Cat B JD Tec 323 Equip Control Leader

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Job Description Equipment Control Leader

Doc No.: Date: Rev No.: Page 1 of 2

POSITION : Equipment Control Leader
REPORTING TO : Deputy Section Manager
DIVISION : Technical Division
A. Requirements
Educational Level : University Graduated
or! E"#erience : Min 10 years eperience in la!oratory equipment maintenance or Equivalent
S#ecialt$%&uali'ication " !achelor#s degree in chemistry$ mechanical or equivalent
S!ills : % Ecellent &no'ledge o( la!oratory sa(ety and control procedures and practices
including standard precautions and ha)ardous chemical handling*
% Considera!le &no'ledge o( la!oratory equipment$ instrumentation procedures
and terminology*
% +eport 'riting and presentation s,ills
% English s,ills -ELTS .*0
% Competency in Microso(t applications including /ord$ Ecel and 0utloo,
(om#etenc$ : Competency common in particular
Achievement orientation *
Challenge *
Inter-personnel *
Professional skill, Knowledge *
Decision-making, udgment *
Planning, Creativity *
!egotiation *
Development others *
* Definition is descri"ed in #Competency reference of !$%P Performance Appraisal&
). Pur#ose
Equipment Control Leader is responsi!le to maintain la!oratory equipments in proper conditions and to
supervise and mentor the less eperienced engineers*
(. Res#onsi*ilit$
'or this position, minimum works are as follows,
Develop and maintain la"oratory e(uipment maintenance work procedures and related documents&
Establish yearly, monthly and weekly maintenance programs such as daily check, periodic inspection for all
laboratory equipment.
Supervise Equipment Control Engineer to execute maintenance program using, if required, the )endors&
*valuate analytical results + maintenance records conform with all appropriate written specifications and e(uipment works
within its validity&
,rou"le-shoot, maintain and cali"rate various laboratory equipment.
Perform all functions assigned independently and reports any unusual occurrences to management&
Coordinate the maintenance or the accuracy improvement of la"oratory e(uipments with )endors&
-anage measuring instruments, reagents and reference materials to provide the accurate analysis data&
Provide technical assistance to Division.s other staffs, especially to /a"& shift staffs&
$upervise and mentor the less e0perienced engineers&
'ollow the written and oral instructions from Deputy $ection -anager&

Job Description Equipment Control Leader

Doc No.: Date: Rev No.: Page 2 of 2
D. Accounta*ilit$+ Dut$
To achieve the followings through the above responsibility
!aintain safe and stable operation
"eep required quality of product
#lant productivity improvement
* Speci$c numerical goals will be de$ned every year.
E. Latitude 'or Actions or Decisions
to "e confirmed
,. Su#ervisor$ Res#onsi*ilit$
Direct $upervises1 to "e confirmed
,otal $taff $upervised1 to "e confirmed
G. A-reement
Agreed "y o" 2older1
Agreed "y -anager1
Approved "y 2%3, manager1

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