Over 500 People Attended The 2nd Annual CIG Insurance Community Safety Saturday™ Held On September 6, 2014, in Monterey, California

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Over 500 People Attended the 2nd Annual CIG Insurance

Community Safety Saturday held on September !

20"#! in $onterey! California
The community event was part learning, part fun, with lots of safety information for everyone.
Monterey, CA, September 16, 21! " CIG Insurances 2nd Annual CIG Community Safety
Saturday was held on September 6, 2014 at Capital Insurance Groups corporate headquarters
located at 2300 Garden oad in !ontere"# $he %ree, %amil"&%riendl" e'ent attracted more than
(00 attendees# Children, teens and adults ali)e recei'ed a wealth o% sa%et"&related in%ormation
and resources %rom 30 local, re*ional, and national or*ani+ations#
Capital Insurance Group, -CIG. established these popular %amil" and communit" e'ents in
2010 and has held Communit" Sa%et" Saturda" e'ents throu*hout Cali%ornia and /e'ada# 0urin*
the 1penin* Ceremon", CIG and !arc 2laas were honored with Certi%icates o% eco*nition %rom
3nited States Con*ressman Sam 4arr and Cali%ornia Senator 5ill !onnin*# CIG also recei'ed a
6roclamation %rom the Cit" o% !ontere" and Certi%icates were presented %rom the cities o% Seaside,
!arina and Sand Cit"# Seaside !a"or alph ubio and 0el e" 1a)s !a"or 7err" 8delen spo)e
about the importance o% the e'ent to the communit" and than)ed all the participants, especiall"
%irst responders#
6roudl" sponsored b" 2I1/ /ews Channel ( and $elemundo, the e'ent was part learnin*, part
%un, with lots o% sa%et" in%ormation %or e'er"one# Children deli*hted in watchin* the %amous do*,
9:his)ie the :hale Spotter;< per%orm whale tric)s as the" listened to 6e**" Stap o% !arine =i%e
Studies tal) about sa%et" on and around the water# > bi* crowd watched the e?citin* 97aws o% =i%e;
demonstration, which included li%e&sa'in* tools and equipment used b" %irst responders# 6arents
and teens met with 2ath" and 4red 4or*none, parents who lost their dau*hter in a car crash, and
1%%icer 7aime ios %rom the C@6 to learn about the Start Smart $een 0ri'in* 8ducation 6ro*ram#
:alt 5ennett, CIG Aice 6resident o% 3nderwritin* B >ctuar" e?plains, 9:e are absolutel" deli*hted
at the turnout# $he more we can e?pose our communit" to all the sa%et" and securit" resources
that are publicl" a'ailable, the *reater the chances are that tra*edies can be a'erted C or at least
we can ease someones su%%erin* when somethin* does occur# >t CIG, we are committed to
impro'in* the qualit" o% li%e in those communities where we do business#;
!ore children will ride sa%el" than)s to the child car&seat inspections#
$he child car&seat sa%et" inspection station was operated b" the Cali%ornia @i*hwa" 6atrol 1%%iceC
!erced Count"# 8?pert technicians chec)ed (0 'ehicles %or proper installation and %ound an D3E
rate o% misuse# $he" *a'e parents and care*i'ers critical in%ormation about installin* car seats
correctl" %or their particular child and 'ehicle# Cali%ornia =aw restricts where and how a child ma"
occup" a 'ehicle, based on the childs a*e and hei*ht# $he" also educated parents on the dan*ers
o% lea'in* children in a hot car#
1'er 200 children were %in*er printed at the 2laas2ids 4oundation 6rint&>&$hon#
$he 2laas2ids 4oundation 6rint&>&$hon was o%%ered at the e'ent, pro'idin* %ree child identi%ication
tools includin* di*ital %in*erprintin*, photo I0s, ta)e&home 0/> )its, and more# !arc 2laas
reports, 9:e ha'e %acilitated 6rint&>&$hon e'ents throu*hout the 3nited States %or almost 20 "ears
with a 'ariet" o% communit"&minded sponsors, and this e'ent is a hu*e success C we ser'ed o'er
200 childrenF;
Special crowd-pleasing presentations included:
G 7aws o% =i%e 0emonstration pro'ided b" the !ontere" 4ire 0epartment who also brou*ht their
(( ladder %ire en*ine %or )ids to climb#
G :his)ie the :hale Spotter<, the %amous rescue do* %rom !arine =i%e Studies, per%ormed her
whale tric)s and showed attendees how she spots whales %rom !arine =i%e Studies research boat
in the !ontere" 5a" /ational Sanctuar"# $he" also shared in%ormation about protectin* whales,
dolphins and other marine wildli%e and obser'in* them sa%el" in the wild#

Additionally, CIG Community Safety Saturday featured the following attractions:
G !ontere" Count" Sheri%%s 1%%iceCCoastal Station !ontere" brou*ht crime pre'ention handouts
as well as their 2&H, S:>$ $eam, and Search and escue 'ehicles which attendees enIo"ed
'iewin*# $he" also did 9meet and *reets; with their 2&H do*#
G !ontere" Count" Crime 6re'ention 1%%icers >ssociation pro'ided sa%et" brochures#
G >merican ed CrossC!ontere" 5a" >rea Chapter *a'e out 4amil" 0isaster 6lans# >ttendees
tested their )nowled*e o% 0isaster eadiness and won pri+es when the" spun the 9:heel o%
G !>00 -!others >*ainst 0run) 0ri'in*. brou*ht their impact%ul 9crash car; and pro'ided
handouts about the dan*ers o% drin)in* and dri'in*#
G $he 3#S# Coast Guard brou*ht their 2H %ast boat %or tours and the 3#S# Coast Guard >u?iliar"
pro'ided water, boatin* and en'ironmental protection in%ormation# >u?tter the Sea 1tter mascot
was also on hand#
G Cali%ornia Go'ernors 1%%ice o% 8mer*enc" Ser'ices pro'ided educational materials about how to
prepare %or earthqua)es and tsunamis#
G !ontere" Count" 1%%ice o% 8mer*enc" Ser'ices brou*ht emer*enc" preparedness in%ormation#
G 5o" Scouts o% >mericaCSilicon Aalle" !ontere" 5a" Council pro'ided emer*enc" sur'i'al and
sa%et" tips#
G Girl Scouts o% Cali%ornias Central Coast *a'e out sa%et" in%ormation#
G Independent $ransportation /etwor) o% !ontere" Count" brou*ht in%ormation about its
or*ani+ation that o%%ers rides to seniors and the 'isuall" impaired in !ontere" Count", Cali%ornia#
G 3nited :a" !ontere" Count" had an in%ormation booth includin* handouts about the 2&1&1
G Sponsored b" 4irst ( o% !ontere" Count", !J !useum brou*ht the :heelie !obilee, an
interacti'e pla"*round#
G estorati'e 7ustice 6artners brou*ht in%ormation about dispute resolution pro*rams that %oster
empath", accountabilit" and restoration o% %airness to 'ictims and the communit"#
G 4amil" Ser'ice >*enc" o% the Central CoastKSuicide 6re'ention Ser'ice o% the Central Coast
distributed their brochures and S$16 cards#
G Communit" 8mer*enc" esponse Aolunteers -C8A. o% the !ontere" 6eninsula *a'e out
materials about turnin* o%% the *asKelectricit" and water in emer*encies and simple medical
responses learned in C8$ -Communit" 8mer*enc" esponse $eam. trainin*#
G eco'ers#or* pro'ided in%ormation about communit" resilience and their proIect in Seaside and
G Central Coast C8$ >ssociation also pro'ided emer*enc" preparation in%ormation#
G !ontere" 6eninsula e*ional 6ar) 0istrict pro'ided in%ormation about trail hi)in* and wildli%e
G J:C> !ontere" Count" presented in%ormation about domestic 'iolence and the ser'ices it o%%ers
at both its Seaside and Salinas locations#
G !ontere" Count" 5o"s and Girls Club had a :heel o% 4ortune Sa%et" Game and in%ormation
about their or*ani+ation#
G Communit" 6artnership %or Jouth brou*ht %ace painters and o%%ered a lan"ard&ma)in* acti'it"#
G Shred&it brou*ht their mobile truc) and shredded documents on site#
G 6ropert" estoration Ser'ice pro'ided in%ormation about disaster preparation plans and ta)in*
in'entor" o% "our possessions#
G 2I1/K$elemundo was the media sponsor#
G adio station 101#L $he 5each pro'ided music and pri+e *i'eawa"s#
Capital Insurance Group and its local CIG Insurance >d'isor, !ontere" Insurance >*enc",
%eatured the e'ents main booth with sa%et" in%ormation, *i'eawa"s and pri+e drawin*s# $he pri+es
included e?citin*, %amil"& oriented *i'eawa"s, such as an annual %amil" membership to the
!ontere" 5a" >quarium, 4amil" 6lus annual memberships to !J !useum, %our season passes to
the 201( !ontere" Count" 4air, %our passes %or whale watchin* at and"s :hale :atchin* B
4ishin*, %our passes to a per%ormance at the 6aci%ic epertor" $heatre, %our passes %or )a"a)in*
%rom >d'entures 5" $he Sea, a %amil" pass to 8l)horn Slou*h Sa%ari /ature $ours, and a %amil"
pass to the !ontere" Moo#
4or more in%ormation about CIG Insurance Communit" Sa%et" Saturda" e'ents, please 'isit

About Capital Insurance Group:
Capital Insurance Group, -CIG. is the leadin* re*ional propert" and casualt" insurer ser'in* the
:estern 3#S# since 1DHD# CIG insures 6ersonal >uto, @omeowners, 4armowners, Condo 1wners,
Aacation 6ropert", enters, >partment 5uildin* 1wners, and man" )inds o% Commercial and
>*ricultural >uto and 6ropert"# $he more than 11( "ear&old compan" is rated 9>; -8?cellent. b"
>#!# 5est, the independent %inancial monitor o% the insurance industr"# CIG mana*es personal,
business, and a*riculture ris)s underwritten b" its a%%iliate companiesN Cali%ornia Capital Insurance
Compan", 8a*le :est Insurance Compan", /e'ada Capital Insurance Compan", and !ontere"
Insurance Compan"# $"pes o% policies ma" 'ar" %rom state to state# 4or more in%ormation, please
'isit www#CIGinsurance#com
CIG 08=IA8S !18# Continuousl"# <
>bout the 2laas2ids 4oundation
$he 2laas2ids 4oundation was established b" !arc 2laas in 1HH4 to *i'e meanin* to the death o%
his twel'e&"ear&old dau*hter, )idnap and murder 'ictim 6oll" @annah 2laas, and to create a
le*ac" in her name that would be protecti'e o% children %or *enerations to come# $he %oundations
mission is to stop crimes a*ainst children b" pro'idin* education and )nowled*e to the *eneral
public and promotin* partnerships with concerned citi+ens, the pri'ate sector, or*ani+ations, law
en%orcement and le*islators# www#)laas)ids#or*
:end" 5ric)man
5ric)man !ar)etin*
3H( 0el !onte Center O2(0
!ontere", C> H3H40

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