Global and China Li-Ion Power Battery Industry Report, 2014-2016

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Global And China Li-Ion Power Battery Industry Report,

In 201!, the sales "olu#e o$ %lobal ele&tri& "ehi&les rea&hed 22',000
"ehi&les, in&ludin% (),000 P*+,s and 1!!,000 B+,s- .ith the $urther
pro#otion o$ ele&tri& "ehi&les %lobally, the sales "olu#e will rise to /00,000
"ehi&les by 201-
0o Read Co#plete Report with 0o&1
0he %lobal de#and $or ele&tri& "ehi&le power batteries &a#e to ),25.h
in 201!6 howe"er, $ollowin% the risin% ele&tri& "ehi&le sales and battery
&apa&ity per "ehi&le, the $i%ure is e7pe&ted to &li#b to !1,1005.h by 201-
Currently, the %lobal power batteries de"elop #ainly in the $ollowin% three
te&hnolo%y road#aps1
5an%anese-based- 0his type o$ batteries uses L58 as &athode #aterials-
0ypi&ally, howe"er, a$ter #odi$i&ation treat#ent, they are #i7ed with a
s#all a#ount o$ 9C5 or L98 to in&rease their ener%y density- 0his is
#ainly represented by the $orei%n &o#panies:in&ludin% LGC, A+;C, and
L+<, as well as the Chinese &o#pany CI0IC G=8A9 5GL- 9ow, this has
be&o#e the #ainstrea# te&hnolo%y road#ap in the $ield o$ %lobal ele&tri&
Browse >ull Report .ith 0o&1 http122www-#ar3etresear&hreports-bi42analysis-
0ernary #aterials-based- 0his #ainly ta3es 9CA and 9C5 as &athode
#aterials- 9C5-based batteries ha"e hi%h ener%y density, but with hi%her
&osts than that o$ L58 batteries- 0he typi&al &o#panies &onsist o$ ;?I and
;@I $ro# abroad and the Chinese Lishen and .an%7ian% Group, et&- 9CA
adopts 1')0-type battery, whi&h is #ainly used in 0esla, with the hi%hest
ener%y density $or now- But be&ause o$ poor sa$ety per$or#an&e, the
ad"an&ed B5; is needed to #onitor the operatin% &ondition o$ the battery-
0hus, the battery has not been widely used-
L>P-based- Canada and the =nited ;tates were the $irst to de"elop power
battery te&hnolo%y, with #ain patent owners in&ludin% the =-;- ,alen&e,
A12! and =ni"ersity o$ 0e7as, and the Canadian Phoste&h and *ydro-
Auebe&- 8n the other hand, there are nu#erous power battery &o#panies in
China su&h as BB? and *e$ei Guo7uan *i%h-0e&h Power +ner%y Co-,Ltd that
adopt the L>P te&hnolo%y, but the L>P battery has #any proble#s and was
not #ade a"ailable around the world-
Cli&3 *ere 0o ?ownload ?etail Report1
At present, #an%anese-series power battery &onsistin% o$ 9C5 and L58
o&&upies the #ainstrea# status on a %lobal s&ale, with the &ost o$ battery
pa&3 %enerally hi%her than =;?0023.h6 the lower-&ost 9CA 1')0 batteries
$ail to be popular with auto#a3ers due to sa$ety issues6 the si#ilarly lower-
&ost L>P batteries, be&ause o$ the poor &o#prehensi"e per$or#an&e, are only
populari4ed and used in China and the =nited ;tates, while the =-;-
auto#a3ers ha"e %radually abandoned L>P batteries and turned on
pur&hasin% 5n-series batteries $ro# <apanese and ;- @orean &o#panies-
0here is no #aCor te&hnolo%i&al brea3throu%h yet in power battery- 0he
#ain dri"in% $a&tors $or power battery pri&e &ollapses are e7pe&ted to &o#e
$ro# the #aterial &ost redu&tion and s&ale e$$e&t, with relati"ely li#ited
downslide potential-
ChinaDs power battery ship#ents rea&hed )!!5.h in 201!, whi&h in&reased
by 1E year on year and a&&ounted $or less than 10E o$ the worldDs total-
At present the #ain de#and &o#es $ro# ele&tri& &ity bus- As the &har%in%
$a&ilities are not per$e&t in China, the pri"ate ele&tri& passen%er &ars are
rarely sold-

In ter#s o$ power battery &o#panies, BB? and Guo7uan *i%h-0e&h ha"e the
ship#ents that ha"e $ar e7&eeded those o$ their ri"als- And BB? batteries
are #ainly used to support its own ele&tri& passen%er &ars and buses while
Guo7uan *i%h-0e&h supplies batteries to <AC, An3ai Bus and other auto
>or power battery &o#panies, winnin% the support o$ bi% &ar#a3ers is o$
the ut#ost i#portan&e $ro# a %lobal perspe&ti"e- It is proCe&ted that ele&tri&
buses will still be the #ain dri"in% $or&es behind the de"elop#ent o$ ChinaFs
power battery #ar3et $or so#e ti#e to &o#e- *ow to penetrate the ele&tri&
bus supply &hain see#s &ru&ial-
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