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G. B.


PAURI GARHWAL 246194 (Uttarakhand
(An Autonomous Institute of Government of Uttarakhand)
T!nd!r C"#t $%th &at R#. 11'(.))
Tender for the supply of C%*%+ En,%n!!r%n, La-# E./%01!nt#2 CAD Lab 2
Quantity As specified
Delivery Place G.B. Pant Engineering College, Pauri-Garhal,
Duration of #upply $% days
Esti&ated Cost 's $( )acs
Earnest *oney 's +,---.- as /D'.TD'.CD' in favour of Principal, G. B.
Pant Engg. College, Pauri paya0le at Pauri and ill 0e
treated as security &oney for at least %1 days.
3%,nat/r! "4 I##/%n, A/th"r%t5
3%,nat/r! "4 th! A00+%6ant $%th 3!a+
PAURI GARHWAL 246194 (Uttarakhand
(An Autonomous Institute of Government of Uttarakhand)
7P+!a#! 6ar!4/++5 ," thr"/,h th%# d"6/1!nt and !n#/r! 6"10+%an6!. N"n26"10+%an6! "4 an5
"n! "4 th! 6"nd%t%"n# 1a5 1ak! 5"/r "44!r %n*a+%d.8
Tenderer2s 'eference 3o.4444444 Date5
$. Application for the supply
( 3a&e of the Tenderer
+ Telephone 3o. /a6 3o.
% Earnest *oney
7a8 A&ount
708 /D'.TD'.CD' 3o. 9 Date
1 #tatus of the applicant
7:hether &anufacturer.authori;ed
<ndian stoc"ist.dealer8
, *anufacturing license 3o. 9 date
= #ales Ta6 'egistration 3o. 9 date
> <nco&e Ta6 PA3 3o.
? <#@.<#< aard letter 3o.
7in case it is aarded to the fir&8
$- Turnover5 (-$--(-$$
$$ Please certify that you are not
0lac"listed 0y any Depart&ent of
Central.#tate Govt..G.B. Pant Engg.
College, Pauri or any @rgani;ation
An affidavit is to 0e attached.
$( Details of Clients 7to 0e enclosed8
$+ Detail of single largest order co&plied
during last year
7a8 3a&e of client 9 address
708 A&ount
$% <ndicate hether after-sales service
availa0le 7especially in !ttara"hand8
7a8 3o. of Engineers and other Technical
708 3o. of Aendors
7c8 3o. of #ervice #tations and their
$1 3earest dealer2s na&e and address
$, Please enclose separately the technical
specification of the product for hich
tender rates are su0&itted
$. Earnest *oney 7/D'.TD'.CD'8
(. *anufacturing license fro& appropriate authority
+. Authority letter fro& the &anufacturer in case of dealer
%. #ales ta6.AAT registration certificate
1. Central #ales Ta6.AAT registration certificate if any
,. )atest sales ta6 return
=. Bear-ise turn over for the last three years supported 0y pertinent portion of 0alance
sheet duly authenticated 0y C.A. Co&petent authority
>. Ter&s 9 conditions duly signed 0y the tenderer
?. Any other literature or infor&ation the applicant desires to furnish
$-. 3otari;ed affidavit regarding non-0lac"listing
Before sending.su0&itting the application, the applicant should read carefully the
attached general ter&s 9 conditions.
3%,nat/r! "4 I##/%n, A/th"r%t5
3%,nat/r! "4 th! A00+%6ant $%th 3!a+
$. #ealed tenders are invited 0y the Principal, G.B. Pant Engineering College Pauri-Garhal
for supply of CCivil Engineering )a0s EDuip&entsE 7As per Appendices A8
(. The last date for tender su0&ission is 2>2)9.2)1' /0 t" 2.') 0.1. and ill 0e opened on
the sa&e day at +.-- p.&. The tender received after the due date and ti&e ill not 0e
+. The sealed tender &ust have to sealed envelops in it, one envelop should have
T!6hn%6a+ -%d and second envelop should have 9%nan6%a+ -%d. The sealed covers should
have clear &ar"ing as CT!6hn%6a+ -%d8 and C9%nan6%a+ -%d8.
%. The technical 0id ill 0e opened first on the due date and financial 0id ill 0e opened
later for those tendered hich Dualify in technical 0id.
1. Each tender is to 0e enclosed in a sealed envelope duly super scri0ed CTender for the
Civil Engineering )a0 EDuip&entsE. The tenders should 0e addressed to the Principal, G.
B. Pant Engg. College, Ghurdauri, Pauri Garhal and should also 0ear the address of
,. 'ates Duoted &ust 0e /.@.'. G. B. Pant Engg. College, Ghurdauri, Pauri Garhal. The
rates &ust include pac"ing, forarding and transit insurance charges. The sa&e should 0e
insured against theft, loss, da&age and.or 0rea"age during transit 0y the supplier 0efore
dispatch is &ade. The responsi0ility in this respect ill 0e of the supplying fir& and not
of the college.
=. #upply of the goods is accepta0le on 0ill 0asis only. '.'. or docu&ents through 0an" are
not accepta0le.
>. Pay&ent shall 0e &ade fro& the date of receipt of goods in proper.satisfactory.or"ing
?. Tender docu&ents &ust 0e su0&itted consisting of notice inviting tender, tender for&,
general ter&s 9 conditions of supply, schedule of Duantities duly filled, co&pleted 9
signed 0y the tenderer.
$-. The tender should 0e su0&itted along ith an /D'.TD'.CD' as Earnest *oney in
favour of Principal, G.B. Pant Engineering College, paya0le at Pauri. Tender ithout
proper earnest &oney shall not 0e considered. 3o cheDue shall 0e accepted. Earnest
*oney deposited earlier, if any, shall not 0e considered. The /D' should 0e dran fro&
the account of tendering fir&F otherise, the sa&e shall 0e reGected. /D'.TD'.CD'
issued in personal na&e shall not 0e accepted.
$$. Bid #ecurity ill 0e lia0le to 0e forfeited, if the tenderer ithdras or a&ends.i&pairs or
derogates fro& the tender in any respect ithin the period of validity of his tender.
$(. The Earnest *oney De&anded 7E*D8, so deposited ith tender, ill 0e treated as
perfor&ance security at least for %1 days.
$+. The purchaser has the right to forfeit perfor&ance security in case of any 0reach of
contract co&&itted 0y the supplier.
$%. The supplier ill have to attach a certificate to the effect that the &aterial to 0e supplied
ill 0e of the specifications confor&ing to the standard of the ite& specified in the
attached schedule.
$1. #upply of ordered &aterial should reDuired to 0e co&pleted ithin stipulated
date.ti&e fro& the date of issue of purchase order, failing hich the College reserves the
right to forfeit the earnest &oney and cancel the order. Part supply shall not 0e accepted
nor&ally. Hoever, in genuine cases, per&ission &ay 0e granted.
$,. The supplier should Duote clearly in figure and in ords the rate and a&ount tendered 0y
hi&. The a&ount of each ite& should 0e or"ed out and reDuisite totals given including
all charges /.@.'. destination.
$=. Trade.#ales Ta6.AAT or any other ta6 or other charges on the &aterial, hich has not
0een &entioned hile Duoting their rates, shall not 0e paid 0y the College under any
$>. The tenderer should enclose the recent copies of the purchase order. <f the tenderer has
supplied the tendered ite&s at the cost 0elo the Duoted rates in the recent dealing, then
the tender ill 0e auto&atically cancelled and E*D ill 0e forfeited.
$?. The ter&s 9 conditions given 0y the supplier ill not 0e 0inding on us. Conditional
tenders shall 0e reGected at the sole discretion of the co&petent authority of the College.
(-. The &anufacturer should &ention their address of &anufacturing unit so that the site &ay
0e inspected, if reDuired.
($. <n case of supply order 0eing placed on you5 CAs ti&e is the essence of this order, the
date of delivery should 0e strictly adhered toF otherise, the College reserves the right
not to accept delivery in part or full and clai& the liDuidated da&ages at the rate of $I
per ee" su0Gect to a &a6i&u& of $-I of total value of the supply order.E
((. A tenderer shall not su0&it &ore than one tender for the sa&e set of schedules.
(+. The tenderer shall, at all ti&es, assure the purchaser, at no cost to the purchaser, against
all third party clai&s of infringe&ent of patent, trade&ar" or industrial design rights
arising fro& the use of the goods or any part thereof, ith respect to the goods Duoted 0y
the supplier in his offer.
(%. The tender so su0&itted shall 0e governed 0y the las of <ndia and 0e interpreted in
accordance ith such las.
(1. <n case of any dispute arising in process of the tender, the &atter shall 0e referred to the
sole ar0itrator ho in such cases shall 0e the Principal, G.B. Pant Engineering College,
Pauri and hose verdict shall 0e 0inding on 0oth the parties.
(,. The tenderers &ay 0e called for technical discussion 0y the purchase co&&ittee duly
constituted or no&inated 0y the Principal.
(=. The tenderer &ust supply the goods.ite&s according to the specifications given in the
(>. The acceptance of a tender ill rest ith the College ho does not 0ind itself to accept
the loest tender and reserves itself the authority to reGect or partially accept, any or all
the tenders received ithout assigning any reason.
(?. The College reserves the right to place order for the scheduled Duantity and.or part
+-. Tenders are li"ely to 0e reGected in case the sa&e are not confor&ing to the laid don
ter&s and conditions.
+$. The tenders &ay 0e dropped in the Tender Bo6 "ept in the office of 'egistrar 0y due date
9 ti&e. The tender &ay also 0e sent or su0&itted through post or courier. The tenders
received after the due date 9 ti&e are lia0le for reGection. The College shall not 0e
responsi0le for receipt of tenders after due date, due to postal delays or any other reason
+(. The validity of rates shall 0e $(- days fro& the date of opening of technical 0id.offer.
++. The supplier should invaria0ly incorporate guarantee.arranty clauses in his offer
herever applica0le. :hile incorporating guarantee.arrantee clause, nature 9 duration
should 0e specifically &entioned.
+%. <f during the currency of the contract, the price7s8 of the contracted stores falls, the
supplier shall have a 0inding to charge the prevailing loer rates against the higher
contract price. Hoever, the purchaser is not lia0le to co&pensate the supplier for any
hi"e in the contract price during the contract period.
+1. /ree replace&ent ill 0e &ade against defective.da&aged supplies 0y the fir&.supplier at
their on cost 9 ris".
+,. #upplies ill 0e strictly as per 0rand.specifications as specified in the purchase order.
Container and product &ust 0ear the sa&e 0rand na&e, lot no., 0atch no., date of
&anufacturing and date of e6piry, etc., as the case &ay 0e. #u0standard supplies shall 0e
reGected outright and the supplier shall 0e held responsi0le to &a"e the goods loss so
incurred and the College shall ta"e necessary action against the fir&.supplier, as dee&ed
+=. The consign&ent shall 0e 0oo"ed alays in favour of the consignee only and as per
instructions &entioned in the purchase order.
+>. <n case the due date is declared holiday, the tender shall 0e opened on the ne6t or"ing
day at the sa&e ti&e.
+?. The tenderer &ust ensure that all the entries are &ade 0y one person, using sa&e in" and
ithout any cutting and overriting. <f there is any cutting, it should 0e countersigned.
3%,nat/r! "4 I##/%n, A/th"r%t5
< have read the a0ove ter&s 9 conditions and the instructions attached hereith and
understood the& carefully and agree to a0ide 0y the sa&e.
3%,nat/r! "4 T!nd!r!r $%th 3!a+
S. No Name Of
Specification Quantity
1. Computer I7 4GB RAM, TFT 47 Screen, 500GB HDD
Internet car
2. "#S $0%&a 0!
. "#S $%&a 05
!. Boo% Scanner A'4 S()e 0$
3%,nat/r! "4 th! A00+%6ant $%th 3!a+
"inancia# Bi$
S. No Name Of
Bran$ Qty. %en$ere$ &ate
&ate per
%a( %. Amount
1. Computer
2. "#S
. "#S
!. Boo% Scanner
3%,nat/r! "4 th! A00+%6ant $%th 3!a+

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