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There had been tremendous improvement in searching algorithm over the past few years.

Here are
some related research work that marked substantial noise in the field of searching algorithm
1. Grover's Quantum search algorithms
Grover's algorithm is a quantum algorithm for searching an unsorted database with N entries in
ON!"#$ time and using Olog N$ storage space see big O notation$. %ov Grover formulated it in
(n models of classical computation) searching an unsorted database cannot be done in less than
linear time so merely searching through every item is optimal$. Grover's algorithm illustrates that
in the quantum model searching can be done faster than this* in fact its time comple+ityON!"#$ is
asymptotically the fastest possible for searching an unsorted database in the linear quantum model.
,!- (t provides a quadratic speedup) unlike other quantum algorithms) which may provide
e+ponential speedup over their classical counterparts. However) even quadratic speedup is
considerable when N is large. .nsorted search speeds of up to constant time are achievable in the
nonlinear quantum model.,#-
%ike many quantum algorithms) Grover's algorithm is probabilistic in the sense that it gives the
correct answer with high probability. The probability of failure can be decreased by repeating the
/lthough the purpose of Grover's algorithm is usually described as 0searching a database0) it may
be more accurate to describe it as 0inverting a function0. 1oughly speaking) if we have a function
y2f+$ that can be evaluated on a quantum computer) this algorithm allows us to calculate +when
given y. (nverting a function is related to the searching of a database because we could come up
with a function that produces a particular value of y if + matches a desired entry in a database) and
another value of y for other values of +.
Grover's algorithm can also be used for estimating the mean and median of a set of numbers) and
for solving the 3ollision problem. The algorithm can be further optimi4ed if there is more than one
matching entry and the number of matches is known beforehand.
2. Google searching algorithm: Predictive Search
5ver since Google introduced auto6complete in #778) predictive search has become a welcome part
of our internet interactions) helping us search faster) find results quicker) and discover answers to
questions we didn9t even know we had.
/s predictive search becomes more powerful) tools like Google Now have become capable of
delivering relevant) personali4ed information to users) all but eliminating the need for search as we
know it.
:ill Google9s continued efforts in predictive search destroy search engines as we know them today;
(s Google Now the beginning of a self6destructive path for the king of search;
(n this post we9re looking at all aspects of predictive search < how Google uses it in search engines)
the role it plays on mobile devices and in new features like Google Now) and what we can e+pect
for predictive search in the future.
Google launched the practice of predictive search back in #778 with Google =uggest) which was
then renamed to Google /uto3omplete in #7!7.
/lso in #7!7)Google (nstantcame on the scene) generating search results instantly as users type.
:hile Google (nstant and /uto3omplete are technically separate features) this partnership) resulting
in a more advanced Google predictive search engine e+perience) is often grouped under the
umbrella term of Google (nstant.
Google9s predictive search feature uses a predictive search algorithm based on popular searches to
predict a user9s search query as it is typed) providing a dropdown list of suggestions that changes as
the user adds more characters to the search input.
This may seem like a minor feat) but people type considerably slower than they read) and Google
predictive search saves users quite a bit of time by not making them always have to type their full
/s Google notes) before Google (nstant) a typical search took more than & seconds to type in) with
some searches taking as long as >76&7 seconds to type (9m guessing that9s the '7? crowd$. Google
says that if Google (nstant is used globally) over >.@ billion seconds will be saved each day from
Google predictive search) equating to !! hours saved every second. Not bad) huh; Now all we need
is a machine that stores all those hours saved and uses that stolen time to make us immortal.
some ways) the necessity of Google (nstant shows how pathetic we humans have become. (9ve had
times when ( don9t even know the name of the device (9m searching for) but as ( type my query)
Google takes pity on my useless human brain and clues me in to what (9m trying to incoherently
articulate. (t9s demeaning but really helpfulA
/lthough Google Now is making huge leaps and bounds in predictive search) /pple is always close
at the heels < recent rumors claim that /pplemay have recently acquiredthe predictive search app)
Gokr. Gokr predictive search uses a kind of knowledge graph that scans and digests info across the
web to deliver the appropriate content to users.
Gokr predictive search) combined with /pple9s =iri) could be some serious competition for Google
sibling rivalry between /pple and Google for the ultimate virtual personal assistant) we can e+pect
predictive) personal search to become even more popular.
Google Now has been a brilliant move on Google9s part) but one has to wonder if they9re
cannibali4ing themselves* as predictive search becomes more powerful) the need for classic search
engines like Google diminishes. Bor now) there are still plenty of questions and mysteries we need
the Google search engine to answer) but will that always be the case;
Cerhaps Google isn9t worried because it sees itself eventually leaving traditional search behind and
devoting itself entirely to the final frontier of predictive search.
Google Now is definitely not the end of the line for Google when it comes to predictive search < in
fact) we can confidently say it9s only the beginning. :ith breakthroughs like Google Glass and
improved Google voice functionality) it9s hard to say for sure where predictive search fits in.
:e can e+pect to be asked to surrender even more personal data) and with even larger pay6offs.
:ith recent leaks about N=/ surveillance) questions about how data should be saved) when and
where it should be collected) and how it should be used continue to be maDor issues.
(n our data6driven world) sacrificing privacy has become an acceptable cost for the advantages of
technology. Today it9s a peek at our Gmail) tomorrow it9ll be something else) but no matter what is
The Origins Of Google Predictive Search
Google Predictive Search: How oes !t "or#$
Google %uto &om'lete !s % Po' &ulture !con How To Turn Off Google Predictive Search Google Predictive Search: (nowledge Gra'h Google )ow Powering *our +ife
Google )ow, %''le +ater: %''le-s Going %fter GO(.
The /rave )ew 0uture Of Predictive Search: "hat-s )e1t$
asked of us) Google drives a hard bargain in making our lives easier in e+change < that9s the price
of predictive search.
2. Parallel Genetic %lgorithms
(n the !&'7's) biologists began to use digital computers to perform simulations of genetic systems.
/lthough these studies were aimed at understandingnatural phenomena)
some were not too distant from the modern notion of a genetic algorithm G/$. Genetic algorithms)
as they are used today) were Erst introduced by Fohn Holland ,#>-.
Genetic algorithms try to imitate the development of new and better populations among
different species during evolution) Dust as their early biological predecessors. .nlike
most standard heuristic algorithms) G/s use information of a population of individuals
solutions$ when they conduct their search for better solutions and not only information
from a single individual. G/s have been applied to a number of problems in combinatorial
optimi4ation. (n particular) the development of parallel computers has made this
an interesting approach.
/ G/ aims at computing sub6optimal solutions by letting a set of random solutions undergo a
sequence of unary and binary transformations governed by a selection
scheme biased towards high6quality solutions. =olutions to optimi4ation problems can
often be coded to strings of Enite length. The G/s work on these strings ,#>-. The encoding is done
through the structure named chromosomes) where each chromosome is
made up of units called genes. The values of each gene are binary) and are sometimes
called alleles. The problem is encoded by representing all its variables in binary form
and placing them together in a single chromosome. / Etness function evaluates the
quality of a solution represented by a chromosome.
There are several critical parts which strongly affect the success of genetic algorithmsG
H 1epresentation of the solutions.
H Generation of the initial population.
H =election of which individualsin an old populationthat will be allowed to affect the
individuals of a new population. (n terms of evolution) this relates to the selection
of suitable parents in the new population.
H Genetic operators) such as crossover and mutation. That is) how to recombine the
genetic heritage from the parents in the previous generation.EEEEEE
/pplication of trees
Is it okay if the examples are a tad bit generic i.e. relate to graphs and not necessarily to trees? If it is, read on.
Needless to say most XML/Markup parsers use trees. ee !pache Xerces for example. "r, the Xalan
XL# parser. #hanks mathe$sda%e&' for reminding me(
)*+ is a tree based format. It has a root node follo$ed by a catalog node,these are often the same-
follo$ed by a pages node $hich has se%eral child page nodes. )roducers/consumers often use a
balanced tree implementation to store a document in memory.
.omputer chess games build a huge tree ,training- $hich they prune at runtime using heuristics to reach
an optimal mo%e.
+lare is a %isuali/ation library $ritten in !. 0ou may $ant to check out ho$ the data ob1ects are mapped.
In particular the package hea%ily uses a graph structure, spanning trees etc.
ocial net$orking is the current bu//$ord in . research. It goes $ithout saying that
connections/relations are %ery naturally modeled using graphs. "ften, trees are used to represent/identify
more interesting phenomena. 2o$ do you ans$er 3uestions like 4*oes 2arry and ally ha%e any common
ome %ery successful physics/games engines build trees to accurately simulate human mo%ement. ! tree
in this case $ill typically correspond to a set of actions5 #he context $ill determine $hich path is taken to
render a particular response.
*ecision #ree based Learning actually forms a formidable area of data mining research. Numerous
famous methods exist like bagging, boosting, and modifications thereof $hich $ork on trees. uch $ork is
often used to generate a predicti%e model.
! common problem in bioinformatics is to search huge databases to find matches for a gi%en 3uery
string. #ries are a common occurrence there.
6uite a fe$ successful ,stock- traders use decision trees in their day to day trading 77 to choose a trade,
to exit one. "ften times these are not codified in a computer program, but $ritten do$n some$here on the
back of their notebook.
.88 includes a number of collections ,set, multi9set, map, multi9map- $hich are normally implemented as red7
black trees, a kind of balanced tree.
,#he .88 standard does not explicitly re3uire this implementation, but this is the simplest design that meets the
complexity re3uirements.-

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