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Mission Statement: The Department of Eonom!" an# Stat!"t!" at Ca$!forn!a State Un!%er"!t&,
Lo" An'e$e" !" omm!tte# to pro%!#!n' "t(#ent" !n #e'ree pro'ram" "(h a" BA ECON, BSBA
Business Economics Opt!on, MA ECON, an# ECON)re$ate# ert!f!ate" *!th a(rate, (p)to)
#ate a#%!e on pro're""!n' thro('h #epartmenta$ ma+or", m!nor", ert!f!ate", an# Un!%er"!t&
re,(!rement"- The !ntent !" that &o( *!$$ .eome /no*$e#'ea.$e a.o(t the "tr(t(re of &o(r
ma+or an# m!nor, (n#er"tan#!n' *h& erta!n o(r"e" are re,(!re# an# the or#er !n *h!h the& are
to .e ta/en- Thro('h a#%!"ement &o( *!$$ a$"o .e .etter a.$e to ma/e 'oo# ho!e" on e$et!%e"
!n the ma+or an# !n 'enera$ e#(at!on that "(!t &o(r !ntere"t" an# areer 'oa$"-
0e a!m to empo*er "t(#ent" to .eome at!%e part!!pant" !n #eterm!n!n' the!r o*n "(e"" at
the (n!%er"!t& a" an en'a'e# "t(#ent, at!%e $earner, an# "e$f a#%oate- The 'oa$ !" to "(pport
"t(#ent" !n the!r t!me$& omp$et!on of #e'ree re,(!rement" an# 'ra#(at!on-
University Academic Advisement Center
Location: 1ohn F- 2enne#& Memor!a$ L!.rar& 3 Pa$mer 0!n', Room 4565A
Phone: 7898: 868)84;5
Email: aa<a$"tate$a-e#(
St(#ent" "ho($# 'o to the Un!%er"!t& Aa#em! A#%!"ement Center *hen the& nee# to #!"("" the
4- Be'!nn!n' at the (n!%er"!t& 7f!r"t)t!me fre"hman a#%!"ement:-
9- Tran"ferr!n' from another (n!%er"!t& 7f!r"t)t!me tran"fer a#%!"ement:-
8- Se$et!n' a ma+or-
6- Se$et!n' 'enera$ e#(at!on o(r"e"-
;- Tran"ferr!n' 'enera$ e#(at!on o(r"e" from another o$$e'e or (n!%er"!t&-
>- Se$et!n' or tran"ferr!n' o(r"e" for the E$ementar& S(.+et Matter Teaher
Preparat!on Common Core-
Initial Advisement
Location: ST F?4@
Phone: 898)868)9?85
Email: #tran<a$"tate$a-e#(
Dept. Office o!rs: Mon#a& 3 Th(r"#a&= A=55am 3 >=55pm
Fr!#a&= A=55am 3 ;=55pm
Imme#!ate$& after .eom!n' an Eonom!" an# Stat!"t!" ma+or, p$ea"e ma/e an appo!ntment
*!th Dr Dan' Tran, Eonom!" an# Stat!"t!" Department Cha!r to #!"("" &o(r p$anne# o(r"e
"he#($e for &o(r f!r"t &ear !n the #epartment- P$ea"e #o*n$oa# an# .r!n' a op& of &o(r
Unofficial "ranscript from yo!r #E" acco!nt. If &o(r tran"r!pt" ha%e not &et .een e%a$(ate#
!n GET, .r!n' op!e" of tho"e tran"r!pt"-
Specific Advisement
The fo$$o*!n'" of the #epartment a""(me the fo$$o*!n' ta"/"=
Eonom!" B Stat!"t!" A#%!"ement S&$$a.(" Pa'e 9 of 8
Aa#em! P$an= Dr- L!)C"(eh Chen, Dr- Samantha Carr!n'ton, Dr- Tom Lar"on, Dr- Ma#h(
Eonom!" M!nor= Dr- Ramon Ca"t!$$o, Dr- N!/ P($hr!t(#off, Dr- An#& 0!nn!/, Dr- Mann
Gra# Che/= Dr- M!$e" F!nne&, Dr- E# C"!eh
Gra#(ate A#%!"or= Dr- 2on La!, Dr- Ste%e Po$$ar#, Dr- S(n!$ Sapra
Pr!n!pa$ A#%!"or= Dr- Dan' Tran 7Cha!r:
The tasks of advisement at the Department of Economics & Statistics are based on degree
programs and specific needs of students. The tasks then are rotated among the full-time faculty
listed above. Thus the student should come to the department office and ask for the advisor that
would best suit hisher academic needs.
Seein$ an Advisor
Be&on# !n!t!a$ a#%!"ement, the #epartment reommen#" that &o( "ee &o(r aa#em! a#%!"or at
$ea"t pr!or to the re'!"trat!on per!o# for the fa$$ term an# a'a!n pr!or to the re'!"trat!on per!o# for
the "pr!n' term-
4- Ma/e an appo!ntment "o that &o(r a#%!"or an #e%ote (n!nterr(pte# t!me to &o(r
a#%!"ement "e""!on- Ca$$ or ema!$ &o(r a#%!"or-
9- Cane$$at!on" ) !f &o( /no* &o( *!$$ not .e a.$e to /eep &o(r appo!ntment, p$ea"e $et
&o(r a#%!"or /no* a" "oon a" po""!.$e to ane$ or re"he#($e-
8- Yo(r a#%!"or !" not o.$!'e# to honor &o(r appo!ntment !f &o( are more than 45 m!n(te"
Preparin$ for %o!r Advisement Session
4- If &o( ha%e ,(e"t!on" a.o(t the #e'ree pro'ram" !n Eonom!" an# Stat!"t!", .r!n' a $!"t
of &o(r ,(e"t!on"-
9- If &o(r ,(e"t!on" are a.o(t 'enera$ e#(at!on re,(!rement" or 'enera$ e#(at!on o(r"e
"e$et!on, .r!n' a $!"t of ,(e"t!on" or o(r"e" &o( are !ntere"te# !n ta/!n'-
8- If &o( are meet!n' *!th an a#%!"or to ta$/ a.o(t (n!%er"!t& po$!!e", proe#(re", or
re,(!rement", #o &o(r home*or/ f!r"t .& re%!e*!n' the !nformat!on pro%!#e# !n the
ata$o' or on the *e. at ***-a$"tate$a-e#(-
6- If &o( are eDper!en!n' aa#em! pro.$em", '!%e "ome tho('ht to *hat &o( .e$!e%e are
a("!n' the"e pro.$em" an# ha%e a tentat!%e p$an for "o$%!n' them- Yo(r a#%!"or *!$$
#!"("" &o(r "!t(at!on *!th &o( an# he$p &o( !#ent!f& "ome !nter%ent!on" an# "trate'!e"
for "(e""- The a#%!"or *!$$ *ant to mon!tor &o(r pro're"" an# ha%e &o( ret(rn for a
fo$$o* (p meet!n'-
;- If &o( *!"h to #!"("" &o(r aa#em! p$an p$ea"e re%!e* &o(r Unofficial "ranscript
from yo!r #E" acco!nt an# .r!n' a $!"t of ,(e"t!on"Eonern" to the a#%!"ement
>- P$an ahea# !n or#er to ma/e &o(r t!me *!th an a#%!"or more pro#(t!%e-
#rad!ation Application
App$!at!on m("t .e "(.m!tte# to the Eonom!" an# Stat!"t!" #epartment t*o ,(arter" .efore
the f!na$ o(r"e" are ta/en to omp$ete the #e'ree- St(#ent" "ho($# meet *!th an a#%!"or
re'($ar$& to p$an the r!'ht t!me to "(.m!t a 'ra#(at!on app$!at!on- 0hen app$&!n' to 'ra#(ate,
"t(#ent" "ho($# p!/ (p form" for the 'ra#(at!on app$!at!on at the A#m!n!"trat!on .(!$#!n'
Eonom!" B Stat!"t!" A#%!"ement S&$$a.(" Pa'e 8 of 8
7room 46>: an# .r!n' them to an a#%!"ement appo!ntment- Dea#$!ne" for "(.m!tt!n' a 'ra#(at!on
app$!at!on are p(.$!"he# !n the Schedule of !lasses eah ,(arter-
E&pectations of St!dents
4- See an a#%!"or on a re'($ar .a"!", at $ea"t t*!e &ear$& 7prefera.$& pr!or to the re'!"trat!on
per!o# for the fa$$ term an# a'a!n pr!or to the re'!"trat!on per!o# for the "pr!n' term:-
9- Che/ &o(r CSULA ema!$ re'($ar$&- Th!" !" the off!!a$ mean" of omm(n!at!on ("e#
.& the Un!%er"!t&- 7Yo( an f!n# "tep).&)"tep !n"tr(t!on" to for*ar# &o(r CSULA ema!$
to &o(r per"ona$ ao(nt at the fo$$o*!n' $!n/=
http=EE***-a$"tate$a-e#(E!t"E#o"Ep#fEfor*ar#!n'Fema!$"-p#f -:
8- Ma/e an# .e re"pon"!.$e for &o(r o*n #e!"!on"-
6- 2no* the re,(!rement" for "ta&!n' !n 'oo# "tan#!n'-
;- Ma!nta!n a(rate an# omp$ete a#%!"!n' reor#"-
E&pectations of Advisors
4- A""!"t the "t(#ent to #e%e$op a p$an for meet!n' the!r #e$are# ma+or an# 'enera$
e#(at!on re,(!rement"-
9- Re%!e* the "t(#ent"G "e$et!on of $a""e" to ma/e "(re o(r"e" are appropr!ate-
8- Ce$p the "t(#ent #e%e$op "trate'!e" for aa#em! "(e""-
6- Pro%!#e !nformat!on re'ar#!n' Un!%er"!t& re,(!rement", po$!!e" B proe#(re"-
;- Ce$p the "t(#ent p$an appropr!ate "tep" to orret aa#em! #!ff!($t!e"-
>- Ma!nta!n a(rate an# omp$ete a#%!"!n' reor#"-
@- If nee#e#, refer the "t(#ent to appropr!ate amp(" re"o(re"-
A- 0r!te reommen#at!on $etter" for "t(#ent"G app$!at!on for +o., a#%ane# #e'ree pro'ram,
an# "ho$ar"h!p"-
?- A""!"t "t(#ent" to ma/e a areer ho!e ompat!.$e *!th the!r o.+et!%e" an# apa.!$!t&-
E&pected St!dent Learnin$ O!tcomes
4- St(#ent" *!$$ (n#er"tan# the!r per"ona$ re"pon"!.!$!t& for the!r o*n aa#em!, per"ona$,
an# profe""!ona$ "(e""-
9- St(#ent" *!$$ ha%e an a*arene"" of ho* to (t!$!He the nee""ar& !nformat!on, re"o(re",
an# a%a!$a.$e opt!on" to ma/e "o(n# e#(at!ona$ an# $!fe$on' #e!"!on"-
8- St(#ent" *!$$ (n#er"tan# *hat the& nee# to #o to ah!e%e the!r #e"!re# 'oa$"-
'ey Considerations for Academic S!ccess
4- Go to $a"" e%er& #a& an# 'et to /no* &o(r profe""or"-
9- Un#er"tan# the po$!!e", proe#(re", an# !mpat aa#em!a$$& an# f!nan!a$$& for
#ropp!n' $a""e" *!th!n or .e&on# the no reor# #rop per!o#-
8- Ba$ane "hoo$ *!th other area" of &o(r $!fe- P$an an# #e%ote eno('h "t(#& t!me to #o a"
*e$$ a" &o( an !n &o(r $a""e"-
6- Ca%e 'oo# "t(#& ha.!t" an# 'et aa#em! a""!"tane ear$& !f nee#e#-
Additional University Advisin$ (eso!rces
The Un!%er"!t& a$"o ma!nta!n" "t(#ent "(pport "er%!e" "(h a" the Career De%e$opment Center,
Te"t!n' Center, T(tor!a$ Center, an# 0r!t!n' Center- A##!t!ona$ !nformat!on ma& .e o.ta!ne# at
the UAAC *e."!te= ***-a$"tate$a-e#(E(n!%Ea#%!"e

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