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Courses to take

aHCl 2100Y Introduction to ancient history

An introduction to the study of ancient history, focusing on Greek history from the Bronze Age to
the Hellenistic era and Roman history from the foundation of the city of Rome in 753 B.C. to the
collapse of the western Roman Empire in A.D. 476. Excludes CLHI 100, AHCL 100, 201.

aDMn 1000H Contemporary issues in management and organization
This course provides a macro framework and context for the management discipline by examining
a wide selection of issues which affect both the practice and the conceptualization of management
and organization. Issues studied include globalization, information technology, demographics,
diversity, sustainability and recent developments in management theory. Excludes ADMN 100H.
aDMn 1021H financial accounting I
This is an introduction to the theory of financial accounting and the preparation of financial
statements, the theoretical framework of accrual accounting and the Generally Accepted
Accounting Principles (GAAP), including double-entry accounting and the accounting cycle.
Professional ethics, behaviour and corporate social responsibility are integrated into the context of
control and accountability. Excludes ADMN 102.

CoIs 1010H The digital world
Digital systems have redefined how we work, communicate and play: just think about the World
Wide Web, mobile camera phones, video games and e-business. Core topics examine the underlying
technologies of both computing and information systems and how they have become an integral
and indispensable part of our daily lives. Excludes COSC 101H, 151H

CusT 1035Y Introduction to media studies
The course is an introduction to media studies that starts with students own experiences of
contemporary media. It seeks to give students an understanding of these media and how they emerged.
The course leads into second-year courses in the history and theory of media, in changing media
practices, and in digital culture.

eCon 1020H Introductory macroeconomics (sc)
An introductory study of the total economy in terms of GDP, employment, unemployment, prices,
and inflation using simple economic models. The Canadian banking system, monetary policy,
the government sector, government budgets and fiscal policy are examined. Selected aspects of
international trade, the balance of payments, and exchange rates are included. Excludes ECON

enGl 1001H Truth, lies and storytelling
When we tell stories, whether in song, poetry, drama, film or prose, are we telling lies? How do
literary fictions in any genre engage, reflect, distort, or heighten the truth? Can words get in the
way of the truth? These questions will provide entrances into the texts in this course. Excludes ENGL
1000Y (100).
enGl 1003H revolution!
Revolution is variously defined as a) a drastic and far-reaching change in ways of thinking and
behaving, b) the overthrow of a government by those who are governed, and c) rotation: a single
complete turn. This course looks at how authors create and respond to the revolutions that turn our
world upside down and then, sometimes, back around again. Excludes ENGL 1000Y (100).

frsC 1100H Introduction to Canadian justice
This course will introduce students to current issues in criminal justice, and will emphasize the study
of civil and administrative laws, and the processes and systems that structure the enforcement of
these laws. Particular attention will be given to investigative and evidentiary responsibilities. Excludes
FRSC 110H.

HIsT 1700Y apocalypse: Conquest, revolution, war and genocide in the modern world
This course focuses on the political, military and economic expansion of European power after 1500,
and the responses by people in Asia, Latin America, Africa and the Middle East to these challenges,
particularly in the 20th century. Excludes HIST 170, 1701H, 1702H.

IDsT 1000Y Human inequality in global perspective
An introduction to the basic ideas of development analysis, including issues of: global poverty and
inequality; food, agriculture and gender; industrialization and the environment; civil society; and
social provisioning. These issues are examined from a comparative and a historical perspective, with
illustrations from widely differing societies. Excludes IDST 100.

PHIl 2020H Philosophy of sport and recreation
A philosophical study of sport and recreation. Topics include conceptual, ethical, political, and
aesthetic perspectives on sports, games, play, and leisure. Specific attention will be paid to philosophical
issues concerning human movement and physical activity, embodiment and the mind-body
relationship, and well-being and quality of life. Prerequisite: 4.0 university credits or permission of
department chair.

PHYs 1510H Introductory astronomy I
A general science course accessible to all students. Topics include sky phenomena, the history of
astronomy, telescopes and detectors, and an exploration of the Solar System. Excludes PHYS 1500Y
(150). Not to be counted towards a major in Physics.
PHYs 1520H Introductory astronomy II
A general science course accessible to all students. Topics include stars, their properties, structure,
and evolution, white dwarfs, novae and supernovae, neutron stars, black holes, galaxies, and cosmology.
Prerequisite: PHYS 1510H (1501H). Excludes PHYS 1500Y (150). Not to be counted towards
a major in Physics.

PosT 1000Y Democracy, power and resistance in the global age
A critical introduction to power and politics and their relationship to political activism. Particular
attention will be paid to themes such as democracy, justice, resistance, ideology, development,
statebuilding and globalization. Course materials will focus on the global and North American contexts.
Excludes POST 100.

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