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Stockholm den 17 september 2014


Jag heter Jonas och studerar socialantropologi (beteendevetenskap med
inriktning p sociala och kulturella fenomen) vid Stockholms Universitet.
Just nu hller jag p med frberedelserna infr min masteruppsats som
kommer att berra den svenska polisens nrvaro p Twitter. Min tanke r
att jag frmst ska skriva om det informella Twitter-skildrandet av
Polisens arbete. Fokus kommer att ligga p vad den informella och
subjektiva hllningen upplevs ha fr pverkan p allmnhetens syn p

r otroligt fascinerad ver Polisens etablering p Twitter (svl de
formella som de informella kontona) och att kunna f analysera och
frska se det hr ur ett strre perspektiv tror jag skulle kunna vara
mycket givande.

Om du knner att du faller inom kategorin "informella polis-twittrare"
och skulle kunna tnka dig att stlla upp p ngra frgor kring det hr
mnet, antingen face-to-face eller ver Twitter/annan digital kanal, s
vore jag otroligt tacksam!

Ps. P nsta sida finner du en sammanfattning av projektet p engelska.

Med vnliga hlsningar,
Jonas Haaland Pers
Tel. 070-46 723 01

The Social Informality within the Swedish Police

The Swedish Police are responsible for reducing the criminality and increase people's
security. There is an awareness of that people's perception of the Swedish Police
determinates how big the reliance and trust will be. This perception is shaped through
personal meetings and various medial channels among other things. For three years,
the Swedish Police has worked actively (in keeping with present time) to broaden
their communication against the public, and this has mainly been expressed through a
high presence on social media. One of their goals are to be accessible where the
people are, hence their establishment on social media. On Twitter there's a lot of
different accounts in the Swedish Police's name, but which varies in its stands. There
are a number of official accounts that uses a strict and formal communication towards
the public. The official line of the Swedish Police on these type of accounts implies
making their work visible and creating a sense of security amongst the Swedish
population. In addition to the official line there's a number of unofficial accounts
handled by individual police officers who, in an informal way, shares content from
their daily work in a subjective and humanifying manner. The humanifying aspects of
the content shared by these unofficial accounts stands out from the official line that
the formal accounts hold. In this thesis I would like to examine and anthropologically
analyze and problematize the informality that permeats these accounts. Through
ethnographic work on Twitter and police related sites as well as in-depth interviews
with the informal police officers, my goal is to highlight the aspect of social
informality and what role it's perceived to play in the Swedish Police's pursuit of their
aim and goals.

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