Event Planning Checklist

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October 15

Event Planning
This activity checklist can help you plan your Global Handwashing Day event.
Event Planning Checklist
Plan the event
Establish event objectives and target audience. Determine specic action steps to achieve
event objectives.
Collect information and document the current situation
x Fact nding about the how and how often (Do people wash their hands? How often are
school children sick?
Is handwashing in public places possible?)
x Fact nding about the why (What makes people want to wash their hands? Why do people
not wash their hands?)
x Stories that demonstrate the facts
Develop tailored messages
Identify and reach out to potential partners
Decide what activities will be included in the event
Plan logistics
x Time
x Place (and book venue if needed)
x Secure funding
Identify and invite any special guests
Plan the event (Continued)
Identify and develop materials
x Posters
x Handwashing commitment cards
x Stickers
x Soap or themed soap wrappers
Identify someone to document event, such as a photographer
ANNEX 3. Event Planning Checklist
Spread the word
Publicize event
Develop social media messages, if appropriate
Develop press release and contact journalists
Tell the PPPHW what you have planned by emailing contact@globalhandwashing.org
Host the event!
Follow up
Monitor progress by using the booklet More Than a Day: Assessing the impact of Global
Handwashing Day activities
Develop a plan of next steps to work toward sustainability
Post event on www.globalhandwashingday.org

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