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The Open Platform IP Video Software Company

milestone Channel Partner Agreement

The following agreement has been entered between
Milestone Systems A/S
[Company Registration Number (CVR! "#$% &&$#]
'anemar(s)e* +#
,-."/#+ 'r0ndby
(in the following referred to as 1Milestone2!
and the sales/distribution Channel Partner (in the following referred to as 1the Channel Partner2!
Company Name3 44444444444444444444444444444444444444
Registration Country/State and Number3 44444444444444444444444444444444444444
Street Address3 44444444444444444444444444444444444444
Street Address (if re5uired!3 44444444444444444444444444444444444444
City and Postal Code3 44444444444444444444444444444444444444
State or Country3 44444444444444444444444444444444444444
The parties ha)e agreed to the terms set forth by this agreement (in the following referred to as 6the
Channel Partner Agreement6! whi7h 7an7el and substitute any pre7eding Channel Partner Agreements
The appendi7es8 in7luding in parti7ular Appendi9 &8 :eneral Terms and Conditions for Channel Partners8
form an integral part of this Channel Partner Agreement
AA1 - Products
This Channel Partner Agreement 7o)ers sales rights for standard usage li7enses to the Milestone produ7ts
listed in this se7tion Produ7ts may 7ease to e9ist8 new produ7ts may be introdu7ed and the fun7tionality of
the produ7ts may be 7hanged by Milestone without further noti7e
Category A3 Milestone produ7ts 7o)ered by this Channel Partner Agreement (un7onditional!
;Prote7t 'asis< software produ7ts and possible asso7iated add.on li7enses
;Prote7t Professional software produ7ts and possible asso7iated add.on li7enses
;Prote7t Transa7t software produ7ts and possible asso7iated add.on li7enses
Category '3 Milestone produ7ts 7o)ered by this Channel Partner Agreement (7onditional!
;Prote7t =nterprise software produ7ts and possible asso7iated add.on li7enses
;Prote7t Corporate software produ7ts and possible asso7iated add.on li7enses
;Prote7t Matri9 software produ7ts and possible asso7iated add.on li7enses
;Prote7t Central software produ7ts and possible asso7iated add.on li7enses
;Prote7t Retail software produ7ts and possible asso7iated add.on li7enses
;Prote7t Analyti7s software produ7ts and possible asso7iated add.on li7enses
Sales rights for produ7ts in Category ' re5uire that the Channel Partner is at a 7ertain Channel Partner
>e)el and may furthermore re5uire an additional authori?ation of the Channel Partner or of the Channel
Partner@ sales 7hannels8 see AAA% for more information
AA2 - Prices and Shipment
The Channel Partner is re5uested to8 but not re5uired to ensure that the Milestone produ7ts are sold to end
7ustomers at the re7ommended retail pri7es (unit pri7es! as stated on the present Milestone re7ommended
retail pri7e lists that are updated ea7h 5uarter
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The Open Platform IP Video Software Company
Pri7es e97lude shipment and possible national TA; and/or VAT
Pri7es8 dis7ounts and pri7ing stru7ture 7an be 7hanged by Milestone with $# days noti7e
AA3 - Sales Territory
Milestone grants the Channel Partner and the Channel Partner hereby a77epts non.e97lusi)e sales rights in
the sales territory for the 7o)ered produ7ts in a77ordan7e with the terms of this 7hannel Partner agreement
and for the Channel Partner@s own a77ount8 always pro)ided that the pro)isions of this AAA$ shall not limit
the Channel Partner@s rights under appli7able 7ompetition law
The Channel Partner may not a7ti)ely mar(et the 7o)ered produ7ts outside the sales territory unless agreed
upon in writing between the parties
The sales territory is defined as3 444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444
AA4 - Channel Partner Levels, e!uirements and "ene#its
The Channel PartnerBs pur7hase 7onditions8 in7luding the pur7hase pri7es8 and other benefits at Milestone
or through Channel8 depend on the Channel PartnerBs 7urrent Channel Partner >e)el The Channel Partner
>e)el is determined at the beginning of e)ery 7alendar 5uarter and depends on the Channel Partners
fulfillment of all the Channel Partner Re5uirements for the spe7ifi7 Channel Partner >e)el as spe7ified in the
table below New Channel Partners enter at the 6'ron?e6 Channel Partner >e)el
Channel Partner Level
Note Bronze Silver Gold Platinum




NN1 Quarterly
Any Abo)e
NN !ilestone
"roducts listed
on #e$ site
'asi7 listing
Re5uired Re5uired with
front page listing
Re5uired with
front page listing
NN% !onthly Sales
Not re5uired Not re5uired Re5uired Re5uired
NN' Non (isclosure Not
Re5uired Re5uired Re5uired
NN) License details
Re5uired Re5uired Re5uired Re5uired
NN* Sales Ri+hts Category A
Category ' if
Categories A
Category ' if
Categories A
and '
Categories A and
NN, Listin+ on
!ilestone-s site
No Des Des8 with priority Des8 with priority
NN. /mail Su""ort Des Des Des Des8 with priority
NN0 1ele"hone
No Des Des Des with Priority
NN12 3no#led+e$ase
No Des Des Des
NN11 Partici"ation in
Re7ommended Re7ommended Re5uired Re5uired
NN1 Recommended
Channel Partner
&#E &FE "+E $+E
NN1% Channel Partner
No No Negotiated Negotiated
NN1' 1rainin+ &
Re7ommended Professional
Professional G
Professional G
Please see Appendi9 "8 Channel Partner >e)els8 Re5uirements and 'enefits8 for further des7ription of the
re5uirements and benefits listed in the abo)e table The notes NN& H NN&$ are listed in Appendi9 "
Milestone Channel Partner Agreement Page 2 of 9
The Open Platform IP Video Software Company
AA$ - Channel Partner %&" and &-mail Services
The Channel Partner has a77ess to 7ertain Channel Partner ser)i7es at the Milestone I='8
wwwmilestonesys7om and lo7al Milestone 7ountry sites These ser)i7es in7lude3
& Jnline retrie)al of de)i7e li7ense (eys
" A77ess to Milestone@s -nowledge 'ase
$ A77ess to 'eta Software and Produ7t Pre)iews
% A77ess to Milestone@s =.mail support ser)i7e
Some of the ser)i7es may re5uire the Channel Partner to log in using a name and a password supplied by
Milestone The Channel Partner is aware that login name and password are pri)ate and must be (ept
The Channel Partner a77epts that some of these ser)i7es may not be a)ailable at all times
AA' - (urther Channel Partner )*li+ations
Kn addition to other Channel Partner obligations des7ribed in this Channel Partner Agreement8 the Channel
Partner is obliged to3
& A7ti)ely mar(et the Milestone produ7ts 7o)ered by this Channel Partner Agreement a77ording to the
terms of this Channel Partner Agreement
" ,eli)er the produ7ts to the end 7ustomer in their original form and with all related material as deli)ered
from Milestone (eg C,.RJM and printed material3 Manuals8 =nd Lser >i7ense Agreement8 Produ7t
>i7ense sheets and Registration form!
$ Supply the end 7ustomer with support for the Milestone produ7ts sold and to ha)e 5ualified support
te7hni7ians a)ailable for this At 7ertain Channel Partner >e)els Milestone may re5uire that the Channel
Partners te7hni7ians are 7ertified by Milestone
The Channel Partner warrants to ha)e read Milestone@s Poli7ies8 atta7hed to this Channel Partner
Agreement as Appendi9 $8 and to abide by the poli7ies therein Murthermore8 the Channel Partner is obliged
to adhere to the mar(eting and sales poli7ies set out by Milestone
The Channel Partner is obliged not to de)elop8 not to gi)e aid in de)eloping or to manufa7ture a produ7t or
ser)i7e 7ompeting with the Milestone produ7t line for the term of this Channel Partner Agreement
AA, - Si+natures
)n *ehal# o# .ilestone 4444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444
,ate Printed name
Title 44444444444444444444444444444444444444444
)n *ehal# o# the Channel Partner
,ate Printed name
>ist of Appendi7es3 Appendi9 &3 :eneral Terms and Conditions for Channel Partners
Appendi9 "3 Channel Partner >e)els8 Re5uirements and 'enefits
Appendi9 $3 Milestone Poli7ies
Milestone Channel Partner Agreement Page 3 of 9
The Open Platform IP Video Software Company
Appendi9 &3 :eneral Terms and Conditions for Channel Partners
The relationship between Milestone and the Channel Partner (as defined in the Channel Partner Agreement!
is8 in addition to the spe7ifi7 pro)isions 7ontained in the Channel Partner Agreement8 sub*e7t to the following
general terms and 7onditions3
""1 - .ilestone &nd /ser License Policy
The Channel Partner is obliged to ha)ing read and understood the =nd Lser >i7ense Agreements (=L>A! of
the Milestone produ7ts he sells and to a7t a77ording to their terms The Channel Partner a77epts that
Milestone may amend the =L>A at any time The Channel Partner is en7ouraged to inform the 7ustomer of
the e9isten7e and the terms of the =L>A before ea7h sale
""3 - Trademar0s
The Channel Partner shall mar(et the 7o)ered produ7ts using the trademar(s8 name8 logo8 et78 determined
by Milestone The Channel Partner may not in the sales territory or elsewhere apply for registration of or
register trademar(s et7 proprietary to Milestone or trademar(s et7 whi7h may be 7onfused with trademar(s
et7 proprietary to Milestone
The Channel Partner may neither dire7tly nor indire7tly use MilestoneBs name8 trademar(s or other e97lusi)e
rights as a part of its own name
""4 - 1ntellectual Property i+hts
Milestone holds the full 7opyright and any and all other rights to the 7o)ered produ7ts and related
do7umentation materials8 et78 e97ept for third party 7omponents of the 7o)ered produ7ts to whi7h
MilestoneBs suppliers hold all rights
Any disregard of MilestoneBs and/or any third partyBs right8 in7luding 7areless use of the 7o)ered produ7ts
whi7h might render 7opying of the 7o)ered produ7ts possible for third parties or dis7lose 7onfidential
information to third parties shall be deemed brea7h of the Channel Partner Agreement
The Channel Partner shall ha)e no right to alter or delete any referen7es 7on7erning rights8 trademar(s8
et78 stated in the 7o)ered produ7ts or on the media upon whi7h the 7o)ered produ7ts are deli)ered
""$ - 1n#rin+ement o# Third Party i+hts
Milestone warrants and represents towards the Channel Partner that the 7o)ered produ7ts do not infringe
any intelle7tual property rights held by third parties
Kn the e)ent that any third party8 with referen7e hereto8 ob*e7ts to the Channel PartnerBs use of the 7o)ered
produ7ts8 the Channel Partner shall forthwith notify Milestone hereof Lpon su7h notifi7ation8 Milestone shall
ta(e o)er the matter and any 7osts related thereto
Milestone shall in any e)ent ha)e an irre)o7able right to ta(e o)er the matter at its own e9pense and thus
institute pro7eedings or enter into settlements 7on7erning the alleged infringements
""' - Lia*ility and limitation o# lia*ility
MilestoneBs sole responsibility under the Channel Partner Agreement shall be to deli)er the 7o)ered
produ7ts8 whi7h shall8 in all material respe7ts8 fun7tion in a77ordan7e with the rele)ant produ7t des7ription
and do7umentation Milestone does not warrant that any produ7t of Milestone meets a Channel Partner or
end user desired fun7tionality or need
Milestone assumes produ7t liability under the ,anish Produ7t >iability A7t to the e9tent that the pro)isions of
the A7t may not be 7ontra7tually wai)ed but dis7laims produ7t liability on any other basis
Milestone shall not be liable for any indire7t or 7onse5uential damage (in7luding8 but not limited to8 loss of
anti7ipated profit8 goodwill8 data or damage to the Channel PartnerBs or any end userBs re7ords or data8 or
loss as a 7onse5uen7e of any other (ind of business interruption! arising out of the use of the 7o)ered
Milestone Channel Partner Agreement Page 4 of 9
The Open Platform IP Video Software Company
produ7ts or any inade5uate or faulty performan7e e)en if Milestone was ad)ised of the possibility of su7h
losses A77ordingly8 no 7laims for damages 7an be raised by reason of indire7t or 7onse5uential damage
Kn no e)ent shall the total liability of Milestone for loss or damage under the Channel Partner Agreement
e97eed the lower of the following two amounts3 (i! the total amount in)oi7ed by Milestone to and paid by the
Channel Partner under the Channel Partner Agreement in the three months pre7eding the e)ent gi)ing rise
to the 7laim8 or (ii! C &##8###
"", - (orce .a2eure
Neither party shall be liable for any damage infli7ted on the other party as a dire7t or indire7t 7onse5uen7e
of the non.performing party being delayed or pre)ented in the performan7e of its obligations under the
Channel Partner Agreement as a result of a for7e ma*eure situation Mor7e ma*eure shall in7lude war and
mobili?ation8 natural disasters8 stri(es8 lo7(.out8 fire8 damage to produ7tion plant8 import and e9port
regulations and other 7ir7umstan7es beyond the 7ontrol of the party 7on7erned
""3 - Con#identiality
=a7h party has a duty of 7onfidentiality in 7onne7tion with all information pertaining to matters of the other
party that may 7ome into its possession
The parties are obliged to bind their employees8 agents8 su77essors and assignees in a77ordan7e with the
Any misuse of 7onfidential information shall be 7onsidered brea7h of the Channel Partner Agreement with
the effe7t that the aggrie)ed party may res7ind the Channel Partner Agreement for immediate e9piry and
7laim 7ompensation and damages a77ording to the appli7able rules in for7e at any time under ,anish >aw
""4 - Term and Termination
The terms under the Channel Partner Agreement 7an7el and substitute all pre7eding Channel Partner
Agreements and will 7ommen7e from #&/#&/"##N and will remain in effe7t till $&/&"/"##N Negotiations for
the su77essi)e year will typi7ally 7ommen7e two months before the end of term
The Channel Partner Agreement is sub*e7t to termination with $# days written noti7e from Milestone and $#
days from Channel Partner
The Channel Partner Agreement 7an be terminated by either party with immediate effe7t in 7ase of a
material brea7h of any of the terms in the Channel Partner Agreement8 pro)ided that the brea7h has not
been remedied within &% days of a written re5uest to remedy the same
Lpon termination of the Channel Partner Agreement8 howsoe)er 7aused8 the Channel Partner shall ha)e no
7laim for damages or 7ompensation for loss of goodwill or the li(e thereof against Milestone
Any pro)ision 7ontained in the Channel Partner Agreement8 in7luding without limitation AA ''/8 ''O8 ''N8
and ''&& of these :eneral Terms and Conditions for Channel Partners8 whi7h8 by its nature8 e9tends
beyond the day the Channel Partner Agreement 7eases shall remain in for7e and be binding also after the
Channel Partner Agreement has ended
""15 - Assi+nment
The Channel Partner shall ha)e no right to transfer or in any other way assign its rights or obligations under
the Channel Partner Agreement8 without the prior written 7onsent of Milestone
Milestone may transfer all rights and obligations under the Channel Partner Agreement to an affiliated entity
or in 7onne7tion with the sale of a ma*or part or all of the assets of Milestone
""11 - 6overnin+ La7 and 8enue
The Channel Partner Agreement shall be go)erned by ,anish >aw8 and any dispute between the parties will
be resol)ed by the Maritime and Commer7ial Court8 Copenhagen8 as the sole and proper forum All
pro7eedings must be held in =nglish
Milestone Channel Partner Agreement Page 5 of 9
The Open Platform IP Video Software Company
Appendi9 "3 Channel Partner >e)els8 Re5uirements and 'enefits
Iith respe7t to the Channel Partner >e)els8 re5uirements and benefits listed in the table in7luded in the
Milestone Channel Partner Agreement8 AAA%8 the following des7riptions and pro)isions shall apply3
The headings refer to the notes in the table of paragraph AAA%
991: ;uarterly Purchase
A (ey element of the Channel Partner Re5uirements is the )alue of the Channel PartnerBs Puarterly
Pur7hase The Puarterly Pur7hase is 7al7ulated in the pre)ious 7alendar 5uarter as the total gross amount
of Milestone produ7ts pur7hased at the Re7ommended Retail Pri7e on the Milestone Jffi7ial Pri7elist
992: .ilestone products listed on 7e* site
Kn order to 5ualify the Channel Partner must list the rele)ant Milestone produ7ts at their web site and in7lude
a lin( to the Milestone web site from their web site
6'asi7 listing re5uired63 The Milestone produ7ts must be listed at least by name
6Re5uired63 The Milestone produ7ts must be listed by name and produ7t des7ription
preferable with a77ompanying illustrations
6Re5uired with front page listing63
The Milestone produ7ts must be listed by name and produ7t des7ription
preferable with a77ompanying illustrations A referen7e to Milestone and/or its
produ7t must be in7luded at the Channel Partners wel7ome page =97eptions
may be granted
993: .onthly Sales (orecasts
The Channel Partner is re5uired to pro)ide sales fore7asts to Milestone in the following ways3
A The first wee( of ea7h month3 Sales fore7ast for the 7urrent month
' The first wee( of ea7h 7alendar 5uarter3 Sales fore7ast for the 7urrent 7alendar 5uarter
C The first wee( of Qanuary ea7h year a business plan for the whole year from Qanuary to ,e7ember
994: 9on <isclosure
At 7ertain Channel Partner >e)els8 the Channel Partner will ha)e a77ess to 7onfidential te7hni7al
information and mar(eting/strategy information Kt is therefore re5uired that the Channel Partner enters a
non.dis7losure agreement with Milestone
Regardless of Channel Partner >e)el8 both parties are bound by the 7onfidentiality 7lause in A''O
99$: License <etails Su*mission
The Channel Partner is for all pur7hases re5uired to submit details about the end 7ustomer
=nd 7ustomer details to be submitted3 end 7ustomer name and full address and 7ompany email
99': Sales i+hts
The Channel Partner >e)el and Certifi7ation determines whi7h Milestone produ7ts the Channel Partner has
sales rights for3
6Category A63 Sales rights 7o)er the produ7ts listed under 1Category A2 in AA& No 7ertifi7ation
6Categories A G '63 Sales rights 7o)er the produ7ts listed under 1Category A G '2 in AA& if the Channel
Partner has re7ei)ed a separate 7ertifi7ation for these produ7ts
As set forth in paragraph AAA/ the Channel Partner must ha)e 5ualified support te7hni7ians a)ailable to
support the end 7ustomer Sales rights granted for Category ' re5uire the Channel Partner to 7ertify in
produ7ts where offi7ial 7ertifi7ation is made a)ailable by Milestone At least one te7hni7ian from the
Channel Partner must 7ertify in ea7h a)ailable produ7t 7ertifi7ation and in 7ase the 7ertified indi)idual
Milestone Channel Partner Agreement Page 6 of 9
The Open Platform IP Video Software Company
should lea)e the Channel Partner a new Channel Partner te7hni7ian must 7ertify within $# days from
starting in the position
Kn 7ase new 7ertifi7ations should o77ur during the )alidity of this agreement8 the Channel Partner must
7ertify to obtain the sales rights on the related produ7ts Milestone has the obligation to update the Channel
Partner on produ7t releases where the Channel Partner already has been 7ertified
Milestone 7ertifi7ations are )alid for ma9imum " years
99,: Listin+ on .ilestone=s site
At 7ertain Channel Partner >e)els the Channel Partner will be listed as an authori?ed Milestone Channel
Partner at MilestoneBs web site3
6No63 The Channel Partner will not be listed unless a spe7ial agreement has been made for
6Des63 The Channel Partner will be listed
6Des8 with priority63 The Channel Partner will be listed with an indi7ation of the Channel Partner >e)el
993: &mail Support
The Channel Partner will ha)e a77ess to MilestoneBs support te7hni7ians through email3
6Des63 The Channel Partner will ha)e a77ess to this ser)i7e with normal priority
6Des8 with priority63 The Channel Partner will ha)e a77ess to this ser)i7e with high priority
994: Telephone Support
At 7ertain Channel Partner >e)els the Channel Partner will ha)e a77ess to MilestoneBs support te7hni7ians
through Milestones telephone hotline3
6No63 The Channel Partner will not ha)e a77ess to this ser)i7e
6Des63 The Channel Partner will ha)e a77ess to this ser)i7e
9915: >no7led+e*ase access
At 7ertain Channel Partner >e)els the Channel Partner will ha)e a77ess to MilestoneBs web based
6No63 The Channel Partner will not ha)e a77ess to this ser)i7e
6Des63 The Channel Partner will ha)e a77ess to this ser)i7e
9911: Participation in .1PS
At 7ertain Channel Partner >e)els the Channel Partner is re5uired to parti7ipate in one of MilestoneBs annual
MKPS (Milestone Kntegration Platform Symposium! e)ents3
1Re7ommended2 The Channel partner is re7ommended to parti7ipate in MKPS
1Re5uired2 The Channel Partner is re5uired to parti7ipate in one MKPS per year
9912: Channel Partner <iscount - Purchase Prices
The Channel Partner buys Milestone produ7ts from ,istributors at the re7ommended retail pri7es with a
re7ommended dis7ount depending on the 7urrent Channel Partner >e)el as listed in the table
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9913: Channel Partner 1ncentive
At 7ertain Channel Partner >e)els an in7enti)e 7an be negotiated and paid upon rea7hing 5uarterly targets
defined on a 5uantitati)e or 5ualitati)e basis by the Milestone Sales representati)e The in7enti)e is to be
paid 5uarterly within $# days after 5uarter3
1No2 No in7enti)e 7an be negotiated
1Negotiated2 An in7enti)e based on rea7hing goals or performing 7ertain tas(s 7an be negotiated
9914: Trainin+ and Certi#ication
Kn order to 5ualify for selling 7ertain produ7t 7ategories and obtaining 7ertain Channel Partner le)els
Training and Certifi7ation is re5uired as follows3
'ron?e3 Re7ommended but not re5uired
Sil)er3 Professional Training and Certifi7ation re5uired for one Kndi)idual per lo7ation
:old G Platinum3 Professional and Ad)an7ed Training and Certifi7ation re5uired for minimum one
person per lo7ation
Milestone Training and Certifi7ation@s are )alid for two years from date of training
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The Open Platform IP Video Software Company
Appendi9 $3 Milestone Poli7ies
PP1 - <evice Licenses and eplacement <evices
Milestone@s software may be prote7ted from being 7opied and used illegally through the use of so 7alled
1de)i7e li7ense (eys2 A de)i7e li7ense (ey is )alid for one spe7ifi7 networ( 7amera/)ideo ser)er (67amera
de)i7e6! The 7amera de)i7e is identified by its serial number =a7h indi)idual 7amera de)i7e being used in
7onne7tion with the software re5uires a separate de)i7e li7ense (ey
Kn 7ase a 7amera de)i7e be7omes permanently defe7ti)e8 a new de)i7e li7ense 7ode 7an be retrie)ed from
Milestone free of 7harge for the repla7ement de)i7e (upon presentation to Milestone of proper
PP2 - /p+rade Policy
The 7ustomer is entitled to free upgrades for new software releases ha)ing the same software )ersion
number as the one originally pur7hased and to install bug.fi9es for the same (in some 7ases the 7ustomer
may be re5uired to pay a minor administration fee howe)er! An e9ample8 if the 7ustomer pur7hased a
li7ense for ;Prote7t =nterprise /#a8 then he is entitled to upgrade ;Prote7t =nterprise /#b and all other
;Prote7t =nterprise releases 7arrying the /99 )ersion number ,e)i7e li7ense (eys will be )alid for all
software releases ha)ing same software )ersion number
Milestone may also de7ide to offer spe7ial dis7ount rates for upgrades to new software )ersions
Kn addition Milestone offers8 at an annual additional 7ost8 a Produ7t Maintenan7e Agreement (PMA! for
7ertain produ7ts The PMA entitles the 7ustomer to free upgrades to all new )ersions released for the
produ7t in 5uestion
PP3 - Availa*ility o# *u+-#i?es
'ug.fi9es for Milestone software produ7ts will8 when re5uired8 be7ome a)ailable on the Milestone I=' to
Channel Partners and end 7ustomers Milestone de7ides when a bug.fi9 is re5uired
PP4 - &-mail Support
The Channel Partner 7an obtain te7hni7al support through e.mail to the Milestone support staff at e.mail
address supportRmilestonesys7om Milestone end 7ustomers are entitled to this support for the first N#
days following their pur7hase of the software li7enseS the Channel Partner must pro)ide this support to their
own end 7ustomers
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