Philippine Clean Water Act of 2004

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Republic Act No.

Philippine Clean Water Act of 2004
The Philippine Clean Water Act of 2004 (Republic Act No. 9275) ai! to protect the countr"#!
$ater bo%ie! fro pollution fro lan%&ba!e% !ource! (in%u!trie! an% coercial
e!tabli!hent!' a(riculture an% counit")hou!ehol% acti*itie!). +t pro*i%e! for a
coprehen!i*e an% inte(rate% !trate(" to pre*ent an% inii,e pollution throu(h a ulti&
!ectoral an% participator" approach in*ol*in( all the !ta-ehol%er!.
.ana(eent of $ater /ualit" $ill either be ba!e% on $ater!he%' ri*er ba!in or $ater re!ource!
re(ion. Water /ualit" ana(eent area! $ith !iilar h"%rolo(ical' h"%ro(eolo(ical'
eteorolo(ical or (eo(raphic con%ition! $hich affect the reaction an% %iffu!ion of pollutant! in
$ater bo%ie! are to be %e!i(nate% b" the 01NR in coor%ination $ith the National Water
Re!ource! 2oar% (NWR2).
1. How will discharges of wastewater be controlled?
All o$ner! or operator! of facilitie! that %i!char(e $a!te$ater are re/uire% to (et a perit to
%i!char(e fro the 01NR or the 3a(una 3a-e 0e*elopent Authorit". 14i!tin( in%u!trie!
$ithout an" perit are (i*en 52 onth! fro the effecti*it" of the ipleentin( rule! an%
re(ulation! (+RR) proul(ate% pur!uant to thi! Act to !ecure a perit to %i!char(e.
2. How will domestic wastewater be addressed?
The 0epartent of Public Wor-! an% 6i(h$a"! (0PW6)' in coor%ination $ith local (o*ernent
unit! $ill prepare a national pro(ra on !e$a(e an% !epta(e ana(eent not later than 52
onth! fro effecti*it" of thi! Act. A priorit" li!t $ill li-e$i!e be prepare% $hich $ill be the ba!i!
for the allotent of fun%! on an annual ba!i! b" the national (o*ernent for the con!truction
an% rehabilitation of re/uire% facilitie!.
7n the other han%' 389! are to pro*i%e the lan% inclu%in( roa% ri(ht of the $a" for the
con!truction of !e$a(e an%)or !epta(e treatent facilitie! an% rai!e fun%! for the operation!
an% aintenance of !ai% facilitie!.
The 0epartent of 6ealth (076) $ill forulate (ui%eline! an% !tan%ar%! for the collection'
treatent an% %i!po!al of !e$a(e a! $ell a! the (ui%eline! for the e!tabli!hent an% operation
of centrali,e% !e$a(e treatent !"!te. The .W:: an% other a(encie! an%ate% to pro*i%e
$ater !uppl" an% !e$era(e facilitie! are re/uire% to connect e4i!tin( !e$a(e line!' !ub;ect to
the pa"ent of !e$era(e !er*ice char(e!)fee! $ithin fi*e "ear! follo$in( effecti*it" of thi! Act.
All !ource! of !e$a(e an% !epta(e are re/uire% to copl" $ith the la$.
How will the discharge of wastewater be discouraged?
An"one %i!char(in( $a!te$ater into a $ater bo%" $ill ha*e to pa" a $a!te$ater char(e. Thi!
econoic in!truent $hich $ill be %e*elope% in con!ultation $ith all concerne% !ta-ehol%er! i!
e4pecte% to encoura(e in*e!tent! in cleaner pro%uction an% pollution control technolo(ie! to
re%uce the aount of pollutant! (enerate% an% %i!char(e%.
1ffluent tra%in( per ana(eent area $ill al!o be allo$e%.
Re$ar%! $ill al!o be (i*en to tho!e $ho!e $a!te$ater %i!char(e i! better than the $ater /ualit"
criteria of the recei*in( bo%" of $ater. <i!cal an% non&fi!cal incenti*e! $ill al!o be (i*en to
389!' $ater %i!trict!' enterpri!e' pri*ate entitie! an% in%i*i%ual! $ho %e*elop an% un%erta-e
out!tan%in( an% inno*ati*e pro;ect! in $ater /ualit" ana(eent.
3. What safeguards are provided for?
All po!!ible %i!char(er! are re/uire% to put up an en*ironental (uarantee fun% (18<) a! part
of their en*ironental ana(eent plan. The 18< $ill finance the con!er*ation of $ater!he%!
an% a/uifer!' an% the nee%! of eer(enc" re!pon!e' clean up or rehabilitation.
What are the prohibited acts under R.A. 92!?
Aon( other!' the Act prohibit! the follo$in(=
> 0i!char(in( or %epo!itin( an" $ater pollutant to the $ater bo%"' or !uch $hich $ill ipe%e
natural flo$ in the $ater bo%"
> 0i!char(in(' in;ectin( or allo$in( to enter into the !oil' an"thin( that $oul% pollute (roun%$ater
> 7peratin( facilitie! that %i!char(e re(ulate% $ater pollutant! $ithout the *ali% re/uire% perit!
> 0i!po!al of potentiall" infectiou! e%ical $a!te into !ea b" *e!!el!
> 9nauthori,e% tran!port or %upin( into $ater! of !e$a(e !lu%(e or !oli% $a!te.
> Tran!port' %upin( or %i!char(e of prohibite% cheical!' !ub!tance! or pollutant! li!te% un%er
To4ic Cheical!' 6a,ar%ou! an% Nuclear Wa!te! Control Act (Republic.Act No. ?9?9)
> 0i!char(in( re(ulate% $ater pollutant! $ithout the *ali% re/uire% %i!char(e perit pur!uant to
thi! Act
> Noncopliance of the 389 $ith the Water @ualit" <rae$or- an% .ana(eent Area Action
> Refu!al to allo$ entr"' in!pection an% onitorin( a! $ell a! acce!! to report! an% recor%! b"
the 01NR in accor%ance $ith thi! Act
> Refu!al or failure to !ubit report! an%)or %e!i(nate pollution control officer! $hene*er
re/uire% b" the 01NR in accor%ance $ith thi! Act
> 0irectl" u!in( boo!ter pup! in the %i!tribution !"!te or taperin( $ith the $ater !uppl" in
!uch a $a" to alter or ipair the $ater /ualit"
> 7perate facilitie! that %i!char(e or allo$ to !eep' $illfull" or throu(h (ra*e ne(li(ence'
prohibite% cheical!' !ub!tance!' or pollutant! li!te% un%er R.A. No. ?9?9' into $ater bo%ie!.
> 9n%erta-e acti*itie! or %e*elopent an% e4pan!ion of pro;ect!' or operatin( $a!te$ater
treatent)!e$era(e facilitie! in *iolation of P.0.55A? an% it! +RR.
What are the fines and penalties imposed on polluters?
The follo$in( are aon( the fine! an% penaltie! for *iolator! of thi! Act an% it! +RR=
9pon the recoen%ation of the Pollution A%;u%ication 2oar% (PA2)' an"one $ho coit!
prohibite% act! !uch a! %i!char(in( untreate% $a!te$ater into an" $ater bo%" $ill be fine% for
e*er" %a" of *iolation' the aount of not le!! than Php 50'000 but not ore than Php 200'000.
<ailure to un%erta-e clean&up operation! $illfull" !hall be puni!he% b" ipri!onent of not le!!
than t$o "ear! an% not ore than four "ear!. Thi! al!o inclu%e! a fine of not le!! than Php
50'000 an% not ore than Php 500'000 per %a" of *iolation. <ailure or refu!al to clean up $hich
re!ult! in !eriou! in;ur" or lo!! of life or lea% to irre*er!ible $ater containation of !urface'
(roun%' coa!tal an% arine $ater !hall be puni!he% $ith ipri!onent of not le!! than ? "ear!
an% 5 %a" an% not ore than 52 "ear! an% a fine of Php 500'000)%a" for each %a" the
containation or oi!!ion continue!.
+n ca!e! of (ro!! *iolation' a fine of not le!! than Php 500'000 but not ore than Php B'000'000
$ill be ipo!e% for each %a" of *iolation. Criinal char(e! a" al!o be file%.
Who should implement the "lean Water Act?
The 01NR i! the priar" (o*ernent a(enc" re!pon!ible for the ipleentation an%
enforceent of thi! Act' $ith the !upport of other (o*ernent or(ani,ation!' local (o*ernent
unit!' non &(o*ernent or(ani,ation! an% the pri*ate !ector.
To$ar%! thi! en%' the 01NR $ill re*ie$ an% !et affluent !tan%ar%!' re*ie$ an% enforce $ater
/ualit" (ui%eline!' cla!!if" (roun%$ater !ource! an% prepare a national (roun%$ater
*ulnerabilit" ap' cla!!if" or recla!!if" $ater bo%ie!' e!tabli!h internationall" accepte%
proce%ure! for !aplin( an% anal"!i!' prepare an inte(rate% $ater /ualit" ana(eent
frae$or- an% !ub!e/uentl" prepare 50&"ear ana(eent plan! for each $ater ana(eent
7ther ipleentin( (o*ernent a(encie! in !upport of the Act=
5. 0epartent of 1n*ironent an% Natural Re!ource! (01NR) C act a! o*erall of the lea%
a(enc"D prepare a National Water @ualit" :tatu! ReportD i!!ue rule! an% re(ulation! in the
ipleentation of the Act.
2. 0epartent of A(riculture (0A) C !hall %e*elop (ui%eline! for re&u!e of $a!te$ater for
irri(ation purpo!e! or a! !oil con%itioner or fertili,erD to(ether $ith the PC8 !hall enforce $ater
/ualit" !tan%ar%! in arine $ater!.
B. Philippine Coa!t 8uar% (PC8) C !hall enforce !tan%ar%! an% re(ulation! in off!hore area!
inclu%in( the %i!char(e of $a!te$ater b" !hip!D to(ether $ith the 0A !hall enforce $ater /ualit"
!tan%ar%! in arine $ater!.
4. 0epartent of Public Wor-! an% 6i(h$a"! (0PW6) & to(ether $ith the 01NR an% 389!
!hall prepare a national pro(ra on !e$era(e an% !epta(e ana(eent.
5. 0epartent of 6ealth (076) & !hall pro*i%e !pecific health criteria an% %ata relate% to the
proul(ation' re*i!ion an% enforceent of %rin-in( $ater /ualit" !tan%ar%!.
?. .etropolitan Water$or-! an% :e$era(e :"!te (.W::) an% 3ocal Water 9tilitie! Authorit"
(3W9A) C!hall contribute input! relati*e to the re!pon!ibilitie! of conce!!ionaire! an% $ater
%i!trict! in !e$era(e' !epta(e an% !anitation ana(eent.
7. 0epartent of 1%ucation (0ep1%)' Coi!!ion on 6i(her 1%ucation (C610)' 0epartent of
+nterior an% 3ocal 8o*ernent! (0+38) an% the Philippine +nforation A(enc" (P+A) C !hall
prepare an% ipleent a coprehen!i*e an% continuin( public e%ucation an% inforation
A. 0epartent of 1ner(" (071) C $ith the 01NR !hall forulate $ater /ualit" criteria an%
!tan%ar%! !pecificall" for (eotheral e4ploration that encounter! re&in;ection con!traint!' that
pro*i%e! a%e/uate protection to other u!er! of $ater bo%ie! %o$n!trea of the (eotheral
50. 0epartent of :cience an% Technolo(" (07:T) C $ith the 01NR !hall prepare a pro(ra
for the e*aluation' *erification' %e*elopent an% public %i!!eination of pollution pre*ention an%
cleaner pro%uction technolo(ie!.
:tren(th! Wea-ne!!e!
5. The Philippine Clean Water Act of 2004 !et!
a re(ulation !"!te to control $ho can
%i!char(e an% the aount of $a!te$ater that
can be %i!char(e% in the bo%ie! of $ater. With
thi! re(ulation !"!te' in%u!trie! $hich
relea!e harful an% to4ic $a!te$ater to
bo%ie! of $ater can be penali,e%.
2. The Philippine Clean Water Act of 2004
%i!coura(e%)%i!coura(e! the %i!char(e of
$a!te$ater to bo%ie! of $ater' thu!' $ater
pollution an% other proble! that a" re!ult
fro it $ere)are a*oi%e%.
B. +t reinforce!)copleent! Republic Act No.
?9?9 or To4ic Cheical!' 6a,ar%ou! an%
Nuclear Wa!te! Control Act $hich prohibit! the
tran!port' %upin( or %i!char(e of prohibite%
cheical!' !ub!tance! or pollutant! li!te% in
the !ai% RA.
4. With thi! Act' acce!! to clean $ater can be
(uarantee% an% illne!!e! in the countr" $hich
are attribute% to pollute% $ater! can be
Pollution of ri*er!' !trea!' an% la-e! containate (roun% an% !urface $ater!' thu! e4po!in(
the population to en*ironentall"&relate% %i!ea!e!. The relation!hip bet$een pollute% $ater an%
%i!ea!e ha! no$ been firl" e!tabli!he% an% accepte%.
.uch of the !urface $ater in urban area! i! a public health ri!- $hile rural !urface $ater! are
al!o !ource! of %i!ea!e. The Worl% 2an- e!tiate! that e4po!ure to $ater pollution an% poor
!anitation account for one&!i4th of reporte% %i!ea!e ca!e!' an% nearl" ?'000 preature %eath!
per "ear. The co!t of treatent an% lo!t incoe fro illne!! an% %eath %ue to $ater pollution i!
pe((e% at P6P?.7 billion (9:E5B4 illion) per "ear (P1. 200?).
Pollution of our $ater re!ource! !uch a! untreate% $a!te$ater %i!char(e! affect! huan health
throu(h the !prea% of %i!ea!e&cau!in( bacteria an% *iru!e!. :oe -no$n e4aple! of
%i!ea!e! that a" be !prea% throu(h $a!te$ater %i!char(e are (a!tro&enteriti!' %iarrhea'
t"phoi%' cholera' %"!enter"' hepatiti!' an%' recentl"' :e*ere Acute Re!pirator" :"n%roe
(:AR:) (P1. 200B).
Accor%in( to the Worl% 2an-' ;u!t un%er a thir%' or B5 percent of illne!!e! in the countr"'
onitore% for a fi*e&"ear perio% $ere cau!e% b" $ater&borne patho(en!. +n the a(riculture
!ector' application of a(rocheical! (i.e. fertili,er!' herbici%e!' pe!tici%e!) reain! a coon
practice aon( farer! in rural area!. +nten!i*e u!e of a(rocheical! ha! been -no$n to
create an% re!ult to both en*ironental proble! an% %i!ea!e!. The ha,ar%! accopan"in(
thi! practice' e!peciall" tho!e a!!ociate% $ith per!i!tent or(anic pollutant! or P7P! ha*e been
-no$n for "ear! an% the -no$le%(e of the e4tent of har the" cau!e ha! increa!e%.
Accor%in( to a !tu%" b" 0r. N. .araba (599?)' o!t farer! a" be a$are that pe!tici%e! are
ha,ar%ou! but there i! a lac- of a$arene!! of e4po!ure ri!-!. Pe!tici%e han%ler! are the one!
o!t hea*il" e4po!e%. +n a%%ition' e4po!ure of hou!ehol%! in farin( counitie! a" occur
%ue to !pra" %rift fro nearb" fiel%!. Thi! e4po!ure i! further enhance% b" farer!# practice of
$a!hin( their !pra"er! near' or in' irri(ation canal!' $hich a" then becoe part of a(ricultural
runoff. The" al!o u!e thi! $ater !ource for $a!hin( of han%! an% feet' clothe!' an% to !oe
e4tent' for ta-in( a bath.
:e*eral ca!e! $ere cite% in the !tu%" concernin( or(anochlorine poi!onin(!' apla!tic aneia'
e"e' !-in' nail' pulonar"' renal' an% neurolo(ical proble! foun% to be !i(nificantl" a!!ociate%
$ith pe!tici%e e4po!ure.
.araba#! report further ention! that (roun%$ater near rice pa%%ie! a" at tie! contain
pe!tici%e re!i%ue!. While le*el! %etecte% $ere belo$ the allo$able liit' thi! a" pre!ent lon(&
ter chronic e4po!ure proble!. Proble! cau!e% b" e4po!ure' the report !tipulate!' are
further a((ra*ate% b" the fact that *er" fe$ epi%eiolo(ical !tu%ie! on huan population! ha*e
been %e!i(ne% to in*e!ti(ate pe!tici%e e4po!ure an% pe!tici%e&relate% illne!!e! aon( affecte%
population!' re!ultin( in po!!ible health ri!-! for the broa%er population.
An article b" Fuan .erca%o in the Philippine 0ail" +n/uirer la!t <ebruar" 22' 2007' hi(hli(ht! the
threat! of aerial !pra"in( of pe!tici%e! o*er .in%anao banana plantation!. 6e entione% that
aroun% 5B.5 etric ton! of to4ic ercur" i! bein( $a!he% "earl" into a;or ri*er!' fro Naboc to
Gin-in(' $hich then flo$! into the 0a*ao 8ulf. 3ea% tailin(! poi!on the 6i;o' .atiao' .a!ara'
2atoto' an% .anat Ri*er!. .ercur"&lace% $ater!' fro Copo!tela Halle"' !eep into tributarie!'
a! the" %rain into 2utuan 2a". .ercur"&!taine% !trea !e%ient! al!o threaten the A(u!an
+n another !tu%" con%ucte% on banana pro%uction in .in%anao' !oil anal"!t! reporte% that
inten!i*e lan% culti*ation an% o*eru!e of cheical! (ra*el" %aa(e% the lan% of banana
(ro$er! in 0a*ao' Philippine!. .o!t banana copanie! are no$ !ai% to be on the loo-out for
ore lan% becau!e the e4i!tin( plantation! ha*e becoe le!! pro%ucti*e throu(h the "ear!' a
con!e/uence of inten!i*e u!e of fertili,er an% cheical! (FC02' 5979 a! cite% in Cal%eron an%
Rola' 200B).
A(rocheical! not onl" pollute !urface $ater!. A !tu%" con%ucte% b" 3eonila Harca' I+pact of
A(rocheical! on :oil an% Water @ualit"J' conclu%e! that lon(ter u!e of pe!tici%e! to control
pe!t! an% %i!ea!e!' e!peciall" in rice pro%uction' a" actuall" contribute to the containation
of !oil an% (roun%$ater $ith their re!i%ue!.
Containation fro in%u!trial !ource! i! al!o a coon !ource of %i!ea!e! cau!e% b" to4ic
!ub!tance!. Thi! inclu%e! hea*" etal containation fro inin( acti*itie!' $hich lea%! to
ele*ate% le*el! of ercur" cau!in( (in(i*iti!' !-in %i!coloration' neurolo(ical %i!or%er!' an%
aneia. Water containation fro electronic anufacturin(' for e4aple fro cheical! !uch
a! trichloroeth"lene $a! recor%e% in an inci%ent in 3a! PiKa! Cit" in 2007' lea% to %i,,ine!! an%
hea%ache! a! $ell a! cancer (P1. 200?).
The P1. 2004 report al!o $arn! that e4po!ure to cheical! fro in%u!trial effluent! a" re!ult
in a ran(e of health effect! inclu%in( hea%ache' nau!ea' blurrin( of *i!ion' poi!onin(' ale
!terilit"' an% iune !"!te ipairent.
Ai%!t thi! $arnin( are !e*eral ca!e! that ha*e been reporte% in the pa!t fe$ "ear!. 7ne of
the!e $a! an inci%ent in 0eceber 200? in 2aran(a" Pren,a' in .arilao' 2ulacan. Accor%in( to
ne$! report!' the re!i%ent! $ere !u%%enl" a$a-ene% in the earl" %a$n $ith the !tench of
cheical! %upe% in the nearb" irri(ation canal b" en !ai% to be hire% b" the C<: Wa!te an%
Rec"clin( .ana(eent Co. in Halen,uela Cit" (Re"e!' C' P0+' 0eceber 7' 200?). .an"
re!i%ent! *oite% an% fainte% an% $ere ru!he% to the ho!pital. Nearl" half of the *illa(e#! B'000
re!i%ent! ha% to e*acuate to e!cape to4ic a!ph"4iation (P0+' 0eceber ?' 200?).
+n .a" 200?' the :un :tar 2acolo% reporte% that re!i%ent! of 2aran(a" .an!ilin(an in 2acolo%
Cit" $ere coplainin( of the foul o%or alle(e%l" bein( eitte% b" Coca&Cola 2ottler! Philippine!
+nc. in their area. The counit" ha! initiate% effort! to file their coplaint! an% ha*e a
%ialo(ue $ith concerne% local (o*ernent official! a! $ell a! the ana(eent of !ai%
Another ca!e of cheical $a!te !pill $a! al!o reporte% in 3ucena Cit" in .arch 200? (.allari'
0' P0+' 200?). Cheical $a!te! fro a !oap factor" locate% at the out!-irt! of thi! cit" ha!
!pille% into the Alitao Ri*er' cau!in( !eriou! $ater pollution that i! affectin( the li*e! of
thou!an%! of people $ho %epen% on the ri*er' inclu%in( an in%i(enou! Aeta counit".
+n .arch 2007' the 01NR $arne% of (roun%$ater containation in Paplona' 3a! PiKa!.
Tricholoroeth"lene (TC1)' a carcino(en' $a! foun% in 59 out of 502 $ell! te!te% in the *icinit" of
a Philip! Corporation facilit". The $ater $a! ren%ere% unfit for huan con!uption
(8.ANe$!.TH' 25 .arch 2007).
7fficial %ocuentation of $ater pollution !ho$! that the a;or pollutant!' inclu%in( 270' 07'
colifor' nitrate!' an% !u!pen%e% !oli%!' ha*e increa!e% !tea%il" in Philippine ri*er!. +t $a!
ob!er*e%' ho$e*er' that official Philippine %ata ten% to epha!i,e 270 an% other biolo(ical
pollutant! to the e4clu!ion of otherLore in%u!trial an% ore to4icLpollutant!' hence' %o not
clearl" i%entif" concrete ipact! of the!e ore ha,ar%ou! $a!te! on health an% the
To4ic inci%ence! an% ipact! of pollute% $ater bo%ie! onl" coe to public attention $hen a
relati*el" hu(e nuber of the population i! in*ol*e% an% if the effect! on health are (raphic an%
+n 2007' a broa% !tu%" $a! carrie% out b" 8reenpeace to in*e!ti(ate the /ualit" of *ariou!
!urface an% (roun% $ater !"!te! in four countrie!' inclu%in( the Philippine!. Water fro the
!"!te! in*e!ti(ate% i! -no$n to be ab!tracte% for %i!tribution a! %rin-in( $ater' (enerall"
follo$in( purification treatent! that inclu%e chlorination. Treate% $ater! are !upplie% either *ia
pipe% %i!tribution net$or-! or a! bottle% $ater. 6o$e*er' an" of the!e ri*er an% canal
!"!te! al!o recei*e input! of potentiall" containate% $a!te$ater! either fro point !ource!
an%)or %iffu!e run&off fro a(ricultural lan%. The!e an% other !ource! a" al!o be contributin(
to containation of (roun%$ater a/uifer! in their *icinit"' !oe of $hich are u!e% untreate% a!
%rin-in( $ater.
+n another 8reenpeace report relea!e% in <ebruar" 2007' $ater !aple! ta-en fro in%u!trial
e!tate! in the Philippine! $ere !tu%ie%. The re!ult! !ho$e% *ar"in( %e(ree! of containation
fro %ifferent ha,ar%ou! cheical!' inclu%in( *olatile or(anic copoun%! (H7C!) an% hea*"
etal!. H7C! are -no$n to affect the -i%ne"!' the central ner*ou! !"!te an% the li*er' an% are
potentiall" carcino(enic. All !ite! notabl" containe% chlorinate% H7C!' to4ic !ol*ent! or
%e(rea!er! u!e% in Icleanin(J !eicon%uctor! an% other electrical e/uipent.
Water !aple! ta-en fro the Ca*ite 14port Proce!!in( Mone (C1PMA) in Ro!ario' Ca*ite' in
particular' containe% tetrachloroethene at nine tie! abo*e the W67 (ui%ance *alue! for
e4po!ure liit!' an% 70 tie! the 9: 1n*ironental Protection A(enc" a4iu containant
le*el for %rin-in( $ater. 1le*ate% le*el! of etal!' particularl" copper' nic-el an% ,inc' $ere al!o
foun% in (roun%$ater !aple! in other !ite!' al!o $ithin the pro*ince (Cuttin( 1%(e
Containation= A :tu%" of 1n*ironental Pollution %urin( the anufacture of 1lectronic
Pro%uct!' 2007). A! "et' no health ca!e! ha*e been %irectl" lin-e% to the containation.
6o$e*er' The Worl% 6ealth 7r(ani,ation (W67) an% the 9nite% Nation#! Chil%ren#! <un%
(9N+C1<) in their publication IProotin( an% Protectin( 6uan 6ealthJ' !tate! that I(N)
Anthropo(enic cheical pollution of !urface $ater!' ainl" b" in%u!tr" an% a(ricultural runoff' i!
a health ha,ar%' but the ipact! on health (for e4aple' ali(nant tuor!) (enerall" occur onl"
after e4ten%e% perio%! of e4po!ure an% are %ifficult to attribute accuratel" to !pecific
en*ironental or life!t"le factor!.J
Reference!= http=))eb.(o*.ph)eei%)2050)fact!heet)RAO209275.p%f

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