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1711 Grant Street

Hopewell, VA 23860

Hometown News


The Season of Advent by Pastor Voss

You’ve surely heard the complaints of the promised light of the Messiah and
about the commercialization of Christ- Savior, Jesus Christ:
Inside this issue:
mas, and that will never change (the
commercialization or the complaints). 2 The people walking in darkness
Instead of focusing on what is wrong
have seen a great light; Russian Mission Update 2
with this time of year, through worship,
on those living in the land of the shadow
God calls us back to focus on what is
of death
right. One thing that is right is our fre-
a light has dawned. Officers for 2010 3
quent worship together so that God can
provide us peace, promises, an assur-
ance of His providence. The season of 6For to us a child is born,
Advent also provides us with a blessing to us a son is given, From the Pastor’s Desk 6
that is rarely found or even desired and the government will be on his shoul-
nowadays: patience. ders.
And he will be called Spiritual Care Update 9
Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,
Advent is considered a season for wait-
Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
ing and although waiting for the celebra-
tion of the birth of our That was then, this is now, Board of Missions Up- 12
Savior should be of the but our anticipation is the date
upmost importance to us, same as the Israelites, we
we have to admit that we wait on the Lord to deliver us.
Website Update 13
also wait for such gifts as Our waiting in the 21st cen-
time with family and tury focuses on Christ's
friends, good food, and promise that He will return.
the traditions we love, Our Lord does not give us the
such as gift exchanges, day nor the hour, but only his
favorite Christmas mov- sure and certain promise that
ies, and yes, even the col- He will be back. He desires
lege football bowl games. that our anticipation rest in
We wait for all of these His promises.
things but when they come, we move
away from waiting back into our day-to-
In a sense, Advent is God’s yearly training
day grind. That should not be. That is
ground on waiting. God is training us,
not what God wants for us. God desires
building us up, to anticipate righteous
that we live in continual anticipation of
things that provide for our eternal life
the return of our Lord and Savior Jesus
through His Son Jesus Christ. Only
through the power of the Holy Spirit can
we truly appreciate that gift.
Traditions are important, meaningful,
and even fun, but if they are all we an- The Hometown News is
It is my prayer for both you and I that the
ticipate and look forward to, we’ve put
Lord works His Holy Spirit to lift our a publication of
all of our hope and heart into the world,
hearts in anticipation of His righteousness Nazareth Evangelical
forgetting about our gift in heaven. Ad-
through Christ. Lutheran Church.
vent is a call for us to join with the an-
cient Israelites who waited for centuries Member of the Lu-
for God's light to shine forth in the per- "It is good to wait quietly for the salva- theran Church—
son of his Son. Isaiah 9:2 and 9:6 speak tion of the Lord." Lamentations 3:26 Missouri Synod.
Page 2 Hometown News

Mission News from Russia

The new issue of ‘Harvest’, the mission newsletter the youngest students, but he reflects a maturity
for LCMS World Mission, had an enlightening ar- beyond his years. He is a deacon at St. Michael’s
ticle about Russian churches. Part of it is printed Lutheran church in St. Petersburg, one of the larg-
here. est and most vibrant ELCIR congregations, partially
Russian church leaders and laypeople due to the energy and vitality of the had pastor,
Rev. Sergey Tatarenko. Mikhail’s office is right near
continue to seek and apply new methods the front door. There is a lot of foot traffic along
of proclaiming the Gospel across their the street, with people coming in and out of the
church due to curiosity. When I saw him recently
land he was beginning to engage a young woman in con-
The ministry of the Evangelical Lutheran versation who had been enticed by Eastern relig-
Church of Ingria in Russia (ELCIR) spans many of
the country’s 11 time zones. Along with this
unique geography and cultural tapestry come “Salva Abdulinin has a unique story of his con-
many unique challenges. The stories and back- version from paganism to Christianity. He was a
grounds of recent graduates of the ELCIR semi- high school teacher and practiced the ancient tree
nary in Koltushi, Russia, reflect the diverse regions worshipping of his own Mari people, in central Rus-
and cultures the ELICIR touches as it seeks to sia. A serious leg infection, which couldn’t be
reach out to many peoples and republics within healed by any of his potions or remedies, led him to
Russia and beyond. accept the prayers of Finnish Lutheran missionaries
in the area. When he was healed after their
The ELICIR is growing at a rate that contin- prayers, he became eager to learn more about this
ues to call for more seminary-trained pastors. Jesus of whom they spoke. He soon became a be-
Since many of the pastors in Russia work other liever in Jesus Christ as Lord and decided to enter
jobs in addition to serving a congregation, many of the seminary. Salva is committed to reaching out
the existing 80 congregations are sending addi- not only to the pagans among his own Mari people,
tional people to be trained as associate pastors. but also to people of another fast growing faith in
As leaders are identified by their congregation,
some are sent on to obtain a Bachelor of Divinity
degree at the ELICIR ‘s institute in Koltuschi, Rus- “Vitaly Luchagov, is originally from Ulan Ude in the
sia, outside St. Petersburg. This level of learning is Buryatian republic in Sibera. He has been called to
essential for individuals to serve the local congre- a congregation in Minusinsk, outside of Novosibirsk.
gation better, and also essential for those who This community consists of many Germans who
have a passion to do outreach in places like uni- were relocated during the Stalin era, and this has
versities, because a higher level of education gives provided an opportunity for outreach. Vitaly, his
an outreach worker more credibility. wife Antonina, and their four children are commit-
ted to working not only in Minusinsk but also in the
Rev. Matthew Heise, missionary in Georgia surrounding Siberian villages where there are
and Russia, serves as an educator in Koltushi
many Latvian and Estonia exiles.”
seminary, which is supported in part by LCMS
World Mission. He shared an update about three LCMS World Missions joins the ELCIR in giving
recent graduates from the Lutheran seminary in thanks for these recent graduates and the many
Russia. Matthew writes, “Mikhail Ivanov is one of other leaders-in-training who will serve this church
DECEMBER 2009 Page 3

Church Officers for 2010

A Congregational Meeting was held on November 1, 2009 for the purpose of electing officers for
2010 and adopting a budget, as well as transacting routine business.
The following officers were elected. Those currently serving are noted as well:
President: Clint Reierson
Vice President: Eddie Hanford
Recording Secretary: Robin Long
Financial Secretary: Jean Joyner
Treasurer: Kay Grochowaskie
Committee Officers were elected as follows:
Elders: Stephen Foxx
Arnie Slimmen (currently serving)
Bob Dry (currently serving)
Deacon(ness): Thelma Klein
Karen Van Worth
Carol Slimmen (currently serving)
Bonnie Foxx (currently serving)
Trustees/Maintenance: Andy Martin
Benny Soltez (currently serving)
Raymond Rayner (currently serving)
Finance: Marilyn Antunes
Kay Grochowaskie (currently serving)
Jean Joyner (currently serving)
Karen Van Worth (currently serving)
Stewardship: Al Schneider
Tina Doane (currently serving)
William Koren (currently serving)
Sandy Wunder (currently serving)
Missions: Ann Hanford
Jordan Hanford (currently serving)
Sue Skalleberg (currently serving)
Karen Van Worth (currently serving)
Outreach: Martha Staples
Jordan Hanford (currently serving)
Sue Skalleberg (currently serving)
Karen Van Worth (currently serving)
Christian Ed: Sandy Wunder
Tina Doane (currently serving)
Karen Van Worth (currently serving)
Jean Koren (ex-officio, SS Superintendent)
Ann Hanford (VBS)
Page 4 Hometown News

Dear Friends of Nazareth,

Sincere Thanks...

Thank you for your kind support and Christian love during Uncle Frank’s ill-
ness and death. He loved His Lord and working around His House while he
was able to do so. We appreciate those of you who gave him rides to and from
church when he was no longer able to drive and those of you who visited with
him. Thank you Ladies of Nazareth for the luncheon after Frank’s funeral. He
would have enjoyed all your delicious food. Your Christian love and concern
for Frank and Mother is greatly appreciated.

In love,
Barbara & Frank Marr and Albert & Jane Blaho

Prayers and Thanksgiving!

As Christians, we have so much to be thankful for. As specific reminders of this, I am beginning a
monthly space devoted to thanksgiving. You are invited to make contributions! This month’s prayers
are anonymous. Here is the first prayer. Look for the second one further on in the Hometown News.
Gracious Father, we thank You for all who are fighting on our behalf. We are so grateful for
what they do. We ask that You draw them into close fellowship with You and that they will daily
know Your love and presence.
We also thank You for the faithful chaplains who have taken on the enormous task of
encouraging the soldiers in their faith. In the most trying situations imaginable, they are tasked
with providing their brothers a picture of Your love. Please protect and sustain their faith, too.
In Jesus name, Amen

Advent and Christmas Worship

Join us for worship, prayer, and fellowship Christmas Services
during the Advent and Christmas Seasons.
We will give thanks and praise to our LORD Thur., December 24—7:00 PM, DS
in many righteous ways. All services will Fri., December 25—10:00 AM, DS
include a homily.
DS= Divine Service, PS = Prayer Service New Year’s Eve Prayer Service
Thur., December 31—7:00 PM, PS
Advent Mid-Week Service
Wed., December 9—7:00 PM, PS During the Advent and Christmas seasons, we
Wed., December 16—7:00 PM, PS will hold our Sunday worship services at their
normal time, 11:00 AM.
DECEMBER 2009 Page 5

The Hometown News

EDITOR: Susan Skalleberg
We are looking for regular
ASSISTANT: Pastor David Voss contributors to the Home-
PRODUCTION EDITOR: Karen Van town News. If there is a cer-
Worth tain article you would like to
write on a regular basis, please
let us know so we can discuss
Thank you to all who submitted articles it with you. Young and old are
and information to this newsletter. encouraged to volunteer for
this very important newsletter.
We encourage you to submit your arti-
The Hometown News is
cles and ideas electronically to:
posted online at the same time or call 731- it is mailed. Please consider
6959 reading it online so we can
save on postage and paper. It
can be found on the home
Newsletter information is due in by the page of our church website:
third Sunday of the month.

Spiritual One Liners

“God never sets us up to fail—only to grow.”
- Bill Johnson, author of “Strengthen Yourself in the Lord”

December Birthdays
Happy Birthday to…
4th Jonah Fistler
9th Rev. David Voss
13th Borgny Hampton
15th Stephen McLeod
18th Clarence (Hobo) Logan
19th James Eckenrode
20th David Petik
22nd Jordan Hanford
27th Bea Schulz
31st Thelma Klein
Page 6 Hometown News

Church Mission Planning

God has us prepared and the LORD. STRATEGIC MISSION &
ready for missions! That is The greatest gift you could MINISTRY PLANNING
evident from what some of give to this process of “Discerning God’s Will For
you are already doing, but prayer and decision making Your Future”
also shines through the is to give your input and Friday, January 29
conversations I have with hopefully participate on the
many of you. 6:00—9:00 PM
dates set aside for planning. Saturday, January 30,
Our goal after the new year We have been blessed to
will be to discern who God 8:30—3:30 PM
have Art Umbach, SED Mis-
has specifically called us to sion and Ministry facilitator,
serve so that we can focus agree to meet with us and Hopefully you can make
our ministry on the needs guide us through the plan- both of the meetings, but if
around us. ning process. not, we welcome you to
We will work on develop- attend either one, even if
You are invited and encour-
ing a 3-5 year plan for our you arrive late or leave
From church with the blessing of
aged to attend the meetings
we have arranged:
early. Your input is valued!

Serving the Church in the New Year
Pastor’s As we take on our commit- stand our responsibilities. we can make our structure
ments to serve the Lord in
Desk Second, it is important that serve our mission.
our various responsibilities we respect the boundaries A request for all groups/
within the church, now is of our role so that we are committees: please post
the perfect time to reflect not trying to do the work all meetings on the
upon our roles.
“We will be review- others have been entrusted church calendar in the
First, it is important for all with. office. Also, please sub-
ing how we can of us, regardless of our role mit your minutes to the
Finally, we must be ready to
make our church within the church, to re- state how we can do things newsletter so the con-
view the operating proce- gregation may be kept
structure serve our dures that define what we
better. In the New Year,
up to date. Thank you.
we will be reviewing how
mission.” do so that we fully under-

Change in the church is often controversial. The reason for that is not the change, but the manner by which it was done.
Here are a few things I prayerfully consider before embracing any idea to “change” the way we currently do things:
1) Do I understand the history behind how we do it now? I always try to make sure I understand the traditions and history
of the church prior to changing to a new way. Often the traditions have deep value and meaning to people and it is obvi-
ously very important that we respect those traditions.
2) How is the proposed change serving our mission? Our decisions need to be informed by our mission. We should not
just change for the sake of change, rather we adapt to better serve our mission in the name of Christ.
3) Who is requesting the change? If a change is going to affect a specific committee, then I will always await to hear from or
work with that committee on any suggested change.
I know there are a lot of pent up ideas and I love to hear them. These are blessings to me! Please be patient with the pro-
gress of change. Let’s make intentional, thoughtful, and long-term changes to the blessing of God’s people.
DECEMBER 2009 Page 7

Check back next month for the answers!

Who Am I?
Last month’s Who Am I winner: The Foxx’s. Answer: Friedrich Conrad Dietrich
Wyneken (May 13, 1810 – May 4, 1876) was a missionary, pastor and the sec-
ond president of the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod.

This month’s “Who Am I”?

 I am commemorated in the LSB
 I taught at Wittenberg University
 I am one of the primary authors of a document which brought Lutherans
together after they had fractured in the mid-to-latter1500’s.
Page 8 Hometown News

Pray for One Another Prayer List for December 1, 2009

Lord, in Your mercy, hear us as we pray for …

For our Brothers and Sisters in Christ in Nursing Homes -

Mary Blaho, HHCC (229) Velma Fleming, HHCC (227)
Mildred Skroback, HHCC Barney Hampton, HHCC (216)
Louis Harvey, BL (130) Phyllis Kane, Conover Nursing & Rehab Center
For our Brothers and Sisters in Christ who are home-bound -
Elsie Voda Mary Petik
For our members and friends serving our country in the military -
Bruce Layne Danny Petik Chris Graham Dustin Petik James Eckenrode
David Petik Scott Naumann Jeff & Stacy Crossen Courtney Williams
Jeffrey Head Steve Foxx Brandon Edwards Michael McKinzie
For our members and friends away at college –
Landry Doane Casey Davis Brandon Edwards
For our members who are sick, hospitalized or recuperating
Gerald Rayner & Family Betty & Al Schneider Rowena Carter Tina Doane Leann
Eckstein Annette Dry Ilse Appleby Jordan Layne Charlene Logan
Kay Grochowaski
For our friends who are sick, hospitalized or recuperating
Darleene Farley Jonathan Weston Connie Williamson Rita Joyner
Joann Miller Jeff Walter Mark Black Francis Brinkley Shelby Slayton
Nick Doize Pastor Kane
For the Family of the Saints departed –
Ed Appleby

Our Father, who art in heaven,

hallowed be thy name.
Thy Kingdom come,
thy will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory. for ever and ever.
DECEMBER 2009 Page 9

Committee on Spiritual Care

The Committee on Spiritual Care met November 9th, 2009

Present were Steve & Bonnie Foxx, Arnie & Carol Slimmen, Bob Dry, Ed Hanford, Thelma Klein, Karen-
Van Worth, and President Clint Reierson.

Steve led the committee in a devotion about being prepared when Jesus comes again.

Prayer concerns and members needing visits: Gerald and Evelyn Rayner, Mary Blaho, Velma
Fleming, Kay Growchowaski, Borgny Hampton, Ilse and Ed Appleby,

Old business: None

New business: The committee discussed the possibility of purchasing a new sign for the City Point
Road side of the church. This topic will be brought up to the council next Monday under the Commit-
tee of Church Properties.

After much discussion, the committee voted unanimously to go with Pastor Voss’ request to have a
New Years Eve Service.

The Elders believe we need to form a worship committee.

There was mention that some of our members were not informed that Frankie Bobb had passed
away. Will take immediate steps to correct this problem.

The meeting closed with the praying together of “The Lord’s Prayer”

Next meeting will be December 14th at 7pm. -Submitted by Carol Slimmen


Bible Study and Catechism
Although there is no SUNDAYS 9:30 AM Those who desire to go
Wednesday evening Bi- Meet in the conference over the basics of Christi-
CATECHISM YOUTH ble study in December, anity are welcome to the
WEDNESDAY AT 7:40 PM DUR- room with Arnie Slimmed
there are plenty of oppor- to study the book of Phi- God 101 class in the
ING ADVENT tunities to study God’s Sanctuary led by Pastor
Word! Voss.
Meet in the “Old Church”
WEDNESDAY AT 6:00 PM Room for “Hebrews—The All are welcome anytime.
Fullfillment of Faith”, led Any are welcome all the
by Al Schneider. time!
Page 10 Hometown News

Stewardship Update
The Committee on Church Fi- the world is indeed part of Chris-
nance and Stewardship met at tian Stewardship.
8:45 am on Nov. 1, and completed
plans for stewardship Sunday, which
was Nov. 22. The meal, consisting of As good stewards, and fol-
meat, cheese and vegetable trays was lowing the example of Jesus, we
provided by the Committee. The have the privilege of serving oth-
program consisted of a power point
ers with the abilities and re-
presentation focusing on the Biblical
sources God has entrusted to us.
principals of Stewardship adopted by
In our relationships with others,
LCMS and a series of transforma-
our attitude must truly be that of
tions to make Christian stewardship a
a servant. Serving God and hu-
part of our daily lives. mankind in response to His un-
ending love for us is truly wonder-
The Committee distributed “silent ful stewardship!
pledge” cards during the program.
“God’s stewards After prayerful consideration, mem-
are served and bers brought completed pledges to
serving.” church on Nov. 29 and presented
them to the Lord during worship.
Pastor Voss spoke on Stewardship
during his sermons on Nov. 15 and
22. Next meeting of this Committee
will be in January at a time to be de-

This month’s Biblical Principal of

Stewardship notes that God’s
stewards are Served and Serv-
ing, meaning that as God’s stewards,
we recognize that our stewardship
involves a Gospel-powered style of
life, which is demonstrated in ser-
vanthood in all arenas of life. Thus,
as God’s children through faith in
Christ, with the help of the Holy
Spirit, we will recognize that our ser-
vice done to benefit community and
DECEMBER 2009 Page 11

Ablaze for God’s Mission

Our Southeastern District recently will be available in the near future.
updated the ABLAZE! goals. One A third goal is 3000 Prayer Part-
goal of ABLAZE! is the start of 100 ners. Currently, there are 2015 Part-
new ministries, and our District is ners. The District Office provides pe-
almost at the halfway point with 49 riodic prayer requests. All you have
new ministries. Another goal is to to do is commit to praying regularly
record 2.5 million faith sharing over the work God has called us to
events. These are events that take do. As a Prayer Partner, your prayers
place in our homes, in our neighbor- will help to grow God’s church and to
hoods, in our workplaces, and in make achievement of other ABLAZE!
schools, as well as other arenas of goal possible. For more information
life when we share the Good News on ABLAZE!, or to become a Prayer
about Jesus, our Savior. More infor-
Partner, contact Al Schneider.
mation about faith sharing events

LCEF News…As we near the end of 2009, this is an excellent time to consider using Joyful Re-
sponse, a free LCEF electronic offering program through which you can make regular contributions to
Nazareth and save the time and expense of check writing. This is also any easy way to be good stewards
of our environment by “going green”. You do not need to have an LCEF account, and you determine the
amount, the time, and the church account to which you want your contribution to go. If you would like
to use this service, application forms are available in the church office. For additional information, visit or call and speak with an LCEF information representative at 1 800-843-5233.

Prayers and Thanksgiving!

Father, I thank You for unexpected joy and humor, like that ex-
pressed by the person who checked me out at Food Lion yesterday.
He was laughing and kidding with everyone. When it was my turn,
he jubilantly announced I had saved $5.19 today! This gave me a
serious boost while I tackled a normally boring job, shopping.
Hmmm…I bet this gentleman’s job could be boring if he allowed it!
Thanks be to God for His surprising and quickening Spirit, shown us
in many of His children. §§
Page 12 Hometown News

Update on Board of Missions

At the Congregational Meeting November 1, Ann Hanford, Chair for the Board of Missions, explained the
2010 budget plans and structure to the Congregation. The idea is for most mission programs to be funded
by contributions from the Congregation, specially designated by month.
Here are the details for the 2010 Monthly Missions program:

January Super Bowl Sunday Kick Off

Collection of Food for Hopewell Food Pantry – location to be determined
Super Bowl Sunday
Monetary Collection for Hopewell Food
Pantry/Conrad Center
February Prison Ministries Special Offering - Bibles
Flowers & Cards for shut ins & nursing
home residents
March Spring Cleaning
Collection of clothing & household items
for to given to those in our community-
location church yard
April Fund Raiser for James House
In the past a Tea has been held to support
the James House
May TriCity Crisis Pregnancy
Baby Bottle Collection
June Special Olympics
Monetary Collections & volunteers for
Summer Games
July Youth Mission Trip
Monetary Collections
August Sandra’s Closet
Collection of school supplies for school
children in our area – Sandra grew up in
Nazareth, she died of breast cancer a few
years ago
DECEMBER 2009 Page 13

September Good Neighbor Village

Pastor Schmick’s Ministry for mentally
challenged adults in the Varina Area –
Monetary Collections & voluntary
October Coat Collection for School Children in our Area
November Thanksgiving Families
Collection of food for identified families
Thanksgiving Dinner
Dinner at Nazareth for those in the
community that are less fortunate
December Christmas Families
Collection of Food & gifts for identified
On Going Ablaze
Concordia Seminary Adopt-A-Student

Website Analytics
Analytic software tracks who visits our website and where they are from. This helps us develop the web-
site, but more importantly, it helps us reach out with the Gospel using Internet technology.

November Statistics
Number of Visits: 373
Percentage of Visitors who were new visitors 41%
Most popular web pages on our website (beyond the main page): #1 Resources, #2 About Us, #3 Events

Did you know that in November alone our website has been visited by people in over 35 states and 7 coun-
tries including Hong Kong, Poland, South Africa, Singapore, and Germany?! To God be the glory.
Page 14 Hometown News

LCMS Southeastern District News

In the Southeastern District The New Testament church We have established a
we “walk together,” en- reminds us that what gives Southeastern District Spiri-
couraged by St. Paul’s life and energy to our mis- tual Life Team, which is
words to the Philippian sion and ministry are the available to teach, facilitate
congregation – “I thank my Holy Spirit and our connec- retreats, and accompany
God in all my remembrance tion to God through prayer. those congregations wishing
of you, always in every In Acts we are told that to expand their prayer life.
prayer of mine for you all those who gathered in the The SED Spiritual Life Team
making my prayer with joy, upper room following Jesus’ has compiled resources on
because of your partnership ascension “were devoting this webiste to support
in the Gospel from the first themselves to individuals and congrega-
day until now.” (1:3-5) We prayer.” (Acts 1:14) In fact, tions in the knowledge and
share this prayer-filled part- prayer is one of the four practice of prayer. We offer
nership through which God foundation blocks of the these resources as a way of
is glorified and His mission early church. (Acts. 2:42) deepening your walk with
is accomplished among us. God and with each other.
DECEMBER 2009 Page 15

Have you ever read? The Augsburg Confession

In the midst of theological debates about what is or is not true about the Bible, we do
ourselves a great favor by reviewing the results of battles fought long ago so that we
do not fight them again. Here are just a few key articles of our Lutheran confessions
of faith.

The Augsburg Confession (edited)

Article III: Of the Son of God.
1] Also they teach that the Word, that is, the Son of God, did assume the human nature in 2] the womb of the blessed Virgin
Mary, so that there are two natures, the divine and the human, inseparably enjoined in one Person, one Christ, true God and
true man, who was born of the Virgin Mary, truly suffered, was crucified, dead, and 3] buried, that He might reconcile the Fa-
ther unto us, and be a sacrifice, not only for original guilt, but also for all actual sins of men.
4] He also descended into hell, and truly rose again the third day; afterward He ascended into heaven that He might sit on the
right hand of the Father, and forever reign and have dominion over all creatures, and sanctify 5] them that believe in Him, by
sending the Holy Ghost into their hearts, to rule, comfort, and quicken them, and to defend them against the devil and the
power of sin.
6] The same Christ shall openly come again to judge the quick and the dead, etc., according to the Apostles' Creed.

Article IV: Of Justification.

1] Also they teach that men cannot be justified before God by their own strength, merits, or works, but are freely justified for
2] Christ's sake, through faith, when they believe that they are received into favor, and that their sins are forgiven for Christ's
sake, who, by His death, has made satisfaction for our sins. 3] This faith God imputes for righteousness in His sight. Rom. 3 and

Article VI: Of New Obedience.

1] Also they teach that this faith is bound to bring forth good fruits, and that it is necessary to do good works commanded by
God, because of God's will, but that we should not rely on those works to merit justification 2] before God. For remission of
sins and justification is apprehended by faith, as also the voice of Christ attests: When ye shall have done all these things, say:
We are unprofitable servants. Luke 17:10. The same is also taught by 3] the Fathers. For Ambrose says: It is ordained of God
that he who believes in Christ is saved, freely receiving remission of sins, without works, by faith alone.

Article VII: Of the Church.

1] Also they teach that one holy Church is to continue forever. The Church is the congregation of saints, in which the Gospel
is rightly taught and the Sacraments are rightly administered.
2] And to the true unity of the Church it is enough to agree concerning the doctrine of the Gospel and 3] the administration of
the Sacraments. Nor is it necessary that human traditions, that is, rites or ceremonies, instituted by men, should be every-
where alike. 4] As Paul says: One faith, one Baptism, one God and Father of all, etc. Eph. 4:5-6.

Edited from

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