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divulL'd (o inpasui-e 2:3 feet G iiulics each side, or the isometrical figure to contahi2IC
such cubes; the total height, widlli, and length being 141 feet, or six times the 23 feet
6 inches. ( See
>y. 1327.)
On the plan are six divisions in length and widtl), or altogether 56 squares
each mea-
sure 23 feet 6 inches on each of their sides. Tlie si.\ outer divisions of the principal figuie
are devoted to walls and buttresses
tiie adjoining six on each side show the situation
of the side aisles
and the two middle divisions that of the nave. The two side aisica
occupy together 12 squares, as does the nave; the remaining 12 being devoted to outer
walls and their buttresses.
Tlie entire area, therefore, has 24 squares to represent its interior distribution, and h.iH
that number its external walls; or one tliird walls, two-thirds void. Such are the gtncral
arrangements of its plan, and its extreme simplicity lias enabled the constructors to execute
the vaulting of the side aisles and that of tlie centre nave by diagonal ribs, wliich in the
former extend over one square, and in the latter two, thus giving to the nave its due pro-
portion of height, witliout changing the principle of its construction.
The freemasons of the middle ages were so perfectly accjuainted wi h geometry that there
is seldom any defect in their vaulting
; it is evident that they laid down their plans for its
execution before tlicy decided upon the form of their main piers; in their setting out,
every part liad its due function
and the column, which was intended to be connei ted
with the vaulting, either of nave or side aisle, was peculiarly adapted by its position
f()r its use.
'J'he master mason Robert de Luzarche commenced the building of this nave about the
year 1220, the founder being Bislinp Evrard. The pillars of the nave were raised to the
height of their ca|)itals in 1236, but it as not till 1236 that tlie vaulting was comp'eted;
aiid. about eight or nine years afterwaras the lateral chapels were added.
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