Measuring Volume: Materials: 4 Large Graduated Cylinders Filled With

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Measuring Volume

The volume of an object is the amount of space it takes

up. Volume is measured using metric units such as milliliters
(mL). Liquid volumes are measured in the science
laboratory ith a graduated cylinder.
!raduated cylinders are made of to different types of
material " plastic and glass. Measuring ith a glass
graduated cylinder is complicated somehat by a meniscus.
# meniscus is the curvature of the surface of the ater.
$ater %sticks& to the alls of the glass graduated
cylinder. $hen you look at the surface' the ater level is
not straight. (ou should alays read the measurement at the
loest point of the curve.
(ou need to read the graduated cylinder at eye level in
order to get an accurate reading. (ou should place the
graduated cylinder on the table and then loer your head to
be able to read the amount at eye level. # plastic graduated
cylinder does not have a meniscus.
Which is which?
)))))))))) ))))))))))))
Materials: * large graduated cylinders filled ith
different colored ater' + glass graduated cylinder per
table' +,, ml plastic graduated cylinder' paper cup' jar'
plastic bottle' ater bottle (ith fill line dran on them)
bottles of ater' beaker' medicine dropper
What To Do:
+. $hen your teacher calls your table' go up to the large
graduated cylinders and record the volume of each in the
space belo.
-. $hile you ait to be called use the beaker to pour ./
mL of ater into the glass graduated cylinder and observe
the curve at the top of the ater.
Hint: Pour about 90 mL of water into the graduated cylinder. Use the
medicine dropper to add water to get exactly 95 mL.
0. 1our ./ mL of ater into the plastic beaker and observe
the lack of a curve at the top of the ater.
*. 2or the rest of the activity use the plastic graduated
cylinder. 3on4t forget the units5
+. Volume of the graduated cylinder ith red ater.
-. Volume of the graduated cylinder ith blue ater.
0. Volume of the graduated cylinder ith green ater.
*. Volume of the graduated cylinder ith yello ater.
/. 1our ater to the fill line on the paper cup. 6se the
graduated cylinder to measure the volume of ater.
7. 1our ater to the fill line on the jar. 6se the
graduated cylinder to measure the volume of ater.
8. 1our ater to the fill line on the plastic bottle. 6se
the graduated cylinder to measure the volume of ater.
9. 1our ater to the fill line on the ater bottle. 6se
the graduated cylinder to measure the volume of ater.
# :
-. 0,
+. $hat type of graduated cylinder is shon;)))))))
-. <o do you kno; )))))))))))))))))))))))))
0. $here do you read the measurement; )))))))))))
*. $hat is the curved line called; ))))))))))))))))
Exit Ticket
=n the space belo complete a %quickrite& telling your
friend in another class ho to tell a glass graduated
cylinder from a plastic graduated cylinder hen they are
found on a test question.
Conclusion: (graduated cylinder' milliliter' plastic' bottom' curvature'
To measure volume in the science lab e use a
))))))))) ))))))))). The unit for volume in the metric
system is the ))))))))))). # glass graduated cylinder
has a )))))))))))' hich is a ))))))))) of the surface
of the ater. # ))))))))) graduated cylinder does not
have a meniscus. $hen reading the curve of the meniscus
alays read at the ))))))) of the curve.

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