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The Crocodile and the Monkey

(Short Story)
Once upon a time there was a clever monkey who lived by the
river Ganga. A crocodile and his wife lived in the same river. One day,
the crocodiles wife fell very ill. She wanted to eat something special.
She asked her husband to get her a monkeys heart. The crocodile
did not know what to do. Then he thought of his neighbor, the
monkey. e said, !"riend #onkey, why do you waste your time eating
the fruits of this tree$ There are %uicy fruits on the other side of the
river.& 'hen the monkey said that the river was too big for him to
cross, the crocodile offered to take him on his back. After a while, the
crocodile sank in the water along with the monkey. e told the
monkey that his wife was sick and wanted his heart. The monkey
reali(ed that he had been foolish to trust the crocodile. e )uickly
thought of a clever plan to escape. e said, !Alas friend* Our hearts
are not inside us. 'e have to keep them hanging on trees. + wish you
had told me earlier. ,ets go back and bring my heart.& The crocodile
believed the monkey and brought him back to the tree. The monkey
at once climbed up the tree and escaped. e said to the crocodile,
!-ou have a big body but no brains*& The crocodile had nothing to do
but repent for his foolishness on being tricked by the monkey.
Moral of the Story:
.resence of mind always works.
/e careful who you put your trust in.
0ont do onto others what you dont want others do unto you
Why The Sky Is So High
(Short Story)
,ong ago, the sky was very low. +t was so low that people could
touch it if they raised their hands. At the hori(on, where the sky nearly
touched the earth, was a village. ere lived an old woman all by
herself. All day long she was busy with her household chores.
1leaning her utensils, scrubbing the floor, and dusting her courtyard.
One day, she saw that her courtyard was very dirty. So she
picked up her broomstick to clean it. She swept the ground so fast
and so hard that it raised a storm of dust. +n a minute, her house and
the entire village became covered with dust and when it reached the
sky, it started coughing. The poor sky nearly choked as the woman
continued sweeping the ground. Suddenly the sky 2Snee(ed. +t was
such a thunderous snee(e that the whole village shook* .eople ran
helter3skelter, scared that the sky might fall. /ut the old woman kept
sweeping oblivious of what was happening.
After a while, it became so unbearable for the sky that he
started crying helplessly. uge teardrops fell on the earth. +t made the
courtyard muddy. 4ow this was too much for the woman to bear. She
raised her broomstick and whacked the sky, !Get lost you wet
blanket*& she yelled. The sky was so scared that he moved higher
and higher and swore never to come down again.
Moral of the Story:

Why the Sea is Salty

#any years ago, the sea tasted like ordinary rainwater. +t was
bland and tasteless. "ortunately, the people living in the islands knew
about a friendly giant who kept mounds of salt in his cave.
The people would cross the ocean on their boats to reach the
gentle giant5s island, and that is how they were able to bring salt back
to their villages, in order to prepare tastier meals.
One time, however, the ocean was )uite rough and they could
not sail out to gather salt. They eventually ran out of salt and the
villagers no longer en%oyed their tasteless meals. They wondered how
they could get salt again, when a child suggested they ask the giant
to stretch out his legs over the ocean so that they could walk to his
island instead.
The kind giant agreed, and villagers with empty salt sacks
walked along the giant5s leg. 6nfortunately, the giant5s foot landed on
an anthill, and the ferocious red ants started biting the enormous leg.
7urry*7 pleaded the giant, who strained to keep his itchy legs
As soon as the people reached the giant5s island, he
immediately withdrew his foot and scratched the itchy bites. The
villages %ust smiled at how a giant could be bothered by tiny ants.
Anyway, the people got their salt and the giant again stretched
his leg over the ocean. +mmediately, the ants began biting his swollen
foot. Once again, the giant asked the people to hurry up, but the
heavy salt sacks slowed them down.
/esides, the people didn5t believe that the tiny ants could really
affect the giant, so they idly chatted away, and walked rather slowly.
/efore the villagers could cross the ocean, the giant cried out
and thrust his ant3bitten foot into the ocean. All the packed salt fell
into the plain3water sea and melted.
The giant saved the people from drowning, but no one was able
to recover the spilled salt. "rom that day onwards, the sea became
Why the Sea is Salty
,ong, long time ago, in the South coast of Asia, there is a big cave
whom a giant live there. is name is Asong. The villagers near the cave
knew him and Asong always helped the transport salt from the
mountains to their village for everyday use. Since he was gigantic, he
can travel half of the world %ust in three days.
/ut once, the town5s people from other towns heard about how
productive the village was, they planned to associate with the villagers
there8 but honestly the want to invade the place. 9nowing by the
number of people, they forcefully set a deal with the villagers for a
promise of greater production in return. /ut, in spite of their few
numbers, they disagreed because they knew that if the town5s people
knew about Asong, they will freak out and maybe they will capture
Asong and make him a source of entertainment to everyone. Also, news
really flies that5s why Asong heard the news immediately and his anger
defeated him. e rage directly to the invaders and drove them away and
the villagers celebrated for the greatness Asong did for them.
:ven though, Asong drove them, they still wouldnt give up so
they planned scheme how they can get rid of the giant.
#eanwhile, while Asong was transferring bags and bags of salt
from the mountain to the village, the invaders sneaked to the forest and
as soon as Asong reach the shore they broke %ars full of ants to attack
Asong to let the villagers know that nothing and no one can get in their
way of succeeding. /ecause of the itchiness Asong felt because of ant
bites he could5t control his balance and fell down splashing into the
water. /ecause of that, the salt sank down, down into the depth.
/ecause of what happened, the villagers5 will to fight rose up and
in the end, defeated the town5s people. /ut, unfortunately, Asong
drowned himself and the villagers couldn5t do anything to move Asong
because he5s very big. The villagers %ust acknowledged the great deed
Asong gave them and buried him there eventually by %ust putting soil all
over his body.
/y the end, because time passes, Asong became a complete land
and the people called the land Asia derived from Asong5s name and
because of Asong, the Sea is Salty.
'ireless Tower
Author; 4<stor =icente #adali Gon(>le( ?September @, ABAC D 4ovember E@, ABBBF

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