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AP WORLD HISTORY: Summer Assignment

PART C: Interpreting and Analyzing PRIMARY SOURCES

Name: __________________________________
(1) Carefully read background information on how to interpret and analyze primary sources
!rust me" we#ll be doing a lot of work with primary sources during the course of the year"
so the sooner you understand how to deal with them" the better your chances of academic
success in the class
($) %ead each primary source presented in this handout &nswer 'uestions attached to each
primary source in complete sentences %eally try to pro(ide complete answers to all of the
'uestions )hen this part of your summer assignment is graded" thorough and
thoughtful answers" e(en if they are not e*actly accurate" will recei(e full credit
)hat is a +rimary ,ource- A primary source is a piece of living istory! It may "e #efine# as any
artifact tat provi#es first an# or #irect information a"out te past! Primary sources may inclu#e first
person accounts $e!g! oral istories% #iaries% memoirs% correspon#ence&% #ocuments $e!g!
correspon#ence% treaties% la's% speeces&% images $e!g! maps% potograps% #ra'ings% paintings&% or
istorically gatere# #ata!
.ow do you begin to interpret a primary source-
(egin analy)ing a primary source% suc as a spy letter% "y ans'ering te follo'ing *uestions:
Wo create# te source an# 'y+
Wat sorts of information #oes te source supply+
,n#er 'at circumstances 'as te source create#+ Ho' 'oul# tis influence te content of
te source+
-or 'o 'as te source create#+
Was te source meant to "e pu"lic or private+
Di# te creator 'is to inform% persua#e% or #eceive is or er au#ience+ Wat #i# te creator
ope to accomplis "y 'riting te source+ .an you trust te source/s content at face value+
Wat 'ere te opinions% motivations% or interests of te creator+ Ho' #oes is or er point of
vie' compare to oter 'riters of te perio#+ Wat 0in# of impact 'oul# tis ave on te
content of te source+
-or analy)ing images% te follo'ing *uestions are also a starting point:
Wy 'as te image create#+
Wat #oes te image reveal a"out its su"1ect+
Wat is te point of vie' of te image+ Wose story is it telling+
Wat is te setting of te image+ Wat sorts of #etails #oes it inclu#e or empasi)e+ Wat
sorts of #etails #oes it e2clu#e+
Wat are te un#erlying messages of te image an# motives of te artist+
Ho' long after te event 'as te image create#+ Ho' #oes tis influence te image/s content
or perspective+

/ecause it is hard to keep all the abo(e mentioned 'uestions in mind" follow these acronyms
in order to better remember the process of interpreting and analyzing primary sources:
&C%0N12 1: &C%0N12 $:
! 3 Time Perio# $'en #oc! 'as pro#uce#&
& 6 Autor $any info! a"out im4er&
+ 6 Purpose $inten#e# purpose4tone of te #ocument&
! 6 Type of #ocument $e2: #iary% contract% etc!&
& 6 Argument$s& $main i#ea$s& in te #oc!&
/ 6 (ias $pre1u#ice4favoritism e2presse# in te #oc!&
, 3 Spea0er $autor& an# i4er Status
0 6 Occasion $'en #oc! 'as pro#uce#4#elivere#&
& 6 Au#ience $inten#e# au#ience for te #oc!&
+ 6 Purpose $inten#e# purpose of te #ocument&
& 6 Arguments $main i#eas e2presse# in te #oc!&
/ 6 (ias $pre1u#ice4favoritism e2presse# in te #oc!&
Source: !wel(e !ablets% e2cerpts% Ancient Roman .o#e of La'% 789 (!.!:!
V. 1 "Our ancestors saw fit that "females, by reason of levity of disposition, shall remain in
guardianship, even when they have attained their majority."
VI. 2 arriage by !usage" #usus$% If a man and woman live together continuously for a
year, they are considered to be married& the woman legally is treated as the man"s
'. ( ")omen must not tear chee*s or hold chorus of !+las," on account of a funeral."
'I. 1 "arriage shall not ta*e place between a patrician and a plebeian."
1$. )hat do these e-cerpts tell us about the status of women in +ncient .ome/
2$. )hat conclusions can be made about the .oman society of that time in general/
&cronym5based break down: (usually done on the margins of the paper" ne*t to the
document" or" when you get really good at it" in your head6) 3 SEE the TOP OF NEXT
!&+ !&/: &nswers7Details:
! 3 time period 89: /C4 (times of the early %oman %epublic)
& 3 author No specific author information pro(ided
+ 3 purpose of the document !o inform citizens of %ome of their rights
! 3 type of document 0fficial legal document 3 must be followed6
& 3 argument(s) (1) )omen are subordinate to men; ($) %oman
marriage7social customs are regulated
/ 3 bias7pre<udice )omen naturally are inferior to men
Ans'ers to te *uestions relate# to te primary source:
1$. )hat do these e-cerpts tell us about the status of women in +ncient .ome/
)omen in +ncient .ome were considered inferior to men #V.1 and VI. 2$, and this status
was part of the .oman legal system #laws$.
2$. )hat conclusions can be made about the .oman society of that time in general/
.oman society was legally une0ual. .omans of one social class #patricians$ were not
allowed to marry their fellow citi1ens from another social class #plebeians$. 2his means
that one of the classes was considered more important or was recogni1ed to have
privileges and high status than the other class. 2his was similar to how men in .ome
were considered even by law superior or naturally better than women.
2he fact that the primary source is the formal3legal document tells us that .ome was a
well developed civili1ation. 4eople *new what was e-pected of them and what they were
not allowed to do in terms of their duties and behaviors.
!he most important thing to figure out when you are interpreting primary
sources is the &=!.0%#s +0>N! 0? @>4) ()hat is it- )hat factors (,0&+
&/ or !&+ !&/ stuff) influenced it- 4tc)
&uthor#s +oint of @iew (+0@)
=ulius .aesar
?eorge Wasington
@elson Aan#ela
> am sure you#(e heard of indi(iduals
portrayed here 4ach of them was a
product of his time >n turn" e(ents of
the author#s time period and his social
status influenced ideas in the authors#
writings ?or e*ample" sla(ery was an
acceptable institution during the time
periods of Aulius Caesar and Beorge
)ashington" but was outlawed and
considered immoral when 2andela grew
up and fought for freedom 1our main
<ob is to understand what factors
influenced points of (iew e*pressed in
primary source documents
I h!pe that a"ter #are"$lly e%a&ining in"!r&ati!n in the "ir't three page' !" thi'
hand!$t( y!$ are ready t! ta#)le thi' a''ign&ent* S!( let+' ,egin -"!r '!&e
'!$r#e'./$e'ti!n' y!$ 'h!$ld $'e the internet -'ear#h engine'( !n0line di#ti!narie'(
et#*1 t! "ig$re !$t the an'2er' -e%a&ple: 'ee "ir't /$e'ti!n "!r the "ir't '!$r#e1
Source 3: .ave Art from te @eolitic Perio#!
$3& -rom: Arter -errill% !he 0rigins of )ar: ?rom the ,tone &ge to &le*ander the Breat" $Lon#on: THames Hu#son% 3DE8& pp! ;9 an# ;;!
+icture &:
+icture /:
Cuestions: Provi#e ans'ers in clear an# complete sentences!
1 Wat is te #efinition of te term Ne!lithi# or Ne!lithi# peri!d+ (research 'uestion)
$ Wat can "e inferre# a"out uman activities #uring te @eolitic perio# "ase# only on your
interpretation of pictures A an# ( presente# a"ove+ (in other words" do not use information you
might ha(e learned from the same web site(s) that pro(ided you with the answer(s) to Cuestion 1)
$DonFt forget: you can #o TAP TA( ere or on te si#e for every #ocument in tis an#out&
!&+ !&/: &nswers7Details:
! 3 time period
& 3 author
+ 3 purpose of the document
! 3 type of document
& 3 argument(s)
/ 3 bias7pre<udice
,ource $: 2esopotamian 2arriage Contract" 1D
century /C
La*ipum as marrie# Hatala% #augter of :nisru! In te country $i!e!% .entral Anatolia&
La*ipum may not marry anoter $'oman&G$"ut& in te .ity $i!e!% Asur& e may marry a
If 'itin t'o years se $i!e!% Hatala& #oes not provi#e im 'it offspring% se
erself 'ill purcase a slave 'oman% an# later on% after se 'ill ave pro#uce# a cil# "y im%
e may ten #ispose of er "y sale 'eresoever e pleases! Soul# La*ipum coose to #ivorce
er HHatalaI% e must pay $er& five minas of silver5 an# soul# Hatala coose to #ivorce im%
se must pay $im& five minas of silver! Witnesses: Aasa% Asuristi0al% Talia% Supiani0a!
1 Wat type of #ocument is it+ $Official 4 unofficial+ Legal+ Informal 4 formal+&
$ Wat #oes Aesopotamia mean+ Wat is te geograpic location of Aesopotamia+ $region 6 "e
specific& (research 'uestion)
F Wat is #escri"e# in te #ocument+
8 Wat can you conclu#e a"out te status of 'omen in te Assyrian society #uring te 3D
(!.!:! Provi#e e2planation an# support it 'it *uotes from te #ocument!
,ource F: 4pistles E: !he Bladiatorial Bames" by ,eneca (F /C 3 G9 C4)"
&ncient %oman playwright and philosopher
I turne# in to te games one mi#5#ay oping for a little 'it an# umor tere! I 'as "itterly
#isappointe#! It 'as really mere "utcery! Te morning/s so' 'as merciful compare# to it! Ten%
men 'ere tro'n to lions an# to "ears: "ut at mi##ay to te au#ience! Tere 'as no escape for tem!
Te slayer 'as 0ept figting until e coul# "e slain! JKill imL flog imL "urn im aliveJ 'as te cry:
JWy is e suc a co'ar#+ Wy 'on/t e rus on te steel+ Wy #oes e fall so mee0ly+ Wy 'on/t
e #ie 'illingly+J ,nappy tat I am% o' ave I #eserve# tat I must loo0 on suc a scene as tis+
Do not% my Lucilius% atten# te games% I pray you! :iter you 'ill "e corrupte# "y te multitu#e% or% if
you so' #isgust% "e ate# "y tem! So stay a'ay!
Aarriage .ontract% Aarriage an# Divorce Documents from te Ancient @ear :ast% Translator: =!=! -in0elstein! Ol# Assyrian% 3Dt century
(!.! Te2t: (! Hro)nN% In'#ripti!n' C$n3i"!r&e' d$ 4$lt3p3 $Praa% 3D8;&! Transliteration an# translation% Hro)nN% in Sy&,!lae 4!'#ha)er
$St$dia et 5!#$&enta II% 3D>D&% 39Eff!
A slave serving in an ancient temple dedicated to a specific deity. According to Middle Assyrian Laws 40, 6ier!d$le
may be married to a free citizen, but her status would probably have been inferior to that of a first wife under the
circumstances envisaged in this contract.
-rom: William Stearns Davis% e#!% !eadings in Ancient "istory# $llustrative %&tracts from the 'ources, ; Ools! $(oston: Allyn an# (acon% 3D3;53>&% Ool!
II: !ome and the (est! Scanne# "y: =! S! Ar0en"erg% Dept! of History% .al! State -ullerton! Prof! Ar0en"erg as mo#erni)e# te te2t!
3! Wat #o (!.! an# .!:! stan# for+ (research 'uestion)
;! Wat is te autorFs opinion4attitu#e to'ar# te gla#iatorial games+
>! Wat is te meaning of te un#erline# sentence+ :2press in your o'n 'or#s!
,ource 8: Blimpses of the Hingdom of Bhana in 1:GE C4% &l5/akir" ,panish
2uslim !ra(eler of the 11
Te city of ?ana consists of t'o to'ns lying on a plain% one of 'ic is ina"ite# "y Auslims an# is
large% possessing t'elve mos*ues5one of 'ic is a congregational mos*ue for -ri#ay prayerP eac as
its imam% its mue))in an# pai# reciters of te Quran! Te to'n possesses a large num"er of
1uriconsults an# learne# men!/ ! ! !
Te to'n ina"ite# "y te 0ing is si2 miles from te Auslim one an# is calle# Al ?ana!!!! Te
resi#ence of te 0ing consists of a palace an# a num"er of #ome5sape# #'ellings% all of tem
surroun#e# "y a strong enclosure% li0e a city 'all! In te to'n R is a mos*ue% 'ere Auslims 'o
come on #iplomatic missions to ear te 0ing pray! Te to'n 'ere te 0ing lives is surroun#e# "y
#ome# uts% 'oo#s% an# copses 'ere priest5magicians liveP in tese 'oo#s also are te religious i#ols
an# tom"s of te 0ings! Special guar#s protect tis area an# prevent anyone from entering it so tat no
foreigners 0no' 'at is insi#e!R
Te 0ing Hof ?anaI e2acts te rigt of one #inar of gol# on eac #on0ey5loa# of salt tat enters is
country% an# t'o #inars of gol# on eac loa# of salt tat goes out! A loa# of copper carries a #uty of
five mit*als an# a loa# of mercan#ise ten mit*als! Te "est gol# in te country comes from ?iaru% a
to'n situate# eigteen #ays/ 1ourney from te capital HKum"iI in a country tat is #ensely populate#
"y @egroes an# covere# 'it villages! All pieces of native gol# foun# in te mines of te empire
"elong to te sovereign% altoug e lets te pu"lic ave te gol# #ust tat every"o#y 0no's a"outP
'itout tis precaution% gol# 'oul# "ecome so a"un#ant as practically to lose its value!!!! Te @egroes
!!! 0no'n as @ougarmarta are tra#ers% an# carry gol# #ust from Iresni all over te place!!!!

Quote# in A!A (oaen% JKing#oms of West Africa! .!A!D! 89953B99!J in !he .orizon .istory of
&frica $@Y: American Heritage% 3DM3&: 3E>!
-rom Discription de lI&fri'ue ,eptentrionale% trans! De Sane $Paris: A#reien5Aaisonneuve%
3DB7&: >;E5>;D!
-rom (asil Davi#son% &frican Ci(ilization %e(isited $Trenton: Africa Worl# Press% 3DD3&: EB5EM
3! Wat #oes te autor of te #ocument tin0 a"out te King of ?ana in general% an#
is treatment of Auslims in particular+ :2plain an# provi#e e2amples from te source!
;! Wat #oes te King of ?ana #o to amass po'er an# personal 'ealt+
,ource 9: +ope =rban >>#s ,peech" Council of Clermont" %obert the 2onk @ersion"
!his account of =rban >>Is speech was written toward twenty5fi(e years after
=rbanIs (isit to ?rance and does not claim to gi(e more than a general idea of the
popeIs arguments
)ac*ground $nformation# $n +0,4 or +0,-, Ale&ios $ .omnenos, the )yzantine emperor, sent to the
pope, /rban $$, and as*ed for aid from the west against the 'el0u1 2ur*s, who ta*en nearly all of Asia
Minor from him. At the council of 3lermont /rban addressed a great crowd and urged all to go to the
aid of the 4ree*s and to recover 5alestine from the rule of the Muslims.
In te year of our Lor#/s Incarnation one tousan# an# ninety5five% a great council 'as cele"rate#
'itin te "oun#s of ?aul% in Auvergne% in te city 'ic is calle# .lermont! Over tis Pope ,r"an II
presi#e#% 'it te Roman "isops an# car#inals! R Te pope5ten% 'it s'eet an# persuasive
elo*uence% a##resse# tose present in 'or#s someting li0e te follo'ing% saying:
JO% race of -ran0s% race from across te mountains% race "elove# an# cosen "y ?o#% 5 as is clear
from many of your 'or0s%5 set apart from all oter nations "y te situation of your country as 'ell as
"y your .atolic fait an# te onor 'ic you ren#er to te oly .urc: to you our #iscourse is
a##resse#% an# for you our e2ortations are inten#e#! We 'is you to 0no' 'at a grievous cause as
le# us to your country% for it is te imminent peril treatening you an# all te faitful 'ic as
"rougt us iter!
-rom te confines of =erusalem an# from te city of .onstantinople a grievous report as gone fort
an# as 5repeate#ly "een "rougt to our earsP namely% tat a race from te 0ing#om of te Persians% an
accurse# race% a race 'olly alienate# from ?o#% Sa generation tat set not teir eart arigt an# 'ose
spirit 'as not stea#fast 'it ?o#%/ violently inva#e# te lan#s of tose .ristians an# as #epopulate#
tem "y pillage an# fire! Tey ave le# a'ay apart of te captives into teir o'n country% an# a part
ave tey ave 0ille# "y cruel tortures! Tey ave eiter #estroye# te curces of ?o# or
appropriate# tem for te rites of teir o'n religion! Tey #estroy te altars% after aving #efile# tem
'it teir uncleanness!!!!Te 0ing#om of te ?ree0s is no' #ismem"ere# "y tem an# as "een
#eprive# of territory so vast in e2tent tat it coul# "e traverse# in t'o monts/ time!
JOn 'om% terefore% is te la"or of avenging tese 'rongs an# of recovering tis territory incum"ent%
if not upon you% you upon 'om% a"ove all oter nations% ?o# as conferre# remar0a"le glory in arms%
great courage% "o#ily activity% an# strengt to um"le te ea#s of tose 'o resist you+ Let te #ee#s
of your ancestors encourage you an# incite your min#s to manly acievements:5te greatness of King
=ames Harvey Ro"inson% e#!% !eadings in %uropean "istory# 6ol. $# $(oston:: ?inn an# co!% 3D97&% >3;5>3B
.arlemagne% an# of is son Louis% an# of your oter monarcs% 'o ave #estroye# te 0ing#oms of
te Tur0s an# ave e2ten#e# te s'ay of .urc over lan#s previously possesse# "y te pagan! Let te
Holy Sepulcer of our Lor# an# Savior% 'ic is possesse# "y unclean nations% especially% arouse you%
an# te oly places 'ic are no' treate#% 'it ignominy an# irreverently pollute# 'it te filt of
te unclean! O% most valiant sol#iers an# #escen#ants of invinci"le ancestors% #o not #egenerateP R
recall te valor of your progenitors!
1 Wat 'ere te .rusa#es+ Provi#e complete #efinition! (research 'uestion)
$ Ho' #oes te pope #escri"e te Sel1u0 Tur0s+ $in te #ocument% tey are 0no'n as te
Persians or as te Tur0s&! Provi#e specific *uotes!
F Wy #o you tin0 te pope as suc an opinion a"out te Tur0s+ In oter 'or#s% 'at factors
influence# te popeFs attitu#e to'ar# te Tur0s+ $Tin0 of te Point of Oie' analysis&!
,ource G: !he Confession of &gimet of Bene(a" ChJtel" 0ctober $:" 1F8K
(ac0groun# information: $n +748 there appeared in %urope a devastating plague which is reported to
have *illed off ultimately twenty9five million people. )y the fall of that year the rumor was current that
these deaths were due to an international conspiracy of :ewry to poison 3hristendom. $t was reported
that the leaders in the :ewish metropolis of 2oledo had initiated the plot and that one of the chief
conspirators was a !abbi 5eyret who had his head1uarters in 3hamb;ry, 'avoy, whence he
dispatched his poisoners to <rance, 'witzerland, and $taly.
2he = account that follows is a translation from the Latin of a confession made under torture by
Agimet, a :ew, who was arrested at 3hatel, on La*e 4eneva. $t is typical of the confessions e&torted
and forwarded to other towns.
Te year of our Lor# 3>7E!
On -ri#ay% te 39t of te mont of Octo"er% at .Ttel% in te castle tereof% tere occurre# te 1u#icial
in*uiry 'ic 'as ma#e "y or#er of te court of te illustrious Prince% our lor#% Ama#eus% .ount of
Savoy% an# is su"1ects against te =e's of "ot se2es 'o 'ere tere imprisone#% eac one separately!
H=e's 'ere sometimes imprisone# separately to prevent suici#e!I Tis 'as #one after pu"lic rumor a#
"ecome current an# a strong clamor a# arisen "ecause of te poison put "y tem into te 'ells%
springs% an# oter tings 'ic te .ristians use5#eman#ing tat tey #ie% tat tey are a"le to "e
foun# guilty an#% terefore% tat tey soul# "e punise#! Hence tis teir confession ma#e in te
presence of a great many trust'orty persons!
Agimet te =e'% 'o live# at ?eneva an# 'as arreste# at .Ttel% 'as tere put to te torture a little
an# ten e 'as release# from it! An# after a long time% aving "een su"1ecte# again to torture a little%
e confesse# in te presence of a great many trust'orty persons% 'o are later mentione#! To "egin
'it it is clear tat at te Lent 1ust passe# Pultus .lesis #e Ran) a# sent tis very =e' to Oenice to
"uy sil0s an# oter tings for im! Wen tis came to te notice of Ra""i Peyret% a =e' of .am"ery
'o 'as a teacer of teir la'% e sent for tis Agimet% for 'om e a# searce#% an# 'en e a#
come "efore im e sai#: JWe ave "een informe# tat you are going to Oenice to "uy sil0 an# oter
'ares! Here I am giving you a little pac0age of alf a span in si)e 'ic contains some prepare#
poison an# venom in a tin% se'e# leater5"ag! Distri"ute it among te 'ells% cisterns% an# springs
a"out Oenice an# te oter places to 'ic you go% in or#er to poison te people 'o use te 'ater of
te aforesai# 'ells tat 'ill ave "een poisone# "y you% namely% te 'ells in 'ic te poison 'ill
ave "een place#!J
Agimet too0 tis pac0age full of poison an# carrie# it 'it im to Oenice% an# 'en e came tere e
tre' an# scattere# a portion of it into te 'ell or cistern of fres 'ater 'ic 'as tere near te
?erman House% in or#er to poison te people 'o use te 'ater of tat cistern! An# e says tat tis is
te only cistern of s'eet 'ater in te city! He also says tat te mentione# Ra""i Peyret promise# to
give im 'atever e 'ante# for is trou"les in tis "usiness! Of is o'n accor# Agimet confesse#
furter tat after tis a# "een #one e left at once in or#er tat e soul# not "e capture# "y te
citi)ens or oters% an# tat e 'ent personally to .ala"ria an# Apulia an# tre' te a"ove mentione#
poison into many 'ells! He confesses also tat e put some of tis same poison in te 'ell of te
streets of te city of (alletR!
3! Do you tin0 tat te a#mission of guilt "y Agimet is cre#i"le+ Wy or 'y not+
;! Do you tin0 tat tere actually 'as Uan international conspiracy of =e'ry to poison
.risten#om+V Wy #o you tin0 te =e's 'ere targete# $"lame#& for te occurrence of te
(u"onic plague% also 0no' as te (lac0 Deat% in late Ae#ieval :urope+
,ource E: L,la(ery a +ositi(e BoodM Aohn C Calhoon" ,enator from ,outh
Carolina" ,peech on the ,enate floor" G ?ebruary 1KFE
A"olition an# te ,nion cannot coe2ist! As te frien# of te ,nion I openly proclaim it% G an#
te sooner it is 0no'n te "etter! Te former may no' "e controlle#% "ut in a sort time it 'ill "e
"eyon# te po'er of man to arrest te course of events! We of te Sout 'ill not% cannot% surren#er our
institutions! To maintain te e2isting relations "et'een te t'o races% ina"iting tat section of te
,nion% is in#ispensa"le to te peace an# appiness of "ot! It cannot "e su"verte# 'itout #rencing
te country or te oter of te races! ! ! ! (ut let me not "e un#erstoo# as a#mitting% even "y
implication% tat te e2isting relations "et'een te t'o races in te slaveol#ing States is an evil: G
far oter'iseP I ol# it to "e a goo#% as it as tus far prove# itself to "e to "ot% an# 'ill continue to
prove so if not #istur"e# "y te fell spirit of a"olition! I appeal to facts! @ever "efore as te "lac0
race of .entral Africa% from te #a'n of istory to te present #ay% attaine# a con#ition so civili)e#
an# so improve#% not only pysically% "ut morally an# intellectually!
3! Wat is te autorFs opinion a"out te institution of slavery in te Sout+
;! Do you agree 'it te autor+ :2plain!
>! Write a sentence or t'o in 'ic you e2plain te autorFs POO! $POO analysis 6 consi#er te time
perio# as 'ell as te autorFs "iases4pre1u#ices! Wat 'as consi#ere# accepta"le or normal at tat
time+ 6 Nook at the beginning of this handout to refresh your memory on the +0@ in primary sources&
,ource K: An A B C, for Baby Patriots (1899) by Mrs.Mary Frances Ames,
Dean and Son, London, 1899. (eer!ts)
Cuestions: (see ne*t page)
3! Wo is te inten#e# au#ience of tis #ocument+
;! Wat 0in# of reaction or feelings #oes tis #ocument #esigne# to promote in its rea#ers+
>! Wat is te autorFs point of vie' on te su"1ect of people in te colonies $te natives&+ Wy
#o you tin0 te autor feels tis 'ay+ :2plain!

So"rce 9# $Mein %am!f& (My Str"''(e), ecer!t, by Ado(f )it(er
Tere are some truts 'ic are so o"vious tat for tis very reason tey are not seen or at
least not recogni)e# "y or#inary people! Tey sometimes pass "y suc truisms as toug "lin# an# are
most astonise# 'en someone su##enly #iscovers 'at everyone really ougt to 0no'R!
:ven te most superficial o"servation so's tat @ature/s restricte# form of propagation an#
increase is an almost rigi# "asic la' of all te innumera"le forms of e2pression of er vital urge! :very
animal mates only 'it a mem"er of te same species! Te titmouse see0s te titmouse% te finc te
finc% te stor0 te stor0% te fiel# mouse te fiel# mouse% te #ormouse te #ormouse% te 'olf te
se5'olf% etc!
Tis is only too natural!
Any crossing of t'o "eings not at e2actly te same level pro#uces a me#ium "et'een te
levels of te t'o parents! Tis means: te offspring 'ill pro"a"ly stan# iger tan te racially lo'er
parent% "ut not as ig as te iger one! .onse*uently% it 'ill later succum" in te struggle against te
iger level! Suc mating is contrary to te 'ill of @ature for a iger "ree#ing of all life! Te
precon#ition for tis #oes not lie in associating superior an# inferior% "ut in te total victory of te
former! Te stronger must #ominate an# not "len# 'it te 'ea0er% tus sacrificing is o'n greatness!
Only te "orn 'ea0ling can vie' tis as cruel% "ut e after all is only a 'ea0 an# limite# manP for if
tis la' #i# not prevail% any conceiva"le iger #evelopment of organic living "eings 'oul# "e
Te conse*uence of tis racial purity% universally vali# in @ature% is not only te sarp out'ar#
#elimitation of te various races% "ut teir uniform caracter in temselves! Te fo2 is al'ays a fo2%
te goose a goose% te tiger a tiger% etc!% an# te #ifference can lie at most in te varying measure of
force% strengt% intelligence% #e2terity% en#urance% etc!% of te in#ivi#ual specimens! (ut you 'ill never
fin# a fo2 'o in is inner attitu#e migt% for e2ample% so' umanitarian ten#encies to'ar# geese% as
similarly tere is no cat 'it a frien#ly inclination to'ar# miceR
Historical e2perience offers countless proofs of tis! It so's 'it terrifying clarity tat in
every mingling of Aryan "loo# 'it tat of lo'er peoples te result 'as te en# of te culture# people!
@ort America% 'ose population consists in "y far te largest part of ?ermanic elements 'o mi2e#
"ut little 'it te lo'er colore# peoples% so's a #ifferent umanity an# culture from .entral an#
Sout America% 'ere te pre#ominantly Latin immigrants often mi2e# 'it te a"origines on a large
scale! (y tis one e2ample% 'e can clearly an# #istinctly recogni)e te effect of racial mi2ture! Te
?ermanic ina"itant of te American continent% 'o as remaine# racially pure an# unmi2e#% rose to
"e master of te continentP e 'ill remain te master as long as e #oes not fall a victim to #efilement
of te "loo#!
Te result of all racial crossing is terefore in "rief al'ays te follo'ing:
Lo'ering of te level of te iger raceP
Pysical an# intellectual regression an# ence te "eginning of a slo'ly "ut surely progressing
3! Wat is te main i#ea e2presse# "y Hitler in tis #ocument $ans'er in one complete sentence&+
;! Wat evi#ence is provi#e# "y te autor to support is vie's+
>! Provi#e your o'n arguments to refute te autorFs perspective% e2posing is pre1u#ices in te
So"rce 1+#
Beorge ) /ush" &ddress to the Nation" 0ctober
E" $::1
W3 ?oo# afternoon! On my or#ers te ,nite# States military
as "egun stri0es against al Qae#a terrorist training camps
an# military installations of te Tali"an regime in
W; Tese carefully targete# actions are #esigne# to #isrupt te
use of Afganistan as a terrorist "ase of operations% an# to
attac0 te military capa"ility of te Tali"an regime!
0sama bin Naden" @ideotaped &ddress" 0ctober E" $::1
W3 Here is America struc0 "y ?o# Almigty in one of its vital
organs% so tat its greatest "uil#ings are #estroye#! ?race an#
gratitu#e to ?o#! America as "een fille# 'it orror from
nort to sout an# east to 'est% R
W; Our Islamic nation as "een tasting te same for more tan
E9 years of umiliation an# #isgrace% its sons 0ille# an# teir
"loo# spille#% its sanctities #esecrate#!
W> We are 1oine# in tis operation "y our staunc frien#%
?reat (ritain! Oter close frien#s% inclu#ing .ana#a%
Australia% ?ermany an# -rance% ave ple#ge# forces as te
operation unfol#s!
W7 Aore tan 79 countries in te Ai##le :ast% Africa% :urope
an# across Asia ave grante# air transit or lan#ing rigts!
Aany more ave sare# intelligence! We are supporte# "y te
collective 'ill of te 'orl#!
W8 Aore tan t'o 'ee0s ago% I gave Tali"an lea#ers a series
of clear an# specific #eman#s: .lose terrorist training campsP
an# over lea#ers of te al Qae#a net'or0P an# return all
foreign nationals% inclu#ing American citi)ens% un1ustly
#etaine# in your country! @one of tese #eman#s 'ere met!
An# no' te Tali"an 'ill pay a price!
WB (y #estroying camps an# #isrupting communication% 'e
'ill ma0e it more #ifficult for te terror net'or0 to train ne'
recruits an# coor#inate teir evil plans! Initially% te terrorists
may "urro' #eeper into caves an# oter entrence# i#ing
places! Our military action is also #esigne# to clear te 'ay
for sustaine#% compreensive an# relentless operations to
#rive tem out an# "ring tem to 1ustice!
WM At te same time% te oppresse# people of Afganistan 'ill
0no' te generosity of America an# our allies! As 'e stri0e
military targets% 'e 'ill also #rop foo#% me#icine an#
supplies to te starving an# suffering men an# 'omen an#
cil#ren of Afganistan!
WE Te ,nite# States of America is a frien# to te Afgan
people! An# 'e are te frien#s of almost a "illion 'orl#'i#e
'o practice te Islamic fait!
WD Te ,nite# States of America is an enemy of tose 'o
ai# terrorists an# of te "ar"aric criminals 'o profane a
great religion "y committing mur#er in its name!
W39 Tis military action is a part of our campaign against
terrorism% anoter front in a 'ar tat as alrea#y "een 1oine#
troug #iplomacy% intelligence% te free)ing of financial
assets an# te arrests of 0no'n terrorists "y la' enforcement
agents in >E countries!
W33 ?iven te nature an# reac of our enemies% 'e 'ill 'in
tis conflict "y te patient accumulation of successes% "y
meeting a series of callenges 'it #etermination an# 'ill
an# purpose!
W3; To#ay 'e focus on Afganistan% "ut te "attle is "roa#er!
:very nation as a coice to ma0e! In tis conflict% tere is no
neutral groun#! If any government sponsors te outla's an#
0illers of innocents% tey ave "ecome outla's an#
mur#erers% temselves! An# tey 'ill ta0e tat lonely pat at
teir o'n peril!
W3> I/m spea0ing to you to#ay from te Treaty Room of te
Wite House% a place 'ere American Presi#ents ave
W> ?o# as "lesse# a group of vanguar# Auslims% te forefront
of Islam% to #estroy America! Aay ?o# "less tem an# allot
tem a supreme place in eaven% for e is te only one capa"le
an# entitle# to #o so! Wen tose ave stoo# in #efense of teir
'ea0 cil#ren% teir "roters an# sisters in Palestine an# oter
Auslim nations% te 'ole 'orl# 'ent into an uproar% te
infi#els follo'e# "y te ypocrites!
W7 A million innocent cil#ren are #ying at tis time as 'e
spea0% 0ille# in Ira* 'itout any guilt! We ear no
#enunciation% 'e ear no e#ict from te ere#itary rulers! In
tese #ays% Israeli tan0s rampage across Palestine% in Ramalla%
Rafa an# (eit =ala an# many oter parts of te lan# of Islam
H#ar al5IslamI% an# 'e #o not ear anyone raising is voice or
reacting! (ut 'en te s'or# fell upon America after E9 years%
ypocrisy raise# its ea# up ig "emoaning tose 0illers 'o
toye# 'it te "loo#% onor an# sanctities of AuslimsR!
WM Tey ave "een telling te 'orl# falseoo#s tat tey are
figting terrorism! In a nation at te far en# of te 'orl#% =apan%
un#re#s of tousan#s% young an# ol#% 'ere 0ille# an# tis is
not a 'orl# crime! To tem it is not a clear issue! A million
cil#ren in Ira*% to tem tis is not a clear issue!
WE (ut 'en a fe' more tan 39 'ere 0ille# in @airo"i an# Dar
es Salaam% Afganistan an# Ira* 'ere "om"e# an# ypocrisy
stoo# "ein# te ea# of international infi#els: te mo#ern
'orl#Fs sym"ol of paganism% America% an# its allies!
WD I tell tem tat tese events ave #ivi#e# te 'orl# into t'o
camps% te camp of te faitful an# te camp of infi#els! Aay
?o# siel# us an# you from tem!
W39 :very Auslim must rise to #efen# is religion! Te 'in# of
fait is "lo'ing an# te 'in# of cange is "lo'ing to remove
evil from te Peninsula of Auamma#% peace "e upon im!
W33 As to America% I say to it an# its people a fe' 'or#s: I
s'ear to ?o# tat America 'ill not live in peace "efore peace
reigns in Palestine% an# "efore all te army of infi#els #epart
te lan# of Auamma#% peace "e upon im!
W3; ?o# is te greatest an# glory "e to Islam!
Translate# te2t of "in La#en "roa#cast ta0en from te >ew ?or* 2imes, Aon#ay% Octo"er E%
;993% p! (M! Anoter version availa"le at
3! Wat is4'as Tali"an+ $research 'uestion&
'or0e# for peace! We/re a peaceful nation! Yet% as 'e ave
learne#% so su##enly an# so tragically% tere can "e no peace
in a 'orl# of su##en terror! In te face of to#ay/s ne' treat%
te only 'ay to pursue peace is to pursue tose 'o treaten
W37 We #i# not as0 for tis mission% "ut 'e 'ill fulfill it! Te
name of to#ay/s military operation is :n#uring -ree#om! We
#efen# not only our precious free#oms% "ut also te free#om
of people every'ere to live an# raise teir cil#ren free from
W3B In te monts aea#% our patience 'ill "e one of our
strengtsGpatience 'it te long 'aits tat 'ill result from
tigter securityP patience an# un#erstan#ing tat it 'ill ta0e
time to acieve our goalsP patience in all te sacrifices tat
may come!
W3M To#ay% tose sacrifices are "eing ma#e "y mem"ers of
our Arme# -orces 'o no' #efen# us so far from ome% an#
"y teir prou# an# 'orrie# families!
W3E A .omman#er5in5.ief sen#s America/s sons an#
#augters into a "attle in a foreign lan# only after te greatest
care an# a lot of prayer! We as0 a lot of tose 'o 'ear our
W3D To all te men an# 'omen in our militaryGevery sailor%
every sol#ier% every airman% every coast guar#sman% every
marineGI say tis:
W;9 Your mission is #efine#P your o"1ectives are clearP your
goal is 1ust! You ave my full confi#ence% an# you 'ill ave
every tool you nee# to carry out your #uty!
W;; Since Septem"er 33% an entire generation of young
Americans as gaine# ne' un#erstan#ing of te value of
free#om% an# its cost in #uty an# in sacrifice!
W;> Te "attle is no' 1oine# on many fronts! We 'ill not
'averP 'e 'ill not tireP 'e 'ill not falterP an# 'e 'ill not
fail! Peace an# free#om 'ill prevail! Tan0 you! Aay ?o#
continue to "less America!
Te2t of (us speec from te >ew ?or* 2imes, Aon#ay%
Octo"er E% ;993% p! (B! Also availa"le at
;! Wat is al Qae#a+ $research 'uestion&
>! Wat is te tone of eac speec+ $in oter 'or#s% 'at
feelings #o tey inspire4evo0e% etc!&
7! Wat event provi#e# te premise for tese responses
from eac autor+
8! I#entify any factors $"eliefs% place of origin%
interpretation of istoric events% "iases% etc!& tat coul#
e2plain points of vie' e2presse# "y eac autor!
+resident /ush: 0sama bin Naden:
:2ample: (elief tat
#emocracy is te "est form of
:2ample: (elief tat te ,!S!
'ages 'ar against Islam

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