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Quezon-Roxas High School of Marinduque Foundation Inc.

Dulong Bayan, Mogpog, Marinduque

Syllabus in English for Third Year
(English-American Literature)
School Year 2013-2014

English is the official language of communication in the Philippines as well as the
medium of instruction in our schools, colleges and universities. It is also the pre-eminent
language of international communication. Consequently, those who master English reap many
academic, social and professional benefits. In the school setting, proficiency in English will
make the learning of other subjects much easier. The importance of English cannot therefore be
This syllabus covers an integrated discussion of the English-American Literature to the
Language Teaching. Through literature the learner will improve their language skills
specifically on Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing and knowledge on grammatical rules.
They will not only enrich their Skills in using the language but also learn to use this in a variety
of ways. Similarly, an improved knowledge of the language will enhance the learners
appreciation of literary material.

1. Expand knowledge and Appreciate the literature of English and American people in the
different periods of time
2. Listen attentively to information from the different forms of media
3. Organize the gathered data using different forms of graphic organizer
4. Familiarize students with the types of business letters
5. Develop students skills in public speaking
6. Be familiar with the different uses and rules of grammar

First Quarter-
1. The Old English Literature
a. Listening- Use attentive listening with informative text
b. Speaking- Elicit and give information using different types of questions to
seek clarification and verification of responses made
c. Reading- Gather data using different resources available at hand
d. Literature- Identify the salient features of a narrative poem (e.i. epic and
e. Grammar- Identify the different type of sentence according to purpose and
f. Writing- Fill out different types of forms Correctly
2. The Medieval English Literature
a. Listening- Use analytic and critical listening with argumentative texts
b. Speaking- Present Arguments in debates and argumentative Text
c. Reading-Gather information from different types of media(e.i. Print and
d. Literature- Differentiate epic from ballad and romances
e. Grammar- Identify the different forms and functions of verbs
f. Writing- Prepare notices, agendas and minutes of the meeting
3. The Beginning of American Literature
a. Listening- Determine the stand of the speaker on a given issue
b. Speaking- Conduct interviews to determine opinion on issues affecting the
c. Reading- Use varied ways of organizing information
1. Take down notes from a reading text using abbreviations
d. Literature- React to the experiences or actions of characters in relation to real
life situations
e. Grammar- Identify and use coordinating conjunctions in making sentences
f. Writing- Use concept maps to show relationships between and among ideas
gathered from a reading text
4. The Revolutionary America
a. Listening- Explore opportunities for obtaining Varied views on a given issue
by listening to debates and talk shows
b. Speaking- Give information obtained from varied sources
c. Reading- Organize information from a written text into an outline
d. Literature- Analyze how the environment influences a persons character and
e. Grammar- Identify and use subordinating conjunctions in making sentences
f. Writing- Use different types of outlines to organize ideas

1. Renaissance Drama
a. Listening- Use flowcharts in listening to informative process texts
b. Speaking- Convey information using technological aids
c. Reading- Arrive at the meaning of the words through context clues
d. Literature- Identify and explain the basic elements and features of drama
e. Grammar- differentiate clause from phrase
f. Writing- Write a creative and suitable epilogue or closing section to a play
2. The Classical play
a. Listening- Listen to issues and statements contrary to your belief
b. Speaking- Use non-verbal communication strategies in a small group
c. Reading- Determine the dictionary meaning of a word with multiple meanings
through sentence clues
d. Literature- Define and describe the characteristic of chamber Theater
e. Grammar- Review the use of simple, progressive and perfect tenses
f. Writing- Make production plan for a chamber theatre
1. Elizabethan Poetry
a. Listening- Listen to appreciate a poem
b. Speaking- Use correct sentence and word stress in conveying meaning
c. Reading- Recognize symbolism in a poem
d. Literature- Identify the different types of Lyric poetry
e. Grammar- Use adjectives correctly
f. Writing- Make a simple poem using symbolism
2. The Romantic Age in English Literature
a. Listening- Listen for Appreciation of the oral Tradition
b. Speaking- Use correct expressions to ask and state opinions
c. Reading- Identify and interpret figures of speech
d. Literature- Discover poetry as a source of inspiration
e. Grammar- Identify and use adverbs correctly
f. Writing-Express in writing your ideas and inspiration
3. The sonnet
1. The Contemporary Literature
a. The l Essay-
1. Identify and Explain the structure of an essay
2. React to the ideas and message express in an essay
3. Analyze and evaluate assertions made in an essay
b. Autobiography- Identify the benefits of writing an auto biography
c. Elements of Public Speaking
d. Writing business letters

Prepared By:

English Teacher

Quezon-Roxas High School of Marinduque Foundation Inc.
Dulong Bayan, Mogpog, Marinduque

Syllabus in English for Fourth Year
(World Literature)
School Year 2013-2014

This syllabus covers a wide discussion of the literatures of the world. The literary pieces
are well-chosen to represent the timeliness and timelessness of literature. The series takes into
account a need for holistic learning of the communication process for it to be most effective.
This includes a thorough discussion on the macro skills; listening, speaking, reading, writing and
a comprehensive discussion of the grammar lessons as an added feature
1. Expand and reline knowledge through literatures of the world
2. Listen critically to identify fallacy
3. Comprehend and explain the natures of interview
4. Identify what research is
5. Be able to write a good research paper
6. Be familiar to the uses of grammar

1. The Greek Literature
a. Listening- Apply Critical Listening to identify fallacy
b. Speaking- Define what interview is
- Identify the nature of interview
c. Reading- Read for depth to get the implied meaning of words , phrases and
d. Literature- Point out the elements of a short story using the story grammar
e. Grammar- Use punctuation marks appropriately
f. Writing- Define research paper
- Identify the Different types of Research
2. The Epic of Homer
a. Listening- Identify Critical Listening to identify Causal Fallacy
b. Speaking Enumerate the important characteristic that an interviewer should
c. Reading- Deduce the meaning of the words through context
d. Literature- Analyze the role of characters in a story
e. Grammar- Use commas correctly
f. Writing- Identify the importance of research
3. The mythological background of Iliad
a. Listening- Apply critical listening to identify either or fallacy
b. Speaking- enumerate the characteristics that an interviewee has during the
c. Reading- Make inferences and predict outcomes
d. Literature- Discover through literature that suspicion, distrust and false accusation
can destroy a person
e. Grammar- Use hyphen, colons, and semi-colons appropriately
f. Writing- Point out the fundamental purpose of research
4. The story of Iliad and odyssey
a. Listening- Apply critical listening to identify bandwagon fallacy
b. Speaking- identify the attitudes to remembered during the interview
c. Reading- create new words using structural analysis
d. Literature- identify human values of the Greek society
e. Grammar- identify when to use capitalization
f. Writing-enumerate the parts of a research paper
1. The Greek Drama
a. Listening- Apply critical Listening to identify hasty generalization
b. Speaking- Enumerate the steps in conducting an interview
c. Grammar- Misused words
d. Writing- Qualities of a good research
2. The works of Sophocles
a. Listening- Apply critical listening to identify personal Attack fallacy
b. Speaking- How to choose the right questions for an interview
c. Grammar- Misplaced modifiers
d. Writing- Parts of a research paper
3. Euripides and Aristophanes
a. Listening- Apply critical listening to identify red-herring fallacy
b. Speaking- Job Interview
c. Grammar- Dangling Modifiers
d. Writing- How to avoid Plagiarism
1. The Greek Lyric Poetry ( Works of Sappho)
a. Listening- Employ Analytical Listening in Problem Solving
b. Speaking- How to prepare for an interview
c. Grammar- Parallel Construction
d. Writing- Finding Sources or reference for your research
2. Anacreon
a. Listening- Listen to take down notes from an advertisement
b. Speaking- Dos and donts in an interview
c. Grammar- Correcting Run-on Sentences
d. Writing- The Primary and secondary Sources
3. Literature of Ancient Rome
a. Listening- Listen to take down notes from a detailed report
b. Speaking- Small Group Discussion
c. Grammar- Faulty Sub-ordination
d. Writing- Selecting the best topic of research
1. Using note cards
2. Making the outline
3. Outline Organization
4. Writing the thesis Statement
5. Preparing the title page
6. Writing the abstract
7. Writing the introduction
1. The 20
century literature of the world
a. Listening- Listen to determine contents of a lecture
b. Speaking- The Parliamentary Procedure
c. Grammar- Double Subjects
d. Writing- Writing the Body of the research
2. The 21
century literature
a. Listen to determine the functions of statement in a lecture
b. Deliberate assembly
c. Denotation-connotation
d. Writing the conclusion of the research
3. The debate and symposium
4. Writing the recommendation
a. Technical checklists
b. Writing the first draft
c. Proofreading and editing
d. Revising the draft
e. Preparing the bibliography
f. Writing the final paper

Prepared By:

English Teacher

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