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Received October 7, 1997; revised February 3, 1998; accepted March

20, 1998. From the Veterans Affairs Medical Center and Western Psy-
chiatric Institute and Clinic, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Address cor-
respondence to Dr. Keshavan, Western Psychiatric Institute andClinic,
3811 OHara Street, Pittsburgh, PA15213; e-mail:
Copyright 1998 American Psychiatric Press, Inc.
The Neurologic
Examination in Adult
Psychiatry: From Soft
Signs to Hard Science
Richard D. Sanders, M.D.
Matcheri S. Keshavan, M.D.
Of the proliferating approaches to neuropsychiat-
ric assessment, a relatively neglected technique is
the venerable, accessible, noninvasive, and inex-
pensive neurologic examination. This article or-
ganizes and synthesizes the literature on neuro-
logical ndings in adult psychiatric patients.
Problems in conducting and interpreting research
in this area are examined, clinically pertinent em-
pirical ndings are surveyed, and directions for
future investigation are outlined. Most of the
soft signs can be reliably evaluated, and many
have been validated against other techniques. Sev-
eral psychiatric diagnoses are associated with im-
paired neurologic performance. Prognosis and
treatment selection may also be informed by neu-
rologic ndings. The neurologic exam should be
regarded as a collection of neurobiologic probes
rather than as a single irreducible variable. Future
work must better establish interrater and test-
retest reliability of individual elements of the neu-
rologic exam in psychiatric populations and focus
on developing the clinical utility of individual and
combined elements of the neurologic exam.
(The Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical
Neurosciences 1998; 10:395404)
he neurologic examination has two general func-
tions in psychiatry. The rst, screening for major
neurological disease, is accomplished with an exami-
nation emphasizing such hard or major signs as re-
ex and motor asymmetry and the Babinski reex. The
results of each component of the screening examination
can be described dichotomously as normal or abnormal.
These results reect the presence or absence of neuro-
pathology, particularly that which is focal and acquired
later in development. This article deals with the second
objective of the psychiatric neurologic exam: evaluating
performance decrements in psychiatric patients without
identiable neurologic disorders. This evaluation may
be accomplished with an extended exam, which in-
cludes assessment for soft signs such as inaccurate
motor sequencing and bilateral dysgraphesthesia. Such
assessments may be described in terms of degree of per-
formance decrement, rather than by the presence or ab-
sence of abnormality. These evaluations are often per-
formed by physicians but are also represented in some
neuropsychological batteries. Although these two func-
tionsscreening and evaluationare conceptually dis-
tinguishable, the examinations serving these ends over-
lap substantially, and ndings with signicance in either
context are hereafter referred to inclusively as neurologic
exam abnormalities (NEA).
Classic descriptions of the psychiatric disorders often
396 VOLUME 10 NUMBER 4 FALL 1998
included neurological exam ndings. Thus, insane
mood dis-
and obsessive-compulsive disorder
were each
thought to have characteristic NEA. By mid-century the
American psychiatric literature rarely mentioned neu-
rologic ndings. NEA research in child psychiatry then
expanded as the concepts of soft neurological signs
and minimal brain dysfunction
became popular in
the 1960s. This trend led to large pediatric studies
and to much conceptual and methodologic clarica-
Studies of NEA in adolescent
and then
psychiatric patients followed. Studies of NEA
in adult psychiatric patients have increased in quantity
and quality in recent years; recent texts again include
NEA in descriptions of psychopathology.
Since its use by Bender in 1947 to describe ndings
suggesting possible neurologic disease, the term soft
signs has had other connotations, including a lack of di-
agnostic or anatomic specicity, a lack of reliability, and
evanescence. Also soft are the boundaries of the cate-
gory, considered by some to include such variedfeatures
as sinistrality, electroencephalographic dysrhythmias,
and learning disabilities, as well as the more widely in-
cluded NEA.
Not surprisingly, some view the topic
with derision: The use of the terms soft signs and
minimal brain damage is diagnostic of soft thinking.
However, summarily dismissing a heterogeneous col-
lection of simple, noninvasive, and inexpensive assess-
ment tools on the above bases could also be regarded as
diagnostic of soft thinking. First, although anatomic
specicity is uniquely valued in neurology, it may not
be as important in psychiatry, in which localization is
less central to diagnosis. Second, although the terms
hard and soft imply that the former are reproducible and
the latter not, the data suggest otherwise. Third, al-
though some of the soft NEA may be evanescent, the
extent of this has not been determined in adult psychi-
atric patients. Because state variation is common in psy-
chiatric syndromes, temporal variability in neurological
measures may offer some advantages; variability in per-
formance may itself be an important parameter in psy-
The term neurological soft signs thus has multiple mis-
leading meanings. Although it may be useful to char-
acterize a set of data as hard or soft evidence of
major neurologic disease, we suggest that the term not
be used to describe individual signs.
The potential for the neurologic examination to add
to diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment selection in an
era of increasing scal limitations warrants an exami-
nation of the signicance of NEA in adult psychiatry.
This article, written primarily for researchers, summa-
rizes the current knowledge base on the bedside neu-
rologic examination in adult psychiatry, focusing on
methodological issues and on enhancing the clinical
relevance of work in this eld. Although the boundaries
blur between this and such related areas as neurophys-
iology and neuropsychology, we address techniques
that can be readily applied in clinical settings and that
would not be considered part of the routine mental
status exam.
Components of the Examination
Psychiatric research on NEA has employed collections
of neurologic examination items culled fromclinical tra-
dition or previous research (Table 1). Some batteries are
partly or entirely drawn from general neurology
and some are selected fromfamiliar neuropsy-
chological batteries.
Several scales were developed
for use with children in the heyday of research into neu-
rological aspects of pediatric psychiatry
have found application in adult populations.
The Neurological Evaluation Scale (NES),
based on
a review of NEA in schizophrenia,
is the most fully
described and widely employed instrument in adult
Convit et al.
also developed a com-
posite examination, the Quantied Neurological Scale,
which has been used mostly within that group. Chen et
recently published, for use in adult psychiatry, a
heterogeneous inventory of NEA and behavioral obser-
vations, with administration guidelines and reliability
data for some of the inventory. Some scales
tionally include items usually used to screen for frank
neurologic disease but not frequently seen in psychiatric
patients. The primitive (release, frontal release) reexes
are often dealt with separately.
Rudimentary sensory
function, extrapyramidal motor function, spontaneous
abnormal movements, and blink rate are not generally
included in these neurologic examination schedules.
Thus, the available scales tap into somewhat different
yet overlapping aspects of neurologic performance. It is
important to note this when comparing studies of NEA,
particularly when only summary scores are presented.
Each of the instruments referenced in Table 1 provides
directions for administration, as well as some reliability
and validity data. These instruments are best viewed as
collections of individual examinations that need not be
adopted in toto. It may often be more suitable to con-
sider the items individually for inclusion in a clinical or
research examination.
Numerous threats to the reliability of NEA are worth
considering. Many examination items, such as motor
TABLE 1. Elements of the neurological examination pertinent to
adult psychiatry
Motor (station and gait)
Casual gait X X
Stressed gaits X
Tandem gait X X X X
Hopping X X
Romberg X X X
Complex movements
Fist-ring X X
Fist-edge-palm X X X
Alternating st-palm X X X
Diadochokinesis X X
Finger-thumb opposition X X X
Rhythm tapping X X X
Synchronous tapping X
Tap production X
Extraocular movements
Visual tracking X X
Convergence X
Gaze persistence X X
Other motor
Drift X
Motor persistence X X
Finger-nose X X X
Heel-shin X
Muscle tone X
Mirror movement X X X
Synkinesis of head X X
Tremor X X
Choreoathetotic movements X X
Audiovisual integration X
Stereognosis X X X X
Graphesthesia X X X X
Face-hand/extinction X X X X
Face-noise test X
Two-point discrimination X
Right-left orientation X X X
Primitive reexes
Glabellar X X
Snout X X
Palmomental X
Grasp X X
Suck X
Note: NESNeurological Evaluation Scale;
and Neurological Examination for Soft Signs;
Neurological Scale;
CNICambridge Neurological Inventory.
overow, require subjectivity in rating, defying quanti-
cation unless special instruments are employed. Inter-
rater agreement is more difcult to achieve when the
abnormal response is merely an exaggeration of a nor-
mal phenomenon (e.g., tremor and postural sway). Sub-
jectivity can also falsely elevate local agreement (attrib-
utable to the shared experience of examiners, as
opposed to communicable standards
) and predispose
to drift (weakening of interrater reliability over time
Because of the difculty of directly quantifying some
NEA, these studies tend to collapse all data into ordinal
or dichotomous formats for uniformity. This practice
complicates the statistical approach to reliability assess-
ment of individual exam items, reducing power and
producing data that fall in the gray zone between what
is suitable for intraclass correlation and what is suitable
for the kappa statistic.
Empirical data nevertheless suggest that interrater re-
liability is generally quite acceptable.
It is compro-
mised primarily in the more subjectively assessed
and in those requiring discriminations be-
tween normal and slightly abnormal.
reliability with some of the hard NEA, most strikingly
muscle stretch reexes, may be at least as problematic
as it is with psychiatrically signicant NEA.
For example, reliability estimates in the Isle of Wight
were higher for measures of coordination and
developmental abnormalities than for muscle stretch
reexes. In studies of neurology inpatients, 25%
of routinely assessed NEA fell belowthe common
reliability threshold of kappa0.4; in two populations
of psychiatric patients, the corresponding percentages
were 22% and 11%.
A clearer understanding of how
to conduct the examination improves reliability.
Clinicians might require additional training to assess
some of these signs as reliably as in research settings.
Such training could be facilitated by video technology.
Less attention has been paid to test-retest reliability.
Prospective studies of patients, involving repeated ex-
are required to clarify the state or
trait aspects of NEA in psychiatric patients. Interpreting
changes in performance over repeated neurologic exams
in patients as a function of state change, though, will
require data on the stability of NEA in the absence of
potentially relevant state changes. Summary indices of
NEAare stable in chronic schizophrenia.
However, the
test-retest reliability of individual NEA has rarely been
examined in adult psychiatric populations. Using kappa
greater than 0.4 as a threshold, and restricting analysis
to items with adequate interrater reliability, two small
studies have found that 33%
and 44%
of NEA could
be consistently reproduced. Thus, temporal stability of
NEA in adult psychiatric patients remains uncertain.
Determining which of the NEA are replicable over time
in stable patients is critical for interpreting longitudinal
studies of state-related inuences on neurologic func-
tioning in psychiatry.
Groupings of Neurologic Exam Elements
Some studies ignore the heterogeneity of NEA, deriving
a summary score to represent the overall severity of neu-
rologic dysfunction or the total number of abnormal
At the opposite extreme, analyzing NEA indi-
vidually has limitations due to limited statistical power
398 VOLUME 10 NUMBER 4 FALL 1998
with ordinal and categorical data, variable reliability
among individual items, and problems attendant on
multiple tests of signicance. Assigning NEA to sub-
scales might allow one to exploit the heterogeneity of
NEA while avoiding the limitations of item-by-item
Some studies have grouped items on the basis of their
presumed neuroanatomic substrates.
grouping is debatable in psychiatric patients without fo-
cal lesions: NEA do not necessarily have localizing sig-
nicance in these populations. Rather than anatomical
regions, NEA batteries could be indexed in terms of dis-
tributed neuroanatomical or neurochemical systems.
categorize individual NEA as signs repre-
senting developmental delay, signs consistent with ac-
quired focal brain injury, and subtle variants of focal
signs. Many other variables might dictate the associa-
tion of individual exam items, including their depen-
dence on general intelligence, sustained attention, or
Five adult psychiatric studies, all involving schizo-
phrenic patients, have used factor analytic techniques to
derive item clusters for the neurologic exam,
with inconsistent results. Further study of the natural
organization of NEA in adult psychiatric patients, with
adequate numbers of subjects, using appropriate statis-
tics and limiting entered data to reliably assessed NEA,
should help to establish defensible subscales.
Relationships With Other Neurologic Tests
A variety of neurophysiologic techniques have been
used to characterize phenomena seen in the clinical neu-
rologic exam. Smooth pursuit eye movements (SPEM),
visual xation,
and extrapyramidal motor dysfunc-
have been studied instrumentally, and the pal-
momental reex has been quantied following electrical
These relatively noninvasive and inexpen-
sive methods can obviously help validate the bedside
exam, but they have yet to be applied to most NEA.
Neurophysiologic methods may also be used to explore
biological correlates of NEA; two studies
found re-
lationships between EEG dysrhythmias and NEA, but
have not. SPEM dysfunction has been re-
lated to NEA among psychotic patients
and nonpa-
Startle habituation has been related to global
neurologic performance.
Functional neuroimaging parameters seem to be un-
related to NEA in resting patients.
However, less ac-
tivation of the appropriate cortical regions is seen dur-
ing motor tasks in schizophrenia and dementia patients
than in comparison subjects.
Further application of
functional imaging and other neurophysiologic meth-
ods will be needed to clarify the mechanisms of NEA in
patients without acquired focal lesions.
Differential Diagnosis
Diagnostic comparisons of NEAhave mostly focusedon
dementia and the psychotic disorders. The neurologic
exam could signicantly clarify psychiatric differential
diagnosis, particularly when the available history is lim-
ited. We survey ndings to date in dementia and in psy-
chotic, mood, and anxiety disorders (Table 2, rst col-
Dementia has been studied with respect to differential
diagnosis and severity. In contrast with normal control
subjects, Alzheimers disease patients have excesses of
astereognosis, agraphesthesia, cerebellar ndings, olfac-
tory decits, primitive reexes, hyperreexia, abnormal
plantar responses, and extrapyramidal ndings.
cal NEA, gait abnormalities, and dysarthria are associ-
ated with multi-infarct dementia, as opposed to other
Early extrapyramidal ndings may sug-
gest dementia of the Lewy body type.
Dementia sec-
ondary to alcoholism was strongly associated with
ataxia and polyneuropathy in one study.
Several other
forms of dementia may be related to specic NEA.
Primitive reexes,
olfactory decits,
and pyrami-
and other motor abnormali-
are associated with the cross-sectional severity
of dementia; this factor thus needs to be controlled for
when comparing NEA across dementias. Potentially, in
addition to helping to identify focal and multifocal le-
sions in patients with dementia, NEA might be found
to distinguish between different types of primary de-
generative dementia and between dementia and de-
pressive pseudodementia.
The primary psychoses, particularly schizophrenia,
are much investigated with respect to NEA (see re-
). Many NEA, notably abnormalities of motor
sequencing, coordination, and higher order sensory
are more common in schizophrenic than in
healthy subjects even when only neuroleptic-naive pa-
tients are included.
Parkinsonian ndings have
also been described in neuroleptic-naive patients.
Most data suggest that schizophrenic patients have
more neurologic dysfunction than nonpsychotic pa-
tients, but the evidence is more mixed when comparing
psychotic patients with different diagnoses.
longitudinal data suggest an improvement in neurolog-
ical performance with improvement in clinical state
and/or treatment with antipsychotic medication.
Variation in NEA due to clinical state or medications
TABLE 2. Clinical utility of the neurologic examination in psychiatry: current status
Areas of Clinical Utility
Disorder Differential Diagnosis Treatment Selection Prognosis
Dementia Alzheimers vs. normal (S)
Ischemic vs. other (S)
Lewy body variant (W)
Alcohol-induced (W)
Treatment of cardiovascular risk
factors (S)
Select cases for more aggressive
treatment (N)
Predict onset (W)
Rapid decline (S)
Psychotic vs. normal (S)
Psychotic vs. nonpsychotic but psychiatrically ill
Primary psychotic disorder vs. psychiatric disorder
complicated by psychosis (W)
Choice of antipsychotic agent (N)
EPSE prophylaxis (N)
Long-term poor prognosis
Persisting negative symptoms
TD (N)
Mood disorders vs. normal (W)
Psychotic mood disorder vs. primary psychosis
Choice of medication (N)
Choice of psychotherapy (N)
Predict relapse in bipolar (W)
OCD vs. normal (S)
PTSD vs. normal (W)
SP vs. normal (W)
OCD, PTSD, SP vs. other psychiatric groups (W)
Choice of medication (N)
Choice of psychotherapy N)
Short-term poor prognosis (W)
Note: Sstrong evidence (replicated at least once, minimal conicting data); Wweak evidence (no replications, or signicant conicting
evidence); Nno evidence to date; EPSEextrapyramidal side effects; TDtardive dyskinesia; OCDobsessive-compulsive disorder;
PTSDposttraumatic stress disorder; SPsocial phobia.
may thus obscure comparisons of diagnostic groups.
Signicant clinical benets might be realized if NEA
could distinguish between psychotic disorders, but fur-
ther studies comparing diagnoses while controlling for
treatment and clinical status will rst be necessary.
Mood disorders have been neglected in NEAresearch.
Abnormalities exceeding those of normal comparison
subjects have been found in manic
and mixed manic
and depressed patients.
Differences were found in mo-
tor control and sequencing, stereognosis, and graphes-
thesia. In studies comparing mood-disordered with
schizophrenic patients, global NEA were fewer and/or
milder in mood disorders,
although two stud-
found few differences. Consistent with early de-
scriptions of melancholia suggesting extrapyramidal
depression and extrapyramidal dysfunc-
tion are related in Alzheimers disease.
There are few
differences in NEA between unipolar and bipolar pa-
The prevalence and diagnostic specicity
of NEA in mood disorders remain unclear. The strong
effects of psychiatric state on general functioning in the
mood disorders, along with the mood-relatedvariability
of neurologic functioning evidenced in psychiatric pa-
suggest that phase of illness will need to be
considered. Diurnal variation may also have a signi-
cant impact on neurologic function in the mood disor-
Anxiety disorders have scarcely been investigated,
with the exception of obsessive-compulsive disorder
(OCD). NEA are more frequent in OCD patients than in
normal comparison subjects,
although this nding
was not replicated in female OCD patients.
ndings include poor motor coordination,
bited motor activity,
impaired balance,
an excess
of left-sided dysfunction,
and extrapyramidal mo-
tor ndings.
Difculties with motor control and with
presumably right-hemisphere tasks are fairly consistent
ndings in this body of work. The diagnostic specicity
of these ndings to OCD remains unclear.
More NEA
are seen in posttraumatic stress disorder patients
in control subjects, with signicantly greater abnormal-
ity in motor sequencing and the palmomental reex. So-
cial phobia patients had marginally more NEAthan nor-
mal control subjects in a small study.
Further work is
needed to address the specicity of these ndings to
anxiety disorders generally and to specic anxiety dis-
orders, while considering the possible effects of state
anxiety and medication.
Treatment Selection and Prognosis
To the extent that they are static or trait-like, NEAmight
be expected to predict such aspects of psychopathology
as illness onset, outcome, and complications of treat-
ment. These are areas in which the neurologic exam has
clear potential for complementing clinical assessment of
psychiatric patients. These areas of clinical utility are
represented in the last two columns of Table 2.
Onset Prediction: Follow-up of subsamples from the
National Collaborative Perinatal Project foundthat NEA
at age seven, particularly motor abnormalities, predict
and delinquency
in ad-
400 VOLUME 10 NUMBER 4 FALL 1998
olescence and also predict criminality
and perhaps
in adulthood. Motor dysfunction and general
neurological impairment in preadolescence predicted
psychiatric morbidity in the New York schizophrenia
high-risk project.
Children with motor impairments
are more likely to develop schizophrenia by adult-
and sensory decits may also enhance vul-
nerability to psychosis in youth
as well as in old
In elderly persons, extrapyramidal ndings may
predict the onset of dementia.
Outcome Prediction: Neurologic ndings with possible
prognostic value in Alzheimers disease include extra-
pyramidal signs,
and primitive reexes.
In schizophre-
nia and mood disorders, NEA at baseline may not pre-
dict short-term amelioration of psychiatric symp-
However, negative symptoms persisting
after treatment with conventional antipsychotic medi-
cation were predicted by baseline NEA.
global outcome in schizophrenia was also anticipatedby
NEA, including motor sequencing and extrapyramidal
Stable, medicated bipolar patients
with neurologic ndings were more likely to relapse
during follow-up.
NEA predicted a poor response to
medication in one of two studies of obsessive-
compulsive disorder.
Thus, neurologic signs may
have prognostic importance in a variety of psychiatric
contexts, with implications for treatment selection.
Predictions of Treatment Complications: Although NEA
might predict neurologic side effects from a variety of
psychiatric medications, the only data known to us per-
tain to typical antipsychotic agents. Tardive dyskinesia,
noted to coincide with motor and sensory ndings and
primitive reexes,
may also be predicted by such
ndings: withdrawal-emergent dyskinesia was pre-
dicted by the number of NEA in one study.
Low blink
and other parkinsonian signs
predict parkin-
sonism after treatment with conventional antipsychotic
drugs. Baseline neurological data may help to inform
choices regarding antipsychotics and prophylactic anti-
parkinsonian agents.
Psychiatry is progressively informed by the brain sci-
ences, but it is constrained in applying this knowledge
to the clinical assessment of the individual patient by
the high cost of the technologies applied in neuropsy-
chiatric research. The neurologic examination is inex-
pensive and available to all physicians, and thus it has
the potential to bridge the gulf between neurobiologic
research and clinical practice. It has shown promise as
an aid in differential diagnosis, prognosis, and treat-
ment selection in a variety of psychiatric conditions.
The neurologic examination also has important limi-
tations. It offers only indirect reections of the salient
properties of the brain, and it is presumably inferior to
such approaches as functional imaging and histopa-
thology in characterizing specic neural systems or in
elucidating the neurobiologic bases of psychiatric dis-
orders. Some may thus nd it less intellectually exciting
than many other techniques, and its utility may lie in
more immediately clinical questions. A second limita-
tion is that an extended neurologic exam requires time
to complete. Clinicians tend to avoid devoting time to
evaluative activities that shed only ambiguous light on
the case at hand and thus may be reluctant to perform
entire exam schedules routinely. Any extension beyond
the traditional cursory rule out examination will be
adopted only to the extent that it has clear implications
for patient care. The limitations on reliability, although
neither trivial nor entirely determined (especially in the
case of test-retest reliability), appear to be comparable
to those of the conventional neurologic exam.
Establishing efcient applications of the neurologic
exam for specic clinical questions will require consid-
erable renement of the knowledge base. As Table 2 il-
lustrates, many potential clinical applications have been
investigated insufciently, if at all.
First, it must be clearly established, for a given clinical
population, which examination items are frequently
enough abnormal to be of interest and can be readily
assessed with adequate interrater reliability. Batteries
must be developed that are limited to such items.
The reliability and validity of individual and aggre-
gate neurologic tests should be assessed as methodically
as are neuropsychological tests. These tests will require
further validation against other measures, particularly
those measuring regional brain function, so that we may
better understand the nature of the abnormalities and
explore the possibility that these tests offer more ef-
cient alternative routes to similar information yieldedby
these less accessible methods.
We need comprehensive developmental and norma-
tive assessments of such examinations, especially before
they are otherwise used in studies involving elderly sub-
jects. The exams should be applied to large samples of
diagnostically heterogeneous patients to clarify their
value in differential diagnosis; to longitudinal studies to
clarify their value in prognosis; and to therapeutic trials
to clarify their value in treatment selection. The current
tendency toward descriptive studies will have to give
way to the testing of more specic hypotheses.
Much of the promise of the extended neurological ex-
amination lies in its heterogeneity. Its numerous ele-
ments individually have potential utility that may well
be lost when they are combined into summary indices
of soft signs or neuromotor dysfunction. Their po-
tential may be realized only through item-by-item anal-
yses. This approach is more feasible if these measures
are continuous, rather than categorical or ordinal. Com-
binations of items should be empirically rather than in-
tuitively determined; this might be done through a
quantitative distillation such as factor analysis.
Bringing neurobiological knowledge to bear on clini-
cal psychiatry is a task that can differ conceptually and
methodologically from the more vigorously pursued
task of uncovering the neurobiological bases of psychi-
atric disorders.
If pursued with comparable fervor to
that aroused by the more fundamental questions, such
work could have a substantial impact on the practice of
clinical psychiatry. The neurological examination offers
promising avenues for the reintegration of neurobiology
into psychiatric assessment.
The authors thank Joseph Pierri, M.D., for his comments on
this manuscript, Melissa Knox for library assistance, and
Tamera McLaughlin for secretarial support. This work was
supported in part by National Institute of Mental Health
Grants MH45203, MH01180, and MH45156 (M.S.K.) and
was previously presented at the Society of Biological Psychi-
atry annual meeting, San Diego, CA, May 1518, 1997.
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