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Job Description Equipment Control Engineer

Doc No.: Date: Rev No.: Page 1 of 2

POSITION : Equipment Control Engineer
REPORTING TO : Equipment Control Leader
DIVISION : Technical Division
A. Requirements
Educational Level : University Graduated
or! E"#erience : Min 5 years experience in laboratory equipment maintenance or Equivalent
S#ecialt$%&uali'ication bachelor!s degree in chemistry" mechanical or equivalent
S!ills : # Excellent $no%ledge o& laboratory sa&ety and control procedures and practices
including standard precautions and ha'ardous chemical handling(
# Considerable $no%ledge o& laboratory equipment" instrumentation procedures
and terminology(
# )eport %riting and presentation s*ills
# English s*ills +ELT, 5(-
# Competency in Microso&t applications including .ord" Excel and /utloo*
(om#etenc$ : Competency common in particular
Achievement orientation *
Challenge *
Inter-personnel *
Professional skill, Knowledge *
Decision-making, udgment *
Planning, Creativity *
!egotiation *
Development others *
* Definition is descri"ed in #Competency reference of !$%P Performance Appraisal&
). Pur#ose
Equipment Control Engineer is responsible to maintain laboratory equipments in proper conditions in
accordance %ith the established operating procedures(
(. Res#onsi*ilit$
'or this position, minimum works are as follows,
Develop and maintain la"oratory e(uipment maintenance work procedures and related documents&
Establish yearly, monthly and weekly maintenance programs and budget in assigned area such as daily
check, periodic inspection for all laboratory equipment.
Execute maintenance program in assigned area using, if required, )endors&
*valuate analytical results + maintenance records conform with all appropriate written specifications and e(uipment works
within its validity&
,rou"le-shoot, maintain and cali"rate of various laboratory equipment.
Coordinate the maintenance or the accuracy improvement of la"oratory e(uipments with )endors&
Perform all functions assigned independently and reports any unusual occurrences to *(uipment Control -eader&
.anage measuring instruments, reagents and reference materials to provide the accurate analysis data&
Provide technical assistance to Division/s other staffs, especially to -a"& shift staffs&
'ollow the written and oral instructions from *(uipment Control -eader&
D. Accounta*ilit$+ Dut$
To achieve the followings through the above responsibility

Job Description Equipment Control Engineer

Doc No.: Date: Rev No.: Page 2 of 2
- Maintain safe and stable operation
- eep required quality of product
- !lant productivity improvement
* "peci#c sub$ects and each numerical goal will be de#ned every year.
E. Latitude 'or Actions or Decisions
to "e confirmed
,. Su#ervisor$ Res#onsi*ilit$
Direct $upervises0 to "e confirmed
,otal $taff $upervised0 to "e confirmed
G. A-reement
Agreed "y o" 1older0
Agreed "y .anager0
Approved "y 1%2, manager0

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