China Health Food Industry Report, 2014-2017

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China Health Food Industry Report, 2014-2017

With the development of Chinas e!onomy, health foods, "hi!h have spe!ial
fun!tions of ad#ustin$ human %ody physiolo$y, preventin$ diseases,
promotin$ health, prolon$in$ life, et!&, have "on $reat popularity "ith a
variety of spe!ifi! populations& In 201', the mar(et si)e of health food in
China rea!hed R*+1,7&4 %illion, up 12&0- year on year, re!ordin$ a C./R
of 22&1- durin$ 2000-201'&
1o Read Complete Report "ith 1o!2
China5s health produ!t industry is !omposed of many e6tremely s!attered
se$ments, "hi!h develop simultaneously, mainly referrin$ to vitamin 7
dietary supplements, fun!tional food, and traditional produ!ts, of "hi!h
8itamin 7 9ietary :upplements $enerated R*+,'&7 %illion in retail sales in
201', a!!ountin$ for ;4&'- of the "hole industry&
In terms of !ompetitive lands!ape, dire!t sellin$ %rands su!h as .m"ay,
<erfe!t, and other forei$n %rands still o!!upy a 74- share in vitamin 7
dietary supplements mar(et "hile the remainin$ 20- share is dominated %y
the non-dire!t sellin$ %rands li(e +=-H>.?1H& 1he num%er of fun!tional
health food enterprises is !lose to 2,000, represented %y Red +ull, @in$
%rand and +esunyen, "hi!h too( the leadin$ position in fun!tional drin(s,
health !are "ine and slimmin$ tea produ!ts, respe!tively& .dditionally, in
the field of traditional health foods, there are numerous small and medium-
si)ed her% nourishin$ food produ!ers, amon$ "hi!h the typi!al ones in!lude
Wan#i, a $insen$ produ!ts manufa!turer, @oin!are, a produ!er of oral
solution for %eauty, as "ell as :handon$ 9on$-e >-@iao /roup, a leader in
don(ey-hide $elatin mar(et&
+ro"se Full Report With 1o!2 http233"""&mar(etresear!hreports&%i)3analysis-
1a%le of !ontent
1& :tatus Auo of Health Food Industry
1&1 9efinition and Classifi!ation
1&2 9evelopment History
1&' Re$ulations and <oli!ies
1&'&1 Re$ulations
1&'&2 <oli!ies
1&4 >6amination and .pproval, 2014
1&; *ar(etin$ Channels
2& Chinas Health Food *ar(et
2&1 :tatus Auo
2&2 Import 7 >6port
2&2&1 Import
2&2&2 >6port
2&' *a#or :e$ments
2&4 Fore!ast
'& 8itamin 7 9ietary :upplements
'&1 *ar(et :i)e
'&2 Channels
'&' Competitive ?ands!ape
'&4 1rends
4& Fun!tional Health Food
4&1 *ar(et :i)e
4&2 Competitive ?ands!ape
4&' 1rends
;& 1raditional Health Food
;&1 *ar(et :i)e
;&2 *ar(et Competition
;&' 1rends
Cli!( Here 1o 9o"nload 9etail Report2
0& 1raditional Health Food :uppliers
0&1 @oin!are <harma!euti!al /roup Industry Co&, ?td
0&1&1 <rofile
0&1&2 Bperation
0&1&' *ain +usiness :tru!ture
0&1&4 /ross *ar$in C%y <rodu!tD
0&1&; Health Food-related +usiness
0&1&0 :trate$i! .d#ustment of Health Food +usiness
0&2 :handon$ 9on$-e >-@iao /roup
0&2&1 <rofile
0&2&2 Bperation
0&2&' *ain +usiness
0&2&4 /ross *ar$in C%y <rodu!tD
0&2&; 9on(ey-hide /elatin <ri!e
0&2&0 <rodu!ts and <rodu!tion +ases
0&' Hainan =edao C/roupD Co&, ?td
0&'&1 <rofile
0&'&2 Bperation
0&'&' *ain +usiness :tru!ture
0&'&4 /ross *ar$in C%y <rodu!tD
0&'&; 1op Clients
0&'&0 Health Food-related +usiness
0&4 ?ei :hi
0&4&1 <rofile
0&4&2 *ain Health Food
0&; @ian$)hon$ *edi!al Co&, ?td C@E@1D
0&;&1 <rofile
0&;&2 Bperation
0&;&' *ain +usiness :tru!ture
0&;&4 /ross *ar$in
0&;&; Health Food :trate$y
0&0 Hon$ Fu ?oi Holdin$s ?imited
0&0&1 <rofile
0&0&2 *ain Health Food
0&7 Ehon$#ian6in$ /roup Co&, ?td
0&7&1 <rofile
0&7&2 *ain Health Food
0&, Wan$s
0&,&1 <rofile
0&,&2 *ain Health Food
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