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Market Price Simulator (MarSi


Functionalities of Modules

Global Energy Market Solutions (GEMS), Inc.

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A. Introduction to MarSi
What is MarSi
MarSi is a simulation software package for the actual operation of integrated
electricity and natural gas systems under a wide range of operating conditions. MarSi
is developed by Global Energy Market Solutions (GEMS), Inc. and runs on a single
Windows-based computer. MarSi can optimize security constrained short-term and
long-term generation scheduling, resource allocation, and integrated generation and
transmission maintenance scheduling. MarSi can be used in an electricity market
environment or by a vertically integrated utility for assessing the power system
operation strategies and identifying system bottlenecks that stem out of the
interdependency of electricity and gas infrastructures.
Modules of MarSi
AC Security-Constrained Unit Commitment (SCUC)
AC Security-Constrained Optimal Power Flow (SCOPF) and Settlement

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RTOs/ISOs implement MarSi
for day-ahead market clearing
Integrated utilities apply MarSi
for daily generation scheduling and gas allocation
TRANSCOs implement MarSi
for market price simulation and scenario analyses
GENCOs implement MarSi
for simulating bidding strategies in different markets
Unit commitment with AC network constraints (line flows and bus voltages)
AC congestion management which considers various types of load shedding schemes
for a group of buses with several types of load shedding contracts
Detailed models for wind, thermal, combined-cycle, fuel-switching, cascaded-hydro
and pumped-storage units
Detailed models transmission lines including phase shifter and tap changing transforms
Detailed models for gas network management
Monte Carlo simulation of generation and transmission outages
Detailed models for multiple fuel and emission constraints
Includes a complete set of portable input/output databases and files
Runs on a personal computer with Windows operating system
Includes a users manual with several examples which will help users familiarize
themselves with the softwares features
Samples of MarSi
Outputs and Analyses
Unit commitment and MW dispatch for each generating unit
LMP calculations and congestion management
LMP-based market analyses
Transmission flow analyses for a set of contingencies
List of binding transmission lines
Cost of congestion management for the given contingencies
Impact of unit commitment strategies on transmission congestion and FTR analyses
Input and Output Data
uses an integrated database, individual input/output databases for each module.

B. Functionalities of MarSi

Functionalities of MarSi
modules are given next.
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B.1 AC Security-Constrained Unit Commitment (SCUC)

What is SCUC?
SCUC calculates unit commitment schedule for the optimal allocation of generation
resources with full AC transmission security constraints while meeting the various
prevailing unit and system level constraints.
The output of SCUC will provide a feasible commitment schedule for calculating SCOPF
(See SCOPF next).
RTOs/ISOs implement MarSi
for day-ahead market clearing
Integrated utilities can apply MarSi
for daily generation scheduling and gas allocation
GENCOs implement MarSi
for price forecasting in different markets
Input Data
Generation Unit Data
Forced outage rates
Scheduled outage parameters
Wind and Pumped-storage hydro units: Wind unit characteristics, water-conversion
coefficients, volume limits, initial and terminal volumes, discharge limits, cycle
Thermal units: generation limits, incremental heat rate curves, minimum up/down
times, ramp up/down rates, start-up cost characteristics, multiple emission
constraints, multiple fuel constraints, must on/off, and other operating constraints
Combined-cycle units: generation limits, incremental heat rate curves, minimum
up/down times, ramp up/down rates, start-up cost characteristics for each CT/ ST
configuration, multiple-emission constraints, multiple-fuel constraints, must on/ off,
and other operating constraints
Fuel switching units: heat rate curve for each possible fuel, generating capacity,
minimum up/down time, ramp up/down rates, start-up cost characteristics for each
fuel type, fuel and emission constraints, must on/off conditions
Cascaded hydro units: topology, water-conversion coefficients, volume limits, initial
and terminal volumes, discharge limits, natural inflows, spillage, delay times
System level Data
Hourly load forecast
Spinning reserve requirements
Operating reserve requirements
Interruptible loads (cost and schedule)
Fuel constraints (for all fuel types and individual units)
Regional emission limits
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Transmission Network Data
Transmission forced outage rates
Transmission flow limits
Transmission line parameters
Scheduled outage parameters
Phase shifting and tap changing transformer parameters

Gas network Data
Each pipeline is modeled by several firm and interruptible gas contracts
Each pipeline may feed several units / generating plants
Location of pumping stations and pipeline distances (units further down can only
burn a percentage of the total gas in the pipeline)
Daily and hourly gas limits for each pipeline, each sub-area, each plant, and each
Output Data
Short term unit commitment schedule for each generating unit
Hourly fuel allocation (gas or oil) for each unit with fuel-switching capabilities
Short-term gas consumptions per pipeline, gas contract, sub-area, plant,
generating unit
SCUC minimizes system operating cost or bid-in cost while enforcing unit level,
transmission flow, bus voltage, gas network constraints.
SCUC adopts the state-of-the-art mixed integer programming (MIP) approach for better
and robust solutions
Direct enforcement of network security constraints instead of relaxation as in
Lagrangian relaxation approach
Case comparison capability
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Input sample: Thermal Unit

Input sample: Fuel Switching Unit

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Output sample: Hourly Unit Commitment

Case comparison capability

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B.2 AC Transmission Congestion Management and Settlement (SCOPF)

What is SCOPF?
SCOPF is for the AC security-constrained optimal power flow solution.
SCOPF provides the optimal dispatch for committed generators.
SCOPF provides optimal allocation of ancillary services as well as energy for
each participant in the system/market.
Security-constrained economic dispatch
Optimal congestion management
Market settlement
Input data
Congestion Management
Number of Scheduling Coordinators
GENCOs data
DISTCOs data
Market Settlement
Transmission usage charges
GENCOs data
DISTCOs data
Output data
Congestion Management
Optimal generation dispatch of individual generators
Ancillary services output of individual generators
Cost of congestion management for given contingencies
LMP values
List of transmission lines binding at maximum capacity
Impact of unit commitment strategies on transmission congestion
Impact of generation and transmission outage schedules on congestion cost
Market Settlements
LMP-based market settlement

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Individual unit generation dispatch

Hourly Generation Dispatch for all units

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Locational marginal price (LMP), market clearing price (MCP), Unit marginal price (UMP)

Hourly Gas Allocation

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C. References
1. M. Shahidehpour and M. Marwali, Maintenance Scheduling in Restructured Power Systems,
Kluwer Publishers, May 2000
2. M. Shahidehpour and M. Alomoush, Restructured Electrical Power Systems, Marcel Dekker
Publishers, J une 2001
3. M. Shahidehpour, H. Yamin and Z. Li, Market Operations in Electric Power Systems, J ohn
Wiley and Sons, March 2002
4. M. Shahidehpour and Y. Wang, Communication and Control in Electric Power Systems,
J ohn Wiley and Sons, March 2003

D. GEMS President

Mohammad Shahidehpour is the President of Global Energy Market Solutions (GEMS), Inc., a
consulting company in the business of developing and licensing software packages with
specific application to the operation and management of electricity grids. He has served as
consultant for the electric power industry and completed numerous technical projects funded
by federal agencies and private power companies. The partial list of sponsors includes EPRI,
DOE, NSF, DOD, Calpine Corporation, KEMA Consulting, Siemens, Amoco, Perot Systems, Open
Access Technologies, as well as technical projects in Argentina, China, J ordan and Indonesia.
Several of his software products are installed in utility companies worldwide by energy
management system vendors.
He is the author of 300 technical papers on electric power systems operation and control, and
four books on electricity restructuring. Dr. Shahidehpour is a Fellow of IEEE and has received
several technical paper awards and outstanding working group awards for his contributions to
power engineering.
He was the recipient of the Edison Electric Institute's Outstanding Power Engineering Faculty

E. Contact

Mohammad Shahidehpour
Global Energy Market Solutions, Inc.
225 Fiala Woods Court
Naperville, IL 60565
(630) 308-GEMS
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