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I want you to stick to this diet strictly for a whole month.

After exactly 4 weeks of this

diet I need another set of pictures with the same poses you did and few others:
Front & back relax
Front & back double biceps
Front & back lat spread
Most muscular
Then well decide dependin! on your stren!th and how your body looks in terms of fat
"ou only !et to ha#e one day where you !et to eat whate#er you feel like$ %&'T ()*
+A" in the week. That could be one of the weekend days. (n that day make sure you
eat a lot of protein.
Another tip is to drink plenty of water. I would say nothin! less than , liters-day.
Meal 1
. whole e!!s and , e!! whites
/ lar!e table spoons of oats0microwa#e it with water 1sorry you mi!ht not like the taste
but you !otta do what you !otta do2
Meal 2
3./ scoop of whey protein 1in water2
. slices of brown bread
3 table spoon peanut butter
Meal 3
3/4! 9hicken breast$ boneless and skinless$ !rilled with half a table spoon of oli#e oil
364! potato
1feel free to spice your chicken the way you like it0do yourself a fa#or and buy an
electric !rill0its !onna make your life easy and fast2
Meal 4 (after workout immediately)
. scoops whey with two table spoons of ;lucose. I dont know where they cell it but try
any pharmacy and ask for !lucose in powder form.
Meal 5
'ame as meal ,
Meal 6
.44! Tuna with 3 table spoon mayonnaise.
<hate#er is in read !oes for all the exercises0Im tired of copyin! it o#er and o#er a!ain
:p0if any exercise is not clear let me know and Ill explain it more or !et you a #ideo or
a picture for it0do not assume what the exercise is unless you are 344= sure.
+ecline bench press$ 4 sets warm up$ then do 3 workin! set to failure between 75
3. reps
Incline dumbbell press with li!ht wei!ht 164= of your max2$ 3/ slow reps 1.
seconds positi#e$ hold contraction for 3 second$ . seconds ne!ati#e2$ do this for 3
9able cross o#er$ 3 set$ same as the incline dumbbell press
'mith machine shoulder press to the front 14 warm up with li!ht wei!ht then 3
workin! set to failure between 753.2
'ide lateral dumbbell raises 164= of your max2$ 3/ slow reps 1. seconds positi#e$
hold contraction for 3 second$ . seconds ne!ati#e2$ do this for 3 set.
+umbbell butterflies 1as if you will do a side lateral raise$ but you !o all the way
up to the top of your head. &se #ery li!ht wei!ht on this one. >ike 34 lb
dumbbells or so2. 3 set the same as the side lateral.
9lose !rip bench 14 warm up with li!ht wei!ht then 3 workin! set to failure
between 753.2
*? bar triceps extensions 164= of your max2$ 3/ slow reps 1. seconds positi#e$
hold contraction for 3 second$ . seconds ne!ati#e2$ do this for 3 set.
@ope push down. 3 set the same as the *? bar extension.

Aack rows
>at pull down 1close !rip2
9hin ups
Machine curls
9oncentration curls
Bammer curls
;et . x 4/ lb plates and put them flat on the floor and a!ainst a wall to create a CstepD for
you. (ne le! at a time$ do some body wei!ht standin! raises slowly$ . seconds up$ .
seconds down. <hen you cant mo#e anymore$ do some forced reps with your hand
pushin! a!ainst the wall do help you. <hen you fail$ do some #ery fast reps by Eumpin!
up and down until you cry like a !irl$ then do the other le!. +o , sets. +ont count reps.
>e! press with ankles almost touchin!
+umbbell lun!es
>e! curls$ hea#y$ standin! or seated$ doesnt make a difference
The workout mi!ht seem to be easy but its not and thats how youll know if you are
!i#in! it 344= effort or not. I dont want you to !o hurt yourself but I want you to push
yourself to the max. Ba#e a spotter$ a workout partner$ but be careful and ne#er depend
on him while liftin! wei!hts. The spotter should be there in the case of somethin! !oin!
wron! other than that he or she G2 must not touch the wei!ht and help you in any of your
reps. @ead the workout carefully and make sure you understand it 344=.
Im here to answer whate#er Fuestions you ha#e.
;((+ >&9H

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