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Maaseh Bereith

The Work of Genesis

Based on the Hebrew editions in Sefer Raziel, and Otzar ha-Midrashim, and on the
English edition by D. Meltzer, the Secret Garden: an anthology in Kabbalah.
English translation followed by Hebrew original.

Transliteration of Hebrew names:
) A,
k K
m M
n N
p P
c C
S", Tz


Maaeh Ber#it:

! " # $ % $ % & " ' ( $ ! $ & " ) # ' ! $ * + % $ '
In the beginning, Elohim created the Heavens and the Earth

Yet, it should not be read bereit (in the beginning) but bar it (he created six). And
thus shalt thou see that !"#$% are indeed the 6 letters whereby were created the heavens
and the earth, whereof it is said that for in YH YHWH, is the eternal rock (Isaiah 26:4):
YH - two (letters), YHWH - 4, for a total of six. Behold, thou learned that by these 6
letters God created heaven and earth. If you say: It is only the heavens and the earth that
were created by these 6 letters understand also that 2 worlds were created by these six
letters: the world here and now, and the world to come.
It was said: In the beginning. What was there in the beginning? With one letter, Elohim
created the heavens and the earth, and he sealed them with fire. And what is that single
letter whereby the heavens and the earth were created? It is the letter He, for it is said:
These are the origins of the heavens and the earth when they were created. It should not
be read they were created (be-habram), but by He did He create them (ba-he
baram). It is through this letter that Elohim created the heavens and the earth, the
present world and the world to come. And He sealed them with the fire of Gehinnom,
which is half hail and half of fire. And the sinners were punished with burning hail,
which scorches them like fire, and with fire that consumes them like hail.
Upon them descend angels of destruction (malake habal), and they withhold their souls
in their bodies, as it is said: For their maggot shall not die. The angels of destruction
descend one day, and on [another] day descend upon them the angels of death, and they
drive them from the hail to the fire and from the fire to the hail, like a shepherd who
moves his flock from one mountain to another, as it is said: the small beast that death
placed in eol.
The angels of destruction come down and torture them in Geyhinnm for 12 months. At
the end of the 12 months, they must descend to aare Tzelmt (gates of the shadow of
At aare Tzelmt, they are chastised for 12 months. At the end of those 12 months, they
have to descend to the aare Mt (Gates of Death).
At the gates of death, they are punished for 12 months. At the end of those 12 months,
they have to descend to the Tit -hayn (Muddy clay).
In Tit-hayn they are tortured for 12 months. At the end of those 12 months, they have to
descend to Beer ahat (Pit of ruin).
In Beer ahat, they are chastised for 12 months. At the end of those 12 months, they
have to descend to Abaddn.
In the Abaddn, they are chastised for 12 months. At the end of those 12 months, they
have to descend to lower eol (Hell).
In lower eol, they are punished for 12 months, whereupon all the righteous ones behold
them, and say to those whose compassion extends to all their works: Begin the trial.
The Holy Spirit then replies: No, my soul is not yet calm, for they have destroyed my
house and murdered my son, as it said: The fury of the anger will not foreshorten the
time of the action whereby the intent of his heart is fulfilled.
At the end of the 12 months, they have to descend into the Arqa (earth) under the river
which has its origins under the Throne of Glory, as it is said: Behold the tempest of
YHWH which splinters, the hurricane which breaks loose, upon the heads of the ungodly,
breaking into them. That which descends into the Arqa does not reascend, as it is said:
The Gods who had no part in making the heavens and the earth perish upon leaving the
This is the fifth abyss (Tehm ha-hamii).
Above the Arqa there is an abyss; above the abyss there is Tohu; above Tohu there is
Bohu; above Bohu there is a sea; above the sea there are waters; above the waters there is
a world (Tebel); and upon this world there are mountains, hills and their inhabitants, as it
is said: The mountains shall tremble before me, and the hills will be founded. This is the
sixth abyss. Above this world there is another abyss; above the abyss there is Tohu; above
Tohu there is Bohu; above Bohu a sea, above the sea there are waters. And above these
waters there is H eled, there is man, domestic animals, beasts of the field, sky birds, fish
of the sea, Laws, good actions, and heavenly dread, as it is said: Lend your ear, O ye
inhabitants of earth. This is the 7
Above Heled there is a curtain (wiln) which is closed at evening and opens at dawn each
day, renewing the creation.
Above the curtain there are heavens (amaym), as it is said: He extends the heavens as a
veil. Why are these called heavens? Because the Holy Blessed One had mingled the fire
with the water, spreading out one with the other when creating the heavens, as it is said:
it is my right hand which has founded the earth, and it is my right hand which has
stretched out the heavens. Do not read heaven (amaym) but fire and water (e wa-
Above these heavens there is a sea, wherein there is wheat, wort, and oil. When the Holy
one, blessed is He, wishes to bless the earth, he does so from time to time with dew and
rainfall. Above the sea there are streams, and below the streams a firmament (raqia).
Between the streams and the firmament are suspended the sun disk, the moon, the planets
and the fixed stars. Thence does the entire world receive its light. They rule over all the
abysses and their light descends to the lower earth, as it is said: and God placed them
Above the sea are the streams. Between the streams and the sea, there is the place of
hailstones, lightning flashes making a roof for all, and subtle walls of fire surrounding
them, as it is said: the heaven and the heavens of heavens.
At the gates of the heavens, in the direction of the north wind, princes (angels) are
appointed. These are their names: ALAL, ALBYM, BLYAL, BGLAL. They guard the
exits of the north wind.
At the gates of the south wind, princes are equally appointed. Their names are:
They guard the exits of the south wind.
At the gates of the east wind, princes are equally appointed. They are: DWRNYAL,
They guard the exits of the east wind.
At the gates of the west wind, princes are equally appointed. They are: AL S&YN,
They guard the gates of the west wind.
Above the firmament (raqia) there are heavens where the sun, the moon, and the stars
are fixed. The extremities of the firmament resemble a vault. The sun, moon, the planets,
the stars, and the firmament arch govern all the abysses. Their light descends to the lower
earth (Aretz ha-tahton), as it is said: God placed them in the firmament of the heavens.
At the gate of the firmament, in the direction of the north wind, angels are appointed.
These are their names: T&WAL, YDL, YNAL, NNAL, H&LQYM, H&GYAL.
They guard the exits of the north wind.
At the gates of the south wind, angels are appointed as well. They are: KLAH, BH&LYAL,
They guard the exits of the south wind.
At the gates of the east wind, angels are also appointed. They are: MSYM, KRMYAL.

It is sealed with the ring: AHYH AR AHYH. Why is it sealed thus? For had He not
sealed it with His seal, each creature would have been unable to understand His letters on
account of the violence of the fire. And whosoever would not understand His letters
would be immediately invaded by the fire. That is the reason why He smothered it with
His letters and sealed it with His seal.
So it is said: in the beginning. What is in the beginning? First He created the heaven and
the earth; He established abodes and the abysses spelling out of them, He formed 7
abodes on high, to which correspond 7 abysses below.
He stretched the heaven above, and, as if in retort, founded the earth below; He let out the
storm clouds above and, as if in retort, founded dry land below; He fixed an abode above
and, as if in retort, He founded the world below; He stretched out another abode above
and, as if in retort, founded the world below; He let out His throne above and, as if in
retort, stretched a part of His glory below. These are the works of the 1

The 2
day He parted the waters. He placed a part of them below, and kept a part of them
above, as it is said: God made the firmament and separated the waters.

The 3
day He collected the waters in a single place, made the dry land appear, and
called it earth. And He made the trees thrust up, and the herb, and all kinds of seeds and
fruit, trees and plants of every species with their foliage and blossom, as it is said: That
the earth gave forth its green: that the herb bore seed after its kind.

The 4
day He created the luminaries to divide the day from the night. He made the sun
rule the day and the moon and the planets the night, as it is said: God created the two

The 5
day, He created the fish and all the water reptiles, and the bird that flies above the
earth, as it is said: the waters swarm with a teeming of living creatures, and the bird flies
over the earth.

The 6
day he created the domestic animals, the wild beasts and the insects, as is said:
The earth produced a living soul after its kind. After all these beings, he created man to
govern them.
He established his hosts, gave them orders concerning His service, and placed an angel at
their head. Next the tempest and the thunderstorm formed a circle around them. Next
those who said holy and those who said blessed formed a circle, as it is said: the earth
is abundant with his praise.
This is the lower abyss. Above the abyss there is Tohu; above Tohu, Bohu; above Bohu
there is a sea; above the sea, streams; above the streams, a desert, and in the desert are
rivers, and the quarries of the abyss, as it is said: I will change the rivers into desert.

This is the 3
abyss: Above the desert there is an abyss; above the abyss, Tohu; above
Tohu, Bohu; above Bohu there is a sea; above the sea, waters.
And upon the waters there is dry land (yaba), and upon the dry land there are other
water bodies, and rivers and snowdrifts, as it is said: The sea belongs to Him, it is He
who hath made it, and also the dry land He hath formed.

This is the 4
abyss. Above the dry land there is an abyss; above the abyss there is Tohu;
above Tohu, Bohu; above Bohu there is a sea; above the sea, waters; above the waters,
and upon them there is the Arqa, and on the Arqa there are: the lower eol, Abaddn,
Beerahat, Tit -hayn, aare Mt, aare Tzalmt, and Gehinnm.

Angels of destruction are appointed for the sinners who are there. The highest station is
the lower eol (el tahtit), its depth is 300 years long.
The 2
station is Abadn; its depth is 300 years long.
The 3
station is Beerahat, its depth is 300 years long.
The 4
station is Tit -hayn; its depth is 300 years long
The fifth station is aare Mth; its depth is 300 years long
The 6
station is aare Tzalmth; its depth is 300 years long
The 7
station is Gehinnm; its depth is 300 years long.

The fire of lower eol is 61 times stronger than the fire of Abadon; the fire of Abadn is
61 times stronger than the fire of Beerahat; the fire of Beerahat is 61 times stronger
than the fire of Tit -hayn; the fire of Tit-hayn is 61 times stronger than the fire of aare
Mt. The fire of aare Mt is 61 times stronger than the fire of aare Tzalmt; the fire
of aare Tzalmt is 61 times stronger than the fire of Gehinnm.

ARYAL (or KGBYAL) is at the head of those angels who have all the hymns of song
and praise upon their lips. He forces his way through them and opens the paths for them.
The angels say unto each other: what should we do? A radiant angel shows them. They
build ladders whereby they ascend and descend, that is, by ascending they speak words of
praise, and by descending they bring peace to the world.
The length of the world is 508 years long, and its breadth is 518 years. It is round and the
great sea encircles it completely. The whole forms a vault, and it is everywhere held
erect. The whole world fits the fins of Leviathan. Leviathan lieth in subterranean waters,
in the waters of pure fish, in the middle of the sea.
The subterranean waters are, in harmony with the waters of creation, like a small
fountainhead at the edge of the sea; the ocean is, in harmony with the waters that weep,
like a small fountainhead at the edge of the sea.
Why are they called the waters that weep? Because when the Holy Blessed One divided
the waters, He took one part and placed it above, and the other part he sent below. The
waters placed below are grieved: they lament, weep, grieve, and in weeping they cry out:
We are not worthy of being near the Creator. And what do they do? They had the
boldness to fight their way across the abysses in order to attain the world above until
Holy Blessed One roared at them and drove them back, as it is said: before the voice of
the great streams, the majestic waves of the sea, and after: YHWH is majestic in the
heights. Do not read waves but before the voice of song, that the waters will sing.
Then the upper waters will ask of the word and shall ask in their turn: YHWH is
majestic in the heights. And that is the reason why they are called waters that weep.
The waters that weep are suspended above the lower earth; the lower earth (Aretz
Tahton) stretches above the waters; the waters are stand over the columns of Hamal;
the columns of Hamal are stand over the mountains of hail; the mountains of hail are
stand over the treasuries of snow; the treasuries of snow are stand over the waters; the
waters are stand over the fire, and they stand above the abyss.
The abyss stands over Tohu. Tohu stands over Bohu; and Bohu stands over the wind. The
wind is suspended from the storm and attached to the vault of Adam.
Adam is suspended from the storm and attached to the vault of the desert.
The desert (harab) is suspended from the storm and attached to the vault of dry land.
The dry land (yaba) is suspended from the storm and attached to the vault of the Arqa.
The Arqa is suspended from the storm and attached to the vault of the world (Tebel)
Tebel is suspended from the storm and attached to the vault of Heled.
Heled is suspended from the storm and attached to the vault of the amaym.
amaym are suspended from the storm and attached to the vault of the Raqia.
Raqia is suspended from the storm and attached to the vault of the ahaqim.
ahaqim is suspended from the storm and attached to the vault of Makn.
Makn is suspended from the storm and attached to the vault of Maon.
Maon suspended from the storm and attached to the vault of Arabt.
Arabt is suspended from the storm and attached to the powerful arm of Holy Blessed
One, as it is said: the pillars of the heavens will be shaken when he threatens. It is also
said: Thy works are numerous, O YHWH; thou hast created all of them in thy wisdom.

Then the fire and the water form a circle round the lower earth; then the tempest and
storm form a circle round the fire and water; then those who make a great noise form a
circle round the tempest and storm; then the Kerubim who fly about form a circle around
the noisemakers; then those with the quality of living creatures encircle the Kerubim;
then those who rush up and retort encircle those with living qualities; then those who say
holy and blessed form a circle round those who rush up and retort.
The lower earth contains the Hayt Haqqde, the Ofanim, and the Throne of glory. The
throne of Glory is the staircase from the feet of the almighty to all the earth, as it is said:
the heavens are my throne, and the earth is my footstool; and further said: I look upon
and behold the H&ayot and an Ofan on the earth. And just as His ekinah is found on
high, so is she found below, as it is said: and the name of the city hereafter will be his
18000 worlds form a circle around her, as it is said: 18000 worlds around; 4500 from the
north, 4500 from the south, 4500 from the west, 4500 from the east, all comprising 18000
The world of the north wind is full of adoration, glory, strength and power, eulogy and
song. It is equally abundant in majesty, splendour, joy, eminence, pride and exaltation.
The world of the south wind is full of adoration, glory, strength and power, eulogy and
song. It is also abundant in splendour, magnificence, joy, eminence, pride and exaltation.
The world of the west wind is full of beauty and kingship, crown and kingdom (kter we-
malkt), and a voice of delicate silence. And those worlds are surrounded by fire and
water; after the fire and the water there are: T&HRYAL, NWRYAL, and KGBYAL.
The fire and the water form a circle about the 18000 worlds; then the tempest and the
storm form a circle. Then the quaking and trembling form a circle around the tempest and
the storm; then terror and dread form a circle round the quaking and trembling; then
thunder and lightning form a circle round the terror and dread; then the wings of the wind
form a circle round the thunder and lightning; then the rivers of flame form a circle round
the wings of the wind; then the rivers of the sea form a circle round the rivers of flame;
then the rivers of rain form a circle about the rivers of the sea.
Beyond the rivers of rain there is naught but infinite darkness, without number, without
quality or quantity, immeasurable, as it is said: He maketh the darkness His refuge, the
tent round himself.
Those who encircle the darkness are: NWHRYAL, NWRYAL, GBRYAL. They guard
the exits of the east wind.
At the gates of the west wind angels are appointed. Their names are: QRYAL, PDAL,
SKNYAL, NAL, NYAL. They guard the exits of the west wind.
Above Raqia is ahaqim. Therein are treasuries of snow, of hail, of dew, of manna, and
of the spices of the resurrection of the dead, as it is said: and the clouds (ahaqim) in His
At the gates of ahaqim, to the north wind, princes are appointed thereto. And these are
their names: PNAL, PNYAL, RPAL, RMYAL, DRMYAL. They guard the exits of the
north wind.
At the gates of the south wind are appointed princes. And these are their names: PRWAL,
S&RYAL, QNYAL, STNYAL, MYAL, MAL. They guard the gates of the south
At the gates of the east wind princes are appointed. Their names are: S(DQYAL
QDYAL, TYRT(AL, TRNYAL, TWRT, MAL. They guard the exits of the east wind.
At the gates of the west wind princes are appointed. These are their names: T&WRNYAL,
QRNYAL, RYNYAL, MLT(YAL, and PLT(YAL. They guard the exits of the west wind.
Above ahaqim is Makn, wherein He built a sanctuary, an altar of incense, and an altar
of sacrifice, and MYKAL, the great prince, burns incense on the altar, and presents an
offering on the altar of sacrifice, as it is said: A place (makn) where Thou hast made
Thine abode, YHWH, a sanctuary, Almighty one, that Thy hands have prepared.
At the gates of Makn, in the direction of the north wind princes are appointed. These are
guard the exits of the north wind.
At the gates of the south wind princes are appointed. These are their names: T&HWRYAL,
MH&NYAL, GDYAL, H& WYAL, NNAL, QYAL. They guard the exits of the south
At the gates of the east wind princes are appointed. Their names are: T&RPYAL,
the exits of the east wind.
At the gates of the west wind princes are appointed. These are their names:
They guard the exits of the west wind.
Above Makn there is Man, and in it are angels, legions (gedudim) and all the host of
heaven, as it is said: To the abode (meonah) of the former Gods.
At the gates of Man, in the direction of the north wind, princes are appointed. These are
MTNNAL. They guard the exits of the north wind.
At the gates of the south wind, princes are appointed. These are their names: KBRYAL
the exits of the south wind.
At the gates of the east wind princes are appointed. Their names are: MYAL,
exits of the east wind.
At the gates of the west wind princes are appointed. These are their names: ANH& AL,
PLLAL, PLLAL, S&WRT&Q (Tzurtq), M QDW (em qad), T(YPH&, PYLLAL KAL.
They guard the exits of the west wind.
Above Maon there is Zebul, whereof it is said: Behold, the heavens see Thy holy and
magnificent abode (zebl). Above Zebul there is Arabt, as it is said: Sing to God,
celebrate His name; open a path for the rider of the clouds (rokeb ba-arabt). In
Arabt there are justice, charity, judgment, treasuries of life, of blessing and of peace,
and the souls of the just, and the dew wherewith the Holy blessed one, resurrects the
bodies of the dead for the light.
The span of the bow (qet) rests upon Arabt, lofty with thousands of myriads of
measures; it is before the Watchers and the Holy Ones. Above it are the wheels of the
Ofanim, resting upon the bow. Lofty with thousands of myriads of measures; they stand
opposite the *erafim, the Ofanim, and the legions. Above it are the legs of the H&ayot,
resting upon the wheels of the Ofanim. Lofty with thousands of myriads of measures;
they stand opposite the great princes.
And the top of the bow rests upon the heads of the H& ayoth, whence radiate rays of
splendour (qarne ha-hd). And Raqia is like unto an awesome speculum, extending
above the rays of splendour. Lofty with thousands of myriads of measures; it stands
opposite the princes of inn. Above it is Makn, and a vision of splendour and it rests
upon the awesome speculum. Lofty with thousands of myriads of measures; it
corresponds to the verse: The chariot of God is as thousands of myriads.
Above it is Maon, and its likeness is light. It rests upon the vision of splendour, and it is
lofty with thousands of myriads of measures; it stands facing the rays of splendour.
Above it there is a throne of sapphire stone, resting on the vision of light. Lofty with
thousands of myriads of measures; it corresponds to strength and power.
Above it is the throne of glory, resting upon the sapphire stone. It is lofty with thousands
of myriads of measures. It is like the Lord of the whole world, and His glory rests upon it,
as it is said: I beheld YHWH seated upon a lofty and exalted throne. And it is also said:
Under His feet was a work of transparent sapphire. And the whole world hangs from
His mighty arm like a talisman (qamia), as is said: and under His feet: the world.
The throne is surrounded by shimmering sapphire, and emerald which conceal it from
view, as it is said: the eye shall in no way see me, for I shall call on the name of YHWH,
to magnify our God.

The following prayer should be recited with full intent:

Blessed art Thou, YHWH, our God, and God of our ancestors; God of Abraham, God of
Isaac, and God of Jacob. The great, mighty and awesome God, lofty God, creator of
heaven and earth. Thou art the King of Kings, the holy and Blessed One.
Blessed be Thy name; magnified be Thy name; venerated be Thy name; united be Thy
name; victorious be Thy name; lauded be Thy name; adored be Thy name; and let Thy
name be remembered for all eternity! Thou art seated upon the Throne of Glory, and the
H&ayoth ascend thereto! Thou art fire, Thy throne is fire, and the H&ayoth ha-Q-de are
fire! Thy servants are burning fire. Thou art a consuming fire, the fire of the Prince above
all princes, and Thy chariots are above the Ofanim! Send me (so and so), to lead me to
the wise at heart who are ordained for the servants of Yah. May he expand my heart and
my mouth, like a fountain that overflows the brim, like a fountainhead whose waters
never dry up.
Blessed art Thou YHWH! Thy great name is exalted above all other names. Rise up
YHWH, in Thy strength. Let us sing and praise Thy power. Adore Thy great and
awesome name, it is holy. Let me sing unto YHWH during all my life; let me adore God
as long as I live.

Maaeh Ber#it:
Hebrew text

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