Issue 32 Clackmannanshire Green Network

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Contents Page - Issue 32 - Clackmannanshire Green Network

1. Schedule 4

2. Representations

Liz Albert (CLDP004)
Muckhart Community Council (CLDP174t)
Friends of the Ochils (CLDP173a)

3. Supporting Documents

CD083 The river basin management plan for the Scotland river basin
district 20092015 - Summary

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Issue 32 Clackmannanshire Green Network
Development Plan
Policy EA1 - Clackmannanshire
Green Network (Pages 80-82)
Body or person(s) submitting a representation raising the issue
(including reference number):

Liz Albert (CLDP004)
Muckhart Community Council (CLDP174t)
Friends of the Ochils (CLDP173a)

Provision of the development
plan to which the issue relates:
Policy EA1 - Clackmannanshire Green
Planning Authoritys summary of the representation(s):

Liz Albert (CLDP004) requests additional wording to address the risk of
invasive species spreading due to disturbance of ground, construction of new
paths, etc. as part of improvement of the green network; and to protect
biodiversity, wildlife and sensitive areas when considering new green

Muckhart Community Council (CLDP174t) welcomes the creation of the
Central Scotland Green Network and Policy EA1 developing and safeguarding
Clackmannanshires Green Network.

SEPA (CLDP142a) support Policy EA1. In respect of our interests, the
associated multiple benefits that the green network can deliver is fundamental
to the successful implementation of the river basin management plan (CD083)
and sustainable flood risk management. The promotion of multi-functional
green networks will therefore ensure that complimentary environmental
benefits will be considered and delivered as part of the network.

Friends of the Ochils (CLDP173a) are concerned that the Central Scotland
Green Network only covers a proportion of the Ochil Hills in the Stirling and
Clackmannanshire areas. To overcome this problem, they would wish to see
greater co-operation and co-ordination for the whole of the Ochils involving all
three local authorities - Stirling, Clackmannanshire and Perth & Kinross

Modifications sought by those submitting representations:

Liz Albert (CLDP004) requests that Policy EA1 is amended to include a
statement that all development of green routes/path improvements should
include from the start, monitoring and management plans for dealing with
invasive alien plant species; and that a statement that the protection of
biodiversity and sensitive areas should always be considered with great
seriousness when considering new green routes/networks.

The comments of Friends of the Ochils (CLDP173a) set out a general
concern and no specific modification is suggested.
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Summary of responses (including reasons) by Planning Authority:

The request for modifications proposed by Liz Albert (CLDP004) are not
accepted. While invasive plant species can spread along green network
corridors there are a range of factors that can influence this and the objector
has not provided any evidence that the provision of new green routes and
path improvements are any more likely to result in the spread of invasives
than any other type of development. SNH is the overall co-ordinating body
responsible for invasive plant species issues in Scotland and it has not
requested a specific policy on this. The Council regularly monitors the
incidence of invasive plant species and, where they are considered to present
a significant health and safety risk or risk to biodiversity, takes action to
control their spread. It is not considered necessary to introduce any additional
policy requirement regarding invasive species through the Development Plan.
With regard to the protection of biodiversity and sensitive areas, it is
recognised that a balance needs to be found between development and
protection of biodiversity. The existing provisions of Policies EA2 and EA3
provide a robust policy basis for protection of biodiversity interests and it is not
considered that any amendment is required to Policy EA1 to augment this. No
changes are therefore sought to the LDP.

The point raised by Friends of the Ochils (CLDP173a) regarding the fact that
CSGN covers only a part of the Ochil Hills, and there is a need for a cohesive
strategy involving greater co-operation and co-ordination among all three
constituent Councils is noted. As required by relevant Scottish Government
guidance, Clackmannanshire Council consults with (and receives counterpart
consultations from) the neighbouring authorities on significant planning
matters, including the preparation of development plans. The point regarding
the need for closer co-operation and co-ordination is noted and will be
considered. No modifications to the Plan are considered necessary. No
changes are therefore sought to the LDP.

Reporters conclusions:

Reporters recommendations:

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