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1- Three Meals + three light snacks (to keep metabolism active)

2- Breakfast is absolutely not to be skipped (must have enough energy to endure
during the day)
3- Light Morning activity (Optional) for extra calorie burn and metabolism boost
4- Water, Water, water. Before, during and in between meals => keeps metabolism
active and helps you feel full
5- Dinner not be very late at night, maximum 18:00, in case you feel hungry a sn
ack is placed after dinner to satisfy need
6- 1 cheating day per week (eat whatever you desire, but in moderate quantities)
To absolutely avoid:
1- Avoid sweets, alcohol and anything containing refined sugar
2- Avoid bread of all kinds: white, brown, baguette etc..
3- Avoid Juice even if freshly squeezed, instead go for the actual fruit
4- Avoid foods containing fat (mayonnaise, chunks of fat in meat, chicken skin..
5- Avoid fast food in general and anything fried (use as minimum oil for fried e
ggs) instead go for grilled or roasted
6- Avoid foods containing too much carbohydrates in late meals (dinner, snacks)
7- Avoid all kind of soft drinks even diet ones (soda, coke, seven up, etc..)
Option1 - Safe diet (recommended):
1800 kcal daily intake => -600 kcal x 30 = -18000 kcal per month = -5 kg per mon
Reach Ideal weight in 3 months
Breakfast: 100 non fat cheese or labneh or 2 boiled whole eggs or 2 fried egg wh
ites + 1/2 fruit (half a banana or half an apple) + 1 grilled toast
Snack: 1 small non fat fruit yoghurt
Lunch: 1 Protein Portion (200g grilled Salmon with lemon or 170g chicken breast
without skin or 120g grilled steak) + 1 cup of cooked vegetables (potato, tomato
, pepper, carrot) + lettuce or any type of leafy greens for salad (max 2 tablesp
oon of dressing) + 1 Fruit (berries or strawberries or 1/2 mango)
Snack: carrot or celery sticks
Dinner: 3/4 Protein Portion (150g grilled Salmon with lemon or 150g chicken brea
st without skin or 100g grilled steak) + 1 portion of cooked vegetables (potato,
tomato, pepper, carrot) + lettuce or any type of leafy greens for salad (max 2
tablespoon of dressing; light vinaigrette etc..)
Snack: 1 Orange or 80g pineapple slices
Option2 - Tough diet (not recommended):
1500 kcal daily intake => -900 kcal x 30 = -27000 kcal per month = -8 kg per mon
Reach Ideal weight in 2 months
Same as Option1 except: remove snack between breakfast and lunch, and reduce pro
tein portions by 1/2 on lunch only
Breakfast: 100 non fat cheese or labneh or 2 boiled whole eggs or 2 fried egg wh
ites + 1/2 fruit (half a banana or half an apple) + 1 grilled toast
Snack: 1 small non fat fruit yoghurt
Lunch: 1/2 Protein Portion (100g grilled Salmon with lemon or 85g chicken breast
without skin or 60g grilled steak) + 1 cup of cooked vegetables (potato, tomato
, pepper, carrot) + lettuce or any type of leafy greens for salad (max 2 tablesp
oon of dressing) + 1 Fruit (berries or strawberries or 1/2 mango)
Snack: carrot or celery sticks
Dinner: 3/4 Protein Portion (150g grilled Salmon with lemon or 150g chicken brea
st without skin or 100g grilled steak) + 1 portion of cooked vegetables (potato,
tomato, pepper, carrot) + lettuce or any type of leafy greens for salad (max 2
tablespoon of dressing; light vinaigrette etc..)
Snack: 1 Orange or 80g pineapple slices
daily caloric need for June (assuming 21y)
164 cm 76 kg
Ideal weight according to BMI healthy recommendation: 59-60 kg
Daily Energy Expenditure: 2413 kcal ( 10103 kJ)
3,500 calories equals about 1 pound (0.45 kilogram) of fat

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