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Please complete all areas of this form, sign, and attach to each submitted

assignment. Submit each assignment according to the instructions provided in your

Course Outline.
Course Name : HND in Business Management
Student Number: Student Full Name:
Lecturer Name: Ms. Upeka Liyanage
Edexcel Registration No
Assignment No.Name: !nit NoName" Unit 14 Personal and
Professional Development
Date Due: Date Submitted:
Student Signature: Date:
I declare that this assessment item is my own work e!cept where acknowledged
and has not "een s#"mitted for academic credit elsewhere and acknowledge that
the assessor of this item may for the p#rpose of assessing this item$
%eprod#ce this assessment item and provide a copy to another mem"er of the
University and&or'
(omm#nicate a copy of this assessment item to a plagiarism checking service
)which may then retain a copy of the assessment item on its data"ase for the
p#rpose of f#t#re plagiarism checking*.
I certify that I have read and #nderstood the Instit#te %#les in respect of +t#dent
,cademic Miscond#ct.
Comment $
Date $--------- Mar$er%s Signature$-----------
Edexcel HND in Business
Hig&er National Di'loma in Business Management
!nit (itle: 1. / Personal and Professional Development
Assignment (itle )
Learning *utcomes Co+ered:
L*, " Understand how self/managed learning can enhance
lifelong development
L*- " 0e a"le to take responsi"ility for own personal and
professional development
L*. " 0e a"le to implement and contin#ally review own
personal and professional development plan
L*/ " 0e a"le to demonstrate ac1#ired interpersonal and
transfera"le skills.
Assessment Criteria
1.1, 1.2, 1.3
2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.,
3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.
.1, .2, .3
Submission Date :
o1 Februar23 -0,/
(heck caref#lly the hand in date and the instr#ctions given with the assignment. Late
s#"missions will not "e accepted.
2ns#re that yo# give yo#rself eno#gh time to complete the assignment "y the d#e date.
Don3t leave things s#ch as printing to the last min#te e!c#ses of this nat#re will not "e
accepted for fail#re to hand in the work on time4
5o# m#st take responsi"ility for managing yo#r own time effectively.
If yo# are #na"le to hand in yo#r assignment on time and have valid reasons s#ch as illness
yo# may apply )in writing* for an e!tension.
6ail#re to achieve at least a P,++ grade will res#lt in a %262%%,L grade "eing given.
7on/s#"mission of work witho#t valid reasons will lead to an a#tomatic %262%%,L. 5o# will
then "e asked to complete an alternative assignment on ne!t semester.
5o# sho#ld #se diagrams and ta"les of fig#res where appropriate ens#ring to reference their
,ll tasks m#st "e completed in the word limit of 89::/.::: words e!cl#ding ta"le of fig#res
diagrams and appendices.
;ake great care that if yo# #se other people3s work or ideas in yo#r assignment yo# properly
reference them #sing the <,%=,%D referencing system in yo# te!t and any "i"liography
otherwise yo# may "e g#ilty of plagiarism.
41 2ou are caug&t 'lagiarising 2ou could &a+e 2our grade reduced to A REFERRAL or
at 5orst 2ou could be excluded 1rom t&e course.
(as$ ,: Assessing 2our learning li1e t&roug& Sel1 Managed Learning A''roac&
,s once said >you can ta!e a horse to "ater # but you can$t ma!e it drin!$, yo# m#st
write a critical essay of ,000" ,-00 words a"o#t yo#r self "y reflecting the following
1.1. 6irst introd#ce yo#r decision on doing <7D "y eval#ating yo#r decision on
doing 2de!cel <7D at 2+?6; with honest and realistic data on these aspects
>%hy have you selected this programme to learn&, ho" are you learning it&,
"hen are you learning it and "hy have you chosen such times&, "here are
you learning it and "hy did you select that place& and "hat is the last
outcome you e'pect by learning this course&.$ Use .::/4:: words
),ddressing L?1.1 D ..8*
1.8. In the "ody of the essay critically analyse the lifelong learning in personal and
professional conte!ts that made yo# to motivate yo#rself to learn f#rther with
the "arriers yo# have faced thro#gho#t to learn. Use .::/4:: words
),ddressing L? 1.8 M 8.@ D 1..*
1... ,t the end concl#de the essay "y e!plaining how wo#ld an organiAation
"enefit "y having yo# in their team4 ()ou must e'plain your life ob*ectives and
your competencies s!ills and e'pertise+ Use 8::/.:: words ),ddressing L?
1.. M 1.1*
Assessment Criteria against #rade Descri'tors 6#D7 co+ered under (as$ 8 ,
(as$ #D Assessment Criteria E+idence ex'ected
1.1. L? 1.1 2val#ate approaches to
self/managed Learning
>%hy have you selected this programme to
learn&, ho" are you learning it&, "hen are
you learning it and "hy have you chosen
such times&, "here are you learning it and
"hy did you select that place& and "hat is
the last outcome you e'pect by learning
this course&.$
D ..8 +elf/eval#ation has taken
1.8 L? 1.8 Propose ways in which
lifelong learning in personal
and professional
conte!ts co#ld "e
In the "ody of the essay critically analyse
the lifelong learning in personal and
professional conte!ts that made yo# to
motivate yo#rself to learn f#rther with the
"arriers yo# have faced thro#gho#t to
learn. M 8.@ ,ppropriate learning
methods&techni1#es have
"een applied
D 1.. self/criticism of approach
has taken place
1... L? 1.. 2val#ate the "enefits of
self/managed learning to
the individ#al and
,t the end concl#de the essay "y
e!plaining how wo#ld an organiAation
"enefit "y having yo# in their team4 ()ou
must e'plain your life ob*ectives and your
competencies s!ills and e'pertise+ M 1.1 2ffective B#dgments have
"een made
(as$ -: A''l2ing 1or a Ne5 9ob
+elect a Bo" vacancy notice #pon yo#r desire ass#ming that yo# need to apply for
that Bo" after s#ccessf#l completion of yo#r <7D programme. 5o# m#st do an a#dit
of yo#r skills and knowledge levels in order to apply for the selected vacancy notice.
;his a#dit co#ld "e done creatively in a file "y pasting the vacancy notice first and
then showing yo# competencies in ta"#lar comparisons. 5o#r Personal ,#dit file
m#st contain the following evidences'
8.1. ;he vacancy notice and the person3s knowledge skills and attit#des re1#ired
to achieve organiAational o"Bectives. 5o# m#st eval#ate yo#rself against the Bo"
specification and the 1#alification specification. Provide a "rief critical disc#ssion "y
providing yo#r own strengths and weaknesses. ),ddressing L? 8.1*
8.8. 7ow identify yo#r areas of improvement in order to apply for the a"ove
selected Bo". Disc#ss each of them with simple o"Bectives "y #sing +M,%; principle.
),ddressing L? 8.8*
8... Disc#ss the personal development opport#nities availa"le for yo# grooming
yo# for the f#t#re. 5o# m#st critically disc#ss how to avoid the threats aro#nd yo# in
way forward. ),ddressing L? 8.. M..4*
8.4. Provide a personal development plan incl#ding the development o"Bectives
yo# have identified a"ove and ways of achieving them. 5o# can #se a diary to B#stify
yo#r personal development plan. ),ddressing L? 8.4 M..1*
Assessment criteria co+ered under (as$ 8 -
L? 8.1 2val#ate own c#rrent skills and competencies against professional standards
and organiAational o"Bectives
L? 8.8 Identify own development needs and the activities re1#ired to meet them
L? 8.. Identify development opport#nities to meet c#rrent and f#t#re defined needs
L? 8.4 Devise a personal and professional development plan "ased on identified
(as$ .: :resenting 2our 'rogress
7ow imagine that yo# are trying to follow a professional vocational or academic
co#rse or another learning strategy to e!ec#te the a"ove mentioned personal and
professional development plan.
..1. Identify yo#r learning style and critically disc#ss the processes and activities
re1#ired to implement the development plan. ),ddressing L? ..1*
..8. Undertake and doc#ment different strategies & activities as yo# have planned
a"ove. ),ddressing L? ..8 D 1.4*
.... ,ltho#gh yo# have mentioned yo#r original o"Bectives in the plan were yo#
a"le to deliver them on time in the way yo# have planned4 Disc#ss yo#r
achievement honestly and critically. Update the development plan "ased on
feed"ack and eval#ation ),ddressing L? ... ..4*
(ontents for this activity m#st "e presented individ#ally to the class #sing a
m#ltimedia presentation for 1:/19 min#tes.
Assessment criteria co+ered under (as$ 8 .
..1 Disc#ss the processes and activities re1#ired to implement the development plan
..8 Undertake and doc#ment development activities as planned
... %eflect critically on own learning against original aims and o"Bectives set in the
development plan
..4 Update the development plan "ased on feed"ack and eval#ation
(as$ /: Deli+ering Business (argets on time
5o# have to develop a role play "y incorporating 4/9 gro#p mem"ers in one team
#nder the theme of >Delivering "#siness targets on time3.
%emem"er' that yo# m#st identify a work place iss#e "ased on timely delivery to
their val#a"le c#stomers and m#st clearly reflect the following thro#gh yo#r role
play & drama in a creative way.

4.1. 2ach organiAational person3s hypothetical transferra"le skill levels and their
individ#al performance on aggravating the work "ased pro"lems. ),ddressing
L? 4.1 D..9 D..@.*
4.8. ,ll m#st present the sol#tions that co#ld "e #sed to solve the work "ased
pro"lem "y employing proper comm#nication styles at appropriate times
accordingly. ),ddressing L? 4.8 D8.8*
4... ,dvice the a#dience on #sing effective time management strategies and
eval#ate its3 impact on delivering "etter c#stomer services. ),ddressing L?
Please note that yo# m#st provide a script of yo#r drama &role play to the assessor.
Assessment criteria co+ered under (as$ 8 /
4.1 select sol#tions to work/"ased pro"lems
4.8 comm#nicate in a variety of styles and appropriate manner at vario#s levels
4.. eval#ate and #se effective time management strategies.
1. La#rie C. M#llins 8::9 Management and organisational "ehavio#r Prentice
Assessment Criteria
*utcome6s7criteria :ossible e+idence Ac&ie+ed Feedbac$
*utcome,: Understand how self/managed learning can enhance lifelong development
1.1 2val#ate approaches to self/
managed Learning
(as$ ,.,: >"hy have you selected this programme to
learn&, ho" are you learning it&, "hen are you
learning it and "hy have you chosen such times&,
"here are you learning it and "hy did you select that
place& and "hat is the last outcome you e'pect by
learning this course&.$
1.8 Propose ways in which lifelong
learning in personal and
professional conte!ts co#ld "e
(as$ ,.-: Critically analy,e the lifelong learning in
personal and professional conte'ts that made you to
motivate yourself to learn further "ith the barriers you
have faced throughout to learn.
1.. 2val#ate the "enefits of self/
managed learning to the individ#al and
(as$ ,..:
-'plain ho" "ould an organi,ation benefit by having
you in their team by e'plaining your life ob*ectives and
your competencies s!ills and e'pertise
*utcome-: 0e a"le to take responsi"ility for own personal and professional development
8.1 2val#ate own c#rrent skills and
competencies against professional
standards and organiAational
(as$ -.,: -valuate yourself against the *ob
specification and the .ualification specification.
Provide a brief critical discussion by providing your
o"n strengths and "ea!nesses
8.8 Identify own development needs
and the activities re1#ired to meet them
(as$ -.-: /dentify your areas of improvement in order
to apply for the above selected *ob. Discuss each of
them "ith simple ob*ectives by using S0123 principle.
8.. Identify development opport#nities
to meet c#rrent and f#t#re defined
(as$ -..: Discuss the personal development
opportunities available for you grooming you for the
future by critically discussing ho" to avoid the threats
around you in "ay for"ard.
8.4 Devise a personal and professional
development plan "ased on identified
(as$ -./: Provide a personal development plan
including the development ob*ectives you have
identified above and "ays of achieving them using a
diary to *ustify your personal development plan.
*utcome.: Be able to implement and continually review own personal and professional development plan
..1 Discuss the processes and
activities required to implement the
development plan
(as$ ..,: /dentify your learning style and critically
discuss the processes and activities re.uired to
implement the development plan.
..8 #ndertake and doc#ment development
activities as planned
(as$ ..-:
4nderta!e and document different strategies 5
activities as you have planned above.
... refect critically on own learning
against original aims and objectives
set in the development plan
(as$ ...:
Discuss your achievement honestly and critically.
4pdate the development plan based on feedbac! and
..4 #pdate the development plan "ased on
feed"ack and eval#ation
*utcome /: 0e a"le to implement and contin#ally review own personal and professional development plan
4.1 select sol#tions to work/"ased
(as$ /.,: -ach organi,ational person$s hypothetical
transferrable s!ill levels and their individual
performance on aggravating the "or! based problems.
4.8 comm#nicate in a variety of styles
and appropriate manner at vario#s
(as$ /.-: 1ll must present the solutions that could be
used to solve the "or! based problem by employing
proper communication styles at appropriate times
4.. eval#ate and #se effective time
management strategies.
(as$ /..: 1dvice the audience on using effective time
management strategies and evaluate its$ impact on
delivering better customer services.
Assessment Criteria
#rade Descri'tion 6Merit7 :ossible e+idence Ac&ie+ed Feedbac$
M,. Identify and apply
strategies to find appropriate
M ,.,: effective B#dgements have "een made
(as$ ,.,
M-. +elect&design and apply
M-.;: appropriate learning methods&techni1#es have
"een applied (as$ ,.-
M.. Present and comm#nicate
appropriate findings.
M..,: the appropriate str#ct#re and approach has
"een #sed
(as$ -./
M../: comm#nication has taken place in familiar and
#nfamiliar conte!ts
(as$ -..
#rade Descri'tion
:ossible e+idence Ac&ie+ed Feedbac$
D,. Use critical applications to
eval#ate own work and B#stify
valid concl#sions.
D,..: self/criticism of approach has taken place (as$ ,.-
D,./: realistic improvements have "een proposed
against defined characteristics for s#ccess
(as$ ..-
D-. ;ake responsi"ility for
managing and organiAing
D-.-: s#"stantial activities proBects or investigations
have "een planned managed and organiAed
(as$ /.-
D.. Demonstrate
D..-: self/eval#ation has taken place (as$ ,.,
D..<: innovation and creative tho#ght have "een
(as$ /.,
D..;: effective thinking has taken place in #nfamiliar
(as$ /.,

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