Your Application and Time Line Is Enclosed!: Student Leadership Application Packet

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Resident Assistant | Orientation Leader

Your application and time line is enclosed!

It is the policy of RISD not to discriminate against any applicant for employment on the
basis of race, color, religion, national origin, veteran’s status, disability, gender, or sexual
Student Leadership Application Checklist!

 Attend one of the RA/OL info sessions! January 5 @ 6:30pm in 15 W 228,

January 7 @ 6:30pm in Met A, January 14 @ 6:30pm Met Room A (Not
required but encouraged)

 Review position descriptions before you apply and ask questions to get the
answers you need to make a good decision about your path!

 Complete the Leadership Selection Application and include it with the specific
Supplement form.

 Complete candidate statement/essay questions.

 Complete Self Portrait

 Distribute reference forms to potential references and confirm with

Residence Life that they have been received by the deadline for submission.

 Turn EVERYTHING into the RESIDENCE LIFE office, by January 20,

2010 at 4PM. Due to the limited number of positions and depending on the
number of applicants, applications will be reviewed prior to being offered an
interview. Qualified candidates will be invited to participate in the process.

 Be available for interview times on January 30 & 31

Questions about the positions should be directed to:

Resident Assistant questions: Phil Oliveira, 401-454-6653

Orientation Leader questions: Sarah Spencer, 401-454-6689

Natalie Hogan, 401-454-6610


Resident Assistant Position Description 2009-2010
Rhode Island School of Design Residence Life Office

The Resident Assistant’s (RAs) job responsibilities focus on student development. This concept suggests how people grow in a college
environment. Its goal is to encourage a student’s growth emotionally, socially, intellectually, physically, and culturally. We believe that
this may be best accomplished in a residential community that stresses individual and group responsibility, encourages academic
excellence, accepts and celebrates diversity, and evidences a willingness to interact and communicate. The RA plays a pivotal role in
the creation of such a community. Therefore, an RA must possess and demonstrate the motivation and ability to create positive
relationships with each individual. Acting as educator, community leader, role model, and policy enforcer, Resident Assistants influence
behavior which benefits individual students and the whole residential community.

As a member of the Residence Life staff, the RA reports to the Area Coordinator but also works with staff from other areas, as well as
the central office. The RA should strive to achieve positive and productive relationships with supervisors and other staff members. In
turn, she/he should expect support and guidance from all fellow residence life staff members.

The following position responsibilities apply to all RAs. Different styles of housing & different age groupings of students dictate more
emphasis on some responsibilities & less on others. Each Area Coordinator will provide specific, written expectations describing those
activities that fulfill the following duties:

 Get to know your residents. Establish a relationship with, make your role known to, each person in your area at the beginning
of the year and with new students as they arrive. Maintain high visibility & be available to residents.

 Actively promote interactions & effective communication between your residents & assist them to develop a community that
supports their academic, artistic & personal development and demonstrates responsibility to each other & the larger

 Provide leadership for the development of a variety of social & educational programming that reflects resident’s needs &

 Assist residents to access the resources of the college by serving as an information resource. Provide regular communication
regarding events, activities, deadlines & requirements of interest & importance to students. Maintain updated postings of
information & distribute notices as required.

 Demonstrate & promote an appreciation of diversity. Strive to personally make all residents feel welcome & foster a spirit of
mutual respect & support among residents of your area. Address intolerant behavior.

 Assist residents to resolve conflicts & mediate discussions when necessary. Employ active listening skills. Maintain
confidentiality when discussing personal or sensitive issues with residents or other staff members.

 Exercise integrity while fulfilling duties of the position. Role model appropriate behavior. Demonstrate familiarity with the Code
of Conduct as outlined in the Student Handbook & the applicable residence hall regulations presented in the Housing Contract
& the Residence Life Handbook. Explain policy to residents & confront those who violate policies calmly, reasonably, & fairly.
Document incidents. Apprise AC of continuing or serious issues.

 Follow administrative procedures accurately, thoroughly & in a timely fashion. Complete necessary paperwork for move-in,
room changes & facilities needs as directed. Perform Health & Safety Inspections each semester.

 Check voice mail and RISD Email account daily. Respond to resident issues or questions within 48 hours.

 Attend weekly staff meetings & other staff events as required. Meet individually with your Area Coordinator each week.
Participate Fall training, Winter Retreat, Spring Administrative Meeting & periodic training sessions as necessary.

 Assist in the coordination of fall move-in & participate in orientation. Help resolve resident’s concerns upon arrival. Follow
instructions to complete holiday & end of year closing of the buildings.

 Identify/report maintenance concerns in common areas & inform AC of any unmet individual student facilities needs.

 Respond to, and assist in, emergency situations as required and directed.

 Participate in the on-call rotation for Friday and Saturday evenings (not applicable to Moshassuck Square RAs).

 Participate in the selection of new staff members.

Pro 01/2010
This document, along with the position description outlines the general performance and work expectations for the
Resident Assistant Position at the Rhode Island School of design. This is designed to help you better understand the role,
A more detailed description of the following will be provided upon appointment.

You Must:
 Maintain a 2.5 cumulative and semester GPA.

 Demonstrate behavior consistent with the rules and regulations of RISD and especially those of the Residence
Life program.

 Receive approval from supervisor before registering for more than 10 credit hours per semester.

 Receive approval from supervisor before accepting employment in addition to the RA position.

 Attend Fall Training (For 2 weeks prior to the start of the academic year beginning Sunday, August 29, 2010 at 6
p.m), Winter Workshop (End of Winter Session/Beginning of Spring Semester,8 hours on a Saturday TBD) and
the Spring Administrative Meeting (2 hour meeting during spring semester after appointment to staff date TBA).
There can be no exceptions without prior approval, and only in the event of serious personal or family illness or
academic conflict.

 Attend weekly staff meetings; no exceptions.

 Check your email and RA mail boxes at least twice a week

 Maintain a clean disciplinary record. RAs who receive disciplinary sanction of probation are subject to
immediate termination of employment.

 Each RA receives a single room for the academic year at no charge
 Quad and Hill House RAs receive a meal credit of $2000.00 per year
 Alcove, Apartment, and Loft RAs receive a meal credit of $1000.00 per year
 Charles Landing RAs receive single living unit only and must work 5 hrs per week in Charles Landing leasing

Employment Dates for the 2009-2010 Academic Year

 Sunday, August 29, 2010 at 6 p.m. through Saturday May 29, 2010 at 6 p.m.

Breaks : RAs are encouraged to take each given break and leave campus. RAs who choose to stay on campus during
break are required to act in accordance with their position.
 Thanksgiving Break
Tue, Nov. 23, 2010 at 6 p.m. through Sunday, November 28, 2010 at 6 p.m.

 Holiday Break
Saturday, December 18, 2010 at 6 p.m. through Sunday, Jan. 3, 2011 at 6 p.m.

 Spring Break
Friday, March 25, 2011 at 6 p.m. through Sunday, April 3, 2011 at 6 p.m.
Orientation Leaders (OLs) are a select group of students entrusted with welcoming all new students to RISD.

Responsibilities and Requirements:

The dates for Freshman OL training is September 4-10, 2010 and new student orientation runs from
Saturday September 11- 14th 2010. Training is mandatory for all Orientation Leaders. Senior Orientation
Leader training begins on August 31st. Transfer Orientation Leaders are expected to attend two full days of
training from June 15th – 16th prior to Summer Transfer Orientation from June 17th through 20th.

 Accepted applicants will attend training that will give full insight into the workings of RISD.
 OLs will be assigned to facilitate small group interactions with incoming students.
 Acquaint new students with campus buildings and the surrounding area through walking tours.
 OLs are expected to act as a resource for incoming students before, during, and after Orientation.

Applicants must be a currently enrolled RISD student in good academic standing and good disciplinary standing.
 OL candidates should possess a variety of qualities, including effective communication skills, problem solving
abilities, familiarity with RISD resources, energy and enthusiasm, pride in being a RISD student, dedication and
flexibility and a willingness to learn.
 We are looking for reliable, enthusiastic and resourceful students who want to share their enthusiasm with
incoming students. Successful candidates will be those who are articulate and demonstrate a connection to the
RISD community, and show a commitment to teamwork.
 Qualified students must have a working knowledge of the services available on campus including, student life,
counseling, residence life, heath services, career services, financial aid, registrars office, and Foundation Studies.
 OLs must have a minimum GPA of 2.5 to be eligible to apply for the position.
 Because there are a limited number of available slots a number of candidates will be placed in the alternate pool.

 Two free RISD designed t-shirts.
 $100 stipend.
 One free ticket to the Artist Ball.
 Priority Wintersession registration within class year.
 Participation in a significant leadership training program.
 Development of leadership and communication skills
 Cultivation of lasting relationships with RISD faculty, staff, and students.
 Résumé enhancement.
 Freshman Orientation Leaders have the ability to move on to campus early with no additional fees.
 Transfer Orientation Leaders will be provided with on campus housing for the duration of training and Summer

Please complete this leadership application form with the corresponding supplement. If you are applying to be an RA, or
for either an RA OR OL, complete the RISD Student Leadership Application Form and the Resident Assistant
Application Supplement. If you are applying ONLY for an Orientation Leader position, Complete this RISD Student
Leadership application form and the Orientation Leader Application Supplement which corresponds to the OL Posititon
you are seeking.

I am interested in being considered for one of the following positions (circle all you are interested in)
If selected as an RA you may not be an Orientation Leader or International Orientation Leader

Resident Assistant Orientation Leader Transfer Orientation Leader

Name: ______________________________________________________________________
Last First M.I.

Local Address:__________________________________ Phone#:______________________


D.O.B. __/__/__ RISD BOX #____________

E-Mail: ____________________________________ Major_______________________

Present Class (check one): FR SO JR SR GRAD Cumulative GPA:____________

Were you a transfer student? (circle one) YES NO

Have you lived in RISD Housing before? (circle one) YES NO

If yes, which residence halls have you live in? (State Building Name and the Year(s) you lived there)



Co-curricular Activities: List all you have participated and include any offices held.


SELF PORTRAIT: Please complete a self portrait which is a reflection of you and what you would like to share, this
should not be a performance piece. It should be no bigger than 8.5 x 11 so it may fit in your


Which area are you applying for: (check all that apply)
___ 1st Year Quad RA ___ Hill House RA ___ Benefit Street Apartments RA
___ 15WM Alcove RA ___15WM Apartment/Loft RA ___Moshassuck Square RA

Other Colleges Attended: Major: Dates:



Time Commitments: (internships, work-study, student leadership positions, etc.), include the expected number of hours:


Volunteer Experience

Academic Honors, Scholarships, Awards, etc.:


Special Interests/Hobbies?

Work Experience:
Position: Employer: Duties: Dates:


REFERENCES: You must obtain two references. One of those references must be from a RISD Resident Assistant and should be
done on the form found at the blog spot site. The other should come from a former or current employer, a faculty member or staff
member and use the form found on the blog spot site. All reference material can be mailed to Phil Oliveira, 2 College St.
Providence RI ,02903 Attn: RLO or emailed to and must be received by 1/20/2010. It is the candidate’s
responsibility to make sure references are completed and sent into the Residence life office by the deadline. References not received by
deadline will render an application incomplete and will not be considered for a position.

Name of Reference Relationship Phone Email



Please attach and create a statement, which addresses your interest in the RA Position at RISD. Include a description of
personal skills and experiences, which you believe qualifies you to perform the tasks and duties of the position, your
statement should be no longer than 2 pages typed. This is your chance to stand out from the crowd and tell us what
makes you the right person for the job.


NAME: ___________________________________________

I am applying to be a:
[ ] Orientation Leader
[ ] Senior Orientation Leader (must have prior RISD Orientation experience)

Essay questions:

Please answer the following questions on a separate sheet (s) of paper (no more than 200 words per

1. Why are you interested in being an Orientation Leader?

2. What three pieces of advice would you give to a student coming into RISD?
3. List any past Orientation experience.

Please provide one RISD faculty or staff reference:

Name of Reference Relationship Telephone E-mail


NAME: ___________________________________________

I am applying to be a:
[ ] Transfer Orientation Leader

Essay questions:

Please answer the following questions on a separate sheet (s) of paper (no more than 200 words per

1. Why are you interested in being an Orientation Leader?

2. Describe your experience transferring into RISD and how you will bring this experience to
3. What are three qualities that you will bring to Orientation?

Please provide one RISD faculty or staff reference:

Name of Reference Relationship Telephone E-mail


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