..7
a). De$arture .ounge
b). 1hec#,in,1ounter
c). ;ecurit% 1hec#
d). The +ate
32. .9s a (ine e6am$le o( +othic architecture.
a). ;t.Aaul/s 1athedral
b). 0ritish Museum
c). Westminster Abbe%
d). 0uc#ingham Aalace
33. Who s$ent a lot to ma#e the Tower one o( the (inest medieal castles o( 13
a). =dward 9
b). Henr% 999
c). William o( <ormand%
d). Ging Eohn
3'. West =nd theatres are Hust (ew minutes/ wal# (rom8
a). Gensington +ardens
b). Aeter Aan/s statue
c). Aiccadill% 1ircus
d). .ondon @oo
3). 1oent +arden is the home o(8
a). The 3o%al O$era
b). 3o%al Festial
c). ;outh 0an#
d). Museum o( the Moing 9mage
3*. The theme o( 0eowul( is8
a). Gilling dragons
b). Fighting dragons
c). Dragons/death
d). Following dragons
3!. A bo% had contributed his collection o( .
a). 1arrier bags
b). 3oc#s and (ossils
c). 1uddl% to%s
d). Hand,$ainted $lates
3-. The o$$osite o( 5hard7 is8
a). ;o(t
b). ;olid
c). Fle6ible
d). 3igid
32. Fred 1router is collecting8
a). Old boo#s
b). Old $ictures
c). <ews$a$ers
d). Aaintings
'4. Who is EimC
a). Huc#/s (riends
b). A runnawa% slae
c). Huc#/s (ather
d). Huc#/s brother
'1. What does it mean 5argument7C
a). Debate
b). ;olution
c). =lement
d). 3eason
'2. Who is Alec D/IrberillesC
a). Tess/ brother
b). Tess/ loer
c). Tess/ husband
d). Tess/ (ather
'3. What does it mean 5regular7C
a). <ormal
b). ;eldom
c). ;ometimes
d). Alwa%s
''. What does it mean 5$hone booth7C
a). $hone bo6
b). $hone house
c). $hone signal
d). $hone scene
'). +ie s%non%m to 5casual7.
a). 1hance
b). 1ase
c). 1lose
d). 9n case
T=;TI. <3.'
1. ;usan is ..honest $erson
a). The
b). &
c). A
d). An
2. The sun rises in.east.
a). The
b). A
c). &
d). an
3. ..Du#e o( Wellington is buried at ;t.Aaul/s 1athedral.
a). &
b). Himsel(
c). The
d). A
'. The $lural o( 5lea(7 is8
a). .ies
b). .ea(s
c). .eaes
d). .ea(es
). Hel$.to a chocolate.
a). Me
b). Is
c). ?oursel(
d). Oursel(
*. Eohn came home late..night.
a). &
b). At
c). At the
d). 9n
!. 9n small towns li#e thatB eer%one #nows..
a). =er%bodies
b). =er%one
c). =er%things
d). <othing
-. Andrew wants to become.. engineer.
a). ,
b). The
c). A
d). An
2. Iltimatel%B..B 0eowul( receied his own death.
a). <eertheless
b). An%wa%
c). Finall%
d). Ho$$esl%
14. ;ome o(.sho$ in .ondon are in 3egent ;treet.
a). The better
b). The best
c). Worse
d). The worst
11. M% =nglish in badB but %ours is.
a). 0adder
b). Worst
c). Worse
d). 0addest
12. The Hac# used to be the name o( the (lag.was hung (rom the bac# o( a shi$.
a). Whom
b). Who
c). Which
d). What
13. Fewer and..$eo$le belie in ha$$iness.
a). .oss
b). Few
c). Fewer
d). Fewest
1'. The man..9 s$o#e was er% $olite.
a). To whom
b). Whom
c). To who
d). Which
1). M% (lat is on the..(loor.
a). <ineth
b). <inth
c). <ine
d). <ineteen
1*. The (amous sa%ing 5Time is mone%7 is =nglishB.C
a). 9s itC
b). Was itC
c). 9t wasC
d). 9sn/t itC
1!. 9 was a(raid he might get aslee$ as he.since earl% morning.
a). Had drien
b). Had been driing
c). Hae drien
d). Hae been drien
1-. The <ational +aller%.one o( the richest collection o( $aintings.
a). Houses
b). Housed
c). House
d). Has housed
12. ;usan..an%bod% there since earl% this morning.
a). Haen/tseen
b). Hasn/t seen
c). Hasn/t see
d). Hadn/t see
24. Andrewbrea#(ast %et.
a). Hasn/t (inished
b). Had (inish
c). Has (inished
d). Has (inish
21. 9neer go to the seaside on December.
a). Wouldn/t
b). Will
c). Will been
d). Will be
22. William o( <ormand%.the building o( an earth,and,timber castle.
a). Has ordered
b). Had ordered
c). Ordered
d). Was ordered
23. .%ou Hoin us (or dinnerC
a). ;hall
b). Would
c). Will
d). ;hould
2'. ;he.(ie husbands.
a). Hae hae
b). Has had
c). Has hae
d). Had had
2). 59.how the =nglish can be so sel(,controlled when the% lose time.7
a). Inderstand
b). 1an/t understand
c). 1ould understand
d). Wouldn/t understand
2*. .ondon"s 1arnab% ;treet attractedo( tourists eer% %ear.
a). Thousand
b). Thousands
c). Thausant
d). Thausent
2!. Tom and Aeter..hands.
a). Hae sha#en
b). Has sha#en
c). Hae sha#e
d). Has sha#e
2-. The Mods most im$ortant $ossessions.their scooters.
a). Was
b). Were
c). Hae been
d). Had been
22. 9( 9 am a #ingB %ou.m% :ueen.
a). Are
b). Will be
c). Would be
d). ;hould be
34. ;he becomes (air when her husband (inall%. her.
a). Obe%ed
b). Obe%s
c). Obe%
d). Obe%ing
31. At the$assengers receie a boarding $ass.
a). De$arture .ounge
b). Arrial
c). 1hec#,in,1ounter
d). Aass$ort 1ontrol
32. .ondon/s oldest theatre is at8
a). The 0arbican Arts 1entre
b). Aiccadill% 1ircus
c). 14 Downing ;treet
d). Tra(algar ;:uare
33. When the ro%al accommodation changed (rom the White Tower to a new buildingC
a). During the reign o( =dward 9
b). During the reign o( Henr% 999
c). During the reign o( Ging Eohn
d). During the reign o( Henr% F999
3'. 9n .ondon %ou hae to(or the bus
a). Wait
b). Keue
c). Kueue
d). Kiueue
3). 1hildren will alwa%s choose8
a). 3egent"s Aar#
b). H%de Aar#
c). ;t.Eames/s Aar#
d). Fictoria/s Aar#
3*. .was trium$hantl% welcomed b% his $eo$le.
a). Wigla(
b). Hrothgar
c). 0eowul(
d). +rendel
3!. 5M% (aorite was a collection o(.78
a). ;mall $er(ume bottles
b). Hand,$ainted $lates
c). 3oc#s and (ossils
d). 1uddl% to%
3-. The o$$osite o( 5high7 is8
a). .ow
b). Wide
c). Tin%
d). .ong
32. contains a co$% o( the I.;. 1onstitution
a). Aenns%lania Aac#et
b). .ondon 1hronicle
c). 1onnecticut Eournal
d). <ebras#a Eournal
'4. Which o( the (ollowing is a se:uel to 5The adentures o( Tom ;aw%er78
a). 5The Adentures o( Huc#leberr% Finn7
b). 5A 1onnecticut ?an#ee in Ging Arthur/s 1ourt.
c). 5.i(e on the Mississi$$i7
d). 5The Adentures o( <egro Eim7
'1. What is 5Eulius 1aesar7C
a). a traged%
b). a noel
c). a 3oman historical $la%
d). a chronical $la%
'2. What is ;tonehengeC
a). An abbe%
b). A $rehistoric tem$le
c). A castle
d). A modern tem$le
'3. 5Dawn7 means8
a). down
b). dear
c). da%brea#
d). sunset
''. Morris Townsend re(uses to leae <.?. because8
a). He loes 1atherine
b). He has a Hob there
c). He has (amil% res$onsabilities there
d). He doesn/t need such a Hob
'). Holden gae the cab drier the wrong address8
a). 0ecause he was tired
b). Out o( habit
c). 0ecause he was drun#
d). 0ecause he was in a hurr%
T=;TI. <3.)
T=;TI. <3.)
1. ..lions are wild animals.
a). an%
b). the
c). some
d). ,
2. 9t was im$ortant da% (or him.
a). An
b). A
c). &
d). some
3. 9t was. %ear (ull o( ha$$iness.
a). A
b). An
c). The
d). &
'. 5.0ritish Museum shows the wor#s o( man (rom $rehistoric times7
a). an
b). &
c). the
d). a
). The $lural o( 5(oot7 is8
a). Foots
b). Feets
c). Feet
d). Footes
*. ;he bought.a new hat.
a). Her
b). Hersel(
c). O( hersel(
d). O( himsel(
!. ;he told me that.is read%.
a). =er%thing
b). 0oth
c). ;omebodies
d). An%bodies
-. Fl%ing toda% is. wa% o( traelling.
a). The sa(er
b). The sa(est
c). ;a((er
d). ;a((eler
2. Mar% has. reason to be u$set.
a). =ither
b). =ach
c). =er%thing
d). =er%
14. ;he is . as 9 am.
a). As ha$$%
b). <ot ha$$%
c). As ha$$ier
d). Ha$$iest
11. 1hildren will alwa%s choose. which houses .ondon @oo.
a). O6(ord/s Aar#
b). 3egent/s Aar#
c). 1oen/s Aar#
d). Gensington/s Aar#
12. 9n .ondon %ou hae to :ueuebus.
a). For the
b). For
c). To the
d). At the
13. .i(e was di((icult in .. da%s.
a). These
b). This
c). That
d). Those
1'. Alice isthan .usan.
a). 0eauti(ul
b). More beauti(ul
c). The most beauti(ul
d). <ot as beauti(ul
1). On 1hristmas Da%.BWilliam Du#e o( <ormand%B was crowned #ing o( =ngland.
a). Ten si6t% & si6
b). One o si6t%,si6
c). One thousand and si6t%,si6
d). Ten and si6t%,si6
1*. The bell is alsowhen $assengers ring (or me o( the cabin crew.
a). Heard
b). Hearing
c). 3ingging
d). 0een ringing
1!. For me it was as i( someoneme a $air o( magic glasses.
a). +ie
b). Had gien
c). Haen/t gien
d). +aes
1-. We. hands and said 5good b%e7.
a). ;ha#e
b). ;hoo#
c). Has sha#ing
d). Had shou#
12. Mar%.in the liing,room as 9 was dressing.
a). Has wait
b). Had wait
c). Waited
d). Has waited
24. Has he.the newsC
a). Heard
b). Hear
c). Heared
d). Hearing
21. At night the 1ircus.a mass o( colored changing lights.
a). 0ecame
b). 0ecome
c). 0ecomes
d). 0ecomed
22. Eohn and Mar%in the mountains since Eune.
a). Hasn"t
b). Hasn"t been
c). Haen"t been
d). Hadn"t been
23. The child. an%thing in the the morning.
a). Didn/t eat
b). Doesn/t eaten
c). Didn/t ate
d). Don/t ate.
2'. The Wi(e o( 0ath.a lot.
a). Had traelled
b). Has traelled
c). Hae traelle
d). Has traell
2). Onl% i( %ou .%ou will succeed.
a). Will tr%
b). Has tried
c). Tr%
d). Are tr%ing
2*. Tomher twice till nowB but she hasn"t answered.
a). Has written
b). Hae written
c). Had write
d). Had wrote
2!. 9( %ou%ou will succeed.
a). Tried
b). Has tr%
c). ;hall tr%
d). Will tr%
2-. 5When a mano( .ondon he is tired o( li(e7.
a). Tired
b). Was tired
c). 9s tired
d). Had tired
22. 9( 9 had been a #ing %ou. m% :ueen.
a). Will be
b). Would hae been
c). Hae been
d). Would be
34. EohnB a car$enterB discoers that his wi(eB AlisonB.un(aith(ul to him (or some time.
a). Had been
b). Has been
c). Hae been
d). Had be
31. When the 5Fasten %our seat belts7 and 57 signs light u$ a bell rings.
a). 5<o ;tarting7
b). 5<o ;mo#ing7
c). 5<o Moing7
d). 5<o .anding7
32. Those loo#ing (or entertainment should not miss8
a). Aiccadill% 1ircus
b). ;t.Aaul/s 1athedral
c). Tower 0ridge
d). +reat Dome
33. Who com$leted the (irst e6$ansion o( the Tower/s de(encesC
a). 3ichard
b). Ging Eohn
c). Henr% 9F
d). =dward 9
3'. For a change isit.B .ondon/s most (amous outdoor mar#et.
a). Aetticoat .ane
b). Fictorian arcades
c). Ma%(air/s
d). Aiccadill% 1ircus
3). The hot s$ots o( music and dance are located near8
a). Gensington +ardens
b). .eicester ;:uare
c). Eames/ s:uare
d). 1oent +arden
3*. +rendel #illed the men o(.
a). Hrothgar
b). Horhtgar
c). Hortgar
d). Hrohgar
3!. An unusual collection was one entered b% a .
a). 3ailwa% enthusiast
b). +eolog% enthusiast
c). 0o%
d). +irl
3-. The o$$osite o( 5wide7 is8
a). ;hort
b). .ight
c). Tall
d). <arrow
32. 59 wouldn/t $art with them (or an%.
a). Arice
b). 3eason
c). 0od%
d). Thing
'4. Who is Holden/s sister8
a). ;usan
b). Eane
c). Ahoebe
d). Alison
'1. Who is 1atherine suitorC
a). ;lo$er
b). Townsend
c). Morraise
d). Ha%es
'2. How man% times was 1aesar o((ered the crownC
a). Once
b). Twice
c). Three times
d). Four times
'3. Hard%/s (irst master$ice is8
a). 5Far From Madding 1rowd7
b). 5Eude the Obscure7
c). 5Fictorian archades7
d). 5The ;tor% o( ;tonehendge7
''. 5$illar7 means8
a). 1olumn
b). ;tone
c). 9nstrument
d). Ornament
'). 5At hand7 means8
a). 1losen
b). At the moment
c). Alwa%s
d). <ear
T=;T <3.*
1. Eane wants to becomedoctor.
a). &
b). A
c). The
d). An
2. Tom is coming home at. 1hristmas.
a). The
b). &
c). a
d). ne6et
3. The horse is. use(ul animal.
a). The
b). An
c). ,
d). A
'. The $lural o( 5tooth7 is8
a). Teet
b). Teeth
c). Tooths
d). Toothes
). ..got there in time.
a). Much
b). <either
c). Him
d). Her
*. 5When 9 am $la%ing tennis 9 can"t thin# o(else7.
a). An%thing
b). ;omething
c). <othing
d). An%bod%
!. 9n soccer the best $la%ers are $aid hugeo( mone%.
a). ;um
b). ;ama
c). ;ums
d). ;umes
-. ;ometimes 9/m com$letel%.
a). Ho$e
b). Ho$$elless
c). Ho$eless
d). Ho$e(ul
2. He seems to (ind m% $roHect er%.
a). Attract
b). Attractie
c). Attractlessing
d). Attractable
14. 9 don/t #now where %ou (ind all. energ%.
a). That
b). Thes
c). These
d). Those
11. 9/e alwa%s considered him a . $erson.
a). 3el%
b). 3eliable
c). 3elions
d). 3eliant
12. Has she heard (rom that (riend o(who was thereC
a). Her
b). Then
c). ;he
d). Hers
13. 9 used to see him.a wee#.
a). Twice
b). Too times
c). Two times
d). Two time
1'. 5..had we wal#ed in when we saw the (irst e6hibit7.
a). <o sooner than
b). ;carcel%
c). Hardl%
d). 3ight then
1). His (ather is a wealth% manLisn/t .
a). M%
b). Mine
c). His
d). Him
1*. <ow 9 the all the $aintings were reall% beauti(ul.
a). Found
b). Find
c). Has (ind
d). Had (ounding
1!. .ondon is een more beauti(ul than 9.
a). Thought
b). Had thought
c). Thin#
d). Has been thin#ing
1-. An ugl% womanto a man.
a). Maried
b). Hae married
c). 9s married
d). Are married
12. 9 wish %ou.the $iano eer% da%.
a). Would sing
b). Will sing at
c). Would $la%
d). Will $la%
24. ?ouo$en the window i( %ou want to.
a). Ma%
b). 1an
c). 1ould
d). Hae
21. .9 gie m% e6am right nowC
a). Ma%
b). Must
c). Will
d). ;hal
22. Aeo$le and $igeons.at Tra(algar ;:uare to see (ountains.
a). Are gathering
b). +ather
c). +athers
d). Has gathers
23. 1hie( ?eoman Warderthe #e%s to the monarch"s re$resentatie in the Tower.
a). ;how
b). Aresent
c). Aresents
d). ;hows
2'. Her law%er%ou where 9 am.
a). Will tell
b). ;hall tell
c). Would told
d). 9s telling
2). The (ilm. starting in ten minutes.
a). 1an be
b). Must be
c). Had be
d). Ma%
2*. 9the Tower %et.
a). Haen/t seen
b). Hasn/t seen
c). Wasn/t seen
d). Weren/t seen
2!. 9( 9 were a #ing %ou.m% :ueen.
a). Would be
b). Would hae been
c). Will be
d). ;hould be
2-. 9/ll be learning the $oem when %ou.
a). Arried
b). Are arriing
c). Arrie
d). Has arrie
22. Ait% %ou. with us>
a). Haen/t come
b). Didn/t come
c). Doesn/t come
d). Don/t came
34. 9t. im$ortant that 9 had (inished the boo# in time.
a). Were
b). Has been
c). Will be
d). Was
31. When %ou hear the announcement (or %our (light %ou $roceed to..C
a). De$arture .ounge
b). The +ate
c). 1hec#,in,1ounter
d). ;ecurit% 1hec#
32. 1oming out o( the <ational +aller%B tourists can admire8
a). <elson"s 1olumn
b). Kueen Fictoria"s memorial
c). +reat Dome
d). The 3o%al +uards
33. Who ordered the building o( the earth,and,timber castleC
a). =dward 9
b). William o( <ormand%
c). 3ichard the .ionheart
d). Henr% F999
3'. ?ou can (ind (ashionable discos and night clubs near8
a). Ma%(air/
b). Aetticoat .ane
c). .eicester ;:uare
d). 1oent +arden
3). The world (amous 3o%al O$era is situated in8
a). 1oent +arden
b). .eicester ;:uare
c). Gensington +ardens
d). <ational Theatre
3*. 0eowul( $ronounced.his successor.
a). +rendal
b). Galeala
c). Wigla(
d). 3oland
3!. 9 hae recentl% isited an e6hibition in8
a). ;to#e,on,Trent
b). ;tone,on,Tent
c). ;tai#,on,Tent
d). ;tro#e,on,Trent
3-. The o$$osite o( 5huge7 is8
a). Tin%
b). Wide
c). .ong
d). ;hort
32. The $ilgrims met at8
a). Tanner 9nn
b). Taben 9nn
c). Tabeard 9nn
d). Tabbard 9nn
'4. 1hoose the right matches8
a). The Decameron,1haucers
b). 0eowul(,0occacio
c). The 1anterbur% Tales,1haucer
d). The Arabian <ights,Abbe%
'1. What do the 3oman citiJens thin# o( the cons$irators when Anton%/s s$eech is oerC
a). The% are $atriots
b). The% are trailors
c). The% are innocent
d). The% are honourable men
'2. The anton%m o( 5enem%7 is8
a). Friend
b). .oer
c). .aw%er
d). +uest
'3. Tess murdered8
a). Angel
b). Alec
c). 1lare
d). The $oliceman
''. 5To glisten7 means8
a). To wis$er
b). To be glad
c). To moe
d). To shine brightl%
'). 5$ro$er7 means8
a). Well
b). 1orrect
c). Aossible
d). ;uitable
T=;TI. <3.!
1. ;he was er% (amous $erson.
a). The
b). &
c). a
d). an
2. The horse is use(ul animal.
a). A
b). An
c). &
d). some
3. ;tansted was built to reliee the congestion o(.Heathrow.
a). The
b). 9n
c). &
d). a
'. The $lural o( 5tomato7 is8
a). Tomatos
b). Tomatoes
c). Tomatoses
d). Tomato
). The e6ercise is notdi((icult.
a). Too
b). Eust
c). <earl%
d). %et
*. That engine goes b%.
a). Himsel(
b). His sel(
c). 9tsel(
d). Themseles
!. ..wants $eace and not war.
a). ;omebod%
b). ;omeone
c). =er%bod%
d). An%bod%
-. The(ell (rom the tree.
a). .ies
b). .eaes
c). .ea(s
d). .i(s
2. The thiees stole watches and.
a). 3adioes
b). 3adio
c). 3adios
d). 3adies
14. The $oor woman threwunder the train.
a). Himsel(
b). Hersel(
c). 9tsel(
d). Themseles
11. Hae %ou heard.C
a). The news
b). The :uesttion
c). The #news
d). The new
12. ;usan went into the househim.
a). 3ather
b). 0e(ored
c). Oer
d). A(ter
13. Those woles #illed the.
a). ;hee$
b). ;hee$s
c). ;hee$es
d). ;hee$oes
1'. ;usan has learn a doJen o( $oemsheart.
a). At
b). To
c). 0%
d). From
1). Aeter has bro#en his#ni(e.
a). <ast%
b). ;weet
c). Faourite
d). 9nteresting
1*. 9 had di((iculties in understanding what the artist.
a). Mean
b). Had meant
c). Hae mean
d). Hae meant
1!. 9sa% 9 admire .ondon more than li#e it.
a). ;hould
b). Would
c). Will
d). ;hall
1-. Our teacherto listen to gossi$.
a). Doesn/t li#e
b). Don/t li#e
c). Hasn/t li#e
d). Didn/t li#ed
12. ;usan and Andrew.come to see us.
a). Might
b). 1an
c). Mights
d). Are able to
24. ..good reiews o( that e6hibition.
a). Had read
b). Hae red
c). 3eading
d). Had been read
21. 9( 9 were %ou 9 . to that doctor.
a). 1ouldn/t go
b). ;houldn/t go
c). Wouldn/t go
d). Will not go
22. <owada%sB there are about '4 %eoman WardersB whowithin the walls o( the Tower.
a). .ies
b). .ie
c). .ied
d). 9s liing
23. 59.hours on end in .ondon/s (abulous museums.7
a). 1ould s$end
b). 1ould s$ent
c). Would s$ent
d). Will s$ent
2'. Where hae %ouC
a). Was
b). Were
c). 0e
d). 0een
2). The air$ort at +atwic# alsoa lot o( international (lights.
a). Hands
b). Handels
c). Handles
d). Has handels
2*. 9 hatelies.
a). To tell
b). To s$ea#
c). To as#
d). Tell
2!. The numerous $ar#sshelter (rom the noise o( the cit%.
a). O((ers
b). O((er
c). Ma#e
d). Ma#es
2-. The $olice $romised me that the%the thie(.
a). ;hall (ound
b). ;hall (inding
c). Would (ind
d). Will (ound
22. 9( %ou tell them now the%enough time to sole the $roblem.
a). Will hae
b). ;hall hae
c). Would hae
d). ;hould hae
34. ;usan told us that her husbandHust arried.
a). Hae
b). Had
c). Has
d). Hae has
31. 1lear 1ustoms b% ta#ing.i( %ou hae an%thing to declare.
a). 3ed 1hannel
b). +reen 1hannel
c). White 1hannel
d). ?ellow 1hannel
32. Kueen Fictoria"s memorial is in (ront o(8
a). Westminster Abbe%
b). 0uc#ingham Aalace
c). Tra(algar ;:uare
d). 0arbican Arts 1entre
33. 3ichard"s brother was8
a). Henr% F999
b). =dward 9
c). Henr% 99
d). Eohn
3'. We can (ind street entertainers till late at night near8
a). O6(ord ;t.
b). Ma%(air"s
c). .eicester ;:uare
d). Aetticoat .ane
3). The blac#,cab ta6i serice is aailable but it is rather..
a). =6$ensie
b). Modern
c). ;$eed%
d). Wide
3*. 0eowul( managed to #ill the dragon with the aid o(.
a). Danish #ing
b). Ging Eohn
c). Wigla(
d). +rendal
3!. 5The (irst e6hibit dis$la%ed aboe us was a collection o(..7
a). 1arrier bags
b). Old cameras
c). ;mall $e(ume bottles
d). 0eatles/records
3-. 1hoose the $ossible association8
a). 3igidB (le6ibleB narrow
b). Hea%B lightB stri$ed
c). .awB shortB tin%
d). OalB lightB tall
32. The $ilgrims went to8
a). 1anterbur%
b). 1anterbar%
c). 1unterburr%
d). 1anterbarr%
'4. wrote7 The 1anterbur% Tales7.
a). +ershwin
b). 1haucer
c). +o((re%
d). 0occaccio
'1. Whom does Holden as# about the duc#"s (ate8
a). Ahoebe
b). His sister
c). The ta6i drier
d). His (riend
'2. 5$osition7 means8
a). .eel
b). ;tate o( (act
c). 3an#
d). Eob
'3. 5to de$end on7 means8
a). To trust
b). To rel% on
c). To be certain about
d). To belie (or
''. 5wild7 means8
a). Incontrolled
b). 0ig
c). Inciilised
d). Desolate
'). 5acation7 means8
a). tri$
b). holida%s
c). (ree time
d). time to s$ent
T=;TI. <3.-
1. Andrew li#es to eat.good (ood.
a). The
b). A
c). &
d). An
2. A(ter a (ew da%s Mar# lost..courage.
a). &
b). the
c). a
d). an
3. Ham$stead is at )- meters below.ground.
a). &
b). ;ome
c). A
d). The
'. The $lural o( 5cit%7 is8
a). 1ities
b). 1it%ies
c). 1it%s
d). 1it%is
). He has bought a new.o( (urniture.
a). Aart
b). 0it
c). Aiece
d). ;lice
*. 1lear 1ustoms i( %ou hae.to declare.
a). An%thing
b). ;omething
c). <othing
d). ;omebod%
!. Mother is..coo# 9 #now.
a). The best
b). 0etter
c). The better
d). The most
-. A.dog was bar#ing behind the door.
a). 0lac#B littleB nice
b). <iceB littleB blac#
c). .ittleB blac#B nice
d). 0lac#B niceB little
2. ..') seconds a $lane ta#es o(( or lands at Heathrow.
a). =ach
b). =er%
c). =ither
d). Whateer
14. The little dog %ou /e (ound is.
a). Them
b). M%
c). For theirs
d). Mine
11. The% made it.
a). Himsel(
b). Themseles
c). Ourseles
d). ?ourseles
12. Andrew is the .in the class.
a). Tallest
b). More taller
c). Most tallest
d). Taller
13. Wrenis buried at ;t.Aaul/s 1athedral.
a). His
b). Him
c). Himsel(
d). Hersel(
1'. The..were inited at school.
a). Au$ils/ $arents
b). Au$il/s $arent
c). Au$ils/ $arent
d). Au$iles $arent/s
1). 9 was born on the8
a). December three
b). First o( December
c). Dicember (irst
d). Decembre (irst
1*. 9.it was worth it.
a). Ho$ed
b). Has ho$e
c). Had ho$e
d). Hae ho$e
1!. .ondon is where the maHorit% o( big business in 0ritain..
a). Did
b). 9s do
c). Was did
d). 9s done
1-. He..his room %et.
a). Has clean
b). Hasn/t cleaned
c). 9sn/t cleaned
d). Doesn/t cleaned
12. The (irst grou$..in the news$a$ers in the late )4s were the Tedd% 0o%s.
a). To see
b). To be see
c). To be seen
d). Was see
24. The%to sta% at home this eening i( it rains.
a). Will
b). +oing
c). Was going
d). Are going
21. ;tansted.in the 12-4s.
a). Were built
b). Was built
c). Hae been build
d). Has been build
22. A bo%.b% his histor% teacher to tell the stor% o( Kueen =liJabeth and ;ir Walter 3aleigh.
a). Was as#ed
b). Has been as#
c). Had been as#
d). Had as#
23. +ershwin.to com$ose music (or the u$$er la%ers.
a). Haen/t want
b). Had not wanted
c). Has not want
d). Hadn/t want
2'. Mar%Tom (or two %ears.
a). Had #nown
b). Hae #nown
c). Was #now
d). Were #now
2). 9t/s a $it% .ondon.so man% $roblems.
a). Had
b). Hae
c). 9s haing
d). Has
2*. 9( 9 had sto$$ed at 0raso we would.er% late.
a). ;hould get bac#
b). Would get bac#
c). +ot bac#
d). Hae got bac#
2!. The% com$lained that the%..all da%.
a). Has been singing
b). Had sang
c). Had been singing
d). Hae sing
2-. .ast wee# 9.to an e6hibition o( $aintings in the 0arbican Art 1entre.
a). Went
b). +o
c). +oes
d). +one
22. 9( (ather were here he.us the mone%.
a). Would gie
b). Would gae
c). Will gie
d). Will gien
34. ;he..to (inish the boo# in time.
a). Will be able
b). ;hall be able
c). Are able
d). 9s able
31. Follow the..sign i( %ou are ending %our Hourne%.
a). De$artures
b). Arrial
c). Aass$ort 1ontrol
d). De$arture .ounge
32. The most (amous libraries in the world are at8
a). The 0ritish Museum
b). 0arbican Arts 1entre
c). 0uc#ingham Aalace
d). The <ational +aller%
33. Henr% 999/s son was8
a). =dward 9
b). Henr% 9F
c). 3ichard the .ionheart
d). Eohn
3'. ?ou ma% also want to hae a boo# at Ma%(air/s elegant Fitorian
a). Mar#et
b). Arcades
c). Art galler%
d). Aubs
3). 9n .ondon there is a ..networ# o( $ublic trans$ort.
a). .arge
b). ;ort
c). 0ig
d). Wide
3*. When 0eowul( had reigned.%earsB his #ingdom was inaded b% a (ier% dragon.
a). 24
b). 34
c). 14
d). )4
3!. Eulie isited a (ascinating e6hibition with8
a). .iJJie
b). 1atherine
c). Eane
d). ;usan
3-. 1hoose the $ossible association8
a). HighB hea%B o$a:ue
b). WoodonB brassB cotton
c). AlainB concreteB stri$ed
d). AeachB $ur$leB (loral
32. 5The 1anterbur% Tales7 is a (rame,stor% collection o(stories.
a). 14
b). '2
c). 2'
d). 22
'4. 5The 1anterbur% Tales7 is made u$ o(8
a). Two $ats
b). Four $arts
c). Three $arts
d). Fie $arts
'1. Who accom$anied Huc# on his o%ageC
a). His sic# (ather
b). Tom
c). Eoe
d). Eim
'2. Where do Angel and Tess (ind re(uge at nightC
a). At ;tonehenge
b). At ;trat(ord
c). At ;tonhenges
d). At ;tra(ord
'3. What is +eneral 0urgo%ne/s nic#nameC
a). +entlemanl% Eohnn%
b). +entle Eohnn%
c). Eohnn% the 0rae
d). +etlemenl% Eohn%
''. Who is dr.;lo$erC
a). Morris/ uncle
b). 1atherine/s (ather
c). ;all%/s (ather
d). Eames/ teacher
'). 5$hon%7 means8
a). 1raJ%
b). Tele$honing
c). 0anal
d). H%$ocritical
3=@I.TAT=.= T=;T=.O3
T=;TI. <3.1
1aB 2bB 3dB 'aB )cB *bB !cB -bB 2bB 14cB 11aB 12dB 13cB 1'aB 1)aB 1*bB 1!bB 1-bB 12aB 24aB 21bB 22aB
23bB 2'bB 2)bB 2*aB 2!dB 2-bB 22cB 34aB 31dB 32cB 33aB 3'cB 3)aB 3*aB 3!bB 3-dB 32bB '4aB '1bB
'2aB '3aB ''aB ')c.
T=;TI. <3.2
1dB 2aB 3aB 'bB )bB *cB !bB -cB 2bB 14bB 11aB 12cB 13cB 1'aB 1)aB 1*aB 1!bB 1-aB 12cB 24bB 21bB 22aB
23bB 2'aB 2)dB 2*bB 2!bB 2-bB 22cB 34aB 31bB 32dB 33aB 3'aB 3)bB 3*b 3!cB 3-bB 32bB '4aB '1bB
'2aB '3aB ''bB ')b.
T=;TI. <3.3
1dB 2bB 3aB 'cB )aB *aB !cB -bB 2aB 14bB 11dB 12aB 13bB 1'aB 1)aB 1*bB 1!bB 1-bB 12cB 24cB 21aB 22cB
23bB 2'aB 2)dB 2*bB 2!aB 2-bB 22aB 34aB 31cB 32cB 33aB 3'cB 3)aB 3*bB 3!bB 3-aB 32cB '4bB '1aB
'2bB '3aB ''aB ')a.
T=;TI. <3.'
1dB 2aB 3cB 'cB )cB *bB !bB -dB 2aB 14bB 11cB 12cB 13cB 1'aB 1)bB 1*dB 1!bB 1-aB 12bB 24aB 21bB 22cB
23cB 2'bB 2)bB 2*b 2!aB 2-bB 22b 34bB 31cB 32b 33bB 3'c 3)aB 3*cB 3!aB 3-aB 32aB '4aB '1cB '2bB
'3cB ''cB ')b.
T=;TI. <3.)
1dB 2aB 3aB 'cB )cB *bB !aB -bB 2dB 14aB 11bB 12aB 13dB 1'bB 1)aB 1*aB 1!bB 1-bB 12cB 24aB 21cB 22cB
23aB 2'bB 2)cB 2*aB 2!dB 2-cB 22bB 34bB 31bB 32aB 33bB 3'aB 3)bB 3*aB 3!aB 3-dB 32aB '4cB '1bB
'2cB '3aB ''aB ')d.
T=;TI. <3.*
1bB 2bB 3dB 'bB )bB *aB !cB -cB 2bB 14aB 11bB 12dB 13aB 1'cB 1)bB 1*aB 1!aB 1-cB 12cB 24bB 21bB 22bB
23cB 2'a 2)bB 2*aB 2!aB 2-cB 22bB 34dB 31bB 32aB 33bB 3'cB 3)aB 3*cB 3!aB 3-aB 32dB '4cB '1bB '2aB
'3bB ''dB ')b.
T=;TI. <3.!
1cB 2aB 3cB 'bB )aB *cB !cB -bB 2cB 14bB 11aB 12dB 13aB 1'cB 1)cB 1*bB 1!bB 1-aB 12aB 24aB 21cB 22bB
23aB 2'dB 2)cB 2*aB 2!bB 2-cB 22aB 34bB 31aB 32bB 33dB 3'cB 3)aB 3*cB 3!aB 3-cB 32aB '4bB '1cB
'2dB '3bB ''aB ')b.
T=;TI. <3.-
1cB 2aB 3dB 'aB )cB *aB !aB -bB 2bB 14dB 11bB 12aB 13cB 1'aB 1)bB 1*aB 1!dB 1-bB 12cB 24dB 21bB 22aB
23bB 2'aB 2)dB 2*dB 2!cB 2-aB 22aB 34aB 31bB 32aB 33aB 3'bB 3)dB 3*dB 3!aB 3-bB 32cB '4aB '1dB
'2aB '3aB ''bB ')c.

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