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NetBackup is available in three editions to support organizations ranging from SMBs to

large enterprises.
See the table below:
There are two primary architectures deployed by NetBackup
. Two!Tier "NetBackup #nterprise Server$
%. Three!Tier "NetBackup Server$
To make things easy to understand & will e'plain Three Tier (rchitecture first.
NetBackup Enterprise Server Architecture (Three-Tier)
( typical NetBackup #nterprise Server storage domain consists of one NetBackup
Master Server) one or more NetBackup Media Servers) and multiple NetBackup *lients.
+arge customers often have multiple NetBackup Storage domains spread across data
NetBackup Master Server
Main Backup Server ! Manage all operations ",olicies) Schedules) -evice
*onfiguration) . *atalog$
Backs /p and 0estores +ocal and *lient -ata to (ttached Storage "Tape 1 -isk$
Manages (ttached "-irect 1 S(N$ Storage
The NetBackup Master Server is the 2brains3 for all data protection activities) from
scheduling and tracking client backups to managing tape media and more. &n addition)
the NetBackup Master Server may have one or more storage devices attached for
backing up its local data or NetBackup client data across the network.
NetBackup Media Servers
Backs /p and 0estores +ocal and *lient -ata to (ttached Storage "Tape1-isk$
Manages (ttached "-irect 1 S(N$ Storage
4rganizations with data in several locations) or with data!intensive applications) may
distribute the workload across servers by deploying a NetBackup #nterprise Server as a
Media Server. The Master Server is the brains) and the Media Servers are the
workhorses of deployments. ( NetBackup Media Server can share tape resources with
NetBackup Master1Media Servers over a storage area network "S(N$ or provide for
backup and recovery from its own dedicated storage hardware. &f a NetBackup Media
Server fails) the attached NetBackup *lient backups will be routed to another NetBackup
Media Server.
NetBackup Clients
,repares and Sends +ocal -ata to NetBackup Master 1 Media Servers for
0eceives Stored -ata from NetBackup Master 1 Media Servers for 0estoration
#ach system to be protected re5uires a NetBackup client. The NetBackup client sends
and receives data across the local area network "+(N$ or storage area network "S(N$ to
a NetBackup Media Server.
#ach NetBackup #nterprise Server or NetBackup Server license includes the necessary
licenses to backup NetBackup data "not other application data$.
NetBackup Server Architecture (Two-Tier)
Two!tier NetBackup architecture is defined as a single NetBackup server that acts as
both a Master and Media Server "Master1Media Server$ and multiple clients.
NetBackup Server supports one backup server and an unlimited number of clients)
N-M,!N(S systems) tape drives) and tape libraries

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