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Ansi C programming

to device
Looking at our first code
#include <ez8.h>
int main(void)
{ //puts 0x05 to the LEDs
unsigned char leds = 0x05;
PAADDR = 0x02;
PACTL = 0x00;
PAADDR = 0x01;
PACTL = 0xF8;
PAADDR = 0x03;
PACTL = 0x00;
PAADDR = 0x00;
PAOUT = leds;
return 0;
This code sets up port A as
on output, and controls the
LEDs on the Z8
development board
#include <ez8.h>
indicates that this instruction is done first when compiling
the project (preprocessor).
adds the contents of a file to your code.
The angle brackets < > mean use the default path
#include <ez8.h>
Includes the file ez8.h. This file defines all the hardware
names and locations used on the Z8.
int main(void)
Means this function returns an integer value when it is
The main function is defined in Ansi C as the start of your
Holds the data being passed to your function
Means you pass nothing to the function
Curly braces, { }
{ }
Curly braces denote a code block
All instructions inside the block are treated as one unit.
Used with functions main() { }
Used with conditional code for() { }
// insert your code here
//puts 0x05 to the LEDs
Double slashes start an inline comment
Comment lasts until the end of the line
This text is ignored by the compiler
// this is comment // just a regular comment
#include <ez8.h> // adds ez8.h to the source code
//#include <ez8.h> // removes this line of code
//************** // often used as a separator
unsigned char leds = 0x05;
Reserves an 8 bit memory location
unsigned (all bits used for data)
char stands for the character data type
leds is the variable name given to the reserved space
= assigns the value 0x05 to the variable
; ends the instruction
The z8 ports are 8 bits wide, just like a character.
PAADDR = 0x02;
Read it as the data in Port A ADDRess register
PAADDR is a mnemonic
Defined in ez8.h, and it is hardware specific
Corresponds to a specific memory location in hardware.
The mnemonic are actually text strings defined as pointers
to data at specific address.
PAADDR, PACTL, PAIN, PAOUT all do similar functions
PAADDR = 0x02;
PACTL = 0x00;
PAADDR = 0x02;
PxADDR selects which
port control register is
being used
PACTL = 0x00;
PxCTL is the data for the
port control register
0000 0000
1 = alternate function
0 = general purpose
Together these
commands turn the
alternate function off
for each bit.
Port Control Registers
PxADDR Register Bit Function
0x00 None
0x01 Data direction 1 = input
0 = output
0x02 Alternate function 1 = alternate function
0 = General purpose I/O
0x03 Output control 1 = Open drain (only low)
0 = Push pull (high and low)
0x04 High drive enable 1 = high current
0 = low current
0x05 Stop mode recovery 1 = restart program on change
0 = ignored
PAADDR = 0x01;
PACTL = 0xF8;
PxADDR selects the
data direction register
PACTL = 0xF8;
1111 1000
1 = Input
0 = Output
Together these
commands set bits 2-0
as outputs.
PAADDR = 0x03;
PACTL = 0x00;
PxADDR selects the output
control register
PACTL = 0x00;
0 = push pull
1 = open drain
Push pull vs open drain
Push pull
Can drive output high or low
Open drain
The top transistor is
Can only drive the output low
Requires pull up resistors to
PAADDR = 0x00;
Sets PAADDR to a dummy control register
Prevents it from being accidentally written to
PAOUT = leds;
Move the data in leds to the Port A OUTput register
Basically write data to the port
return 0;
Ends the function
Tells the CPU to return the value 0 to the calling function
Things to watch for
Spelling errors
Inspect your code for typos and swapped letter
Syntax errors
Look for missing semicolons ;
Look for missing brackets and braces ( ) { }
Verify the data being passed to functions
Check your compiler settings
Are your ports enabled in the compiler
Single step through you program
What is the state of the LEDs as each line of your program.
When do the LEDs come on?
When do the LEDs turn off?
When do the LEDs get set?
Program counter and stack pointer
Insert breakpoint
A breakpoint is a place
where execution stops
so that the
programmer can check
what is going on
Put the cursor at the
desired line, and insert
a breakpoint
Program control
Download program to the Z8
Restart the program
Run the program
Toggle breakpoint
Enable/Disable a breakpoint
Remove all breakpoints
Moving through code
From left to right
Run code
Run to cursor
Break (halt execution)
Step into a function
Step over a function
Step out of a function
Set next instruction at the cursor
Supporting Information
Standard ANSI C Headers
<assert.h> Diagnostics
<ctype.h> Character-handling functions
<errno.h> Error numbers
<float.h> Floating-point limits
<limits.h> Integer limits
<math.h> Math functions
<setjmp.h> Nonlocal jump functions
<stdarg.h> Variable arguments functions
<stddef.h> Standard defines
<stdio.h> Standard input/output functions
<stdlib.h> General utilities functions
<string.h> String-handling functions
Type Sizes
The type sizes for the
basic data types on the
Z8 Encore! C-Compiler
are as follows:
Int 16 bits
short int 16 bits
Char 8 bits
Long 32 bits
Float 32 bits
Double 32 bits
The type sizes for the
pointer data types on
the Z8 Encore! C-
Compiler are as follows:
near pointer 8 bits
far pointer 16 bits
rompointer 16 bits
All data are aligned on a
byte boundary.
Z8 Encore! Specific Header Files
C library macros and functions
input/output macros and functions.
Used serial for communication
unsigned char leds = 0x05;
Data types used in C are
8 bit data, typically one letter of text
16 bits of data, 0 65535 or -32768 to +32767
Floating point number
Double length floating point number, NOT SUPPORTED
Each of these data types can be either signed or unsigned
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